Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlnlffi-lib / memory / linkage-libdl.sml
1(* linkage-libdl.sml
2 * 2005 Matthew Fluet (
3 * Adapted for MLton.
4 *)
6(* linkage-dlopen.sml
7 *
8 * This module implements a high-level interface for dlopen.
9 * While addresses (those obtained by applying function "addr" below
10 * or addresses derived from those) will not remain valid across
11 * export{ML,Fn}/restart, handles *will* stay valid.
12 *
13 * Copyright (c) 2004 by The Fellowship of SML/NJ
14 *
15 * Author: Matthias Blume (
16 *)
17structure DynLinkage :> DYN_LINKAGE = struct
19 exception DynLinkError of string
20 val () =
21 MLton.Exn.addExnMessager
22 (fn DynLinkError s => SOME (concat ["DynLinkError: ", s])
23 | _ => NONE)
25 local
26 type era = unit ref
27 type addr = MLton.Pointer.t
29 (* a handle remembers an address and the era of its creation as
30 * well as a function to re-create the address when necessary *)
31 type h = (addr * era) ref * (unit -> addr)
32 in
33 type lib_handle = h
34 type addr_handle = h
35 end
37 type mode = C_UInt.word
38 local
39 open RTLDFlags
40 in
41 fun mk_mode {lazy: bool, global: bool} : mode=
42 C_UInt.orb
43 (if lazy then RTLD_LAZY else RTLD_NOW,
44 if global then RTLD_GLOBAL else RTLD_LOCAL)
45 end
47 local
48 (* low-level linkage via dlopen/dlsym *)
49 local
50 val dlopen =
51 _import "dlopen": string * mode -> MLton.Pointer.t;
52 val dlopen_null =
53 _import "dlopen": MLton.Pointer.t * mode -> MLton.Pointer.t;
54 val dlsym =
55 _import "dlsym": MLton.Pointer.t * string -> MLton.Pointer.t;
56 val dlerror =
57 _import "dlerror": unit -> MLton.Pointer.t;
58 val dlclose =
59 _import "dlclose": MLton.Pointer.t ->;
60 in
61 (* mid-level linkage *)
62 val dlopen = fn (filename, lazy, global) =>
63 let
64 val mode = mk_mode {lazy = lazy, global = global}
65 in
66 case filename of
67 NONE => dlopen_null (MLton.Pointer.null, mode)
68 | SOME filename => dlopen (filename ^ "\000", mode)
69 end
70 val dlsym = fn (hndl, symbol) =>
71 dlsym (hndl, symbol ^ "\000")
72 val dlerror = fn () =>
73 let
74 val addr = dlerror ()
75 in
76 if addr = MLton.Pointer.null
77 then NONE
78 else let
79 fun loop (index, cs) =
80 let
81 val w = MLton.Pointer.getWord8 (addr, index)
82 val c = Byte.byteToChar w
83 in
84 if c = #"\000"
85 then SOME (implode (rev cs))
86 else loop (index + 1, c::cs)
87 end
88 in
89 loop (0, [])
90 end
91 end
92 val dlclose = fn hndl =>
93 let val _ = dlclose hndl
94 in ()
95 end
96 end
98 (* label used for CleanUp *)
100 val label = "DynLinkNewEra"
102 (* generate a new "era" indicator *)
103 fun newEra () = ref ()
105 (* the current era *)
106 val now = ref (newEra ())
108 (* make a handle, remember era of creation of its current value *)
109 fun mkHandle f = (ref (f (), !now), f)
111 (* fetch from a handle; use the stored address if it was created
112 * in the current era, otherwise regenerate the address *)
113 fun get (r as ref (a, e), f) =
114 if e = !now then a
115 else let val a = f ()
116 in r := (a, !now); a
117 end
119 (* call a dl-function and check for errors *)
120 fun checked dlf x = let
121 val r = dlf x
122 in
123 case dlerror () of
124 NONE => r
125 | SOME s => raise DynLinkError s
126 end
128 (* add a cleanup handler that causes a new era to start
129 * every time the runtime system is started anew *)
131 open SMLofNJ.Internals.CleanUp
132 val _ = addCleaner (label, [AtInit, AtInitFn],
133 fn _ => now := newEra ())
135 val _ = Cleaner.addNew (Cleaner.atLoadWorld, fn () => now := newEra ())
137 in
138 val main_lib = mkHandle (fn () => checked dlopen (NONE, true, true))
140 fun open_lib' { name, lazy, global, dependencies } =
141 mkHandle (fn () => (app (ignore o get) dependencies;
142 checked dlopen (SOME name, lazy, global)))
143 fun open_lib { name, lazy, global } =
144 open_lib' { name = name, lazy = lazy, global = global,
145 dependencies = [] }
147 fun lib_symbol (lh, s) = mkHandle (fn () => checked dlsym (get lh, s))
149 val addr = get
151 fun close_lib lh = checked dlclose (get lh)
152 end