Release coccinelle-0.2.4
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci /
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
3 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
5 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
6 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
7 *
8 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
11 *
12 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
19 *
20 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
21 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
22 *)
25 (*
26 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
27 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
28 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
29 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
30 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
31 *
32 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
33 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
34 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
35 *
36 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
37 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
39 * GNU General Public License for more details.
40 *
41 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
42 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
43 *
44 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
45 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
46 *)
49 module Ast0 = Ast0_cocci
50 module Ast = Ast_cocci
51 module V0 = Visitor_ast0
52 module VT0 = Visitor_ast0_types
54 type id = Id of string | Meta of Ast.meta_name
56 let rec get_name name =
57 match Ast0.unwrap name with
58 Ast0.Id(nm) -> Id(Ast0.unwrap_mcode nm)
59 | Ast0.MetaId(nm,_,_) | Ast0.MetaFunc(nm,_,_)
60 | Ast0.MetaLocalFunc(nm,_,_) -> Meta(Ast0.unwrap_mcode nm)
61 | Ast0.OptIdent(id) | Ast0.UniqueIdent(id) ->
62 get_name id
64 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
65 (* collect all of the functions *)
67 let brace_to_semi (_,arity,info,mcodekind,pos,adj) =
68 let info =
69 (* drop column information, so that with -smpl_spacing the semicolon
70 will come out right after the close parenthesis *)
71 {info with Ast0.pos_info = {info.Ast0.pos_info with Ast0.column = -1}} in
72 (";",Ast0.NONE,info,mcodekind,pos,adj)
74 let collect_function (stm : Ast0.statement) =
75 match Ast0.unwrap stm with
76 Ast0.FunDecl(_,fninfo,name,lp,params,rp,lbrace,body,rbrace) ->
77 let stg =
78 match
79 List.filter (function Ast0.FStorage(_) -> true | _ -> false)
80 fninfo with [Ast0.FStorage(s)] -> Some s | _ -> None in
81 let ty =
82 match
83 List.filter (function Ast0.FType(_) -> true | _ -> false)
84 fninfo with [Ast0.FType(t)] -> Some t | _ -> None in
85 [(get_name name,stm,
86 Ast0.copywrap stm
87 (Ast0.Decl((Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.context_befaft()),
88 Ast0.copywrap stm
89 (Ast0.UnInit
90 (stg,
91 Ast0.copywrap stm
92 (Ast0.FunctionType(ty,lp,params,rp)),
93 name,brace_to_semi lbrace)))))]
94 | _ -> []
96 let collect_functions stmt_dots =
97 List.concat ( collect_function (Ast0.undots stmt_dots))
99 let get_all_functions rule =
100 let res =
101 match Ast0.unwrap rule with
102 Ast0.DECL(stmt) -> collect_function stmt
103 | Ast0.CODE(rule_elem_dots) -> collect_functions rule_elem_dots
104 | _ -> [] in
106 (function (nm,def,vl) ->
107 (nm,
108 (def,(Iso_pattern.rebuild_mcode None).VT0.rebuilder_rec_statement vl)))
109 res
111 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
112 (* try to match up the functions *)
114 (* pass through the - and + functions in lockstep, until one runs out.
115 Then process the remaining minuses, if any. If we can find another
116 function of the same name for either the current - or + function, take that
117 one. Otherwise, align the two current ones. *)
119 let rec align all_minus all_plus =
120 let rec loop = function
121 ([],_) -> []
122 | ((mname,(mdef,mproto))::minus,[]) ->
123 (try
124 let (_,pproto) = List.assoc mname all_plus in
125 (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto)::(loop (minus,[]))
126 with Not_found -> (mname,mdef,mproto,None)::(loop (minus, [])))
127 | ((mname,(mdef,mproto))::minus,(pname,(pdef,pproto))::plus) ->
128 if mname = pname
129 then (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto)::(loop (minus, []))
130 else
131 (try
132 let (_,pproto_for_minus) = List.assoc mname all_plus in
133 (try
134 let _ = List.assoc mname all_plus in
135 (* protos that match both *)
136 (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto_for_minus)::(loop (minus, plus))
137 with Not_found ->
138 (* proto that matches only minus *)
139 (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto_for_minus)::
140 (loop (minus, ((pname,(pdef,pproto))::plus))))
141 with Not_found ->
142 (try
143 let _ = List.assoc mname all_plus in
144 (* proto only for plus *)
145 (mname,mdef,mproto,None)::(loop (minus, plus))
146 with Not_found ->
147 (* protos for no one *)
148 (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto)::(loop (minus, plus)))) in
149 List.filter changed_proto (loop (all_minus, all_plus))
151 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
153 and strip =
154 let donothing r k e =
155 {(Ast0.wrap (Ast0.unwrap (k e))) with
156 Ast0.mcodekind = ref (Ast0.PLUS Ast.ONE)} in
157 let mcode (mc,_,_,_,_,_) =
158 (mc,Ast0.NONE,Ast0.default_info(),Ast0.PLUS Ast.ONE,
159 ref Ast0.NoMetaPos,-1) in
161 (* need a case for everything that has an unvisited component and can be in
162 a function prototype *)
164 let ident r k e =
165 donothing r k
166 (Ast0.rewrap e
167 (match Ast0.unwrap e with
168 Ast0.MetaId(nm,constraints,pure) ->
169 Ast0.MetaId(nm,constraints,Ast0.Pure)
170 | Ast0.MetaFunc(nm,constraints,pure) ->
171 Ast0.MetaFunc(nm,constraints,Ast0.Pure)
172 | Ast0.MetaLocalFunc(nm,constraints,pure) ->
173 Ast0.MetaLocalFunc(nm,constraints,Ast0.Pure)
174 | e -> e)) in
176 let typeC r k e =
177 donothing r k
178 (Ast0.rewrap e
179 (match Ast0.unwrap e with
180 Ast0.MetaType(nm,pure) -> Ast0.MetaType(nm,Ast0.Pure)
181 | e -> e)) in
183 let param r k e =
184 donothing r k
185 (Ast0.rewrap e
186 (match Ast0.unwrap e with
187 Ast0.MetaParam(nm,pure) ->
188 Ast0.MetaParam(nm,Ast0.Pure)
189 | Ast0.MetaParamList(nm,lenname,pure) ->
190 Ast0.MetaParamList(nm,lenname,Ast0.Pure)
191 | e -> e)) in
193 V0.flat_rebuilder
194 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
195 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
196 ident donothing typeC donothing param donothing donothing
197 donothing donothing
199 and changed_proto = function
200 (mname,mdef,mproto,None) -> true
201 | (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto) ->
202 not ((strip.VT0.rebuilder_rec_statement mproto) =
203 (strip.VT0.rebuilder_rec_statement pproto))
205 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
206 (* make rules *)
208 let rec drop_param_name p =
209 Ast0.rewrap p
210 (match Ast0.unwrap p with
211 Ast0.Param(p,_) -> Ast0.Param(p,None)
212 | Ast0.OptParam(p) -> Ast0.OptParam(drop_param_name p)
213 | Ast0.UniqueParam(p) -> Ast0.UniqueParam(p)
214 | p -> p)
216 let drop_names dec =
217 let dec = (Iso_pattern.rebuild_mcode None).VT0.rebuilder_rec_statement dec in
218 match Ast0.unwrap dec with
219 Ast0.Decl(info,uninit) ->
220 (match Ast0.unwrap uninit with
221 Ast0.UnInit(stg,typ,name,sem) ->
222 (match Ast0.unwrap typ with
223 Ast0.FunctionType(ty,lp,params,rp) ->
224 let params =
225 match Ast0.unwrap params with
226 Ast0.DOTS(l) ->
227 Ast0.rewrap params (Ast0.DOTS( drop_param_name l))
228 | Ast0.CIRCLES(l) ->
229 Ast0.rewrap params
230 (Ast0.CIRCLES( drop_param_name l))
231 | Ast0.STARS(l) -> failwith "unexpected stars" in
232 Ast0.rewrap dec
233 (Ast0.Decl
234 (info,
235 Ast0.rewrap uninit
236 (Ast0.UnInit
237 (stg,
238 Ast0.rewrap typ
239 (Ast0.FunctionType(ty,lp,params,rp)),
240 name,sem))))
241 | _ -> failwith "function prototypes: unexpected type")
242 | _ -> failwith "unexpected declaration")
243 | _ -> failwith "unexpected term"
245 let ct = ref 0
247 let new_name name =
248 let n = !ct in
249 ct := !ct + 1;
250 name^"__"^(string_of_int n)
252 let rec rename_param old_name all param =
253 match Ast0.unwrap param with
254 Ast0.Param(ty,Some id) when all ->
255 (match Ast0.unwrap id with
256 Ast0.MetaId
257 (((_,name),arity,info,mcodekind,pos,adj),constraints,pure) ->
258 let nm = ("__no_name__",new_name name) in
259 let new_id =
260 Ast0.rewrap id
261 (Ast0.MetaId
262 ((nm,arity,info,mcodekind,pos,adj),constraints,
263 Ast0.Pure)) in
264 ([Ast.MetaIdDecl(Ast.NONE,nm)],
265 Ast0.rewrap param (Ast0.Param(ty,Some new_id)))
266 | _ -> ([],param))
267 | Ast0.Pdots(d) ->
268 let nm = (old_name,new_name "__P") in
269 let nml = (old_name,new_name "__n") in
270 let new_id =
271 Ast0.rewrap param
272 (Ast0.MetaParamList(Ast0.rewrap_mcode d nm,
273 Ast0.MetaListLen (Ast0.rewrap_mcode d nml),
274 Ast0.Pure)) in
275 ([Ast.MetaParamListDecl(Ast.NONE,nm,Ast.MetaLen nml);
276 Ast.MetaListlenDecl(nml)],
277 new_id)
278 | Ast0.OptParam(p) ->
279 let (metavars,p) = rename_param old_name all p in
280 (metavars,Ast0.rewrap param (Ast0.OptParam(p)))
281 | Ast0.UniqueParam(p) ->
282 let (metavars,p) = rename_param old_name all p in
283 (metavars,Ast0.rewrap param (Ast0.UniqueParam(p)))
284 | _ -> ([],param)
286 (* try to convert names in the - parameter list to new metavariables, to
287 account for spelling mistakes on the part of the programmer *)
288 let fresh_names old_name mdef dec =
289 let res = ([],[],dec,mdef) in
290 match Ast0.unwrap dec with
291 Ast0.Decl(info,uninit) ->
292 (match Ast0.unwrap uninit with
293 Ast0.UnInit(stg,typ,name,sem) ->
294 (match Ast0.unwrap typ with
295 Ast0.FunctionType(ty,lp,params,rp) ->
296 let (metavars,newdec) =
297 let (metavars,l) =
298 List.split
299 ( (rename_param old_name true)
300 (Ast0.undots params)) in
301 (List.concat metavars,
302 Ast0.rewrap dec
303 (Ast0.Decl
304 (info,
305 Ast0.rewrap uninit
306 (Ast0.UnInit
307 (stg,
308 Ast0.rewrap typ
309 (Ast0.FunctionType
310 (ty,lp,Ast0.rewrap params (Ast0.DOTS(l)),
311 rp)),
312 name,sem))))) in
313 let (def_metavars,newdef) =
314 match Ast0.unwrap mdef with
315 Ast0.FunDecl(x,fninfo,name,lp,params,rp,lb,body,rb) ->
316 let (def_metavars,def_l) =
317 List.split
318 ( (rename_param old_name false)
319 (Ast0.undots params)) in
320 (List.concat def_metavars,
321 Ast0.rewrap mdef
322 (Ast0.FunDecl(x,fninfo,name,lp,
323 Ast0.rewrap params (Ast0.DOTS(def_l)),
324 rp,lb,body,rb)))
325 | _ -> failwith "unexpected function definition" in
326 (metavars,def_metavars,newdec,newdef)
327 | _ -> res)
328 | _ -> res)
329 | _ -> res
331 (* since there is no + counterpart, the function must be completely deleted *)
332 let no_names dec =
333 match Ast0.unwrap dec with
334 Ast0.Decl(info,uninit) ->
335 (match Ast0.unwrap uninit with
336 Ast0.UnInit(stg,typ,name,sem) ->
337 (match Ast0.unwrap typ with
338 Ast0.FunctionType(ty,lp,params,rp) ->
339 Ast0.rewrap dec
340 (Ast0.Decl
341 (info,
342 Ast0.rewrap uninit
343 (Ast0.UnInit
344 (stg,
345 Ast0.rewrap typ
346 (Ast0.FunctionType
347 (ty,lp,
348 Ast0.rewrap params
349 (let info = Ast0.get_info params in
350 let mcodekind =
351 (* use the mcodekind of an atomic minused
352 thing *)
353 Ast0.get_mcode_mcodekind lp in
354 let pdots =
355 ("...",Ast0.NONE,info,mcodekind,
356 ref Ast0.NoMetaPos,-1) in
357 Ast0.DOTS
358 ([Ast0.rewrap params
359 (Ast0.Pdots(pdots))])),
360 rp)),
361 name,sem))))
362 | _ -> dec)
363 | _ -> dec)
364 | _ -> dec
366 let merge mproto pproto =
367 let mproto =
368 Compute_lines.compute_lines true
369 [Ast0.copywrap mproto (Ast0.DECL mproto)] in
370 let pproto =
371 Compute_lines.compute_lines true
372 [Ast0.copywrap pproto (Ast0.DECL pproto)] in
373 let (m,p) = List.split(Context_neg.context_neg mproto pproto) in
374 Insert_plus.insert_plus m p true (* no isos for protos *);
375 (* convert to ast so that the + code will fall down to the tokens
376 and off the artificially added Ast0.DECL *)
377 let mproto = Ast0toast.ast0toast_toplevel (List.hd mproto) in
378 (* clean up the wrapping added above *)
379 match Ast.unwrap mproto with
380 Ast.DECL mproto -> mproto
381 | _ -> failwith "not possible"
383 let make_rule rule_name = function
384 (mname,mdef,mproto,Some pproto) ->
385 let (metavars,mdef_metavars,mproto,mdef) =
386 fresh_names rule_name mdef mproto in
387 let no_name_mproto = drop_names mproto in
388 let no_name_pproto = drop_names pproto in
389 (metavars,mdef_metavars,
390 [merge mproto pproto; merge no_name_mproto no_name_pproto],mdef)
391 | (mname,mdef,mproto,None) ->
392 ([],[],[Ast0toast.statement(no_names mproto)],mdef)
394 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
396 let reinsert mdefs minus =
397 let table =
399 (function x ->
400 match Ast0.unwrap x with
401 Ast0.FunDecl(_,fninfo,name,lp,params,rp,lbrace,body,rbrace) ->
402 (name,x)
403 | _ -> failwith "bad mdef")
404 mdefs in
406 (function x ->
407 match Ast0.unwrap x with
408 Ast0.DECL(stmt) ->
409 (match Ast0.unwrap stmt with
410 Ast0.FunDecl(_,fninfo,name,lp,params,rp,lbrace,body,rbrace) ->
411 (try Ast0.rewrap x (Ast0.DECL(List.assoc name table))
412 with Not_found -> x)
413 | _ -> x)
414 | Ast0.CODE(rule_elem_dots) ->
415 (* let's hope there are no functions in here... *)
416 x
417 | _ -> x)
418 minus
420 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
421 (* entry point *)
423 let rec split4 = function
424 [] -> ([],[],[],[])
425 | (a,b,c,d)::rest ->
426 let (ax,bx,cx,dx) = split4 rest in (a::ax,b::bx,c::cx,d::dx)
428 let process rule_name rule_metavars dropped_isos minus plus ruletype =
429 let minus_functions = List.concat ( get_all_functions minus) in
430 match minus_functions with
431 [] -> ((rule_metavars,minus),None)
432 | _ ->
433 let plus_functions =
434 List.concat ( get_all_functions plus) in
435 let protos = align minus_functions plus_functions in
436 let (metavars,mdef_metavars,rules,mdefs) =
437 split4( (make_rule rule_name) protos) in
438 let metavars = List.concat metavars in
439 let mdef_metavars = (List.concat mdef_metavars) @ rule_metavars in
440 let rules = List.concat rules in
441 let minus = reinsert mdefs minus in
442 match rules with
443 [] -> ((rule_metavars,minus),None)
444 | [x] ->
445 (* probably not possible, since there is always the version with
446 variables and the version without *)
447 ((mdef_metavars,minus),
448 Some
449 (metavars,
450 Ast.CocciRule
451 ("proto for "^rule_name,
452 (Ast.Dep rule_name,dropped_isos,Ast.Forall),
453 [Ast.rewrap x (Ast.DECL x)],
454 [false],ruletype)))
455 | x::_ ->
456 let drules =
457 (function x -> Ast.rewrap x (Ast.DOTS [x])) rules in
458 let res =
459 Ast.CocciRule
460 ("proto for "^rule_name,
461 (Ast.Dep rule_name,dropped_isos,Ast.Forall),
462 [Ast.rewrap x (Ast.DECL (Ast.rewrap x (Ast.Disj drules)))],
463 [false],ruletype) in
464 ((mdef_metavars,minus),Some(metavars,res))