Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / guide / src / MLtonWeak.adoc
1 MLtonWeak
2 =========
4 [source,sml]
5 ----
6 signature MLTON_WEAK =
7 sig
8 type 'a t
10 val get: 'a t -> 'a option
11 val new: 'a -> 'a t
12 end
13 ----
15 A weak pointer is a pointer to an object that is nulled if the object
16 becomes <:Reachability:unreachable> due to garbage collection. The
17 weak pointer does not itself cause the object it points to be retained
18 by the garbage collector -- only other strong pointers can do that.
19 For objects that are not allocated in the heap, like integers, a weak
20 pointer will always be nulled. So, if `w: int Weak.t`, then
21 `Weak.get w = NONE`.
23 * `type 'a t`
24 +
25 the type of weak pointers to objects of type `'a`
27 * `get w`
28 +
29 returns `NONE` if the object pointed to by `w` no longer exists.
30 Otherwise, returns `SOME` of the object pointed to by `w`.
32 * `new x`
33 +
34 returns a weak pointer to `x`.