typo fixes in parse.scm
[clinton/guile-figl.git] / figl / parse.scm
1 ;;; figl
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2013 Andy Wingo <wingo@pobox.com>
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Figl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6 ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; Figl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11 ;;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General
12 ;;; Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 ;;; License along with this program. If not, see
16 ;;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 ;;; Commentary:
19 ;;
20 ;; figl is the Foreign Interface to GL.
21 ;;
22 ;;; Code:
24 (define-module (figl parse)
25 #:use-module (figl config)
26 #:use-module (figl contrib)
27 #:use-module (sxml simple)
28 #:use-module ((sxml xpath) #:hide (filter))
29 #:use-module (sxml transform)
30 #:use-module (sxml fold)
31 #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (filter fold append-map filter-map))
32 #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) ; define-record-type
33 #:use-module (srfi srfi-42) ; eager comprehensions
34 #:use-module (texinfo docbook)
35 #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
36 #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
37 #:use-module (ice-9 match)
38 #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
39 #:export (gl-definition?
40 make-gl-definition
41 gl-definition-name
42 gl-definition-prototypes
43 gl-definition-documentation
44 gl-definition-copyright
45 parse-gl-definitions
47 gl-enumeration?
48 make-gl-enumeration
49 gl-enumeration-category
50 gl-enumeration-values
51 parse-gl-enumerations
53 gl-param-type?
54 make-gl-param-type
55 gl-param-type-type
56 gl-param-type-direction
57 gl-param-type-transfer-type
58 parse-gl-type-map))
60 (define-record-type gl-definition
61 (make-gl-definition name prototypes documentation copyright)
62 gl-definition?
63 (name gl-definition-name)
64 (prototypes gl-definition-prototypes)
65 (documentation gl-definition-documentation)
66 (copyright gl-definition-copyright))
68 ;; values := (name . number) ...
69 (define-record-type gl-enumeration
70 (make-gl-enumeration category values)
71 gl-enumeration?
72 (category gl-enumeration-category)
73 (values gl-enumeration-values))
75 ;; Seed of gl-param and more.
76 ;; TODO: Is this not really gl-type?
77 (define-record-type gl-param-type
78 (%make-gl-param-type type direction transfer-type)
79 gl-param-type?
80 (type gl-param-type-type)
81 (direction gl-param-type-direction)
82 (transfer-type gl-param-type-transfer-type))
84 ;; Memoized for eq?, hash, memory usage.
85 (define make-gl-param-type (memoize %make-gl-param-type))
87 (define *namespaces*
88 '((mml . "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML")))
90 (define *entities*
91 '(;; From http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/mmlextra.html
92 (af . "\u2061") ;; Function application.
93 (it . "\u2062") ;; Invisible times.
94 ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/isonum.html
95 (plus . "\u002B") ;; Plus sign.
96 (times . "\u00D7") ;; Multiplication sign.
97 ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/isotech.html
98 (Prime . "\u2033") ;; Double prime.
99 (le . "\u2264") ;; Less than or equal to.
100 (ne . "\u2260") ;; Not equal to.
101 (minus . "\u2212") ;; Minus sign.
102 ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/isoamsc.html
103 (lceil . "\u2308") ;; Left ceiling.
104 (rceil . "\u2309") ;; Right ceiling.
105 (lfloor . "\u230A") ;; Left floor.
106 (rfloor . "\u230B") ;; Right floor.
107 ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/mmlalias.html
108 (DoubleVerticalBar . "\u2225") ;; Parallel to.
109 (LeftFloor . "\u230A") ;; Left floor.
110 (RightFloor . "\u230B") ;; Right floor.
111 (LeftCeiling . "\u2308") ;; Left ceiling.
112 (RightCeiling . "\u2309") ;; Right ceiling.
113 (CenterDot . "\u00B7") ;; Middle dot.
114 (VerticalBar . "\u2223") ;; Divides.
115 (PartialD . "\u2202") ;; Partial derivative.
116 ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/mmlextra.html
117 (Hat . "\u005E") ;; Circumflex accent.
118 ;; http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/isogrk3.html
119 (Delta . "\u0394") ;; Greek capital letter delta.
120 (Sigma . "\u03A3") ;; Greek capital letter sigma.
121 ;; Misc.
122 (nbsp . "\u00A0")
123 ))
125 (define (default-entity-handler port name)
126 (format (current-warning-port)
127 "~a:~a:~a: undefined entitity: &~a;\n"
128 (or (port-filename port) "<unknown file>")
129 (port-line port) (port-column port)
130 name)
131 (symbol->string name))
133 (define dbmathml
134 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/mathml/1.1CR1/dbmathml.dtd")
136 (define (docbook-with-mathml-handler docname systemid internal)
137 (unless (equal? systemid dbmathml)
138 (warn "unexpected doctype" docname systemid internal))
139 (values #:entities *entities* #:namespaces *namespaces*))
141 (define (trim-whitespace-left str)
142 (let ((first (and (not (string-null? str))
143 (string-ref str 0))))
144 (if (and first (char-whitespace? first))
145 (string-append (string first) (string-trim str char-whitespace?))
146 str)))
148 (define (trim-whitespace-right str)
149 (let ((last (and (not (string-null? str))
150 (string-ref str (1- (string-length str))))))
151 (if (and last (char-whitespace? last))
152 (string-append (string-trim-right str char-whitespace?) (string last))
153 str)))
155 (define (trim-whitespace str)
156 (trim-whitespace-left
157 (trim-whitespace-right str)))
159 (define (zap-whitespace sxml)
160 (define (not-whitespace x)
161 (or (not (string? x))
162 (not (string-every char-whitespace? x))))
163 (pre-post-order sxml
164 `((*default* . ,(lambda (tag . body)
165 (cons tag
166 (filter not-whitespace body))))
167 (*text* . ,(lambda (tag text)
168 (if (string? text)
169 (trim-whitespace text)
170 text))))))
172 (define (parse-man-xml version filename)
173 (define subdir (format #f "man~A" version))
174 (call-with-input-file (in-vicinity (upstream-doc)
175 (in-vicinity subdir filename))
176 (lambda (port)
177 (zap-whitespace
178 (xml->sxml port #:declare-namespaces? #t
179 #:default-entity-handler default-entity-handler
180 #:doctype-handler docbook-with-mathml-handler)))))
182 (define (xml-files version)
183 (define subdir (format #f "man~A" version))
184 (scandir (in-vicinity (upstream-doc) subdir)
185 (lambda (x) (string-suffix? ".xml" x))))
187 (define (take-first proc)
188 (lambda (xml)
189 (let ((res (proc xml)))
190 (and (pair? res) (car res)))))
192 (define xml-name
193 (take-first (sxpath '(refentry refnamediv refname *text*))))
195 (define xml-purpose
196 (take-first (sxpath '(refentry refnamediv refpurpose *text*))))
198 (define xml-funcprototypes
199 (sxpath '(refentry refsynopsisdiv funcsynopsis funcprototype)))
201 (define xml-parameters
202 (take-first (sxpath '(refentry (refsect1 (@ id (equal? "parameters")))))))
204 (define xml-description
205 (take-first (sxpath '(refentry (refsect1 (@ id (equal? "description")))))))
207 (define xml-errors
208 (take-first (sxpath '(refentry (refsect1 (@ id (equal? "errors")))))))
210 (define xml-copyright
211 (take-first (sxpath '(refentry (refsect1 (@ id (equal? "Copyright")))))))
213 (define (string->gl-type str)
214 (string->symbol
215 (string-join (string-split (string-trim-both str) #\space) "-")))
217 (define (parse-prototypes sxml)
218 (define all-names
219 (match sxml
220 ((('funcprototype ('funcdef return-type ('function names))
221 . _)
222 ...)
223 names)))
225 (define (redundant-variant? s shun-suffix prefer-suffix)
226 (and (string-suffix? shun-suffix s)
227 (member (string-append (substring s 0 (- (string-length s)
228 (string-length shun-suffix)))
229 prefer-suffix)
230 all-names)))
232 (define (skip? s)
233 (or
234 ;; Skip double variants if we have a float variant.
235 ;; (http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Common_Mistakes#GL_DOUBLE).
236 (redundant-variant? s "d" "f")
238 ;; Skip byte variants if there is a short variant.
239 (redundant-variant? s "b" "s")
241 ;; Skip short variants if there is an int variant.
242 (redundant-variant? s "s" "i")
244 ;; Skip packed setters like glVertex3fv if e.g. glVertex3f exists.
245 (redundant-variant? s "v" "")
246 (redundant-variant? s "dv" "fv")
247 (redundant-variant? s "bv" "sv")
248 (redundant-variant? s "sv" "iv")))
250 (filter-map
251 (lambda (sxml)
252 (match sxml
253 (('funcprototype ('funcdef return-type ('function (? skip?)))
254 . _)
255 #f)
256 (('funcprototype ('funcdef return-type ('function name))
257 ('paramdef ('parameter "void")))
258 `(,(string->symbol name)
259 -> ,(string->gl-type return-type)))
260 (('funcprototype ('funcdef return-type ('function name))
261 ('paramdef ptype ('parameter pname))
262 ...)
263 `(,(string->symbol name)
264 ,@(map (lambda (pname ptype)
265 (list (string->symbol pname)
266 (string->gl-type ptype)))
267 pname ptype)
268 -> ,(string->gl-type return-type)))))
269 sxml))
271 (define (collapse-fragments nodeset)
272 (match nodeset
273 ((('*fragment* elts ...) nodes ...)
274 (append (collapse-fragments elts)
275 (collapse-fragments nodes)))
276 ((((and tag (? symbol?)) elts ...) nodes ...)
277 (acons tag (collapse-fragments elts) (collapse-fragments nodes)))
278 ((elt nodes ...)
279 (cons elt (collapse-fragments nodes)))
280 (() '())))
282 (define (list-intersperse src-l elem)
283 (if (null? src-l) src-l
284 (let loop ((l (cdr src-l)) (dest (cons (car src-l) '())))
285 (if (null? l) (reverse dest)
286 (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) (cons elem dest)))))))
288 (define (lift-tables sdocbook)
289 ;; Like sdocbook-flatten, but tweaked to lift tables from inside
290 ;; paras, but not paras from inside tables. Pretty hacky stuff.
291 (define *sdocbook-block-commands*
292 '(informaltable programlisting variablelist))
294 (define (inline-command? command)
295 (not (memq command *sdocbook-block-commands*)))
297 (define (fhere str accum block cont)
298 (values (cons str accum)
299 block
300 cont))
301 (define (fdown node accum block cont)
302 (match node
303 ((command (and attrs ('% . _)) body ...)
304 (values body '() '()
305 (lambda (accum block)
306 (values
307 `(,command ,attrs ,@(reverse accum))
308 block))))
309 ((command body ...)
310 (values body '() '()
311 (lambda (accum block)
312 (values
313 `(,command ,@(reverse accum))
314 block))))))
315 (define (fup node paccum pblock pcont kaccum kblock kcont)
316 (call-with-values (lambda () (kcont kaccum kblock))
317 (lambda (ret block)
318 (if (inline-command? (car ret))
319 (values (cons ret paccum) (append kblock pblock) pcont)
320 (values paccum (append kblock (cons ret pblock)) pcont)))))
321 (call-with-values
322 (lambda () (foldts*-values fdown fup fhere sdocbook '() '() #f))
323 (lambda (accum block cont)
324 (append (reverse accum)
325 (reverse block)
326 ))))
328 (define *rules*
329 `((refsect1
330 *preorder*
331 . ,(lambda (tag id . body)
332 (append-map (lambda (nodeset)
333 (map
334 (lambda (x)
335 (pre-post-order x *rules*))
336 nodeset))
337 (map lift-tables
338 (match body
339 ((('title _) body ...) body)
340 (_ body))))))
341 (variablelist
342 ((varlistentry
343 . ,(lambda (tag term . body)
344 `(entry (% (heading ,@(cdar term))) ,@(apply append body))))
345 (listitem
346 . ,(lambda (tag . body)
347 (map (lambda (x)
348 (if (string? x)
349 `(para ,x)
350 x))
351 body)))
352 (term
353 . ,(lambda (tag . rest)
354 `((itemx ,@rest)))))
355 . ,(lambda (tag . body)
356 `(table (% (formatter (asis))) ,@body)))
357 (trademark
358 . ,(match-lambda*
359 ((_ ('@ ('class "copyright"))) '(copyright))))
360 (parameter
361 . ,(lambda (tag body)
362 `(var ,body)))
363 (type
364 . ,(lambda (tag body)
365 `(code ,body)))
366 (constant
367 . ,(lambda (tag . body)
368 `(code . ,body)))
369 (code
370 . ,(lambda (tag . body)
371 `(code . ,body)))
372 (function
373 . ,(lambda (tag body . ignored)
374 (or (null? ignored) (warn "ignored function tail" ignored))
375 `(code ,body)))
376 (emphasis
377 . ,(match-lambda*
378 ((_) "")
379 ((_ ('@ ('role "bold")) (and body (? string?)))
380 `(strong ,(string-trim-both body)))
381 ((_ ('@ ('role "bold")) . body) `(strong ,@body))
382 ((_ body) `(var ,body))))
383 (citerefentry
384 . ,(lambda (tag contents)
385 contents))
386 (refentrytitle
387 . ,(lambda (tag contents)
388 `(code ,contents)))
389 (inlineequation
390 . ,(lambda (tag contents)
391 contents))
392 (informalequation
393 . ,(lambda (tag contents)
394 contents))
395 (informaltable
396 . ,(lambda (tag attrs tgroup)
397 tgroup))
398 (tgroup
399 ((thead
400 . ,(lambda (tag . rows)
401 rows))
402 (colspec
403 . ,(lambda _
404 #f))
405 (tbody
406 . ,(lambda (tag . rows)
407 rows))
408 (row
409 . ,(lambda (tag first . rest)
410 `(entry (% (heading ,@first))
411 (para ,@(apply
412 append
413 (list-intersperse rest '(", ")))))))
414 (entry
415 . ,(match-lambda*
416 ((_) '())
417 ((_ ('@ . _)) '())
418 ((_ ('@ . _) x ...) x)
419 ((_ x ...) x))))
420 . ,(lambda (tag attrs . contents)
421 `(table (% (formatter (asis)))
422 ,@(apply append (filter identity contents)))))
424 ;; Poor man's mathml.
425 (mml:math
426 . ,(lambda (tag . contents)
427 `(r . ,(collapse-fragments contents))))
428 (mml:mn
429 . ,(lambda (tag n . rest)
430 (if (pair? rest)
431 `(*fragment* ,n . ,rest)
432 n)))
433 (mml:mi
434 . ,(case-lambda
435 ((tag contents)
436 `(code ,contents))
437 ((tag attrs contents)
438 (match attrs
439 (('@ (mathvariant "italic"))
440 `(var ,contents))
441 (_ `(code ,contents))))))
442 ;; It would be possible to represent a matrix as a @multitable, but
443 ;; Guile doesn't really have support for that. So instead print
444 ;; each row in parentheses.
445 (mml:mtable
446 ((mml:mtr
447 . ,(lambda (tag . body)
448 `("(" ,@(list-intersperse body " ") ")")))
449 (mml:mtd
450 . ,(match-lambda*
451 ((tag ('@ . _) body ...)
452 `(*fragment* ,@body))
453 ((tag body ...)
454 `(*fragment* ,@body)))))
455 . ,(lambda (tag . rows)
456 ;; Rely on outer mfence for outer parens, if any
457 (let ((rows (if (and (pair? rows) (eq? (caar rows) '@))
458 (cdr rows)
459 rows)))
460 `(*fragment* ,@(apply append (list-intersperse rows '(", ")))))))
461 (mml:mspace
462 . ,(lambda (tag . _)
463 " "))
464 (mml:msup
465 . ,(lambda (tag base exponent)
466 `(*fragment* ,base "^" ,exponent)))
467 (mml:msub
468 . ,(lambda (tag base exponent)
469 `(*fragment* ,base "_" ,exponent)))
470 (mml:mover
471 . ,(lambda (tag base over)
472 `(*fragment* ,base ,over)))
473 (mml:munderover
474 . ,(lambda (tag under base over)
475 `(*fragment* ,under ,base ,over)))
476 (mml:mfrac
477 . ,(lambda (tag num denom)
478 `(*fragment* ,num "/" ,denom)))
479 (mml:msqrt
480 . ,(lambda (tag base)
481 `(*fragment* "√" ,base)))
482 (mml:infinity
483 . ,(lambda (tag)
484 "∞"))
485 (mml:mo
486 . ,(lambda (tag operator)
487 operator))
488 (mml:mrow
489 . ,(lambda (tag . contents)
490 `(*fragment* . ,contents)))
491 (mml:mfenced
492 . ,(lambda (tag attrs left . right)
493 `(*fragment* ,@(assq-ref attrs 'open)
494 ,left
495 ","
496 ,@right
497 ,@(assq-ref attrs 'close))))
498 (*text*
499 . ,(lambda (tag text)
500 text))
501 ,@*sdocbook->stexi-rules*))
503 (define (sdocbook->stexi sdocbook)
504 (pre-post-order sdocbook *rules*))
506 ;; Produces an stexinfo fragment.
507 (define (generate-documentation purpose parameters description errors)
508 `(*fragment*
509 (para ,(string-append (string (char-upcase (string-ref purpose 0)))
510 (substring purpose 1)
511 "."))
512 ,@(if parameters (sdocbook->stexi parameters) '())
513 ,@(if description (sdocbook->stexi description) '())
514 ,@(if errors (sdocbook->stexi errors) '())))
516 (define (xml->definition xml)
517 (let ((prototypes (parse-prototypes (xml-funcprototypes xml))))
518 (and (pair? prototypes)
519 (make-gl-definition (xml-name xml)
520 prototypes
521 (generate-documentation (xml-purpose xml)
522 (xml-parameters xml)
523 (xml-description xml)
524 (xml-errors xml))
525 (and=> (xml-copyright xml)
526 (lambda (c)
527 `(*fragment* ,@(sdocbook->stexi c))))))))
529 (define (parse-gl-definitions version)
530 (filter-map (lambda (file)
531 (xml->definition (parse-man-xml version file)))
532 (xml-files version)))
534 (define (trim-comment line)
535 (cond
536 ((string-index line #\#)
537 => (lambda (idx) (substring line 0 idx)))
538 (else line)))
540 (define (expand-camel-case s)
541 (define (add-humps humps out more?)
542 (match humps
543 (() out)
544 ((head)
545 (if (null? out)
546 humps
547 (cons* head #\- out)))
548 ((head tail ...)
549 (let ((out (if (null? out)
550 tail
551 (append tail (cons #\- out)))))
552 (if more?
553 (cons* head #\- out)
554 (cons head out))))))
555 (let lp ((in (string->list s)) (humps '()) (out '()))
556 (match in
557 (()
558 (list->string (reverse (add-humps humps out #f))))
559 ((c in ...)
560 (if (and (char-lower-case? c)
561 ;; Try to keep subtokens like 12x3 in one piece.
562 (or (null? humps)
563 (not (and-map char-numeric? humps))))
564 (lp in '() (cons c (add-humps humps out #t)))
565 (lp in (cons (char-downcase c) humps) out))))))
567 (define (mangle-name name)
568 (string->symbol
569 (string-join (map expand-camel-case (string-split name #\_))
570 "-")))
572 (define (parse-number num)
573 (cond
574 ((equal? "0xFFFFFFFFu" num)
576 ((equal? "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull" num)
578 ((string-prefix? "0x" num)
579 (string->number (substring num 2) 16))
580 ((string-prefix? "GL_" num)
581 (cons #f (mangle-name (substring num 3))))
582 ;; Hackety hack...
583 ((string-prefix? "GLX_" num)
584 (cons #f (mangle-name (substring num 4))))
585 (else
586 (string->number num))))
588 (define (read-line-and-trim-comment port)
589 (let ((line (read-line port)))
590 (if (eof-object? line)
591 line
592 (string-trim-both (trim-comment line)))))
594 (define (resolve-enumerations enums)
595 ;; We shouldn't fail to resolve anything, but there are a couple bugs
596 ;; in enum.spec currently:
597 ;; http://www.khronos.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=787. Until they
598 ;; are fixed, allow resolution to fail.
599 (define (resolve-value category name value)
600 (match value
601 (#f #f)
602 ((? number?)
603 value)
604 ((#f . (and name (? symbol?)))
605 (resolve-value category name category))
606 ((? symbol?)
607 (resolve-value value name (assq-ref (assq-ref enums value) name)))))
608 (let lp ((in enums) (out '()))
609 (match in
610 (()
611 (reverse out))
612 (((category (name . value) ...) . in)
613 (lp in
614 (cons (make-gl-enumeration
615 category
616 (filter-map
617 (lambda (name value)
618 (and=> (resolve-value category name value)
619 (lambda (value)
620 (cons name value))))
621 name value))
622 out))))))
624 (define (merge-alists in)
625 ;; O(n^2), whee
626 (define (collect-values key values in)
627 (let lp ((in in) (values values))
628 (if (null? in)
629 values
630 (lp (cdr in)
631 (if (eq? (caar in) key)
632 (append values (cdar in))
633 values)))))
634 (let lp ((in in) (out '()))
635 (cond
636 ((null? in) (reverse out))
637 ((assq (caar in) out) (lp (cdr in) out))
638 (else (lp (cdr in)
639 (acons (caar in)
640 (collect-values (caar in) (cdar in) (cdr in))
641 out))))))
643 (define (parse-enumerations-from-port port)
644 (define (finish-block headers enums accum)
645 (if (null? enums)
646 accum
647 (fold (lambda (header accum)
648 (acons header (reverse enums) accum))
649 accum
650 headers)))
651 (let lp ((current-headers '()) (current-enums '()) (accum '()))
652 (let ((line (read-line-and-trim-comment port)))
653 (cond
654 ((eof-object? line)
655 (resolve-enumerations
656 (merge-alists
657 (reverse (finish-block current-headers current-enums accum)))))
658 ((string-index line #\:)
659 => (lambda (pos)
660 (let* ((ws (or (string-index-right line char-whitespace? 0 pos) 0))
661 (headers (filter
662 (compose not string-null?)
663 (map string-trim-both
664 (string-split (substring line 0 ws) #\,))))
665 (def (substring line (1+ ws) pos)))
666 (match (cons def headers)
667 ((or ("define" _ ...)
668 ((? (lambda (x) (string-suffix? "_future_use" x)))))
669 (lp '()
670 '()
671 (finish-block current-headers current-enums accum)))
672 (("enum" headers ...)
673 (if (null? current-enums)
674 (lp (append current-headers (map mangle-name headers))
675 current-enums
676 accum)
677 (lp (map mangle-name headers)
678 '()
679 (finish-block current-headers current-enums accum))))
680 (x (error "qux." x))))))
681 ((string-null? line)
682 (lp current-headers current-enums accum))
683 (else
684 (match (filter (compose not string-null?)
685 (string-split (trim-comment line) char-whitespace?))
686 ((enum "=" value)
687 (lp current-headers
688 (acons (mangle-name enum)
689 (or (parse-number value)
690 (error "failed to parse" value))
691 current-enums)
692 accum))
693 (("use" header enum)
694 (lp current-headers
695 (acons (mangle-name enum)
696 (mangle-name header)
697 current-enums)
698 accum))
699 (x (error x))))))))
701 (define (parse-gl-enumerations spec)
702 (call-with-input-file (in-vicinity (upstream-doc)
703 (in-vicinity "spec" spec))
704 parse-enumerations-from-port))
706 \f
707 ;;;
708 ;;; Type Map
709 ;;;
711 (define valid-directions '(in out in/out))
713 (define valid-transfer-types '(array reference value))
715 (define* (string->directions str #:optional
716 (expansion valid-directions))
717 (let ((direction (string->symbol str)))
718 (cond
719 ((eq? direction '*)
720 expansion)
721 ((memq direction expansion)
722 (list direction))
723 (else
724 (error "unknown direction" str)))))
726 (define* (string->transfer-types str #:optional
727 (expansion valid-transfer-types))
728 (let ((trans (string->symbol str)))
729 (cond
730 ((eq? trans '*)
731 expansion)
732 ((memq trans expansion)
733 (list trans))
734 (else
735 (error "unknown transfer-type" str)))))
737 (define (expand-type-map-entry type
738 direction
739 transfer-type
740 mapped-type
741 mapped-direction
742 mapped-transfer-type)
743 (let ((type (mangle-name type))
744 (mapped-type (string->gl-type mapped-type)))
745 (list-ec (:list direction (string->directions direction))
746 (:list transfer-type (string->transfer-types transfer-type))
747 (:list mapped-direction
748 (string->directions mapped-direction
749 (list direction)))
750 (:list mapped-transfer-type
751 (string->transfer-types mapped-transfer-type
752 (list transfer-type)))
753 (cons (make-gl-param-type type
754 direction
755 transfer-type)
756 (make-gl-param-type mapped-type
757 mapped-direction
758 mapped-transfer-type)))))
760 (define (parse-type-map-from-port port)
761 (define delimiter (make-regexp "[ \t]*,[ \t]*"))
763 (let lp ((accum '()))
764 (let ((line (read-line-and-trim-comment port)))
765 (cond
766 ((eof-object? line)
767 (reverse accum))
768 ((string-null? line)
769 (lp accum))
770 (else
771 ;; TODO: Filter needed here to avoid formatting bug:
772 ;; http://www.khronos.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=790
773 (match (filter (compose not string-null?)
774 (string-split line delimiter))
775 ((type direction transfer-type
776 mapped-type mapped-direction mapped-transfer-type)
777 (lp (append (expand-type-map-entry type
778 direction
779 transfer-type
780 mapped-type
781 mapped-direction
782 mapped-transfer-type)
783 accum)))
784 (x (error x))))))))
786 (define (parse-gl-type-map tm)
787 (call-with-input-file (in-vicinity (upstream-doc)
788 (in-vicinity "spec" tm))
789 parse-type-map-from-port))