Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / codegen / x86-codegen /
1(* Copyright (C) 2009-2010,2014 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10functor x86Codegen (S: X86_CODEGEN_STRUCTS): X86_CODEGEN =
12 open S
14 structure x86 = x86 (open Machine
15 structure RepType = Type)
16 structure x86Pseudo = x86PseudoCheck (structure S = x86)
18 structure x86MLtonBasic
19 = x86MLtonBasic (structure x86 = x86Pseudo
20 structure Machine = Machine)
22 structure x86Liveness
23 = x86Liveness (structure x86 = x86
24 structure x86MLtonBasic = x86MLtonBasic)
26 structure x86JumpInfo
27 = x86JumpInfo (structure x86 = x86)
29 structure x86LoopInfo
30 = x86LoopInfo (structure x86 = x86)
32 structure x86EntryTransfer
33 = x86EntryTransfer (structure x86 = x86)
35 structure x86MLton
36 = x86MLton (structure x86MLtonBasic = x86MLtonBasic
37 structure x86Liveness = x86Liveness)
39 val implementsPrim = x86MLton.implementsPrim
41 structure x86Translate
42 = x86Translate (structure x86 = x86
43 structure x86MLton = x86MLton
44 structure x86Liveness = x86Liveness)
46 structure x86Simplify
47 = x86Simplify (structure x86 = x86
48 structure x86Liveness = x86Liveness
49 structure x86JumpInfo = x86JumpInfo
50 structure x86EntryTransfer = x86EntryTransfer)
52 structure x86GenerateTransfers
53 = x86GenerateTransfers (structure x86 = x86
54 structure x86MLton = x86MLton
55 structure x86Liveness = x86Liveness
56 structure x86JumpInfo = x86JumpInfo
57 structure x86LoopInfo = x86LoopInfo
58 structure x86EntryTransfer = x86EntryTransfer)
60 structure x86AllocateRegisters
61 = x86AllocateRegisters (structure x86 = x86
62 structure x86MLton = x86MLton)
64 open x86
65 fun output {program as Machine.Program.T {chunks, frameLayouts, handlesSignals,
66 main, ...},
67 outputC: unit -> {file: File.t,
68 print: string -> unit,
69 done: unit -> unit},
70 outputS: unit -> {file: File.t,
71 print: string -> unit,
72 done: unit -> unit}}: unit
73 = let
74 val reserveEsp =
75 (* There is no sigaltstack on cygwin, we need to reserve %esp to
76 * hold the C stack pointer. We only need to do this in programs
77 * that handle signals.
78 *)
79 handlesSignals andalso let open Control.Target in !os = Cygwin end
81 val (picMungeLabel, picBase) = x86AllocateRegisters.picRelative ()
83 val makeC = outputC
84 val makeS = outputS
86 val Machine.Program.T {profileInfo, ...} = program
87 val profileInfo =
88 case profileInfo of
89 NONE => Machine.ProfileInfo.empty
90 | SOME pi => pi
91 val {newProfileLabel, delProfileLabel, getProfileInfo} =
92 Machine.ProfileInfo.modify profileInfo
94 (* C specific *)
95 fun outputC ()
96 = let
97 local
98 val Machine.Program.T
99 {chunks,
100 frameLayouts,
101 frameOffsets,
102 handlesSignals,
103 main,
104 maxFrameSize,
105 objectTypes,
106 reals,
107 vectors, ...} =
108 program
109 in
110 val program =
111 Machine.Program.T
112 {chunks = chunks,
113 frameLayouts = frameLayouts,
114 frameOffsets = frameOffsets,
115 handlesSignals = handlesSignals,
116 main = main,
117 maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize,
118 objectTypes = objectTypes,
119 profileInfo = SOME (getProfileInfo ()),
120 reals = reals,
121 vectors = vectors}
122 end
123 val {print, done, ...} = makeC ()
124 val additionalMainArgs =
125 let
126 val mainLabel = Label.toString (#label main)
127 (* Drop the leading _, because gcc will add it. *)
128 val mainLabel =
129 if !Control.labelsHaveExtra_
130 then String.dropPrefix (mainLabel, 1)
131 else mainLabel
132 in
133 [mainLabel]
134 end
135 fun declareLocals () =
136 List.foreach
137 (CType.all,
138 fn t =>
139 let
140 val m =
141 List.fold
142 (chunks, ~1, fn (Machine.Chunk.T {regMax, ...}, max) =>
143 Int.max (max, regMax t))
144 val m = m + 1
145 in
146 print (concat ["PRIVATE ", CType.toString t,
147 " local", CType.toString t,
148 "[", Int.toString m, "];\n"])
149 end)
150 fun rest () =
151 declareLocals ()
152 in
153 CCodegen.outputDeclarations
154 {additionalMainArgs = additionalMainArgs,
155 includes = ["x86-main.h"],
156 print = print,
157 program = program,
158 rest = rest}
159 ; done ()
160 end
162 val outputC = Control.trace (Control.Pass, "outputC") outputC
164 (* Assembly specific *)
166 val _ = x86MLtonBasic.init ()
168 fun outputJumpToSML print =
169 let
170 val jumpToSML = x86.Label.fromString "MLton_jumpToSML"
171 val findEIP = x86.Label.fromString "MLton_findEIP"
172 val returnToC = x86.Label.fromString "Thread_returnToC"
173 val c_stackP = picMungeLabel x86MLton.c_stackP
174 val gcState = picMungeLabel x86MLton.gcState_label
175 val {frontierReg, stackTopReg} =
176 if reserveEsp
177 then {frontierReg = x86.Register.edi,
178 stackTopReg = x86.Register.ebp}
179 else {frontierReg = x86.Register.esp,
180 stackTopReg = x86.Register.ebp}
181 val prefixJumpToSML = [
182 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_text (),
183 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_p2align
184 ( 4, NONE, NONE),
185 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_global jumpToSML,
186 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_hidden jumpToSML,
187 x86.Assembly.label jumpToSML,
188 x86.Assembly.instruction_binal
189 {oper = x86.Instruction.SUB,
190 src = x86.Operand.immediate_int 28,
191 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.esp,
192 size = x86.Size.LONG},
193 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
194 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
195 {disp = SOME ( 32),
196 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
197 index= NONE, scale = NONE},
198 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.eax,
199 size = x86.Size.LONG},
200 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
201 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebp,
202 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
203 {disp = SOME ( 24),
204 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
205 index= NONE, scale = NONE},
206 size = x86.Size.LONG},
207 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
208 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebx,
209 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
210 {disp = SOME ( 20),
211 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
212 index= NONE, scale = NONE},
213 size = x86.Size.LONG},
214 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
215 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.edi,
216 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
217 {disp = SOME ( 16),
218 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
219 index= NONE, scale = NONE},
220 size = x86.Size.LONG},
221 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
222 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.esi,
223 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
224 {disp = SOME ( 12),
225 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
226 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
227 size = x86.Size.LONG}
228 ]
229 (* This is only included if PIC *)
230 val loadGOT = [
231 x86.Assembly.instruction_call
232 {target = x86.Operand.label findEIP,
233 absolute = false},
234 x86.Assembly.instruction_binal
235 {oper = x86.Instruction.ADD,
236 src = x86.Operand.immediate_label x86MLton.globalOffsetTable,
237 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebx,
238 size = x86.Size.LONG}
239 ]
240 val suffixJumpToSML = [
241 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
242 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
243 {disp = SOME (x86.Immediate.label c_stackP),
244 base = picBase, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
245 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebp,
246 size = x86.Size.LONG},
247 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
248 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebp,
249 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
250 {disp = SOME ( 8),
251 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
252 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
253 size = x86.Size.LONG},
254 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
255 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.esp,
256 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
257 {disp = SOME (x86.Immediate.label c_stackP),
258 base = picBase, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
259 size = x86.Size.LONG},
260 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
261 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
262 {disp = (SOME o x86.Immediate.labelPlusInt)
263 (gcState,
264 Bytes.toInt
265 (Machine.Runtime.GCField.offset
266 Machine.Runtime.GCField.StackTop)),
267 base = picBase, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
268 dst = x86.Operand.register stackTopReg,
269 size = x86.Size.LONG},
270 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
271 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
272 {disp = (SOME o x86.Immediate.labelPlusInt)
273 (gcState,
274 Bytes.toInt
275 (Machine.Runtime.GCField.offset
276 Machine.Runtime.GCField.Frontier)),
277 base = picBase, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
278 dst = x86.Operand.register frontierReg,
279 size = x86.Size.LONG},
280 x86.Assembly.instruction_jmp
281 {target = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.eax,
282 absolute = true}
283 ]
284 val bodyReturnToC = [
285 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_p2align
286 ( 4, NONE, NONE),
287 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_global returnToC,
288 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_hidden returnToC,
289 x86.Assembly.label returnToC,
290 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
291 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
292 {disp = SOME (x86.Immediate.label c_stackP),
293 base = picBase, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
294 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.esp,
295 size = x86.Size.LONG},
296 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
297 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
298 {disp = SOME ( 8),
299 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
300 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
301 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebp,
302 size = x86.Size.LONG},
303 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
304 {src = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebp,
305 dst = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
306 {disp = SOME (x86.Immediate.label c_stackP),
307 base = picBase, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
308 size = x86.Size.LONG},
309 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
310 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
311 {disp = SOME ( 12),
312 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
313 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
314 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.esi,
315 size = x86.Size.LONG},
316 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
317 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
318 {disp = SOME ( 16),
319 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
320 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
321 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.edi,
322 size = x86.Size.LONG},
323 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
324 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
325 {disp = SOME ( 20),
326 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
327 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
328 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebx,
329 size = x86.Size.LONG},
330 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
331 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
332 {disp = SOME ( 24),
333 base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
334 index = NONE, scale = NONE},
335 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebp,
336 size = x86.Size.LONG},
337 x86.Assembly.instruction_binal
338 {oper = x86.Instruction.ADD,
339 src = x86.Operand.immediate_int 28,
340 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.esp,
341 size = x86.Size.LONG},
342 x86.Assembly.instruction_ret {src = NONE}
343 ]
344 (* This is only included if PIC *)
345 val bodyFindEIP = [
346 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_p2align
347 ( 4, NONE, NONE),
348 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_global findEIP,
349 x86.Assembly.pseudoop_hidden findEIP,
350 x86.Assembly.label findEIP,
351 x86.Assembly.instruction_mov
352 {src = (x86.Operand.address o x86.Address.T)
353 {base = SOME x86.Register.esp,
354 disp = NONE, index = NONE, scale = NONE},
355 dst = x86.Operand.register x86.Register.ebx,
356 size = x86.Size.LONG},
357 x86.Assembly.instruction_ret {src = NONE}
358 ]
360 val asm =
361 List.concat
362 (if picBase <> NONE
363 then [prefixJumpToSML, loadGOT, suffixJumpToSML,
364 bodyReturnToC, bodyFindEIP]
365 else [prefixJumpToSML, suffixJumpToSML,
366 bodyReturnToC])
367 in
368 List.foreach
369 (asm,
370 fn asm => (Layout.print(Assembly.layout asm, print);
371 print "\n"))
372 end
374 val liveInfo = x86Liveness.LiveInfo.newLiveInfo ()
375 val jumpInfo = x86JumpInfo.newJumpInfo ()
377 fun frameInfoToX86 (Machine.FrameInfo.T {frameLayoutsIndex, ...}) =
378 x86.FrameInfo.T
379 {frameLayoutsIndex = frameLayoutsIndex,
380 size = Bytes.toInt (#size (Vector.sub (frameLayouts,
381 frameLayoutsIndex)))}
383 fun outputChunk (chunk as Machine.Chunk.T {blocks, chunkLabel, ...},
384 print)
385 = let
386 val isMain
387 = Machine.ChunkLabel.equals(#chunkLabel main, chunkLabel)
389 val ()
390 = if isMain
391 then outputJumpToSML print
392 else ()
394 val {chunk}
395 = x86Translate.translateChunk
396 {chunk = chunk,
397 frameInfoToX86 = frameInfoToX86,
398 liveInfo = liveInfo}
400 val chunk : x86.Chunk.t
401 = x86Simplify.simplify
402 {chunk = chunk,
403 (* don't perform optimizations on
404 * the main function (initGlobals)
405 *)
406 optimize = if isMain
407 then 0
408 else !Control.Native.optimize,
409 delProfileLabel = delProfileLabel,
410 liveInfo = liveInfo,
411 jumpInfo = jumpInfo}
413 val unallocated_assembly : x86.Assembly.t list list
414 = (x86GenerateTransfers.generateTransfers
415 {chunk = chunk,
416 optimize = !Control.Native.optimize,
417 newProfileLabel = newProfileLabel,
418 liveInfo = liveInfo,
419 jumpInfo = jumpInfo,
420 reserveEsp = reserveEsp,
421 picUsesEbx = picBase <> NONE})
423 val allocated_assembly : Assembly.t list list
424 = x86AllocateRegisters.allocateRegisters
425 {assembly = unallocated_assembly,
426 (* don't calculate liveness info
427 * on the main function (initGlobals)
428 *)
429 liveness = not isMain}
431 val _ = Vector.foreach (blocks, Label.clear o Machine.Block.label)
432 val _ = x86.Immediate.clearAll ()
433 val _ = x86.MemLoc.clearAll ()
434 in
435 List.fold
436 (allocated_assembly,
437 if isMain then 30 else 0,
438 fn (block, n)
439 => List.fold
440 (block,
441 n,
442 fn (asm, n)
443 => (Layout.print (Assembly.layout asm, print);
444 print "\n";
445 n + 1)))
446 end
448 fun outputAssembly ()
449 = let
450 val split = !Control.Native.split
451 fun loop chunks
452 = let
453 val {print, done, ...} = makeS()
454 fun loop' (chunks, size)
455 = case chunks
456 of [] => done ()
457 | chunk::chunks
458 => if (case split
459 of NONE => false
460 | SOME maxSize => size > maxSize)
461 then (done (); loop (chunk::chunks))
462 else loop'(chunks,
463 size + outputChunk (chunk, print))
464 in
465 loop' (chunks, 0)
466 end
467 in
468 loop chunks
469 ; x86Translate.translateChunk_totals ()
470 ; x86Simplify.simplify_totals ()
471 ; x86GenerateTransfers.generateTransfers_totals ()
472 ; x86AllocateRegisters.allocateRegisters_totals ()
473 end
475 val outputAssembly =
476 Control.trace (Control.Pass, "outputAssembly") outputAssembly
477 in
478 outputAssembly()
479 ; outputC()
480 end