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26 <h1>Enscript</h1>
27 </div>
28 <div id="content">
29 <div id="preamble">
30 <div class="sectionbody">
31 <div class="paragraph"><p><a href="">GNU Enscript</a> converts ASCII files to
32 PostScript, HTML, and other output languages, applying language
33 sensitive highlighting (similar to <a href="Emacs">Emacs</a>'s font lock mode). Here
34 are a few <em>states</em> files for highlighting <a href="StandardML"> Standard ML</a>.</p></div>
35 <div class="ulist"><ul>
36 <li>
37 <p>
38 <a href=""><span class="monospaced"></span></a>&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;Provides highlighting of keywords, string and character constants, and (nested) comments.
39 </p>
40 </li>
41 </ul></div>
42 <div class="ulist"><ul>
43 <li>
44 <p>
45 <a href=""><span class="monospaced"></span></a>&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;Supersedes
46 the above, adding highlighting of numeric constants. Due to the
47 limited parsing available, numeric record labels are highlighted as
48 numeric constants, in all contexts. Likewise, a binding precedence
49 separated from <span class="monospaced">infix</span> or <span class="monospaced">infixr</span> by a newline is highlighted as a
50 numeric constant and a numeric record label selector separated from
51 <span class="monospaced">#</span> by a newline is highlighted as a numeric constant.
52 </p>
53 </li>
54 </ul></div>
55 <div class="ulist"><ul>
56 <li>
57 <p>
58 <a href=""><span class="monospaced"></span></a>&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;Supersedes the
59 above, adding highlighting of type and constructor bindings,
60 highlighting of explicit binding of type variables at <span class="monospaced">val</span> and <span class="monospaced">fun</span>
61 declarations, and separate highlighting of core and modules level
62 keywords. Due to the limited parsing available, it is assumed that
63 the input is a syntactically correct, top-level declaration.
64 </p>
65 </li>
66 </ul></div>
67 <div class="ulist"><ul>
68 <li>
69 <p>
70 <a href=""><span class="monospaced"></span></a>&#8201;&#8212;&#8201;Supersedes the
71 above, adding highlighting of type annotations, in both expressions
72 and signatures. Due to the limited parsing available, it is assumed
73 that the input is a syntactically correct, top-level declaration.
74 </p>
75 </li>
76 </ul></div>
77 </div>
78 </div>
79 <div class="sect1">
80 <h2 id="_install_and_use">Install and use</h2>
81 <div class="sectionbody">
82 <div class="ulist"><ul>
83 <li>
84 <p>
85 Version 1.6.3 of <a href="">GNU Enscript</a>
86 </p>
87 <div class="ulist"><ul>
88 <li>
89 <p>
90 Copy all files to <span class="monospaced">/usr/share/enscript/hl/</span> or <span class="monospaced">.enscript/</span> in your home directory.
91 </p>
92 </li>
93 <li>
94 <p>
95 Invoke <span class="monospaced">enscript</span> with <span class="monospaced">--highlight=sml_simple</span> (or <span class="monospaced">--highlight=sml_verbose</span> or <span class="monospaced">--highlight=sml_fancy</span> or <span class="monospaced">--highlight=sml_gaudy</span>).
96 </p>
97 </li>
98 </ul></div>
99 </li>
100 <li>
101 <p>
102 Version 1.6.1 of <a href="">GNU Enscript</a>
103 </p>
104 <div class="ulist"><ul>
105 <li>
106 <p>
107 Append <a href=""><span class="monospaced"></span></a> to <span class="monospaced">/usr/share/enscript/</span>
108 </p>
109 </li>
110 <li>
111 <p>
112 Invoke <span class="monospaced">enscript</span> with <span class="monospaced">--pretty-print=sml_simple</span> (or <span class="monospaced">--pretty-print=sml_verbose</span> or <span class="monospaced">--pretty-print=sml_fancy</span> or <span class="monospaced">--pretty-print=sml_gaudy</span>).
113 </p>
114 </li>
115 </ul></div>
116 </li>
117 </ul></div>
118 </div>
119 </div>
120 <div class="sect1">
121 <h2 id="_feedback">Feedback</h2>
122 <div class="sectionbody">
123 <div class="paragraph"><p>Comments and suggestions should be directed to <a href="MatthewFluet">MatthewFluet</a>.</p></div>
124 </div>
125 </div>
126 </div>
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