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[clinton/website/site/] / book-list.lisp
... / ...
1(((|Alan| |Moore|)
2 nil
3 ("Watchmen" :fiction 8)
4 ("V for Vendetta" :fiction 10))
5 ((|Neil| |Gaiman|)
6 nil
7 ("The Sandman (series)"
8 :fiction 10
9 "Perhaps the best comic book series of all time; I would say *The
10Sandman* as a whole ranks higher than anything even Alan Moore has
12 ("Good Omens"
13 :fiction 8
14 "A friend of a friend decided one evening that I needed to read
15so-called *normal people books*, and so she lent me *Good Omens*. It
16was an enjoyable read and unearthed vague memories of comic book
17magazines I read when I was small and the name *Sandman*; thus through
18one book I found something far greater.")
19 ("American Gods"
20 :fiction 6
21 "Entertaining, but the end was a bit much rushed."))
22 ((|William| |Blake|)
23 "Blake is my [[William Blake][favorite]] of the English poets. His
24unique use of relief etching and watercoloring makes for very
25interesting Illuminated works. There is a very high quality
26[[][complete archive of Blake's works]] online
27with high resolution plate scans and full transcriptions among other
29 ("The Four Zoas"
30 :fiction 10
31 "The unfinished manuscript of Blake's longest apocalypse. The
32Four Zoas divide from Albion and rage through the ages of dismal woe
33to bring about the end of the cycle of Ulro and restore the cycle of
35 ("Jerusalem" :fiction 10 "The finest of Blake's Illuminated works."))
36 ((|Kahlil| |Gibran|)
37 "Kahlil Gibran is fairly interesting; his earlier works do not
38agree with my æsthetic sense (blah blah), but *The Madman* onward are
39all rather nice. A few of his works are
40[[][online]], but I recommend scouting used book
41stores for old hardcover editions. The (late 90s onward at least)
42*hardcover* versions from *Alfred A. Knopf* are in fact permabound
43paperbacks with a hardcasing, and are of seriously inferior quality to
44the editions from the 50s and 60s (and cost quite a bit more,
46 ("A Tear and a Smile"
47 :fiction 3
48 "One of Kahlil Gibran's earlier works, I did not much like *A
49Tear and a Smile* excepting the last poem (\"A Poet's Voice\").")
50 ("The Prophet" :fiction 9)
51 ("Sand and Foam" :fiction 7 "An interesting little book of aphorisms.")
52 ("The Madman" :fiction 8))
53 ((|John| |Taylor| |Gatto|)
54 "Former teacher and now author-activist."
55 ("Underground History of American Education"
56 :nonfiction 9
57 "An interesting *underground* history of the American education
58system. Available
59[[][online for free]]."))
60 ((|Luke| |Rhinehardt|)
61 nil
62 ("The Dice Man"
63 :fiction 7
64 "<quote>
65And it's his illusions about what
66constitutes the real world which are
67inhibiting him...
68His reality, his reason, his society
69...these are what must be destroyed
72A quotation from one of my [[][favorite metal songs]] inspired me to grab
73this book; at worst it would be a waste of time. Much reward was found
74in this random stab in the dark. The book is framed as an
75autobiography of the author as a psychoanalyst, and his progression
76through life as a Dice Man after deciding to live his life through
77random chance.
79The style, plot, and content are equally neurotic; part comedy, part
80attack on psychoanalysis, and part deep philosophy. It was often
81difficult to put down, and was read in under a week of spare time."))
82 ((|Neal| |Stephenson|)
83 nil
84 ("Snow Crash"
85 :fiction 9
86 "As one must read the *Bible* to understand English literature, so one
87must read *Snow Crash* today to be a nerd. In the realm of modern pop
88fiction this is one of the better books I've read; it was devoured in
89a mere four nights. Neal Stepheson may not be Milton, but he does come
90up with enganging tales. *Snow Crash* has a nice undertone of (quite
91accurate) political and social commentary that makes it worth reading
92as more than mere cyberpunk fiction.")
93 ("Cryptonomicon"
94 :fiction 8
95 "I read *Cryptonomicon* when it was new, and at the time I thought it was
96good. It could have lost a hundred or so pages without detracting from
97the plot, but it was easy reading and didn't take very long to
98finish. The story was enganging, and the continual switching between
99the 1940s and present day slowly unravelled the tale in a nice way.
101I'd still have to recommend *Snow Crash* if one wished to read only one
102Stephenson novel."))
103 ((|Marcus| |Aurelius|)
104 nil
105 ("Meditations"
106 :nonfiction 4
107 "At the time, I enjoyed reading this collection of meditations on
108Stoic philosophy, and it was a fairly quick read (fifteen minutes a
109day over the course of two weeks for me). Nowadays I've read
110Epictetus, and I suggest reading his *Discourses* instead."))
111 ((|Søren| |Kierkegaard|)
112 "Kierkegaard was a master of style and philosophy; his writing is
113interesting even if one finds the theistic extentialism espoused
115 ("Sickness Unto Death"
116 :nonfiction 10
117 "I purchased this when I was looking through books at a store after
118being unable to find the book I really wanted, and I must say that it
119was better for me to have found this one.
121Contained within is a beautiful analysis of despair in the context of
122Christianity (really theism in general). Even if the argument offends,
123the presentation cannot. The dialectical nature of despair is
124reflected in every aspect of the work, and the method of presentation
125forces reflection.")
126 ("Either/Or"
127 :nonfiction 10
128 "Composed of two portions, *Either/Or* is a rather lengthy but
129rewarding read. The first book is a series of essays and a diary of a
130young esthetician; the second is a pair of long letters from an older
131ethicist friend to this esthetician. You are then left to resolve the
132conflict between the views.")
133 ("Fear and Trembling"
134 :nonfiction nil
135 "An interesting dialectical lyric contrasting Despair and Faith.")
136 ("Repetition"
137 :nonfiction 10
138 "He who despairs of esthetic repetition gets none; he who despairs
139of ethical repetition receieves the esthetic. Is it true then that no
140repetition exists? Is transition all one can hope for?")
141 ("The Concept of Anxiety"
142 :nonfiction 7
143 "...Very clearly an early work of Kierkegaard. It is rather formal
144and difficult to get through. I'd recommend reading a lot of other
145Kierkegaard before this. "))
146 ((|Thomas| |More|)
147 nil
148 ("Utopia"
149 :fiction 7
150 "I read most of Utopia in high school with the TI-89 ebook reader, but
151the way the book was split up made it a bit difficult to grasp the
152overall structure. I found a copy at a used book store one day, and so
153I read it again, and found it much more comprehensible. It is a quick
154read, and decent piece of literature. The interesting social system
155espoused resembles resembles state communism (even if perhaps as a
156negative ideal), but with an strange blend of 14th century European
157social customs."))
158 ((|William| |James|)
159 nil
160 ("The Varieties of Religious Experience"
161 :nonfiction 7
162 "[[William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience][A partially finished extended summary]]")
163 ("The PhD Octopus"
164 :nonfiction nil
165 "<quote>
166America is thus as a nation rapidly drifting towards a state of things
167in which no man of science or letters will be accounted respectable
168unless some kind of badge or diploma is stamped upon him, and in which
169bare personality will be a mark of outcast estate. It seems to me high
170time to rouse ourselves to consciousness, and to cast a critical eye
171upon this decidedly grotesque tendency. Other nations suffer terribly
172from the Mandarin disease. Are we doomed to suffer like the rest?
175[[William James - The PhD Octopus][Full Text]]"))
176 ((|Henry| |James|)
177 "The novelist brother of William James; I've not read many (read:
178one) of his books, but what I did was decent."
179 ("The Altar of the Dead"
180 :fiction 7
181 "A short novella about a man who maintained an altar in a church
182for all of his lost loved ones on the surface, but something a bit
183more beneath."))
184 ((|Gregor| |Kiczales|)
185 nil
186 ("The Art of the Metaobject Protocol"
187 :nonfiction 10
188 "AMOP is useful as a reference to the CLOS MOP (although less so with
189the online MOP spec), but the true value of the book lies in the first
190half of the book. It presents the design of the CLOS MOP through a
191series of revisions that fix limitations of earlier implementations
192and gradually work toward a generic and well designed MOP for
193CLOS. Through that process one is made more aware of a few general
194object protocol design skills, and gains insight into how to cleanly
195make mapping decisions customizable."))
196 ((|Friedrich| |Nietzsche|)
197 "A bit acerbic and esoteric, Nietzsche is for me a good *secular*
198counterpart to Kierkegaard's theistic philosophy. Nietzsche's
199polemical works raise important questions for anyone who reads works
200on ethics. As such it is a shame that he has gotten a bad reputation
201by being read by far too many angsty teenagers who see (and relay)
202only Nietzsche the asshole rather than Nietzsche the master of the
204 ("Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
205 :fiction 8
206 "A masterpiece of indirect communication depsite the occasional
207flaw and overly dramatic passage. Certainly a book worth reading many
208times over the course of one's life.")
209 ("Beyond Good and Evil"
210 :nonfiction 8
211 "A somewhat more comprehensible, if a bit less aesthetically
212pleasing, presentation of much of the philosophy found in *Thus Spoke
213Zarathustra* in the negative form. The final chapters are very
214important (not to detract from the value of the rest of the work) if
215one wishes to understand *On the Genealogy of Morals*.")
216 ("On the Geneaology of Morals"
217 :nonfiction 9
218 "*On the Geneaology of Morals* is a wonderful book of three
219polemical essays on the origin of moral/ethical valuations, and the
220blindness of modern philosphers whose very thinking is tainted by
221these valuations unknowingly.")
222 ("Ecce Homo"
223 :nonfiction 7
224 "*Ecce Homo* is Nietzsche's very strange autobiography and
225explanation of his own works. At points it is clear that it could have
226used a bit more editing (prevented by Nietzsche ... falling into a
227catatonic state and all), but is still a very useful book to read as
228Nietzsche explains the overall structure of his works."))
229 ((|Aristotle|)
230 nil
231 ("Ethics"
232 :nonfiction nil)
233 ("Categories"
234 :nonfiction nil)
235 ("Poetics"
236 :nonfiction nil)
237;;; ("Prior Analytics"
238;;; :nonfiction nil
239;;; "*Prior Analytics* is essential reading if one wishes to understand
240;;; [[Term Logic][traditional logic]]. Given that traditional logic is
241;;; used by most philosophers prior to the mid-1800s it is a *bit*
242;;; important. Luckily *Prior Analytics* is
243;;; [[][available online for free]] and is fairly short.")
244 ("Rhetoric"
245 :nonfiction nil))
246 ((|Aristophanes|)
247 nil
248 ("The Frogs" :fiction nil)
249 ("The Clouds" :fiction nil)
250 ("Ecclesiazusae" :fiction nil))
251 ((|Plato|)
252 nil
253 ("Symposium" :fiction nil)
254 ("Euthyphro" :fiction nil)
255 ("Apology" :nonfiction nil)
256 ("Crito" :fiction nil)
257 ("Phaedo" :nonfiction 10)
258 ("Protagoras" :fiction nil))
259 ((|Aeschylus|)
260 nil
261 ("Oresteia":fiction 10)
262 ("Prometheus Bound" :fiction 9)
263 ("The Persians" :fiction 8))
264 ((|Homer|)
265 nil
266 ("The Odyssey" :fiction 10))
267 ((|George| |Orwell|)
268 nil
269 ("1984" :fiction 10)
270 ("Animal Farm" :fiction nil))
271 ((|Aldous| |Huxley|)
272 "Perhaps the most overrated modern writer. Other people have written
273everything he has to write better and many years before he got around
274to it."
275 ("The Doors of Perception"
276 :nonfiction 0
277 "Huxley stains the name of Blake by naming this horrible
278pseudo-scientific and pseudo-poetic essay after a line from *The
279Marriage of Heaven and Hell*. Subjectivity and objectivity are
280incommensurable; his attempt and being subjectively objective is
281utterly worthless.")
282 ("Heaven and Hell"
283 :nonfiction 0
284 "Blah blah LSD blah blah Mushrooms blah blah Peyote blah blah I'm
285Aldous Huxley I'm a pretentious jerk. Don't bother.")
286 ("Brave New World"
287 :fiction 7
288 "A nice light read; the story is obvious and by the hundreth page
289the ending is clear, but it provided a bit of a break from heavier
290reading for me. I must say that anyone who has read *Brave New World*
291and does not despise modern society has the intellectual capacity of
292an *Epsilon*. *1984* is perhaps easily misread, but *Brave New World*
293is very clear with its message and is a bit like being smacked upside
294the head with a hammer."))
295 ((|Douglas| |Adams|)
296 nil
297 ("Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (collected)" :fiction 8)
298 ("The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul" :fiction 6))
299 ((|H.G.| |Wells|)
300 nil
301 ("The Island of Dr Moreau" :fiction 7))
302 ((|JRR| |Tolkien|)
303 nil
304 ("The Lord of the Rings" :fiction 9)
305 ("The Silmarillion" :fiction 10)
306 ("The Lost Tales" :fiction 7))
307 ((|Bjarne| |Stroustrup|)
308 nil
309 ("The C++ Programming Language (3rd edition)"
310 :nonfiction nil
311 "Once upon a time I was fifteen and I read this book. It was more
312or less what taught me how to write programs just large enough to do
313useful things, and so shall forever be remembered by me. A year and a
314half later I stumbled upon a little language called Scheme and fell
315down the rabbit hole."))
316 ((|Confucius|)
317 nil
318 ("Analects" :nonfiction nil))
319 ((|Mencius|)
320 nil
321 ("Mencius" :nonfiction nil))
322 ((|Walter| |Miller|)
323 nil
324 ("A Canticle for Leibowitz" :fiction 10))
325 ((|David| |Lamkins|)
326 nil
327 ("Successful Lisp"
328 :nonfiction 8
329 "After learning Scheme, I read *Successful Lisp* and was able to
330pick up Common Lisp fairly easily."))
331 ((|John| |Allison|)
332 "The author of the rather amazing [[][Scary Go Round]].
333I highly recommend procuring the printed collections; the printing
334quality is superb (full color on glossy paper), and the long story
335arcs are much easier to read."
336 ("Looks, Brains and Everything" :fiction nil)
337 ("Blame the Sky" :fiction nil)
338 ("Skellington" :fiction nil)
339 ("The Retribution Index" :fiction nil)
340 ("Great Aches" :fiction nil)
341 ("Ahoy Hoy!" :fiction nil)
342 ("Heavy Metal Hearts and Flowers" :fiction nil)
343 ("Ghosts" :fiction nil))
344 ((|Mike| |Carey|)
345 nil
346 ("Lucifer (series)"
347 :fiction 6
348 "Of the *Sandman* spinoffs, *Lucifer* stands out as the best for
349the first half, but then the writer appears to take on far too great a
350task, and, with the introduction of some disagreeable character
351relations, fails to execute the story as well as it could have
352been. Still, it was worth reading to the end even though most of the
353stories after issue 35 or so were merely ok. If you like Kierkegaard I
354suggest issues 2, 3, and 62--they show the form of the incommensurable
355relation of the single individual to the absolute perfectly."))
356 ((|Anonymous|)
357 nil
358 ("Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz" :fiction nil))
359 ((|Alisa| |Kwitney|)
360 nil
361 ("Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold" :fiction 8))
362 ((|John| |Milton|)
363 nil
364 ("Paradise Lost" :fiction 10))
365 ((|Yevgeny| |Zamyatin|)
366 nil
367 ("We" :fiction))
368 ((|Kurt| |Vonnegut|)
369 nil
370 ("Cat's Cradle"
371 :fiction 9
372 "There are few books that I have started to read before sleeping
373and found myself watching the sun rise after finishing. *Cat's Cradle*
374is definitely required nerd reading."))
375 ((|Robert| |Anton| |Wilson|)
376 "Or rather, Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea (but my book script
377updating thing doesn't do multiple authors"
378 ("The Illuminatus! Trilogy"
379 :nonfiction 10
380 "e-cash MP5K-SD Adriatic Bellcore Lon Horiuchi 9705 Samford Road
381jihad New World Order AVN FTS2000 ANZUS subversive SAPO PET Armani"))
382 ((|Edgar| |Allan| |Poe|)
384 ("Tales of Mystery and Suspense"
385 :fiction 6
386 "This is when I learned that I still don't really like late 1800s
387American literature all that much. Some of the tales were worth
388reading, but most of it was not in a style I like all that much."))
389 ((|Albert| |Camus|)
390 nil
391 ("The Plague" :fiction)))