Update follow_up_emails.php
[clinton/MarylandElectronicPetitionSignature.git] / admin / follow_up_emails.php
1 <?PHP
2 include_once('../email.php');
4 $base_message = "I just wanted to take a second and follow up with your visit to md-petition.com and see if you needed anything, or had any questions.";
6 // USAGE meps_mail('Patrick <baltimorehacker@gmail.com>','','Petition Follow-Up');
8 $q="SELECT * FROM follow_up where status = 'NEW'";
9 $r = $petition->query($q);
10 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
11 $name = $d['name'];
12 $email = $d['email'];
13 $q2 = "SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$d[php_session]'";
14 $r2 = $petition->query($q2);
15 $presign = mysqli_fetch_array($r2);
16 $visit = $presign['action_on'];
17 $invite='';
18 $petition_name='Maryland';
19 if($d['petition_id'] != '0'){
20 $q2 = "SELECT * FROM petitions where petition_id = '$d[petition_id]'";
21 $r2 = $petition->query($q2);
22 $petitions = mysqli_fetch_array($r2);
23 $petition_name = $petitions['petition_name'];
24 $landing_page = $petitions['landing_page'];
25 $web_short_name = $petitions['web_short_name'];
26 $link = 'https://www.md-petition.com/?invite='.$web_short_name;
27 if ($landing_page != ''){
28 $link = 'https://www.md-petition.com/'.$landing_page;
29 }
30 $invite = "<br><br>Petition: $petition_name at <a href='$link'>$link</a>";
31 }
32 $last = "<br><br>Follow up was requested at $visit";
33 $body = $base_message.$invite.$last;
34 $subject = "$petition_name Petition Follow-Up";
35 $to = "$name <$email>";
36 $feedback_message = "TO: $to SUB: $subject MSG: $body sent on ".date('r')." by ".$_COOKIE['name'];
37 meps_mail($to,$body,$subject);
38 $feedback_message = $petition->real_escape_string($feedback_message);
39 $petition->query("update follow_up set status = 'sent', feedback_message = '$feedback_message' where id = '$d[id]' ");
40 }
42 ?>