[project @ 2005-06-01 11:12:41 by unknown_lamer]
[clinton/bobotpp.git] / NEWS
1 (-*- text -*-)
2 User Visible Changes In Bobot++
5 As of version 1.98 unknown_lamer is the new maintainer. Also as of
6 version 1.98, you must have Guile 1.5.6+ or 1.6.x in order to
7 compile scripting support.
9 =====================================================================
10 ====== The News =====================================================
11 =====================================================================
13 Version 2.1.8:
15 - Added bot:protection/[none|ban|kick|deop] and bot:aop/[yes|no]
16 constants to the Scheme scripting interface
18 Version 2.1.7:
19 - Fixed a number of small bugs and corner cases
20 - Should compile without warnings (GCC 3.4)
22 Version 2.1.6:
23 - The String class has been removed and replaced by std::string
24 - Patches from Jos Hulzink <josh@stack.nl> were applied which fix a
25 few major bugs in the StringTokenizer (thanks)
27 Version 2.1.5: Cleanups
28 - A DCC CHAT with the bot may now only be initiated if the user is a
29 Friend of the bot
30 - Implemented bot:ctcp-quote
31 - The Bot Configuration section of the manual has been completed.
32 - Fixed a potential (but unlikely) buffer overflow in Utils::strToTime
33 (if there were more than 512 digits in part of the string form of
34 the time the buffer would overflow)
35 - Misc. Bugfixes
37 Version 2.1.4: DCC Support Enhancements
38 - Internal Change: DCCConnection is now an abstract class
39 - Internal Change: DCCChatConnection provides the functionality of
40 the old DCCConnection so that DCC FILE support can be added
41 - New Scheme Procedure: (bot:sent-to-me? message), checks to see if a
42 message was addressed to the bot. This is better than using
43 bot:match-to-me because the hook will continue to function if the
44 bot's nick changes. The only downside to using it is that there may
45 be an increased overhead of calling more hooks than could be called,
46 but that shouldn't be much of a problem.
47 - New Scheme Procedure: (bot:change-command-level command level),
48 changes the level a user command to allow a user of `level' level or
49 above to run it.
51 Version 2.1.3: Something
52 - The flood rate can now be set using !setfloodrate INTEGER. The
53 default is two messages per second before the bot will ignore
54 you. (thanks to Björn Gustavsson for requesting this)
55 - The flood rate may also be set from Scheme using (bot:setfloodrate
56 integer)
57 - A very large crash bug has been fixed. Previously, if an undefined
58 command was called, any attempts to call a subsequent command would
59 cause the bot to crash. Now the bot doesn't crash.
61 Version 2.1.2: Llama
63 - match-to-me and match-not-channel are now bot:match-to-me and
64 bot:match-not-channel. Just use perl -pi -e
65 "s/match-to-me/bot:match-to-me" SCRIPTS (change to match-not-channel
66 for match-not-channel).
67 - Each script is now loaded into its own module so namespace clashes
68 should no longer occur
69 - New procedure: (bot:load-module INTERFACE-SPEC) will load a "bot
70 module" with the specified INTERFACE-SPEC (e.g. (foo bar)). A bot
71 module is the same as a system module except that you don't use
72 define-module to define it. The %bot:loadpath is searched for
73 INTERFACE-SPEC (when converted to a string) with an extension in
74 %bot:load-extensions. E.g. (foo bar) becomes "foo/bar".
75 - New procedure: (bot:use-module INTERFACE-SPEC) is the same as
76 bot:load-module except it will make the exported bindings from
77 INTERFACE-SPEC available in the current-module.
78 - Updated example bot and new example scripts included with the bot.
80 Version 2.1.1: foom
82 - Host masks are now case insensitive when matched. At least one other
83 person thought this was a good idea since IRC is case preserving but
84 not case sensitive.
85 - You can now "name" a hook using an extra arg to bot:addhook. This
86 name can be used to have multiple hooks of the same type with the
87 same regexp. The default name is "DEFAULT" so don't use that as the
88 name for your hooks.
89 - Logging now works again (oops, I didn't realize I broke it until I
90 started to work on DCC).
91 - DCC CHAT now "works." You can connect to the bot and talk to to it
92 and use Scheme hooks to talk to the user.
93 - New hooks: hooks/dcc/chat-begin and hooks/dcc/chat-message. These
94 are called when a new DCC Chat begin and when the user sends a
95 message.
96 - New Function: bot:dcc-chat-send TO MESSAGE, sends a MESSAGE to the
97 person at address TO
98 - New hooks: hooks/send/... where ... is one of action, ctcp, public,
99 or message. These are triggered when the bot does an
100 ACTION, sends a CTCP (_not_ a ctcp-reply), sends a PRIVMSG to a
101 channel, or sends a PRIVMSG to another user, respectively. There
102 will be more send hooks added later.
103 - New hooks: hooks/dcc/chat-begin and
104 hooks/dcc/chat-message. chat-begin is called when the chat starts
105 and has one argument: the address (in user!nick@host
106 format). chat-message has two arguments: from (user!nick@host) and
107 message, which is the raw message (since there is no real protocol
108 for DCC). chat-start hooks are matched against the address and
109 chat-message hooks are matched against the text "ADDRESS MESSAGE"
110 where ADDRESS is the sender's address and MESSAGE is the message.
112 Version 2.1.0: Zug Zug
113 - Hooks can now be fallthrough or non fallthrough. You can set a hooks
114 priority and whether or not it falls through (i.e. continues hook
115 matching after it has been executed) using two optional args to
116 (bot-addhook). The new args are pri (integer priority) and fallthru
117 (#t or #f) and are at the end. Higher priority hooks are executed
118 before lower priority hooks, and fallthrough hooks are executed
119 before non-fallthrough hooks.
120 - The default config is read from ~/.bobotpp/config/default/ or
121 /etc/bobotpp/default/ if the user config is not found. Put your
122 default config in either dir. You may also specify a specific config
123 under these dirs using the --config or -c arg to bobotpp (see
124 bobotpp --help for the full list of commands you may use and how to
125 use them).
126 - Scripts are now stored in ~/.bobotpp/scripts/ or
127 PREFIX/share/bobotpp/scripts/ (where PREFIX is /usr/local unless you
128 changed it with the --prefix arg to configure). The new function
129 bot-load will take a filename and load it from these dirs, returning
130 #t if the file was loaded and #f if it wasn't. You can modify the
131 search list by appending to %bot-loadpath.
132 - bobot-utils.scm is now autoloaded, so you don't need to
133 load it if you want to use its functions.
134 - Logs are now in ~/.bobotpp/logs/
135 - bot-* procedures in Scheme are now bot:*. The old bot-* functions
136 are defined as aliases in bobot-utils.scm
137 - You can now use lambda's for new commands (oops, I wasn't protecting
138 the objects from garbage collection)
141 Version 2.0: Stable release / CVS merges
142 - Merged stuff from Etienne Bernard's dev tree that he was working on
143 before I took over (not much)
144 - bot-adduser and bot-addshit now work from Scheme
146 Version 1.99: Configure joy
147 - You can now disable scripting using --disable-scripting or
148 --enable-scripting=no
149 - Crypt can also be disabled with --disable-crypt or --enable-crypt=no
150 - Old hooks behavior has been restored (new hooks are added to the end
151 of the hooks list and processing does not stop at the first matched
152 hook). The hook behavior will change radically in 2.1.
154 Version 1.98: Unknown_lamer made a large number of changes
155 - Code is now ISO C++ and compiles with GCC 3.1
156 - Converted makefile system to use automake
157 - configure.ac now requires autoconf 2.50 (this is only a problem if
158 you modify it, but I should be the only one doing that)
159 - Transition to new Guile 1.6 API has begun
160 - Scripting must always be enabled for now (known "bug")
161 - first hook of a given type to match is the only hook executed, all
162 others are ignored. Note that the last hook to be registered is the
163 first in the list!
166 Version 1.97: lots of changes, especially guile's scripting support, which
167 is not yet documented. See in the scripts/ directory for
168 examples, and in Interp.C (the Startup() function) for the
169 list of all available commands.
171 Version 1.30: Syntax change for "channel =" in bot.conf. See examples/bot.conf.
172 Rewrite of ident/password system. Should be more secure and
173 flexible.