Update Green-Party-petition.html
[clinton/MarylandElectronicPetitionSignature.git] / Green-Party-petition.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>SBE Policy 2020-01: Temporary Electronic Petition Signature Acceptance</title>
5 <script type="text/javascript">
6 // Variables for referencing the canvas and 2dcanvas context
7 var canvas,ctx;
9 // Variables to keep track of the mouse position and left-button status
10 var mouseX,mouseY,mouseDown=0;
12 // Variables to keep track of the touch position
13 var touchX,touchY;
15 // Draws a dot at a specific position on the supplied canvas name
16 // Parameters are: A canvas context, the x position, the y position, the size of the dot
17 function drawDot(ctx,x,y,size) {
18 // Let's use black by setting RGB values to 0, and 255 alpha (completely opaque)
19 r=0; g=0; b=0; a=255;
21 // Select a fill style
22 ctx.fillStyle = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+","+(a/255)+")";
24 // Draw a filled circle
25 ctx.beginPath();
26 ctx.arc(x, y, size, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
27 ctx.closePath();
28 ctx.fill();
29 }
31 // Clear the canvas context using the canvas width and height
32 function clearCanvas(canvas,ctx) {
33 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
34 }
36 // Keep track of the mouse button being pressed and draw a dot at current location
37 function sketchpad_mouseDown() {
38 mouseDown=1;
39 drawDot(ctx,mouseX,mouseY,1);
40 }
42 // Keep track of the mouse button being released
43 function sketchpad_mouseUp() {
44 mouseDown=0;
45 }
47 // Keep track of the mouse position and draw a dot if mouse button is currently pressed
48 function sketchpad_mouseMove(e) {
49 // Update the mouse co-ordinates when moved
50 getMousePos(e);
52 // Draw a dot if the mouse button is currently being pressed
53 if (mouseDown==1) {
54 drawDot(ctx,mouseX,mouseY,1);
55 }
56 }
58 // Get the current mouse position relative to the top-left of the canvas
59 function getMousePos(e) {
60 if (!e)
61 var e = event;
63 if (e.offsetX) {
64 mouseX = e.offsetX;
65 mouseY = e.offsetY;
66 }
67 else if (e.layerX) {
68 mouseX = e.layerX;
69 mouseY = e.layerY;
70 }
71 }
73 // Draw something when a touch start is detected
74 function sketchpad_touchStart() {
75 // Update the touch co-ordinates
76 getTouchPos();
78 drawDot(ctx,touchX,touchY,1);
80 // Prevents an additional mousedown event being triggered
81 event.preventDefault();
82 }
84 // Draw something and prevent the default scrolling when touch movement is detected
85 function sketchpad_touchMove(e) {
86 // Update the touch co-ordinates
87 getTouchPos(e);
89 // During a touchmove event, unlike a mousemove event, we don't need to check if the touch is engaged, since there will always be contact with the screen by definition.
90 drawDot(ctx,touchX,touchY,1);
92 // Prevent a scrolling action as a result of this touchmove triggering.
93 event.preventDefault();
94 }
96 // Get the touch position relative to the top-left of the canvas
97 // When we get the raw values of pageX and pageY below, they take into account the scrolling on the page
98 // but not the position relative to our target div. We'll adjust them using "target.offsetLeft" and
99 // "target.offsetTop" to get the correct values in relation to the top left of the canvas.
100 function getTouchPos(e) {
101 if (!e)
102 var e = event;
104 if(e.touches) {
105 if (e.touches.length == 1) { // Only deal with one finger
106 var touch = e.touches[0]; // Get the information for finger #1
107 touchX=touch.pageX-touch.target.offsetLeft;
108 touchY=touch.pageY-touch.target.offsetTop;
109 }
110 }
111 }
114 // Set-up the canvas and add our event handlers after the page has loaded
115 function init() {
116 // Get the specific canvas element from the HTML document
117 canvas = document.getElementById('sketchpad');
119 // If the browser supports the canvas tag, get the 2d drawing context for this canvas
120 if (canvas.getContext)
121 ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
123 // Check that we have a valid context to draw on/with before adding event handlers
124 if (ctx) {
125 var img = document.getElementById("petition");
126 ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10);
127 // React to mouse events on the canvas, and mouseup on the entire document
128 canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', sketchpad_mouseDown, false);
129 canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', sketchpad_mouseMove, false);
130 window.addEventListener('mouseup', sketchpad_mouseUp, false);
132 // React to touch events on the canvas
133 canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', sketchpad_touchStart, false);
134 canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', sketchpad_touchMove, false);
135 }
137 }
138 function saveCanvas(canvas,ctx) {
139 var link = document.getElementById('link');
140 link.setAttribute('download', 'Green-Party-petition.png');
141 link.setAttribute('href', canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream"));
142 link.click();
144 }
148 </script>
150 <style>
151 /* Some CSS styling */
152 #sketchpadapp {
153 /* Prevent nearby text being highlighted when accidentally dragging mouse outside confines of the canvas */
154 -webkit-touch-callout: none;
155 -webkit-user-select: none;
156 -khtml-user-select: none;
157 -moz-user-select: none;
158 -ms-user-select: none;
159 user-select: none;
160 width: 800px;
161 position: absolute;
162 top: 0;
163 left: 0;
164 z-index: 0;
165 }
167 #sketchpad {
168 float:left;
169 height:1035px;
170 width:800px;
171 border:2px solid #888;
172 border-radius:4px;
173 position:relative; /* Necessary for correct mouse co-ords in Firefox */
174 }
175 #clearbutton {
176 font-size: 12px;
177 padding: 5px;
178 -webkit-appearance: none;
179 background: #eee;
180 border: 1px solid #888;
181 }
182 #nextbutton {
183 font-size: 12px;
184 padding: 5px;
185 -webkit-appearance: none;
186 background: #90ee90;
187 border: 1px solid #888;
188 }
189 #sharebutton {
190 font-size: 12px;
191 padding: 5px;
192 -webkit-appearance: none;
193 background: #fed8b1;
194 border: 1px solid #888;
195 }
196 #img.source-image {
197 width: 800px;
198 position: absolute;
199 top: 0;
200 left: 0;
201 z-index: -1; /* Doc working with */
202 }
204 /* Style the header */
205 .header {
206 padding: 10px 16px;
207 background: #555;
208 color: #f1f1f1;
209 position: absolute;
210 top: 0;
211 left: 0;
212 z-index: 1; /* Doc working with */
213 }
215 </style>
216 </head>
217 <body onload="init()">
218 <img id="petition" src="Green-Party-petition.png" alt="petition" style='display:none;'>
219 <div class="header" id="myHeader">
220 <input type="submit" value="START" id="nextbutton" onclick="imageZoom("myimage", "myresult");">
221 <input type="submit" value="NEXT" id="nextbutton" onclick="clearCanvas(canvas,ctx);">
222 <input type="submit" value="SAVE to SHARE" id="sharebutton" onclick="saveCanvas(canvas,ctx);">
223 <input type="submit" value="BACK" id="clearbutton" onclick="clearCanvas(canvas,ctx);">
224 <input type="submit" value="CLEAR" id="clearbutton" onclick="clearCanvas(canvas,ctx);">
225 <a id="link"></a>
226 </div>
227 <div id="sketchpadapp">
228 <div class="rightside">
229 <canvas id="sketchpad" height="1035" width="800">
230 </canvas>
231 </div>
232 </div>
233 </body>
234 </html>