[clinton/thingy_grabber.git] / thingy_grabber.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 """
3 Thingiverse bulk downloader
4 """
6 import re
7 import sys
8 import os
9 import argparse
10 import unicodedata
11 import requests
12 import logging
13 import multiprocessing
14 import enum
15 from shutil import copyfile
16 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
18 URL_BASE = "https://www.thingiverse.com"
19 URL_COLLECTION = URL_BASE + "/ajax/thingcollection/list_collected_things"
20 USER_COLLECTION = URL_BASE + "/ajax/user/designs"
22 ID_REGEX = re.compile(r'"id":(\d*),')
23 TOTAL_REGEX = re.compile(r'"total":(\d*),')
24 LAST_PAGE_REGEX = re.compile(r'"last_page":(\d*),')
25 # This appears to be fixed at 12, but if it changes would screw the rest up.
26 PER_PAGE_REGEX = re.compile(r'"per_page":(\d*),')
27 NO_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[-\s]+')
32 VERSION = "0.7.0"
34 class State(enum.Enum):
35 OK = enum.auto()
36 FAILED = enum.auto()
37 ALREADY_DOWNLOADED = enum.auto()
40 def strip_ws(value):
41 """ Remove whitespace from a string """
42 return str(NO_WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub('-', value))
45 def slugify(value):
46 """
47 Normalizes string, converts to lowercase, removes non-alpha characters,
48 and converts spaces to hyphens.
49 """
50 value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode(
51 'ascii', 'ignore').decode()
52 value = str(re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip())
53 value = str(NO_WHITESPACE_REGEX.sub('-', value))
54 return value
56 class Downloader(multiprocessing.Process):
57 """
58 Class to handle downloading the things we have found to get.
59 """
61 def __init__(self, thing_queue, download_directory):
62 multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)
63 # TODO: add parameters
64 self.thing_queue = thing_queue
65 self.download_directory = download_directory
67 def run(self):
68 """ actual download loop.
69 """
70 while True:
71 thing_id = self.thing_queue.get()
72 if thing_id is None:
73 logging.info("Shutting download queue")
74 self.thing_queue.task_done()
75 break
76 logging.info("Handling id {}".format(thing_id))
77 Thing(thing_id).download(self.download_directory)
78 self.thing_queue.task_done()
79 return
85 class Grouping:
86 """ Holds details of a group of things for download
87 This is effectively (although not actually) an abstract class
88 - use Collection or Designs instead.
89 """
91 def __init__(self, quick):
92 self.things = []
93 self.total = 0
94 self.req_id = None
95 self.last_page = 0
96 self.per_page = None
97 # Should we stop downloading when we hit a known datestamp?
98 self.quick = quick
99 # These should be set by child classes.
100 self.url = None
101 self.download_dir = None
102 self.collection_url = None
104 def _get_small_grouping(self, req):
105 """ Handle small groupings """
106 soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, features='lxml')
107 links = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'card-img-holder'})
108 self.things = [x['href'].split(':')[1] for x in links]
109 self.total = len(self.things)
111 return self.things
113 def get(self):
114 """ retrieve the things of the grouping. """
115 if self.things:
116 # We've already done it.
117 return self.things
119 # Check for initialisation:
120 if not self.url:
121 logging.error("No URL set - object not initialised properly?")
122 raise ValueError("No URL set - object not initialised properly?")
124 # Get the internal details of the grouping.
125 logging.debug("Querying {}".format(self.url))
126 c_req = requests.get(self.url)
127 total = TOTAL_REGEX.search(c_req.text)
128 if total is None:
129 # This is a small (<13) items grouping. Pull the list from this req.
130 return self._get_small_grouping(c_req)
131 self.total = total.groups()[0]
132 self.req_id = ID_REGEX.search(c_req.text).groups()[0]
133 self.last_page = int(LAST_PAGE_REGEX.search(c_req.text).groups()[0])
134 self.per_page = PER_PAGE_REGEX.search(c_req.text).groups()[0]
135 parameters = {
136 'base_url': self.url,
137 'page': '1',
138 'per_page': '12',
139 'id': self.req_id
140 }
141 for current_page in range(1, self.last_page + 1):
142 parameters['page'] = current_page
143 req = requests.post(self.collection_url, parameters)
144 soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, features='lxml')
145 links = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'card-img-holder'})
146 self.things += [x['href'].split(':')[1] for x in links]
148 return self.things
150 def download(self):
151 """ Downloads all the files in a collection """
152 if not self.things:
153 self.get()
155 if not self.download_dir:
156 raise ValueError(
157 "No download_dir set - invalidly initialised object?")
159 base_dir = os.getcwd()
160 try:
161 os.mkdir(self.download_dir)
162 except FileExistsError:
163 logging.info("Target directory {} already exists. Assuming a resume."
164 .format(self.download_dir))
165 logging.info("Downloading {} thing(s).".format(self.total))
166 for idx, thing in enumerate(self.things):
167 logging.info("Downloading thing {}".format(idx))
168 RC = Thing(thing).download(self.download_dir)
169 if self.quick and RC==State.ALREADY_DOWNLOADED:
170 logging.info("Caught up, stopping.")
171 return
174 class Collection(Grouping):
175 """ Holds details of a collection. """
177 def __init__(self, user, name, directory, quick):
178 Grouping.__init__(self, quick)
179 self.user = user
180 self.name = name
181 self.url = "{}/{}/collections/{}".format(
182 URL_BASE, self.user, strip_ws(self.name))
183 self.download_dir = os.path.join(directory,
184 "{}-{}".format(slugify(self.user), slugify(self.name)))
185 self.collection_url = URL_COLLECTION
188 class Designs(Grouping):
189 """ Holds details of all of a users' designs. """
191 def __init__(self, user, directory, quick):
192 Grouping.__init__(self, quick)
193 self.user = user
194 self.url = "{}/{}/designs".format(URL_BASE, self.user)
195 self.download_dir = os.path.join(
196 directory, "{} designs".format(slugify(self.user)))
197 self.collection_url = USER_COLLECTION
200 class Thing:
201 """ An individual design on thingiverse. """
203 def __init__(self, thing_id):
204 self.thing_id = thing_id
205 self.last_time = None
206 self._parsed = False
207 self._needs_download = True
208 self.text = None
209 self.title = None
210 self.download_dir = None
212 def _parse(self, base_dir):
213 """ Work out what, if anything needs to be done. """
214 if self._parsed:
215 return
217 url = "{}/thing:{}/files".format(URL_BASE, self.thing_id)
218 try:
219 req = requests.get(url)
220 except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error:
221 logging.error("Unable to connect for thing {}: {}".format(
222 self.thing_id, error))
223 return
225 self.text = req.text
226 soup = BeautifulSoup(self.text, features='lxml')
227 #import code
228 #code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
229 try:
230 self.title = slugify(soup.find_all('h1')[0].text.strip())
231 except IndexError:
232 logging.warning(
233 "No title found for thing {}".format(self.thing_id))
234 self.title = self.thing_id
236 if req.status_code == 404:
237 logging.warning(
238 "404 for thing {} - DMCA or invalid number?".format(self.thing_id))
239 return
241 if req.status_code > 299:
242 logging.warning(
243 "bad status code {} for thing {} - try again later?".format(req.status_code, self.thing_id))
244 return
246 self.old_download_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, self.title)
247 self.download_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "{} - {}".format(self.thing_id, self.title))
249 logging.debug("Parsing {} ({})".format(self.thing_id, self.title))
251 if not os.path.exists(self.download_dir):
252 if os.path.exists(self.old_download_dir):
253 logging.info("Found previous style download directory. Moving it")
254 copyfile(self.old_download_dir, self.download_dir)
255 else:
256 # Not yet downloaded
257 self._parsed = True
258 return
260 timestamp_file = os.path.join(self.download_dir, 'timestamp.txt')
261 if not os.path.exists(timestamp_file):
262 # Old download from before
263 logging.warning(
264 "Old-style download directory found. Assuming update required.")
265 self._parsed = True
266 return
268 try:
269 with open(timestamp_file, 'r') as timestamp_handle:
270 self.last_time = timestamp_handle.readlines()[0]
271 logging.info("last downloaded version: {}".format(self.last_time))
272 except FileNotFoundError:
273 # Not run on this thing before.
274 logging.info(
275 "Old-style download directory found. Assuming update required.")
276 self.last_time = None
277 self._parsed = True
278 return
280 # OK, so we have a timestamp, lets see if there is anything new to get
281 file_links = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'file-download'})
282 for file_link in file_links:
283 timestamp = file_link.find_all('time')[0]['datetime']
284 logging.debug("Checking {} (updated {})".format(
285 file_link["title"], timestamp))
286 if timestamp > self.last_time:
287 logging.info(
288 "Found new/updated file {}".format(file_link["title"]))
289 self._needs_download = True
290 self._parsed = True
291 return
292 # Got here, so nope, no new files.
293 self._needs_download = False
294 self._parsed = True
296 def download(self, base_dir):
297 """ Download all files for a given thing.
298 Returns True iff the thing is now downloaded (not iff it downloads the thing!)
299 """
300 if not self._parsed:
301 self._parse(base_dir)
303 if not self._parsed:
304 logging.error(
305 "Unable to parse {} - aborting download".format(self.thing_id))
306 return State.FAILED
308 if not self._needs_download:
309 print("{} - {} already downloaded - skipping.".format(self.thing_id, self.title))
312 # Have we already downloaded some things?
313 timestamp_file = os.path.join(self.download_dir, 'timestamp.txt')
314 prev_dir = None
315 if os.path.exists(self.download_dir):
316 if not os.path.exists(timestamp_file):
317 # edge case: old style dir w/out timestamp.
318 logging.warning(
319 "Old style download dir found for {}".format(self.title))
320 prev_count = 0
321 target_dir = "{}_old".format(self.download_dir)
322 while os.path.exists(target_dir):
323 prev_count = prev_count + 1
324 target_dir = "{}_old_{}".format(self.download_dir, prev_count)
325 os.rename(self.download_dir, target_dir)
326 else:
327 prev_dir = "{}_{}".format(self.download_dir, slugify(self.last_time))
328 os.rename(self.download_dir, prev_dir)
330 # Get the list of files to download
331 soup = BeautifulSoup(self.text, features='lxml')
332 file_links = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'file-download'})
334 new_file_links = []
335 old_file_links = []
336 new_last_time = None
338 if not self.last_time:
339 # If we don't have anything to copy from, then it is all new.
340 new_file_links = file_links
341 try:
342 new_last_time = file_links[0].find_all('time')[0]['datetime']
343 except:
344 import code
345 code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
347 for file_link in file_links:
348 timestamp = file_link.find_all('time')[0]['datetime']
349 logging.debug("Found file {} from {}".format(
350 file_link["title"], timestamp))
351 if timestamp > new_last_time:
352 new_last_time = timestamp
353 else:
354 for file_link in file_links:
355 timestamp = file_link.find_all('time')[0]['datetime']
356 logging.debug("Checking {} (updated {})".format(
357 file_link["title"], timestamp))
358 if timestamp > self.last_time:
359 new_file_links.append(file_link)
360 else:
361 old_file_links.append(file_link)
362 if not new_last_time or timestamp > new_last_time:
363 new_last_time = timestamp
365 logging.debug("new timestamp {}".format(new_last_time))
367 # OK. Time to get to work.
368 logging.debug("Generating download_dir")
369 os.mkdir(self.download_dir)
370 # First grab the cached files (if any)
371 logging.info("Copying {} unchanged files.".format(len(old_file_links)))
372 for file_link in old_file_links:
373 old_file = os.path.join(prev_dir, file_link["title"])
374 new_file = os.path.join(self.download_dir, file_link["title"])
375 try:
376 logging.debug("Copying {} to {}".format(old_file, new_file))
377 copyfile(old_file, new_file)
378 except FileNotFoundError:
379 logging.warning(
380 "Unable to find {} in old archive, redownloading".format(file_link["title"]))
381 new_file_links.append(file_link)
383 # Now download the new ones
384 files = [("{}{}".format(URL_BASE, x['href']), x["title"])
385 for x in new_file_links]
386 logging.info("Downloading {} new files of {}".format(
387 len(new_file_links), len(file_links)))
388 try:
389 for url, name in files:
390 file_name = os.path.join(self.download_dir, name)
391 logging.debug("Downloading {} from {} to {}".format(
392 name, url, file_name))
393 data_req = requests.get(url)
394 with open(file_name, 'wb') as handle:
395 handle.write(data_req.content)
396 except Exception as exception:
397 logging.error("Failed to download {} - {}".format(name, exception))
398 os.rename(self.download_dir, "{}_failed".format(self.download_dir))
399 return State.FAILED
401 # People like images
402 image_dir = os.path.join(self.download_dir, 'images')
403 imagelinks = soup.find_all('span', {'class': 'gallery-slider'})[0] \
404 .find_all('div', {'class': 'gallery-photo'})
405 logging.info("Downloading {} images.".format(len(imagelinks)))
406 try:
407 os.mkdir(image_dir)
408 for imagelink in imagelinks:
409 url = next(filter(None, [imagelink[x] for x in ['data-full',
410 'data-large',
411 'data-medium',
412 'data-thumb']]), None)
413 if not url:
414 logging.warning(
415 "Unable to find any urls for {}".format(imagelink))
416 continue
418 filename = os.path.basename(url)
419 if filename.endswith('stl'):
420 filename = "{}.png".format(filename)
421 image_req = requests.get(url)
422 with open(os.path.join(image_dir, filename), 'wb') as handle:
423 handle.write(image_req.content)
424 except Exception as exception:
425 print("Failed to download {} - {}".format(filename, exception))
426 os.rename(self.download_dir, "{}_failed".format(self.download_dir))
427 return State.FAILED
429 # instructions are good too.
430 logging.info("Downloading readme")
431 try:
432 readme_txt = soup.find('meta', property='og:description')[
433 'content']
434 with open(os.path.join(self.download_dir, 'readme.txt'), 'w') as readme_handle:
435 readme_handle.write("{}\n".format(readme_txt))
436 except (TypeError, KeyError) as exception:
437 logging.warning("No readme? {}".format(exception))
438 except IOError as exception:
439 logging.warning("Failed to write readme! {}".format(exception))
441 # Best get some licenses
442 logging.info("Downloading license")
443 try:
444 license_txt = soup.find('div', {'class': 'license-text'}).text
445 if license_txt:
446 with open(os.path.join(self.download_dir, 'license.txt'), 'w') as license_handle:
447 license_handle.write("{}\n".format(license_txt))
448 except AttributeError as exception:
449 logging.warning("No license? {}".format(exception))
450 except IOError as exception:
451 logging.warning("Failed to write license! {}".format(exception))
453 try:
454 # Now write the timestamp
455 with open(timestamp_file, 'w') as timestamp_handle:
456 timestamp_handle.write(new_last_time)
457 except Exception as exception:
458 print("Failed to write timestamp file - {}".format(exception))
459 os.rename(self.download_dir, "{}_failed".format(self.download_dir))
460 return State.FAILED
461 self._needs_download = False
462 logging.debug("Download of {} finished".format(self.title))
463 return State.OK
466 def do_batch(batch_file, download_dir, quick):
467 """ Read a file in line by line, parsing each as a set of calls to this script."""
468 with open(batch_file) as handle:
469 for line in handle:
470 line = line.strip()
471 if not line:
472 # Skip empty lines
473 continue
474 logging.info("Handling instruction {}".format(line))
475 command_arr = line.split()
476 if command_arr[0] == "thing":
477 logging.debug(
478 "Handling batch thing instruction: {}".format(line))
479 Thing(command_arr[1]).download(download_dir)
480 continue
481 if command_arr[0] == "collection":
482 logging.debug(
483 "Handling batch collection instruction: {}".format(line))
484 Collection(command_arr[1], command_arr[2],
485 download_dir, quick).download()
486 continue
487 if command_arr[0] == "user":
488 logging.debug(
489 "Handling batch collection instruction: {}".format(line))
490 Designs(command_arr[1], download_dir, quick).download()
491 continue
492 logging.warning("Unable to parse current instruction. Skipping.")
495 def main():
496 """ Entry point for script being run as a command. """
497 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
498 parser.add_argument("-l", "--log-level", choices=[
499 'debug', 'info', 'warning'], default='info', help="level of logging desired")
500 parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory",
501 help="Target directory to download into")
502 parser.add_argument("-f", "--log-file",
503 help="Place to log debug information to")
504 parser.add_argument("-q", "--quick", action="store_true",
505 help="Assume date ordering on posts")
507 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
508 help="Type of thing to download", dest="subcommand")
509 collection_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
510 'collection', help="Download one or more entire collection(s)")
511 collection_parser.add_argument(
512 "owner", help="The owner of the collection(s) to get")
513 collection_parser.add_argument(
514 "collections", nargs="+", help="Space seperated list of the name(s) of collection to get")
515 thing_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
516 'thing', help="Download a single thing.")
517 thing_parser.add_argument(
518 "things", nargs="*", help="Space seperated list of thing ID(s) to download")
519 user_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
520 "user", help="Download all things by one or more users")
521 user_parser.add_argument(
522 "users", nargs="+", help="A space seperated list of the user(s) to get the designs of")
523 batch_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
524 "batch", help="Perform multiple actions written in a text file")
525 batch_parser.add_argument(
526 "batch_file", help="The name of the file to read.")
527 subparsers.add_parser("version", help="Show the current version")
529 args = parser.parse_args()
530 if not args.subcommand:
531 parser.print_help()
532 sys.exit(1)
533 if not args.directory:
534 args.directory = os.getcwd()
536 logger = logging.getLogger()
537 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
538 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
539 console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
540 console_handler.setLevel(args.log_level.upper())
542 logger.addHandler(console_handler)
543 if args.log_file:
544 file_handler = logging.FileHandler(args.log_file)
545 file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
546 file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
547 logger.addHandler(file_handler)
550 # Start downloader
551 thing_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
552 logging.debug("starting {} downloader(s)".format(DOWNLOADER_COUNT))
553 downloaders = [Downloader(thing_queue, args.directory) for _ in range(DOWNLOADER_COUNT)]
554 for downloader in downloaders:
555 downloader.start()
558 if args.subcommand.startswith("collection"):
559 for collection in args.collections:
560 Collection(args.owner, collection, args.directory, args.quick).download()
561 if args.subcommand == "thing":
562 for thing in args.things:
563 thing_queue.put(thing)
564 if args.subcommand == "user":
565 for user in args.users:
566 Designs(user, args.directory, args.quick).download()
567 if args.subcommand == "version":
568 print("thingy_grabber.py version {}".format(VERSION))
569 if args.subcommand == "batch":
570 do_batch(args.batch_file, args.directory, args.quick)
572 # Stop the downloader processes
573 for downloader in downloaders:
574 thing_queue.put(None)
576 if __name__ == "__main__":
577 main()