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1 #title The Printed Word Is Stronger Than Nuclear Arms
3 I enjoy classical literature and works of philosophy and politics with
4 a side of cyberpunk novels for when my brain is tired. When I was in
5 High School I read technical books for fun, but now I tend to find
6 most of them useless (thank you Internet) excepting a few really well
7 written ones (*L.i.s.p*, *TAOCP*, ...).
9 I spend most of my time reading. A full list of things I have read
10 would be impossible to compile, but here I am collecting links and
11 small summaries of things I have read and find interesting enough to
12 mention, but not always recommend, to others.
14 * Authors
16 ** William Blake
18 His poetry is the result of spending too much time etching copper
19 plates and breathing the fumes. Quite wonderful indeed.
21 * Fiction
23 ** General
25 *** Luke Rhinehardt - The Dice Man
27 <quote>
28 And it's his illusions about what
29 constitutes the real world which are
30 inhibiting him...
31 His reality, his reason, his society
32 ...these are what must be destroyed
33 </quote>
35 A quotation from one of my [[][favorite metal songs]] inspired me to grab
36 this book; at worst it would be a waste of time. Much reward was found
37 in this random stab in the dark. The book is framed as an
38 autobiography of the author as a psychoanalyst, and his progression
39 through life as a Dice Man after deciding to live his life through
40 random chance.
42 The style, plot, and content are equally neurotic; part comedy, part
43 attack on psychoanalysis, and part deep philosophy. It was often
44 difficult to put down, and was read in under a week of spare time.
46 ** Philosophical
48 *** Khalil Gibran - The Prophet
51 ** Sci-Fi
53 *** Neal Stephenson
55 **** Cryptonomicon
57 I read *Cryptonomicon* when it was new, and at the time I thought it was
58 good. It could have lost a hundred or so pages without detracting from
59 the plot, but it was easy reading and didn't take very long to
60 finish. The story was enganging, and the continual switching between
61 the 1940s and present day slowly unravelled the tale in a nice way.
63 I'd still have to recommend *Snow Crash* if one wished to read only one
64 Stephenson novel.
66 **** Snow Crash
68 As one must read the *Bible* to understand English literature, so one
69 must read *Snow Crash* today to be a nerd. In the realm of modern pop
70 fiction this is one of the better books I've read; it was devoured in
71 a mere four nights. Neal Stepheson may not be Milton, but he does come
72 up with enganging tales. *Snow Crash* has a nice undertone of (quite
73 accurate) political and social commentary that makes it worth reading
74 as more than mere cyberpunk fiction.
76 * Non-Fiction
78 ** Education
79 *** John Taylor Gatto - [[][Underground History of American Education]]
81 Contained within this book (available online for free, but the printed
82 copy sits wonderfully on a shelf) is a detailed and seemingly well
83 researched history of American Education with a particular focus on
84 the transformation that has occured before our eyes in the last
85 century. I am unsure if Gatto is entirely correct and not exaggerating
86 anything; I have failed to find any negative criticisms, but it is not
87 clear to me if that is because he is entirely correct or if no one
88 cares enough to write a counterargument. I am in the process of
89 tracking down as many of his sources as possible (a good number of
90 them are out of print and not in the public domain yet), and will make
91 an attempt to verify his argument over the course of the next year
92 (that being 2007).
94 If he is correct then every one of us has had the first eighteen years
95 of our lives stolen from us, and we have collectively suffered massive
96 intellectual damage. My intuitions tell me he is correct (which is why
97 I am driven to verify; I cannot trust myself because I *want* to
98 believe) for my individuality and intelligence were nearly stolen from
99 me. The only reason I survived relatively unscathed is because I
100 became completely socially withdrawn for the last half of elementary
101 school until late in high school due to the abuse I received at the
102 hands of my peers creating a deep fear of social interaction in
103 me. The downside is that I had the confidence crushed from my soul,
104 but now that I have begun to regain it (the good that bicycling
105 enabling me to stand straight and gradual realization of my own worth
106 as a human have done) I would never trade the ability to think freely
107 for the social skills I lack.
109 ** Philosophy
111 *** Chinese
113 **** Tao Te Ching
115 **** Confucianism
117 ***** The Analects
119 *** Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
121 I enjoyed reading this collection of meditations on Stoic
122 philosophy. It is a fairly quick read; I read each of the twelve books
123 before sleeping over the course of two weeks. Toward the end of the
124 collection things get a bit topically repetetive (e.g. acting
125 according to the nature of man is reflected upon over and over), but
126 each repetition looks at the topic in a slightly different light. A
127 number of passages I found quite inspiring, and scratched them down in
128 my notebook to ponder further.
130 *** Søren Kierkegaard - The Sickness Unto Death
132 I purchased this when I was looking through books at a store after
133 being unable to find the book I really wanted, and I must say that it
134 was better for me to have found this one.
136 Contained within is a beautiful analysis of despair in the context of
137 Christianity (really theism in general). Even if the argument offends,
138 the presentation cannot. The dialectical nature of despair is
139 reflected in every aspect of the work, and the method of presentation
140 forces reflection.
142 ** Politics
144 *** Thomas More - Utopia
146 I read most of Utopia in high school with the TI-89 ebook reader, but
147 the way the book was split up made it a bit difficult to grasp the
148 overall structure. I found a copy at a used book store one day, and so
149 I read it again, and found it much more comprehensible. It is a quick
150 read, and decent piece of literature. The interesting social system
151 espoused resembles resembles state communism (even if perhaps as a
152 negative ideal), but with an strange blend of 14th century European
153 social customs.
155 ** Religion
157 *** [[William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience]]
160 ** Technical
162 *** C J Date - Database in Depth
164 This was a complete waste of time. The author rants on for 180 pages
165 and presents the information in a disorderly and shallow manner. It
166 could be rewritten in about fifty pages and contain the same amount of
167 information if it were organized properly and the off topic commentary
168 were minimized.
170 *** Gregor Kiczales - The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
172 AMOP is useful as a reference to the CLOS MOP (although less so with
173 the online MOP spec), but the true value of the book lies in the first
174 half of the book. It presents the design of the CLOS MOP through a
175 series of revisions that fix limitations of earlier implementations
176 and gradually work toward a generic and well designed MOP for
177 CLOS. Through that process one is made more aware of a few general
178 object protocol design skills, and gains insight into how to cleanly
179 make mapping decisions customizable.
182 * Reports
184 ** [[][2003 National Assesement of Adult Literacy]]
186 A depressing view of American literacy rates. Literacy skills
187 decreased across almost every population segment in the US between
188 1993 and 2003; a mere 31% of college graduates are considered
189 proficient in quantitative literacy (defined as being able to do
190 things as terribly complicated as comparing two editorials).
193 * Books That I Cannot Find
195 If you know anyone who has copies I'd appreciate an email. I'm willing
196 to buy books for a reasonable cost, and for ones that are more than 25
197 years old and out of print I am not opposed to *piracy* (no one is
198 making money from them, and I feel that long copyrights are unethical
199 and therefore feel no pangs of moral guilt).
201 - *Crystallizing Public Opinion* by Edward Bernays
202 - A supposed classic in the field of public relations. Curiosity
203 demands that I read the writings of the father of the field to
204 better understand the way the international media works.
205 - Another example of out of print books clearly having a market,
206 but no publisher due to copyright (used copies go for nearly a
207 thousand dollars in poor condition and hit five thousand or so
208 for ones in good shape).
210 * Essays
211 ** Computing
212 *** Design
213 **** [[][Confucianism and Technical Standards]]