[clinton/parenscript.git] / src / lib / ps-loop.lisp
1 (in-package :parenscript)
3 (defun complex-js-expr? (expr)
4 (if (symbolp expr)
5 (find #\. (symbol-name expr))
6 (consp expr)))
8 (defvar *loop-keywords*
9 '(:for :do :when :unless :initially :finally :first-time :last-time :while :until
10 :from :to :below :downto :above :by :in :across :index := :then :sum :collect
11 :count :minimize :maximize :into))
13 (defun normalize-loop-keywords (args)
14 (mapcar
15 (lambda (x)
16 (or (find-if (lambda (key) (and (symbolp x) (equal (symbol-name x) (symbol-name key))))
17 *loop-keywords*)
18 x))
19 args))
21 (defun parse-ps-loop (terms)
22 (let (prologue
23 init-step-forms end-test-forms
24 initially finally
25 first-time last-time
26 default-accum-var default-accum-kind
27 destructurings body)
28 (macrolet ((with-local-var ((name expr) &body body)
29 (once-only (expr)
30 `(let ((,name (aif (and (complex-js-expr? ,expr) (ps-gensym))
31 (progn (push (list 'var it ,expr) prologue)
32 it)
33 ,expr)))
34 ,@body))))
35 (labels ((next ()
36 (car terms))
37 (next? (term)
38 (eq (next) term))
39 (err (expected got)
40 (error "PS-LOOP expected ~a, got ~a." expected got))
41 (consume (&optional what)
42 (let ((term (pop terms)))
43 (when (and what (not (eq what term)))
44 (err what term))
45 term))
46 (consume-atom ()
47 (if (atom (next))
48 (consume)
49 (err "an atom" (next))))
50 (consume-progn ()
51 (cons 'progn (loop :collect (if (consp (next))
52 (consume)
53 (err "a compound form" (next)))
54 :until (atom (next)))))
55 (consume-if (term)
56 (when (next? term)
57 (consume)
58 (consume)))
59 (accumulate (kind term var)
60 (when (null var)
61 (when (and default-accum-kind (not (eq kind default-accum-kind)))
62 (error "PS-LOOP encountered illegal ~a: ~a was already declared, and there can only be one kind of default accumulation per loop." kind default-accum-kind))
63 (unless default-accum-var
64 (setf default-accum-var (ps-gensym (case kind
65 (:minimize 'min)
66 (:maximize 'max)
67 (t kind)))
68 default-accum-kind kind))
69 (setf var default-accum-var))
70 (let ((initial (case kind
71 ((:sum :count) 0)
72 ((:maximize :minimize) nil)
73 (:collect '(array)))))
74 (pushnew `(var ,var ,initial) prologue :key #'second))
75 (case kind
76 (:sum `(incf ,var ,term))
77 (:count `(incf ,var))
78 (:minimize `(setf ,var (if (null ,var) ,term (min ,var ,term))))
79 (:maximize `(setf ,var (if (null ,var) ,term (max ,var ,term))))
80 (:collect `((@ ,var :push) ,term))))
81 (body-clause (term)
82 (case term
83 ((:when :unless) (list (intern (symbol-name term))
84 (consume)
85 (body-clause (consume-atom))))
86 ((:sum :collect :count :minimize :maximize) (accumulate term (consume) (consume-if :into)))
87 (:do (consume-progn))
88 (otherwise (err "a PS-LOOP keyword" term))))
89 (for-from (var)
90 (let ((start (consume))
91 (op '+)
92 (test nil)
93 (by nil)
94 (end nil))
95 (loop while (member (next) '(:to :below :downto :above :by)) do
96 (let ((term (consume)))
97 (if (eq term :by)
98 (setf by (consume))
99 (setf op (case term ((:downto :above) '-) (otherwise '+))
100 test (case term (:to '>) (:below '>=) (:downto '<) (:above '<=))
101 end (consume)))))
102 (push `(,var ,start (,op ,var ,(or by 1))) init-step-forms)
103 (when test
104 (with-local-var (end-var end)
105 (push (list test var end-var) end-test-forms)))))
106 (for-= (var)
107 (let ((start (consume))
108 (then (consume-if :then)))
109 (push (list var start (or then start)) init-step-forms)))
110 (for-in (var)
111 (with-local-var (arr (consume))
112 (let* ((index (or (consume-if :index) (ps-gensym)))
113 (equiv `(:for ,index :from 0 :below (length ,arr)
114 :for ,var := (aref ,arr ,index))))
115 (setf terms (append equiv terms))
116 (clause)
117 (clause))))
118 (for-clause ()
119 (let* ((place (consume))
120 (var (when (atom place) place))
121 (varlist (unless var place))
122 (term (consume-atom)))
123 (when varlist
124 (when (eq term :from)
125 (err "an atom after FROM" varlist))
126 (setf var (ps-gensym))
127 (push (list varlist var) destructurings))
128 (case term
129 (:from (for-from var))
130 (:= (for-= var))
131 ((:in :across) (for-in var))
132 (otherwise (error "FOR ~s ~s is not valid in PS-LOOP." var term)))))
133 (clause ()
134 (let ((term (consume-atom)))
135 (case term
136 (:for (for-clause))
137 (:while (push `(unless ,(consume) break) body))
138 (:until (push `(when ,(consume) break) body))
139 (:initially (push (consume-progn) initially))
140 (:finally (push (consume-progn) finally))
141 (:first-time (push (consume-progn) first-time))
142 (:last-time (push (consume-progn) last-time))
143 (otherwise (push (body-clause term) body))))))
144 (if terms
145 (loop :while terms :do (clause))
146 (err "loop definition" nil)))
147 (flet ((end-test ()
148 (aif (nreverse end-test-forms)
149 (if (cdr it)
150 (list (cons 'or it))
151 it)
152 (list nil)))
153 (add-destructurings-to-body ()
154 (setf body (nreverse body))
155 (loop :for (list var) :in destructurings :do
156 (setf body `((destructuring-bind ,list ,var ,@body))))
157 body))
158 (values (nreverse prologue)
159 (nreverse init-step-forms)
160 (end-test)
161 (nreverse initially)
162 (nreverse finally)
163 (nreverse first-time)
164 (nreverse last-time)
165 default-accum-var
166 (add-destructurings-to-body))))))
168 (defpsmacro loop (&rest args)
169 (multiple-value-bind (prologue
170 init-step-forms end-test
171 initially finally
172 first-time last-time
173 default-accum-var
174 body)
175 (parse-ps-loop (normalize-loop-keywords args))
176 (let ((first-guard (and first-time (ps-gensym)))
177 (last-guard (and last-time (ps-gensym))))
178 `(,@(if default-accum-var '(with-lambda ()) '(progn))
179 ,@(when first-time `((var ,first-guard t)))
180 ,@(when last-time `((var ,last-guard nil)))
181 ,@prologue
182 ,@initially
183 (do* ,init-step-forms
184 ,end-test
185 ,@(when first-time
186 `((when ,first-guard
187 ,@first-time
188 (setf ,first-guard nil))))
189 ,@body
190 ,@(when last-time
191 `((setf ,last-guard t))))
192 ,@(when last-time `((when ,last-guard ,@last-time)))
193 ,@finally
194 ,@(when default-accum-var `((return ,default-accum-var)))))))