Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / guide / src / CallingFromCToSML.adoc
1 CallingFromCToSML
2 =================
4 MLton's <:ForeignFunctionInterface:> allows programs to _export_ SML
5 functions to be called from C. Suppose you would like export from SML
6 a function of type `real * char -> int` as the C function `foo`.
7 MLton extends the syntax of SML to allow expressions like the
8 following:
9 ----
10 _export "foo": (real * char -> int) -> unit;
11 ----
12 The above expression exports a C function named `foo`, with
13 prototype
14 [source,c]
15 ----
16 Int32 foo (Real64 x0, Char x1);
17 ----
18 The `_export` expression denotes a function of type
19 `(real * char -> int) -> unit` that when called with a function
20 `f`, arranges for the exported `foo` function to call `f`
21 when `foo` is called. So, for example, the following exports and
22 defines `foo`.
23 [source,sml]
24 ----
25 val e = _export "foo": (real * char -> int) -> unit;
26 val _ = e (fn (x, c) => 13 + Real.floor x + Char.ord c)
27 ----
29 The general form of an `_export` expression is
30 ----
31 _export "C function name" attr... : cFuncTy -> unit;
32 ----
33 The type and the semicolon are not optional. As with `_import`, a
34 sequence of attributes may follow the function name.
36 MLton's `-export-header` option generates a C header file with
37 prototypes for all of the functions exported from SML. Include this
38 header file in your C files to type check calls to functions exported
39 from SML. This header file includes ++typedef++s for the
40 <:ForeignFunctionInterfaceTypes: types that can be passed between SML and C>.
43 == Example ==
45 Suppose that `export.sml` is
47 [source,sml]
48 ----
49 sys::[./bin/ mlton master doc/examples/ffi/export.sml]
50 ----
52 Note that the the `reentrant` attribute is used for `_import`-ing the
53 C functions that will call the `_export`-ed SML functions.
55 Create the header file with `-export-header`.
56 ----
57 % mlton -default-ann 'allowFFI true' \
58 -export-header export.h \
59 -stop tc \
60 export.sml
61 ----
63 `export.h` now contains the following C prototypes.
64 ----
65 Int8 f (Int32 x0, Real64 x1, Int8 x2);
66 Pointer f2 (Word8 x0);
67 void f3 ();
68 void f4 (Int32 x0);
69 extern Int32 zzz;
70 ----
72 Use `export.h` in a C program, `ffi-export.c`, as follows.
74 [source,c]
75 ----
76 sys::[./bin/ mlton master doc/examples/ffi/ffi-export.c]
77 ----
79 Compile `ffi-export.c` and `export.sml`.
80 ----
81 % gcc -c ffi-export.c
82 % mlton -default-ann 'allowFFI true' \
83 export.sml ffi-export.o
84 ----
86 Finally, run `export`.
87 ----
88 % ./export
89 g starting
90 ...
91 g4 (0)
92 success
93 ----
96 == Download ==
97 * <!RawGitFile(mlton,master,doc/examples/ffi/export.sml)>
98 * <!RawGitFile(mlton,master,doc/examples/ffi/ffi-export.c)>