[bpt/coccinelle.git] / install.txt
1 You must first install a recent version of
2 - OCaml (at least 3.09.2),
3 see http://caml.inria.fr/download.en.html
4 - the Menhir parser generator (at least 20080912),
5 see http://cristal.inria.fr/~fpottier/menhir/
6 (unless you got a version of the coccinelle source with
7 the SmPL parser pre-generated)
8 - Python and its development files (python-dev)
9 (unless you run configure with the --without-python option)
10 - pdftk and graphviz (with PDF support) if you want to use
11 the -graphical_trace option
13 Then simply type
14 ./configure
15 make depend
16 make
17 make install
19 Note: 'make' will compile the bytecode version by default.
20 You could use 'make all.opt' to have the optimized version.
21 If you compile both, 'make install' will take care of that
22 and install both, spatch and spatch.opt.
23 If you use only one of them, 'make install' will install
24 the one you have compiled, either spatch ou spatch.opt,
25 under the front-end spatch. You could use 'make world' to
26 compile the bytecode and the native code version.