[bpt/portal.git] / app / app.sml
1 structure App :> APP =
2 struct
4 val baseUrl = "https://join.hcoop.net/join/"
5 val portalUrl = "https://members2.hcoop.net/portal/"
7 open Sql
9 structure C = PgClient
11 val db = ref (NONE : C.conn option)
13 val rnd = ref (Random.rand (0, 0))
15 fun init () =
16 let
17 val c = C.conn "dbname='hcoop_hcoop'"
18 in
19 db := SOME c;
20 C.dml c "BEGIN";
21 rnd := Random.rand (SysWord.toInt (Posix.Process.pidToWord (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ())),
22 SysWord.toInt (Posix.Process.pidToWord (Posix.ProcEnv.getpid ())))
23 end
25 fun getDb () = valOf (!db)
27 fun done () =
28 let
29 val c = getDb ()
30 in
31 C.dml c "COMMIT";
32 C.close c;
33 db := NONE
34 end
36 fun readFile fname =
37 let
38 val inf = TextIO.openIn fname
40 fun readLines lines =
41 case TextIO.inputLine inf of
42 NONE => String.concat (List.rev lines)
43 | SOME line => readLines (line :: lines)
44 in
45 readLines []
46 before TextIO.closeIn inf
47 end
49 fun readTosBody () = readFile "/home/hcoop/public_html/tos.body.html"
50 fun readTosAgree () = readFile "/home/hcoop/public_html/tos.agree.html"
51 fun readTosMinorAgree () = readFile "/home/hcoop/public_html/tos.agree.minor.html"
53 fun sendMail (to, subj, intro, footer, id) =
54 let
55 val (name, rname, gname, email, forward, uses, other) =
56 case C.oneOrNoRows (getDb ()) ($`SELECT name, rname, gname, email, forward, uses, other FROM MemberApp WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`) of
57 SOME [name, rname, gname, email, forward, uses, other] =>
58 (C.stringFromSql name, C.stringFromSql rname,
59 if C.isNull gname then NONE else SOME (C.stringFromSql gname),
60 C.stringFromSql email,
61 C.boolFromSql forward, C.stringFromSql uses,
62 C.stringFromSql other)
63 | _ => raise Fail "Bad sendMail row"
65 val proc = Unix.execute ("/usr/sbin/exim4", ["-t"])
66 fun mwrite s = TextIO.output (Unix.textOutstreamOf proc, s)
67 in
68 mwrite ("From: Hcoop Application System <join@hcoop.net>\nTo: ");
69 mwrite (to);
70 mwrite ("\nSubject: ");
71 mwrite subj;
72 mwrite ("\n\n");
73 mwrite intro;
74 mwrite ("\n\nUsername: ");
75 mwrite (name);
76 mwrite ("\nMember real name: ");
77 mwrite (rname);
78 case gname of
79 NONE => ()
80 | SOME gname => (mwrite "\nLegal guardian name: ";
81 mwrite gname);
82 mwrite ("\nE-mail address: ");
83 mwrite email;
84 mwrite ("\nForward e-mail: ");
85 mwrite (if forward then "yes" else "no");
86 mwrite ("\n\nDesired uses:\n");
87 mwrite (uses);
88 mwrite ("\n\nOther information:\n");
89 mwrite (other);
90 mwrite ("\n\n");
91 footer mwrite;
92 OS.Process.isSuccess (Unix.reap proc)
93 end
95 type application = { name : string, rname : string, gname : string option, email : string,
96 forward : bool, uses : string, other : string,
97 paypal : string option, checkout : string option }
99 fun randomPassword () =
100 let
101 val proc = Unix.execute ("/usr/bin/apg", ["/usr/bin/apg", "-n", "1", "-m", "10"])
102 in
103 case TextIO.inputLine (Unix.textInstreamOf proc) of
104 NONE => raise Fail "Couldn't execute apg"
105 | SOME line =>
106 case String.tokens Char.isSpace line of
107 [s] => s
108 | _ => raise Fail "Couldn't parse output of apg"
109 end
111 val allLower = CharVector.map Char.toLower
113 fun emailToSql so =
114 case so of
115 NONE => "NULL"
116 | SOME s => C.stringToSql (allLower s)
118 fun apply {name, rname, gname, email, forward, uses, other, paypal, checkout} =
119 let
120 val db = getDb ()
121 in
122 case C.oneRow db ($`SELECT nextval('MemberAppSeq')`) of
123 [id] =>
124 let
125 val id = C.intFromSql id
126 val passwd = Int.toString (Int.abs (Random.randInt (!rnd)))
127 val unix_passwd = randomPassword ()
128 in
129 C.dml db ($`INSERT INTO MemberApp (id, name, rname, gname, email, forward, uses, other, passwd,
130 status, applied, msg, unix_passwd, paypal, checkout)
131 VALUES (^(C.intToSql id), ^(C.stringToSql name), ^(C.stringToSql rname),
132 ^(case gname of NONE => "NULL" | SOME gname => C.stringToSql gname),
133 ^(C.stringToSql email), ^(C.boolToSql forward), ^(C.stringToSql uses),
134 ^(C.stringToSql other), ^(C.stringToSql passwd), 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
135 '', ^(C.stringToSql unix_passwd),
136 ^(emailToSql paypal), ^(emailToSql checkout))`);
137 if sendMail (email, "Confirm membership application",
138 "We've received a request to join the Internet Hosting Cooperative (hcoop.net) with this e-mail address.",
139 fn mwrite => (mwrite ("To confirm this application, visit ");
140 mwrite (baseUrl);
141 mwrite ("confirm?id=");
142 mwrite (Int.toString id);
143 mwrite ("&p=");
144 mwrite passwd;
145 mwrite ("\n")),
146 id) then
147 SOME unix_passwd
148 else
149 NONE
150 end
151 | _ => raise Fail "Bad next sequence val"
152 end
154 fun isIdent ch = Char.isLower ch orelse Char.isDigit ch orelse ch = #"-"
156 fun validHost s =
157 size s > 0 andalso size s < 20 andalso List.all isIdent (String.explode s)
159 fun validDomain s =
160 size s > 0 andalso size s < 100 andalso List.all validHost (String.fields (fn ch => ch = #".") s)
162 fun validUser s =
163 size s > 0 andalso size s < 50 andalso List.all
164 (fn ch => isIdent ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"+")
165 (String.explode s)
167 fun validEmailUser s =
168 size s > 0 andalso size s < 50 andalso List.all
169 (fn ch => Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"." orelse ch = #"_" orelse ch = #"-" orelse ch = #"+")
170 (String.explode s)
172 fun validEmail s =
173 (case String.fields (fn ch => ch = #"@") s of
174 [user, host] => validEmailUser user andalso validDomain host
175 | _ => false)
177 fun userExists name =
178 (Posix.SysDB.getpwnam name; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false
180 fun confirm (id, passwd) =
181 let
182 val db = getDb ()
183 in
184 case C.oneOrNoRows db ($`SELECT unix_passwd FROM MemberApp WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id) AND passwd = ^(C.stringToSql passwd) AND status = 0`) of
185 SOME [_] =>
186 (C.dml db ($`UPDATE MemberApp SET status = 1, confirmed = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ^(C.intToSql id)`);
187 sendMail ("board@hcoop.net",
188 "New membership application",
189 "We've received a new request to join hcoop.",
190 fn mwrite => (mwrite ("Open applications: ");
191 mwrite (portalUrl);
192 mwrite ("apps")),
193 id))
194 | NONE => false
195 end
197 end