Coccinelle release 1.0.0-rc13
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / bundles / sexplib / sexplib-7.0.5 / lib /
1 (******************************************************************************
2 * Sexplib *
3 * *
4 * Copyright (C) 2005- Jane Street Holding, LLC *
5 * Contact: *
6 * WWW: *
7 * Author: Markus Mottl *
8 * *
9 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
11 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
12 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
13 * *
14 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
17 * Lesser General Public License for more details. *
18 * *
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
20 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
21 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
22 * *
23 ******************************************************************************)
25 (* Path: Module for Substitutions within S-expressions *)
27 open Format
29 open Sexp
31 type el = Pos of int | Match of string * int | Rec of string
32 type t = el list
34 let illegal_atom loc sexp =
35 failwith (sprintf "Path.%s: illegal atom: %s" loc (Sexp.to_string sexp))
37 let extract_pos_lst loc sexp ix lst =
38 let rec loop acc n = function
39 | [] ->
40 let sexp_str = Sexp.to_string sexp in
41 failwith (
42 sprintf "Path.%s: illegal index %d in: %s" loc ix sexp_str)
43 | h :: t ->
44 if n = 0 then
45 let subst = function
46 | None -> List.rev_append acc t
47 | Some x -> List.rev_append acc (x :: t) in
48 subst, h
49 else loop (h :: acc) (n - 1) t in
50 loop [] ix lst
52 let extract_pos n = function
53 | List lst as sexp ->
54 let subst, el = extract_pos_lst "extract_pos" sexp n lst in
55 (fun x -> List (subst x)), el
56 | Atom _ as sexp -> illegal_atom "extract_pos" sexp
58 let extract_match tag arg_ix = function
59 | List (Atom str as sexp :: args) when str = tag ->
60 let subst, el = extract_pos_lst "extract_match" (List args) arg_ix args in
61 (fun maybe_x -> List (sexp :: subst maybe_x)), el
62 | List _ as sexp ->
63 let sexp_str = Sexp.to_string sexp in
64 failwith ("Path.extract_match: unexpected nested list in: " ^ sexp_str)
65 | Atom _ as sexp -> illegal_atom "extract_match" sexp
67 let extract_rec key = function
68 | List lst as sexp ->
69 let rec loop acc = function
70 | [] ->
71 let sexp_str = Sexp.to_string sexp in
72 failwith (
73 sprintf "Path.extract_rec: key \"%s\" not found in: %s"
74 key sexp_str)
75 | List [Atom str as sexp; v] :: rest when str = key ->
76 let subst x = List (List.rev_append acc (List [sexp; x] :: rest)) in
77 subst, v
78 | h :: t -> loop (h :: acc) t in
79 loop [] lst
80 | Atom _ as sexp -> illegal_atom "extract_rec" sexp
82 let id x = x
84 let rec subst_option (sup_subst, el) rest =
85 let sub_subst, sub_el = subst_path el rest in
86 let subst x = sup_subst (Some (sub_subst x)) in
87 subst, sub_el
89 and subst_path sexp = function
90 | Pos n :: t -> subst_option (extract_pos n sexp) t
91 | Match (tag, arg_ix) :: t -> subst_option (extract_match tag arg_ix sexp) t
92 | Rec key :: rest ->
93 let rec_subst, el = extract_rec key sexp in
94 let sub_subst, sub_el = subst_path el rest in
95 let subst x = rec_subst (sub_subst x) in
96 subst, sub_el
97 | [] -> id, sexp
99 let implode lst =
100 let len = List.length lst in
101 let str = String.create len in
102 let rec loop ix = function
103 | h :: t -> str.[ix] <- h; loop (ix + 1) t
104 | [] -> str in
105 loop 0 lst
107 let fail_parse msg = failwith ("Path.parse: " ^ msg)
109 let parse str =
110 let len = String.length str in
111 if len = 0 then fail_parse "path empty"
112 else
113 let rec loop acc dot_ix =
114 match str.[dot_ix] with
115 | '.' ->
116 let dot_ix1 = dot_ix + 1 in
117 if dot_ix1 = len then List.rev acc
118 else
119 let rec parse_dot acc str_acc ix =
120 if ix = len then
121 List.rev_append acc [Rec (implode (List.rev str_acc))]
122 else
123 match str.[ix] with
124 | '[' ->
125 let rec parse_index index_acc ix =
126 if ix = len then fail_parse "EOF reading index"
127 else
128 match str.[ix], index_acc with
129 | '0'..'9' as c, None ->
130 parse_index (Some (int_of_char c - 48)) (ix + 1)
131 | '0'..'9' as c, Some index_acc ->
132 let new_index_acc =
133 Some (10 * index_acc + int_of_char c - 48) in
134 parse_index new_index_acc (ix + 1)
135 | ']', None -> fail_parse "empty index"
136 | ']', Some index_acc ->
137 let path_el =
138 if str_acc = [] then Pos index_acc
139 else
140 Match (implode (List.rev str_acc), index_acc) in
141 let ix1 = ix + 1 in
142 if ix1 = len then List.rev_append acc [path_el]
143 else loop (path_el :: acc) ix1
144 | c, _ ->
145 fail_parse (
146 sprintf "illegal character in index: %c" c) in
147 parse_index None (ix + 1)
148 | '\\' ->
149 let ix1 = ix + 1 in
150 if ix1 = len then fail_parse "EOF after escape"
151 else parse_dot acc (str.[ix1] :: str_acc) (ix + 1)
152 | '.' ->
153 if str_acc = [] then fail_parse "double '.'";
154 let path_el = Rec (implode (List.rev str_acc)) in
155 parse_dot (path_el :: acc) [] (ix + 1)
156 | c -> parse_dot acc (c :: str_acc) (ix + 1) in
157 parse_dot acc [] dot_ix1
158 | c -> fail_parse (sprintf "'.' expected; got '%c'" c) in
159 loop [] 0
161 let get_subst path str sexp =
162 let path =
163 match path, str with
164 | Some path, _ -> path
165 | None, Some str -> parse str
166 | None, None -> [] in
167 subst_path sexp path
169 let get ?path ?str sexp = snd (get_subst path str sexp)
171 let replace ?path ?str sexp ~subst =
172 let subst_fun, _ = get_subst path str sexp in
173 subst_fun subst
175 let replace_no_path ~str sexp ~subst = replace ~str sexp ~subst