Release coccinelle-0.2.4
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci /
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
3 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
5 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
6 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
7 *
8 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
11 *
12 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
19 *
20 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
21 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
22 *)
25 (*
26 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
27 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
28 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
29 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
30 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
31 *
32 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
33 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
34 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
35 *
36 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
37 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
39 * GNU General Public License for more details.
40 *
41 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
42 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
43 *
44 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
45 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
46 *)
49 module Ast = Ast_cocci
50 module V = Visitor_ast
51 module TC = Type_cocci
53 (* Issues:
55 1. If a rule X depends on a rule Y (in a positive way), then we can ignore
56 the constants in X.
58 2. If a rule X contains a metavariable that is not under a disjunction and
59 that is inherited from rule Y, then we can ignore the constants in X.
61 3. If a rule contains a constant x in + code then subsequent rules that
62 have it in - or context should not include it in their list of required
63 constants.
64 *)
66 (* This doesn't do the . -> trick of get_constants for record fields, as
67 that does not fit well with the recursive structure. It was not clear
68 that that was completely safe either, although eg putting a newline
69 after the . or -> is probably unusual. *)
71 (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
72 (* This phase collects everything. One can then filter out what it not
73 wanted *)
75 (* True means nothing was found
76 False should never drift to the top, it is the neutral element of or
77 and an or is never empty *)
78 type combine =
79 And of combine list | Or of combine list | Elem of string | False | True
81 (* glimpse often fails on large queries. We can safely remove arguments of
82 && as long as we don't remove all of them (note that there is no negation).
83 This tries just removing one of them and then orders the results by
84 increasing number of ors (ors are long, increasing the chance of failure,
85 and are less restrictive, possibly increasing the chance of irrelevant
86 code. *)
87 let reduce_glimpse x =
88 let rec loop x k q =
89 match x with
90 Elem _ -> q()
91 | And [x] -> loop x (function changed_l -> k (And [changed_l])) q
92 | And l ->
93 kloop l
94 (function changed_l -> k (And changed_l))
95 (function _ ->
96 let rec rloop l k =
97 match l with
98 [] -> q()
99 | x::xs ->
100 (k xs) ::
101 rloop xs (function changed_xs -> k (x :: changed_xs)) in
102 rloop l (function changed_l -> k (And changed_l)))
103 | Or l -> kloop l (function changed_l -> k (Or changed_l)) q
104 | _ -> failwith "not possible"
105 and kloop l k q =
106 match l with
107 [] -> q()
108 | x::xs ->
109 loop x
110 (function changed_x -> k (changed_x::xs))
111 (function _ ->
112 kloop xs
113 (function changed_xs -> k (x :: changed_xs))
114 q) in
115 let rec count_ors = function
116 Elem _ -> 0
117 | And l -> List.fold_left (+) 0 ( count_ors l)
118 | Or l ->
119 ((List.length l) - 1) +
120 (List.fold_left (+) 0 ( count_ors l))
121 | _ -> failwith "not possible" in
122 let res = loop x (function x -> x) (function _ -> []) in
123 let res = (function x -> (count_ors x,x)) res in
124 let res = List.sort compare res in
125 (function (_,x) -> x) res
127 let interpret_glimpse strict x =
128 let rec loop = function
129 Elem x -> x
130 | And [x] -> loop x
131 | Or [x] -> loop x
132 | And l -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat ";" ( loop l))
133 | Or l -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat "," ( loop l))
134 | True ->
135 if strict
136 then failwith "True should not be in the final result"
137 else "True"
138 | False ->
139 if strict
140 then failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code"
141 else "False" in
142 match x with
143 True -> None
144 | False when strict ->
145 failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code"
146 | _ ->
147 Some (if strict then loop (x::reduce_glimpse x) else [loop x])
149 (* grep only does or *)
150 let interpret_grep strict x =
151 let rec loop = function
152 Elem x -> [x]
153 | And l -> List.concat ( loop l)
154 | Or l -> List.concat ( loop l)
155 | True ->
156 if strict
157 then failwith "True should not be in the final result"
158 else ["True"]
159 | False ->
160 if strict
161 then failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code"
162 else ["False"] in
163 match x with
164 True -> None
165 | False when strict ->
166 failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code"
167 | _ -> Some (loop x)
169 let interpret_google strict x =
170 (* convert to dnf *)
171 let rec dnf = function
172 Elem x -> [x]
173 | Or l -> List.fold_left Common.union_set [] ( dnf l)
174 | And l ->
175 let l = dnf l in
176 List.fold_left
177 (function prev ->
178 function cur ->
179 List.fold_left Common.union_set []
180 (
181 (function x ->
182 (function y -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" x y) prev)
183 cur))
184 [] l
185 | True -> ["True"]
186 | False ->
187 if strict
188 then failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code"
189 else ["False"] in
190 match x with
191 True -> None
192 | False when strict ->
193 failwith "False should not be in the final result. Perhaps your rule doesn't contain any +/-/* code"
194 | _ -> Some (dnf x)
196 let combine2c x =
197 match interpret_glimpse false x with
198 None -> "None"
199 | Some x -> String.concat " || " x
201 let norm = function
202 And l -> And (List.sort compare l)
203 | Or l -> Or (List.sort compare l)
204 | x -> x
206 let rec merge l1 l2 =
207 match (l1,l2) with
208 ([],l2) -> l2
209 | (l1,[]) -> l1
210 | (x::xs,y::ys) ->
211 (match compare x y with
212 -1 -> x::(merge xs l2)
213 | 0 -> x::(merge xs ys)
214 | 1 -> y::(merge l1 ys)
215 | _ -> failwith "not possible")
217 let intersect l1 l2 = List.filter (function l1e -> List.mem l1e l2) l1
219 let minus_set l1 l2 = List.filter (function l1e -> not (List.mem l1e l2)) l1
221 let rec insert x l = merge [x] l
223 let rec build_and x y =
224 if x = y
225 then x
226 else
227 match (x,y) with
228 (True,x) | (x,True) -> x
229 | (False,x) | (x,False) -> False
230 | (And l1,And l2) -> And (merge l1 l2)
231 | (x,Or l) when List.mem x l -> x
232 | (Or l,x) when List.mem x l -> x
233 | (Or l1,Or l2) when not ((intersect l1 l2) = []) ->
234 let inner =
235 build_and
236 (List.fold_left build_or False (minus_set l1 l2))
237 (List.fold_left build_or False (minus_set l2 l1)) in
238 List.fold_left build_or inner (intersect l1 l2)
239 | (x,And l) | (And l,x) ->
240 if List.mem x l
241 then And l
242 else
243 let others =
244 List.filter
245 (function
246 Or l -> not(List.mem x l)
247 | _ -> true)
248 l in
249 And (insert x others)
250 | (x,y) -> norm(And [x;y])
252 and build_or x y =
253 if x = y
254 then x
255 else
256 match (x,y) with
257 (True,x) | (x,True) -> True
258 | (False,x) | (x,False) -> x
259 | (Or l1,Or l2) -> Or (merge l1 l2)
260 | (x,And l) when List.mem x l -> x
261 | (And l,x) when List.mem x l -> x
262 | (And l1,And l2) when not ((intersect l1 l2) = []) ->
263 let inner =
264 build_or
265 (List.fold_left build_and True (minus_set l1 l2))
266 (List.fold_left build_and True (minus_set l2 l1)) in
267 List.fold_left build_and inner (intersect l1 l2)
268 | (x,Or l) | (Or l,x) ->
269 if List.mem x l
270 then Or l
271 else
272 let others =
273 List.filter
274 (function
275 And l -> not(List.mem x l)
276 | _ -> true)
277 l in
278 Or (insert x others)
279 | (x,y) -> norm(Or [x;y])
281 let keep x = Elem x
282 let drop x = True
284 let do_get_constants constants keywords env neg_pos =
285 let donothing r k e = k e in
286 let option_default = True in
287 let bind = build_and in
288 let inherited ((nm1,_) as x) =
289 (* ignore virtuals *)
290 if nm1 = "virtual" then option_default
291 (* perhaps inherited, but value not required, so no constraints *)
292 else if List.mem x neg_pos then option_default
293 else (try List.assoc nm1 env with Not_found -> False) in
294 let minherited name = inherited (Ast.unwrap_mcode name) in
295 let mcode _ x =
296 match Ast.get_pos_var x with
297 Ast.MetaPos(name,constraints,_,keep,inh) -> minherited name
298 | _ -> option_default in
300 (* if one branch gives no information, then we have to take anything *)
301 let disj_union_all = List.fold_left build_or False in
303 let ident r k i =
304 match Ast.unwrap i with
305 Ast.Id(name) ->
306 bind (k i)
307 (match Ast.unwrap_mcode name with
308 "NULL" -> keywords "NULL"
309 | nm -> constants nm)
310 | Ast.MetaId(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaFunc(name,_,_,_)
311 | Ast.MetaLocalFunc(name,_,_,_) -> bind (k i) (minherited name)
312 | _ -> k i in
314 let rec type_collect res = function
315 TC.ConstVol(_,ty) | TC.Pointer(ty) | TC.FunctionPointer(ty)
316 | TC.Array(ty) -> type_collect res ty
317 | TC.MetaType(tyname,_,_) ->
318 inherited tyname
319 | TC.TypeName(s) -> constants s
320 | TC.EnumName(TC.Name s) -> constants s
321 | TC.StructUnionName(_,TC.Name s) -> constants s
322 | ty -> res in
324 (* no point to do anything special for records because glimpse is
325 word-oriented *)
326 let expression r k e =
327 match Ast.unwrap e with
328 Ast.Constant(const) ->
329 bind (k e)
330 (match Ast.unwrap_mcode const with
331 Ast.String s -> constants s
332 | Ast.Char "\\0" -> option_default (* glimpse doesn't like it *)
333 | Ast.Char s -> option_default (* probably not chars either *)
334 (* the following were eg keywords "1", but not good for glimpse *)
335 | Ast.Int s -> option_default (* glimpse doesn't index integers *)
336 | Ast.Float s -> option_default (* probably not floats either *))
337 | Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,Some type_list,_,_) ->
338 let types = List.fold_left type_collect option_default type_list in
339 bind (k e) (bind (minherited name) types)
340 | Ast.MetaErr(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,_,_,_) ->
341 bind (k e) (minherited name)
342 | Ast.MetaExprList(name,Ast.MetaListLen (lenname,_,_),_,_) ->
343 bind (k e) (bind (minherited name) (minherited lenname))
344 | Ast.MetaExprList(name,_,_,_) -> minherited name
345 | Ast.SizeOfExpr(sizeof,exp) -> bind (keywords "sizeof") (k e)
346 | Ast.SizeOfType(sizeof,lp,ty,rp) -> bind (keywords "sizeof") (k e)
347 | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,wc,false) -> option_default
348 | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,wc,true) ->
349 r.V.combiner_expression_dots expr_dots
350 | Ast.DisjExpr(exps) ->
351 disj_union_all ( r.V.combiner_expression exps)
352 | Ast.OptExp(exp) -> option_default
353 | Ast.Edots(_,_) | Ast.Ecircles(_,_) | Ast.Estars(_,_) -> option_default
354 | _ -> k e in
356 let fullType r k ft =
357 match Ast.unwrap ft with
358 Ast.DisjType(decls) ->
359 disj_union_all ( r.V.combiner_fullType decls)
360 | Ast.OptType(ty) -> option_default
361 | _ -> k ft in
363 let baseType = function
364 Ast.VoidType -> keywords "void "
365 | Ast.CharType -> keywords "char "
366 | Ast.ShortType -> keywords "short "
367 | Ast.IntType -> keywords "int "
368 | Ast.DoubleType -> keywords "double "
369 | Ast.FloatType -> keywords "float "
370 | Ast.LongType | Ast.LongLongType -> keywords "long "
371 | Ast.SizeType -> keywords "size_t "
372 | Ast.SSizeType -> keywords "ssize_t "
373 | Ast.PtrDiffType -> keywords "ptrdiff_t " in
375 let typeC r k ty =
376 match Ast.unwrap ty with
377 Ast.BaseType(ty1,strings) -> bind (k ty) (baseType ty1)
378 | Ast.TypeName(name) -> bind (k ty) (constants (Ast.unwrap_mcode name))
379 | Ast.MetaType(name,_,_) -> bind (minherited name) (k ty)
380 | _ -> k ty in
382 let declaration r k d =
383 match Ast.unwrap d with
384 Ast.MetaDecl(name,_,_) | Ast.MetaField(name,_,_) ->
385 bind (k d) (minherited name)
386 | Ast.DisjDecl(decls) ->
387 disj_union_all ( r.V.combiner_declaration decls)
388 | Ast.OptDecl(decl) -> option_default
389 | Ast.Ddots(dots,whencode) -> option_default
390 | _ -> k d in
392 let initialiser r k i =
393 match Ast.unwrap i with
394 Ast.OptIni(ini) -> option_default
395 | _ -> k i in
397 let parameter r k p =
398 match Ast.unwrap p with
399 Ast.OptParam(param) -> option_default
400 | Ast.MetaParam(name,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name)
401 | Ast.MetaParamList(name,Ast.MetaListLen(lenname,_,_),_,_) ->
402 bind (minherited name) (bind (minherited lenname) (k p))
403 | Ast.MetaParamList(name,_,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name)
404 | _ -> k p in
406 let rule_elem r k re =
407 match Ast.unwrap re with
408 Ast.MetaRuleElem(name,_,_) | Ast.MetaStmt(name,_,_,_)
409 | Ast.MetaStmtList(name,_,_) -> bind (minherited name) (k re)
410 | Ast.WhileHeader(whl,lp,exp,rp) ->
411 bind (keywords "while") (k re)
412 | Ast.WhileTail(whl,lp,exp,rp,sem) ->
413 bind (keywords "do") (k re)
414 | Ast.ForHeader(fr,lp,e1,sem1,e2,sem2,e3,rp) ->
415 bind (keywords "for") (k re)
416 | Ast.SwitchHeader(switch,lp,exp,rp) ->
417 bind (keywords "switch") (k re)
418 | Ast.Break(br,sem) ->
419 bind (keywords "break") (k re)
420 | Ast.Continue(cont,sem) ->
421 bind (keywords "continue") (k re)
422 | Ast.Goto(_,i,_) ->
423 bind (keywords "goto") (k re)
424 | Ast.Default(def,colon) ->
425 bind (keywords "default") (k re)
426 | Ast.Include(inc,s) ->
427 bind (k re)
428 (match Ast.unwrap_mcode s with
429 Ast.Local l | Ast.NonLocal l ->
430 let strings =
431 List.fold_left
432 (function prev ->
433 function
434 (* just take the last thing, probably the most
435 specific. everything is necessary anyway. *)
436 Ast.IncPath s -> [Elem s]
437 | Ast.IncDots -> prev)
438 [] l in
439 (match strings with
440 [] -> True
441 | x::xs -> List.fold_left bind x xs))
442 | Ast.DisjRuleElem(res) ->
443 disj_union_all ( r.V.combiner_rule_elem res)
444 | _ -> k re in
446 let statement r k s =
447 match Ast.unwrap s with
448 Ast.Disj(stmt_dots) ->
449 disj_union_all ( r.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots)
450 | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,false,_,_) -> option_default
451 | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,true,_,_) ->
452 r.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots
453 | Ast.OptStm(s) -> option_default
454 | Ast.Dots(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Circles(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Stars(d,whn,_,_) ->
455 option_default
456 | _ -> k s in
458 V.combiner bind option_default
459 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
460 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
461 ident expression fullType typeC initialiser parameter declaration
462 rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing
464 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
466 let filter_combine combine to_drop =
467 let rec and_loop = function
468 Elem x when List.mem x to_drop -> True
469 | Or l -> List.fold_left build_or False ( or_loop l)
470 | x -> x
471 and or_loop = function
472 Elem x when List.mem x to_drop -> False
473 | And l -> List.fold_left build_and True ( and_loop l)
474 | x -> x in
475 or_loop combine
477 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
479 let get_all_constants minus_only =
480 let donothing r k e = k e in
481 let bind = Common.union_set in
482 let option_default = [] in
483 let mcode r (x,_,mcodekind,_) =
484 match mcodekind with
485 Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,_) -> [x]
486 | _ when minus_only -> []
487 | _ -> [x] in
488 let other r _ = [] in
490 V.combiner bind option_default
491 other mcode other other other other other other other other other other
493 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
494 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
495 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
497 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
499 let get_plus_constants =
500 let donothing r k e = k e in
501 let bind = Common.union_set in
502 let option_default = [] in
504 let recurse l =
505 List.fold_left
506 (List.fold_left
507 (function prev ->
508 function cur ->
509 bind ((get_all_constants false).V.combiner_anything cur) prev))
510 [] l in
511 let process_mcodekind = function
512 Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,anythings) -> recurse anythings
513 | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.BEFORE(a,_)) -> recurse a
514 | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.AFTER(a,_)) -> recurse a
515 | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.BEFOREAFTER(a1,a2,_)) ->
516 Common.union_set (recurse a1) (recurse a2)
517 | _ -> [] in
519 let mcode r mc = process_mcodekind (Ast.get_mcodekind mc) in
520 let end_info (_,_,_,mc) = process_mcodekind mc in
522 let rule_elem r k e =
523 match Ast.unwrap e with
524 Ast.FunHeader(bef,_,_,_,_,_,_)
525 | Ast.Decl(bef,_,_) -> bind (process_mcodekind bef) (k e)
526 | _ -> k e in
528 let statement r k e =
529 match Ast.unwrap e with
530 Ast.IfThen(_,_,ei) | Ast.IfThenElse(_,_,_,_,ei)
531 | Ast.While(_,_,ei) | Ast.For(_,_,ei)
532 | Ast.Iterator(_,_,ei) -> bind (k e) (end_info ei)
533 | _ -> k e in
535 V.combiner bind option_default
536 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
537 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
538 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
539 rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing
541 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
543 (* true means the rule should be analyzed, false means it should be ignored *)
544 let rec dependencies env = function
545 Ast.Dep s -> (try List.assoc s env with Not_found -> False)
546 | Ast.AntiDep s -> True
547 | Ast.EverDep s -> (try List.assoc s env with Not_found -> False)
548 | Ast.NeverDep s -> True
549 | Ast.AndDep (d1,d2) -> build_and (dependencies env d1) (dependencies env d2)
550 | Ast.OrDep (d1,d2) -> build_or (dependencies env d1) (dependencies env d2)
551 | Ast.NoDep -> True
552 | Ast.FailDep -> False
554 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
556 let all_context =
557 let bind x y = x && y in
558 let option_default = true in
560 let donothing recursor k e = k e in
562 let process_mcodekind = function
563 Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.NOTHING) -> true
564 | _ -> false in
566 let mcode r e = process_mcodekind (Ast.get_mcodekind e) in
568 let end_info (_,_,_,mc) = process_mcodekind mc in
570 let initialiser r k e =
571 match Ast.unwrap e with
572 Ast.StrInitList(all_minus,_,_,_,_) ->
573 not all_minus && k e
574 | _ -> k e in
576 let rule_elem r k e =
577 match Ast.unwrap e with
578 Ast.FunHeader(bef,_,_,_,_,_,_)
579 | Ast.Decl(bef,_,_) -> bind (process_mcodekind bef) (k e)
580 | _ -> k e in
582 let statement r k e =
583 match Ast.unwrap e with
584 Ast.IfThen(_,_,ei) | Ast.IfThenElse(_,_,_,_,ei)
585 | Ast.While(_,_,ei) | Ast.For(_,_,ei)
586 | Ast.Iterator(_,_,ei) -> bind (k e) (end_info ei)
587 | _ -> k e in
589 V.combiner bind option_default
590 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
591 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
592 donothing donothing donothing donothing initialiser donothing
593 donothing rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing
595 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
597 let rule_fn tls in_plus env neg_pos =
598 List.fold_left
599 (function (rest_info,in_plus) ->
600 function (cur,neg_pos) ->
601 let minuses =
602 let getter = do_get_constants keep drop env neg_pos in
603 getter.V.combiner_top_level cur in
604 let all_minuses =
605 if !Flag.sgrep_mode2
606 then [] (* nothing removed for sgrep *)
607 else (get_all_constants true).V.combiner_top_level cur in
608 let plusses = get_plus_constants.V.combiner_top_level cur in
609 (* the following is for eg -foo(2) +foo(x) then in another rule
610 -foo(10); don't want to consider that foo is guaranteed to be
611 created by the rule. not sure this works completely: what if foo is
612 in both - and +, but in an or, so the cases aren't related?
613 not sure this whole thing is a good idea. how do we know that
614 something that is only in plus is really freshly created? *)
615 let plusses = Common.minus_set plusses all_minuses in
616 let was_bot = minuses = True in
617 let new_minuses = filter_combine minuses in_plus in
618 let new_plusses = Common.union_set plusses in_plus in
619 (* perhaps it should be build_and here? we don't realy have multiple
620 minirules anymore anyway. *)
621 match new_minuses with
622 True ->
623 let getter = do_get_constants drop keep env neg_pos in
624 let retry = getter.V.combiner_top_level cur in
625 (match retry with
626 True when not was_bot -> (rest_info, new_plusses)
627 | x -> (build_or x rest_info, new_plusses))
628 | x -> (build_or x rest_info, new_plusses))
629 (False,in_plus) (List.combine tls neg_pos)
631 let run rules neg_pos_vars =
632 let (info,_,_,_) =
633 List.fold_left
634 (function (rest_info,in_plus,env,locals(*dom of env*)) ->
635 function
636 (Ast.ScriptRule (nm,_,deps,mv,_,_),_) ->
637 let extra_deps =
638 List.fold_left
639 (function prev ->
640 function (_,(rule,_),_) ->
641 if rule = "virtual"
642 then prev
643 else Ast.AndDep (Ast.Dep rule,prev))
644 deps mv in
645 (match dependencies env extra_deps with
646 False -> (rest_info, in_plus, (nm,True)::env, nm::locals)
647 | dependencies ->
648 (build_or dependencies rest_info, in_plus, env, locals))
649 | (Ast.InitialScriptRule (_,_,deps,_),_)
650 | (Ast.FinalScriptRule (_,_,deps,_),_) ->
651 (* initialize and finalize dependencies are irrelevant to
652 get_constants *)
653 (rest_info, in_plus, env, locals)
654 | (Ast.CocciRule (nm,(dep,_,_),cur,_,_),neg_pos_vars) ->
655 let (cur_info,cur_plus) =
656 rule_fn cur in_plus ((nm,True)::env)
657 neg_pos_vars in
658 (match dependencies env dep with
659 False -> (rest_info,cur_plus,env,locals)
660 | dependencies ->
661 if List.for_all all_context.V.combiner_top_level cur
662 then (rest_info,cur_plus,(nm,cur_info)::env,nm::locals)
663 else
664 (* no constants if dependent on another rule; then we need to
665 find the constants of that rule *)
666 (build_or (build_and dependencies cur_info) rest_info,
667 cur_plus,env,locals)))
668 (False,[],[],[])
669 (List.combine (rules : Ast.rule list) neg_pos_vars) in
670 info
672 let get_constants rules neg_pos_vars =
673 match !Flag.scanner with
674 Flag.NoScanner -> (None,None,None)
675 | Flag.Grep ->
676 let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in
677 (interpret_grep true res,None,None)
678 | Flag.Glimpse ->
679 let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in
680 (interpret_grep true res,interpret_glimpse true res,None)
681 | Flag.Google _ ->
682 let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in
683 (interpret_grep true res,interpret_google true res,None)
684 | Flag.IdUtils _ ->
685 let res = run rules neg_pos_vars in
686 (interpret_grep true res,None,Some res)