Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / cml / cml-lib / trace-cml.sig
1(* trace-cml-sig.sml
2 *
3 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 AT&T Bell Laboratories
4 *
5 * This module provides rudimentary debugging support in the form of mechanisms
6 * to control debugging output, and to monitor thread termination. This
7 * version of this module is adapted from Cliff Krumvieda's utility for tracing
8 * CML programs. It provides three facilities: trace modules, for controlling
9 * debugging output; thread watching, for detecting thread termination; and
10 * a mechanism for reporting uncaught exceptions on a per thread basis.
11 *)
13signature TRACE_CML =
14 sig
16 (** Trace modules **
17 *
18 * The basic idea is that one defines a heirarchy of ``trace
19 * modules,'' which provide valves for debugging output.
20 *)
22 type trace_module
24 (* where to direct trace output to *)
25 datatype trace_to
26 = TraceToOut
27 | TraceToErr
28 | TraceToNull
29 | TraceToFile of string
30 | TraceToStream of TextIO.outstream
32 val setTraceFile : trace_to -> unit
33 (* Direct the destination of trace output. Note: TraceToStream
34 * can only be specified as a destination if CML is running.
35 *)
37 val traceRoot : trace_module
38 (* the root module of the trace hierarchy *)
40 exception NoSuchModule
42 val traceModule : (trace_module * string) -> trace_module
43 val nameOf : trace_module -> string
44 (* return the name of the module *)
45 val moduleOf : string -> trace_module
46 (* return the module specified by the given string, or raise
47 * NoSuchModule if none exists.
48 *)
50 val traceOn : trace_module -> unit
51 (* turn tracing on for a module and its descendents *)
52 val traceOff : trace_module -> unit
53 (* turn tracing off for a module and its descendents *)
54 val traceOnly : trace_module -> unit
55 (* turn tracing on for a module (but not for its descendents) *)
56 val amTracing : trace_module -> bool
57 (* return true if this module is being traced *)
59 val status : trace_module -> (trace_module * bool) list
60 (* return a list of the registered modules dominated by the given
61 * module, and their status.
62 *)
64 val trace : (trace_module * (unit -> string list)) -> unit
65 (* conditionally generate tracing output *)
68 (** Thread watching **)
70 val watcher : trace_module
71 (* controls printing of thread watching messages; the module's name
72 * is "/ThreadWatcher/"
73 *)
74 val watch : (string * CML.thread_id) -> unit
75 (* watch the given thread for unexpected termination *)
76 val unwatch : CML.thread_id -> unit
77 (* stop watching the named thread *)
79 (** Uncaught exception handling **)
81 val setUncaughtFn : ((CML.thread_id * exn) -> unit) -> unit
82 (* this sets the default uncaught exception action. *)
83 val setHandleFn : ((CML.thread_id * exn) -> bool) -> unit
84 (* add an additional uncaught exception action. If the action returns
85 * true, then no further action is taken. This can be used to handle
86 * application specific exceptions.
87 *)
88 val resetUncaughtFn : unit -> unit
89 (* this resets the default uncaught exception action to the system default,
90 * and removes any layered actions.
91 *)
93 end; (* TRACE_CML *)