Release coccinelle-0.2.0rc1
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci /
1 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2 (* Given two patterns, A and B, determine whether B can match any matched
3 subterms of A. For simplicity, this doesn't maintain an environment; it
4 just assume metavariables match. Thus the result is either NO or MAYBE. *)
6 module Ast = Ast_cocci
7 module V = Visitor_ast
9 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
11 type res = NO | MAYBE
13 let return b = if b then MAYBE else NO
15 let unify_mcode (x,_,_,_) (y,_,_,_) = x = y
17 let ret_unify_mcode a b = return (unify_mcode a b)
19 let unify_option f t1 t2 =
20 match (t1,t2) with
21 (Some t1, Some t2) -> f t1 t2
22 | (None, None) -> return true
23 | _ -> return false
25 let unify_true_option f t1 t2 =
26 match (t1,t2) with
27 (Some t1, Some t2) -> f t1 t2
28 | (None, None) -> return true
29 | _ -> return true
31 let bool_unify_option f t1 t2 =
32 match (t1,t2) with
33 (Some t1, Some t2) -> f t1 t2
34 | (None, None) -> true
35 | _ -> false
37 let conjunct_bindings b1 b2 =
38 match b1 with NO -> b1 | MAYBE -> b2
40 let disjunct_bindings b1 b2 =
41 match b1 with MAYBE -> b1 | NO -> b2
43 let disjunct_all_bindings = List.fold_left disjunct_bindings NO
45 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
47 (* compute the common prefix. if in at least one case, this ends with the
48 end of the pattern or a ..., then return true. *)
50 let unify_lists fn dfn la lb =
51 let rec loop = function
52 ([],_) | (_,[]) -> return true
53 | (cura::resta,curb::restb) ->
54 (match fn cura curb with
55 MAYBE -> loop (resta,restb)
56 | NO -> if dfn cura or dfn curb then MAYBE else NO) in
57 loop (la,lb)
59 let unify_dots fn dfn d1 d2 =
60 match (Ast.unwrap d1,Ast.unwrap d2) with
61 (Ast.DOTS(l1),Ast.DOTS(l2))
62 | (Ast.CIRCLES(l1),Ast.CIRCLES(l2))
63 | (Ast.STARS(l1),Ast.STARS(l2)) -> unify_lists fn dfn l1 l2
64 | _ -> return false
66 let edots e =
67 match Ast.unwrap e with
68 Ast.Edots(_,_) | Ast.Ecircles(_,_) | Ast.Estars(_,_) -> true
69 | _ -> false
71 let ddots e =
72 match Ast.unwrap e with
73 Ast.Ddots(_,_) -> true
74 | _ -> false
76 let pdots p =
77 match Ast.unwrap p with
78 Ast.Pdots(_) | Ast.Pcircles(_) -> true
79 | _ -> false
81 let dpdots e =
82 match Ast.unwrap e with
83 Ast.DPdots(_) | Ast.DPcircles(_) -> true
84 | _ -> false
86 let sdots s =
87 match Ast.unwrap s with
88 Ast.Dots(_,_,_,_) | Ast.Circles(_,_,_,_) | Ast.Stars(_,_,_,_) -> true
89 | _ -> false
91 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
92 (* Identifier *)
94 and unify_ident i1 i2 =
95 match (Ast.unwrap i1,Ast.unwrap i2) with
96 (Ast.Id(i1),Ast.Id(i2)) -> return (unify_mcode i1 i2)
98 | (Ast.MetaId(_,_,_,_),_)
99 | (Ast.MetaFunc(_,_,_,_),_)
100 | (Ast.MetaLocalFunc(_,_,_,_),_)
101 | (_,Ast.MetaId(_,_,_,_))
102 | (_,Ast.MetaFunc(_,_,_,_))
103 | (_,Ast.MetaLocalFunc(_,_,_,_)) -> return true
105 | (Ast.OptIdent(_),_)
106 | (Ast.UniqueIdent(_),_)
107 | (_,Ast.OptIdent(_))
108 | (_,Ast.UniqueIdent(_)) -> failwith "unsupported ident"
110 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
111 (* Expression *)
113 let rec unify_expression e1 e2 =
114 match (Ast.unwrap e1,Ast.unwrap e2) with
115 (Ast.Ident(i1),Ast.Ident(i2)) -> unify_ident i1 i2
116 | (Ast.Constant(c1),Ast.Constant(c2))-> return (unify_mcode c1 c2)
117 | (Ast.FunCall(f1,lp1,args1,rp1),Ast.FunCall(f2,lp2,args2,rp2)) ->
118 conjunct_bindings
119 (unify_expression f1 f2)
120 (unify_dots unify_expression edots args1 args2)
121 | (Ast.Assignment(l1,op1,r1,_),Ast.Assignment(l2,op2,r2,_)) ->
122 if unify_mcode op1 op2
123 then conjunct_bindings (unify_expression l1 l2) (unify_expression r1 r2)
124 else return false
125 | (Ast.CondExpr(tst1,q1,thn1,c1,els1),Ast.CondExpr(tst2,q2,thn2,c2,els2)) ->
126 conjunct_bindings (unify_expression tst1 tst2)
127 (conjunct_bindings (unify_option unify_expression thn1 thn2)
128 (unify_expression els1 els2))
129 | (Ast.Postfix(e1,op1),Ast.Postfix(e2,op2)) ->
130 if unify_mcode op1 op2 then unify_expression e1 e2 else return false
131 | (Ast.Infix(e1,op1),Ast.Infix(e2,op2)) ->
132 if unify_mcode op1 op2 then unify_expression e1 e2 else return false
133 | (Ast.Unary(e1,op1),Ast.Unary(e2,op2)) ->
134 if unify_mcode op1 op2 then unify_expression e1 e2 else return false
135 | (Ast.Binary(l1,op1,r1),Ast.Binary(l2,op2,r2)) ->
136 if unify_mcode op1 op2
137 then conjunct_bindings (unify_expression l1 l2) (unify_expression r1 r2)
138 else return false
139 | (Ast.ArrayAccess(ar1,lb1,e1,rb1),Ast.ArrayAccess(ar2,lb2,e2,rb2)) ->
140 conjunct_bindings (unify_expression ar1 ar2) (unify_expression e1 e2)
141 | (Ast.RecordAccess(e1,d1,fld1),Ast.RecordAccess(e2,d2,fld2)) ->
142 conjunct_bindings (unify_expression e1 e2) (unify_ident fld1 fld2)
143 | (Ast.RecordPtAccess(e1,pt1,fld1),Ast.RecordPtAccess(e2,pt2,fld2)) ->
144 conjunct_bindings (unify_expression e1 e2) (unify_ident fld1 fld2)
145 | (Ast.Cast(lp1,ty1,rp1,e1),Ast.Cast(lp2,ty2,rp2,e2)) ->
146 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType ty1 ty2) (unify_expression e1 e2)
147 | (Ast.SizeOfExpr(szf1,e1),Ast.SizeOfExpr(szf2,e2)) ->
148 unify_expression e1 e2
149 | (Ast.SizeOfType(szf1,lp1,ty1,rp1),Ast.SizeOfType(szf2,lp2,ty2,rp2)) ->
150 unify_fullType ty1 ty2
151 | (Ast.TypeExp(ty1),Ast.TypeExp(ty2)) -> unify_fullType ty1 ty2
152 | (Ast.Paren(lp1,e1,rp1),Ast.Paren(lp2,e2,rp2)) ->
153 unify_expression e1 e2
155 | (Ast.MetaErr(_,_,_,_),_)
156 | (Ast.MetaExpr(_,_,_,_,_,_),_)
157 | (Ast.MetaExprList(_,_,_,_),_)
158 | (_,Ast.MetaErr(_,_,_,_))
159 | (_,Ast.MetaExpr(_,_,_,_,_,_))
160 | (_,Ast.MetaExprList(_,_,_,_)) -> return true
162 | (Ast.EComma(cm1),Ast.EComma(cm2)) -> return true
164 | (Ast.DisjExpr(e1),_) ->
165 disjunct_all_bindings ( (function x -> unify_expression x e2) e1)
166 | (_,Ast.DisjExpr(e2)) ->
167 disjunct_all_bindings ( (function x -> unify_expression e1 x) e2)
168 | (Ast.NestExpr(e1,_,_),Ast.NestExpr(e2,_,_)) ->
169 unify_dots unify_expression edots e1 e2
171 (* dots can match against anything. return true to be safe. *)
172 | (Ast.Edots(_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Edots(_,_))
173 | (Ast.Ecircles(_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Ecircles(_,_))
174 | (Ast.Estars(_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Estars(_,_)) -> return true
176 | (Ast.OptExp(_),_)
177 | (Ast.UniqueExp(_),_)
178 | (_,Ast.OptExp(_))
179 | (_,Ast.UniqueExp(_)) -> failwith "unsupported expression"
180 | _ -> return false
182 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
183 (* Types *)
185 and unify_fullType ft1 ft2 =
186 match (Ast.unwrap ft1,Ast.unwrap ft2) with
187 (Ast.Type(cv1,ty1),Ast.Type(cv2,ty2)) ->
188 if bool_unify_option unify_mcode cv1 cv2
189 then unify_typeC ty1 ty2
190 else return false
191 | (Ast.DisjType(ft1),_) ->
192 disjunct_all_bindings ( (function x -> unify_fullType x ft2) ft1)
193 | (_,Ast.DisjType(ft2)) ->
194 disjunct_all_bindings ( (function x -> unify_fullType ft1 x) ft2)
196 | (Ast.OptType(_),_)
197 | (Ast.UniqueType(_),_)
198 | (_,Ast.OptType(_))
199 | (_,Ast.UniqueType(_)) -> failwith "unsupported type"
201 and unify_typeC t1 t2 =
202 match (Ast.unwrap t1,Ast.unwrap t2) with
203 (Ast.BaseType(ty1,stringsa),Ast.BaseType(ty2,stringsb)) ->
204 if ty1 = ty2
205 then
206 unify_lists ret_unify_mcode (function _ -> false (* not dots*))
207 stringsa stringsb
208 else return false
209 | (Ast.SignedT(sgn1,ty1),Ast.SignedT(sgn2,ty2)) ->
210 if unify_mcode sgn1 sgn2
211 then unify_option unify_typeC ty1 ty2
212 else return false
213 | (Ast.Pointer(ty1,s1),Ast.Pointer(ty2,s2)) -> unify_fullType ty1 ty2
214 | (Ast.FunctionPointer(tya,lp1a,stara,rp1a,lp2a,paramsa,rp2a),
215 Ast.FunctionPointer(tyb,lp1b,starb,rp1b,lp2b,paramsb,rp2b)) ->
216 if List.for_all2 unify_mcode
217 [lp1a;stara;rp1a;lp2a;rp2a] [lp1b;starb;rp1b;lp2b;rp2b]
218 then
219 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType tya tyb)
220 (unify_dots unify_parameterTypeDef pdots paramsa paramsb)
221 else return false
222 | (Ast.FunctionType(_,tya,lp1a,paramsa,rp1a),
223 Ast.FunctionType(_,tyb,lp1b,paramsb,rp1b)) ->
224 if List.for_all2 unify_mcode [lp1a;rp1a] [lp1b;rp1b]
225 then
226 conjunct_bindings (unify_option unify_fullType tya tyb)
227 (unify_dots unify_parameterTypeDef pdots paramsa paramsb)
228 else return false
229 | (Ast.FunctionType _ , _) -> failwith "not supported"
230 | (Ast.Array(ty1,lb1,e1,rb1),Ast.Array(ty2,lb2,e2,rb2)) ->
231 conjunct_bindings
232 (unify_fullType ty1 ty2) (unify_option unify_expression e1 e2)
233 | (Ast.EnumName(s1,ts1),Ast.EnumName(s2,ts2)) ->
234 if unify_mcode s1 s2 then unify_ident ts1 ts2 else return false
235 | (Ast.StructUnionName(s1,Some ts1),Ast.StructUnionName(s2,Some ts2)) ->
236 if unify_mcode s1 s2 then unify_ident ts1 ts2 else return false
237 | (Ast.StructUnionName(s1,None),Ast.StructUnionName(s2,None)) ->
238 return true
239 | (Ast.StructUnionDef(ty1,lb1,decls1,rb1),
240 Ast.StructUnionDef(ty2,lb2,decls2,rb2)) ->
241 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType ty1 ty2)
242 (unify_dots unify_declaration ddots decls1 decls2)
243 | (Ast.TypeName(t1),Ast.TypeName(t2)) -> return (unify_mcode t1 t2)
245 | (Ast.MetaType(_,_,_),_)
246 | (_,Ast.MetaType(_,_,_)) -> return true
247 | _ -> return false
249 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
250 (* Variable declaration *)
251 (* Even if the Cocci program specifies a list of declarations, they are
252 split out into multiple declarations of a single variable each. *)
254 and unify_declaration d1 d2 =
255 match (Ast.unwrap d1,Ast.unwrap d2) with
256 (Ast.Init(stg1,ft1,id1,eq1,i1,s1),Ast.Init(stg2,ft2,id2,eq2,i2,s2)) ->
257 if bool_unify_option unify_mcode stg1 stg2
258 then
259 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType ft1 ft2)
260 (conjunct_bindings (unify_ident id1 id2) (unify_initialiser i1 i2))
261 else return false
262 | (Ast.UnInit(stg1,ft1,id1,s1),Ast.UnInit(stg2,ft2,id2,s2)) ->
263 if bool_unify_option unify_mcode stg1 stg2
264 then conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType ft1 ft2) (unify_ident id1 id2)
265 else return false
266 | (Ast.MacroDecl(n1,lp1,args1,rp1,sem1),
267 Ast.MacroDecl(n2,lp2,args2,rp2,sem2)) ->
268 conjunct_bindings (unify_ident n1 n2)
269 (unify_dots unify_expression edots args1 args2)
270 | (Ast.TyDecl(ft1,s1),Ast.TyDecl(ft2,s2)) -> unify_fullType ft1 ft2
271 | (Ast.Typedef(stg1,ft1,id1,s1),Ast.Typedef(stg2,ft2,id2,s2)) ->
272 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType ft1 ft2) (unify_typeC id1 id2)
273 | (Ast.DisjDecl(d1),_) ->
274 disjunct_all_bindings
275 ( (function x -> unify_declaration x d2) d1)
276 | (_,Ast.DisjDecl(d2)) ->
277 disjunct_all_bindings
278 ( (function x -> unify_declaration d1 x) d2)
279 (* dots can match against anything. return true to be safe. *)
280 | (Ast.Ddots(_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Ddots(_,_)) -> return true
282 | (Ast.OptDecl(_),_)
283 | (Ast.UniqueDecl(_),_)
284 | (_,Ast.OptDecl(_))
285 | (_,Ast.UniqueDecl(_)) -> failwith "unsupported decl"
286 | _ -> return false
288 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
289 (* Initializer *)
291 and unify_initialiser i1 i2 =
292 match (Ast.unwrap i1,Ast.unwrap i2) with
293 (Ast.MetaInit(_,_,_),_) | (_,Ast.MetaInit(_,_,_)) -> return true
294 | (Ast.InitExpr(expa),Ast.InitExpr(expb)) ->
295 unify_expression expa expb
296 | (Ast.InitList(_,initlista,_,whena),
297 Ast.InitList(_,initlistb,_,whenb)) ->
298 (* ignore whencode - returns true safely *)
299 unify_lists unify_initialiser (function _ -> false) initlista initlistb
300 | (Ast.InitGccExt(designatorsa,_,inia),
301 Ast.InitGccExt(designatorsb,_,inib)) ->
302 conjunct_bindings
303 (unify_lists unify_designator (function _ -> false)
304 designatorsa designatorsb)
305 (unify_initialiser inia inib)
306 | (Ast.InitGccName(namea,_,inia),Ast.InitGccName(nameb,_,inib)) ->
307 conjunct_bindings (unify_ident namea nameb) (unify_initialiser inia inib)
309 | (Ast.OptIni(_),_)
310 | (Ast.UniqueIni(_),_)
311 | (_,Ast.OptIni(_))
312 | (_,Ast.UniqueIni(_)) -> failwith "unsupported decl"
313 | _ -> return false
315 and unify_designator d1 d2 =
316 match (d1,d2) with
317 (Ast.DesignatorField(_,idb),Ast.DesignatorField(_,ida)) ->
318 unify_ident ida idb
319 | (Ast.DesignatorIndex(_,expa,_),Ast.DesignatorIndex(_,expb,_)) ->
320 unify_expression expa expb
321 | (Ast.DesignatorRange(_,mina,_,maxa,_),
322 Ast.DesignatorRange(_,minb,_,maxb,_)) ->
323 conjunct_bindings (unify_expression mina minb)
324 (unify_expression maxa maxb)
325 | _ -> return false
327 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
328 (* Parameter *)
330 and unify_parameterTypeDef p1 p2 =
331 match (Ast.unwrap p1,Ast.unwrap p2) with
332 (Ast.VoidParam(ft1),Ast.VoidParam(ft2)) -> unify_fullType ft1 ft2
333 | (Ast.Param(ft1,i1),Ast.Param(ft2,i2)) ->
334 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType ft1 ft2)
335 (unify_option unify_ident i1 i2)
337 | (Ast.MetaParam(_,_,_),_)
338 | (Ast.MetaParamList(_,_,_,_),_)
339 | (_,Ast.MetaParam(_,_,_))
340 | (_,Ast.MetaParamList(_,_,_,_)) -> return true
342 | (Ast.PComma(_),Ast.PComma(_)) -> return true
344 (* dots can match against anything. return true to be safe. *)
345 | (Ast.Pdots(_),_) | (_,Ast.Pdots(_))
346 | (Ast.Pcircles(_),_) | (_,Ast.Pcircles(_)) -> return true
348 | (Ast.OptParam(_),_)
349 | (Ast.UniqueParam(_),_)
350 | (_,Ast.OptParam(_))
351 | (_,Ast.UniqueParam(_)) -> failwith "unsupported parameter"
352 | _ -> return false
354 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
355 (* Define parameter *)
357 and unify_define_parameters p1 p2 =
358 match (Ast.unwrap p1,Ast.unwrap p2) with
359 (Ast.NoParams,Ast.NoParams) -> return true
360 | (Ast.DParams(lp1,params1,rp1),Ast.DParams(lp2,params2,rp2)) ->
361 unify_dots unify_define_param dpdots params1 params2
362 | _ -> return false
364 and unify_define_param p1 p2 =
365 match (Ast.unwrap p1,Ast.unwrap p2) with
366 (Ast.DParam(i1),Ast.DParam(i2)) ->
367 (unify_ident i1 i2)
368 | (Ast.DPComma(_),Ast.DPComma(_)) -> return true
370 (* dots can match against anything. return true to be safe. *)
371 | (Ast.DPdots(_),_) | (_,Ast.DPdots(_))
372 | (Ast.DPcircles(_),_) | (_,Ast.DPcircles(_)) -> return true
374 | (Ast.OptDParam(_),_)
375 | (Ast.UniqueDParam(_),_)
376 | (_,Ast.OptDParam(_))
377 | (_,Ast.UniqueDParam(_)) -> failwith "unsupported parameter"
378 | _ -> return false
380 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
381 (* Top-level code *)
383 and unify_rule_elem re1 re2 =
384 match (Ast.unwrap re1,Ast.unwrap re2) with
385 (Ast.FunHeader(_,_,fi1,nm1,lp1,params1,rp1),
386 Ast.FunHeader(_,_,fi2,nm2,lp2,params2,rp2)) ->
387 conjunct_bindings (unify_fninfo fi1 fi2)
388 (conjunct_bindings (unify_ident nm1 nm2)
389 (unify_dots unify_parameterTypeDef pdots params1 params2))
390 | (Ast.Decl(_,_,d1),Ast.Decl(_,_,d2)) -> unify_declaration d1 d2
392 | (Ast.SeqStart(lb1),Ast.SeqStart(lb2)) -> return true
393 | (Ast.SeqEnd(rb1),Ast.SeqEnd(rb2)) -> return true
395 | (Ast.ExprStatement(e1,s1),Ast.ExprStatement(e2,s2)) ->
396 unify_expression e1 e2
397 | (Ast.IfHeader(if1,lp1,e1,rp1),Ast.IfHeader(if2,lp2,e2,rp2)) ->
398 unify_expression e1 e2
399 | (Ast.Else(e1),Ast.Else(e2)) -> return true
400 | (Ast.WhileHeader(wh1,lp1,e1,rp1),Ast.WhileHeader(wh2,lp2,e2,rp2)) ->
401 unify_expression e1 e2
402 | (Ast.DoHeader(d1),Ast.DoHeader(d2)) -> return true
403 | (Ast.WhileTail(wh1,lp1,e1,rp1,s1),Ast.WhileTail(wh2,lp2,e2,rp2,s2)) ->
404 unify_expression e1 e2
405 | (Ast.ForHeader(fr1,lp1,e11,s11,e21,s21,e31,rp1),
406 Ast.ForHeader(fr2,lp2,e12,s12,e22,s22,e32,rp2)) ->
407 conjunct_bindings
408 (unify_option unify_expression e11 e12)
409 (conjunct_bindings
410 (unify_option unify_expression e21 e22)
411 (unify_option unify_expression e31 e32))
412 | (Ast.IteratorHeader(nm1,lp1,args1,rp1),
413 Ast.IteratorHeader(nm2,lp2,args2,rp2)) ->
414 conjunct_bindings (unify_ident nm1 nm2)
415 (unify_dots unify_expression edots args1 args2)
416 | (Ast.DefineHeader(_,n1,p1),Ast.DefineHeader(_,n2,p2)) ->
417 conjunct_bindings (unify_ident n1 n2)
418 (unify_define_parameters p1 p2)
419 | (Ast.Break(r1,s1),Ast.Break(r2,s2)) -> return true
420 | (Ast.Continue(r1,s1),Ast.Continue(r2,s2)) -> return true
421 | (Ast.Label(l1,dd1),Ast.Label(l2,dd2)) -> unify_ident l1 l2
422 | (Ast.Goto(g1,l1,dd1),Ast.Goto(g2,l2,dd2)) -> unify_ident l1 l2
423 | (Ast.Return(r1,s1),Ast.Return(r2,s2)) -> return true
424 | (Ast.ReturnExpr(r1,e1,s1),Ast.ReturnExpr(r2,e2,s2)) ->
425 unify_expression e1 e2
427 | (Ast.DisjRuleElem(res1),_) ->
428 disjunct_all_bindings
429 ( (function x -> unify_rule_elem x re2) res1)
430 | (_,Ast.DisjRuleElem(res2)) ->
431 disjunct_all_bindings
432 ( (function x -> unify_rule_elem re1 x) res2)
434 | (Ast.MetaRuleElem(_,_,_),_)
435 | (Ast.MetaStmt(_,_,_,_),_)
436 | (Ast.MetaStmtList(_,_,_),_)
437 | (_,Ast.MetaRuleElem(_,_,_))
438 | (_,Ast.MetaStmt(_,_,_,_))
439 | (_,Ast.MetaStmtList(_,_,_)) -> return true
441 (* can match a rule_elem in different parts *)
442 | (Ast.Exp(e1),Ast.Exp(e2)) -> return true
443 | (Ast.Exp(e1),_) -> subexp (unify_expression e1) re2
444 | (_,Ast.Exp(e2)) -> subexp (unify_expression e2) re1
446 | (Ast.TopExp(e1),Ast.TopExp(e2)) -> unify_expression e1 e2
447 | (Ast.TopInit(i1),Ast.TopInit(i2)) -> unify_initialiser i1 i2
449 (* can match a rule_elem in different parts *)
450 | (Ast.Ty(t1),Ast.Ty(t2)) -> return true
451 | (Ast.Ty(t1),_) -> subtype (unify_fullType t1) re2
452 | (_,Ast.Ty(t2)) -> subtype (unify_fullType t2) re1
453 | _ -> return false
455 and unify_fninfo patterninfo cinfo =
456 let patterninfo = List.sort compare patterninfo in
457 let cinfo = List.sort compare cinfo in
458 let rec loop = function
459 (Ast.FStorage(sta)::resta,Ast.FStorage(stb)::restb) ->
460 if unify_mcode sta stb then loop (resta,restb) else return false
461 | (Ast.FType(tya)::resta,Ast.FType(tyb)::restb) ->
462 conjunct_bindings (unify_fullType tya tyb) (loop (resta,restb))
463 | (Ast.FInline(ia)::resta,Ast.FInline(ib)::restb) ->
464 if unify_mcode ia ib then loop (resta,restb) else return false
465 | (Ast.FAttr(ia)::resta,Ast.FAttr(ib)::restb) ->
466 if unify_mcode ia ib then loop (resta,restb) else return false
467 | (x::resta,((y::_) as restb)) ->
468 (match compare x y with
469 -1 -> return false
470 | 1 -> loop (resta,restb)
471 | _ -> failwith "not possible")
472 | _ -> return false in
473 loop (patterninfo,cinfo)
475 and subexp f =
476 let bind = conjunct_bindings in
477 let option_default = return false in
478 let mcode r e = option_default in
479 let expr r k e = conjunct_bindings (f e) (k e) in
480 let donothing r k e = k e in
481 let recursor = V.combiner bind option_default
482 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
483 donothing donothing donothing donothing
484 donothing expr donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing
485 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing in
486 recursor.V.combiner_rule_elem
488 and subtype f =
489 let bind = conjunct_bindings in
490 let option_default = return false in
491 let mcode r e = option_default in
492 let fullType r k e = conjunct_bindings (f e) (k e) in
493 let donothing r k e = k e in
494 let recursor = V.combiner bind option_default
495 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
496 donothing donothing donothing donothing
497 donothing donothing fullType donothing donothing donothing donothing
498 donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing in
499 recursor.V.combiner_rule_elem
501 let rec unify_statement s1 s2 =
502 match (Ast.unwrap s1,Ast.unwrap s2) with
503 (Ast.Seq(lb1,s1,rb1),Ast.Seq(lb2,s2,rb2)) ->
504 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem lb1 lb2)
505 (conjunct_bindings
506 (unify_dots unify_statement sdots s1 s2)
507 (unify_rule_elem rb1 rb2))
508 | (Ast.IfThen(h1,thn1,_),Ast.IfThen(h2,thn2,_)) ->
509 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2) (unify_statement thn1 thn2)
510 | (Ast.IfThenElse(h1,thn1,e1,els1,_),Ast.IfThenElse(h2,thn2,e2,els2,_)) ->
511 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2)
512 (conjunct_bindings (unify_statement thn1 thn2)
513 (conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem e1 e2)
514 (unify_statement els1 els2)))
515 | (Ast.While(h1,s1,_),Ast.While(h2,s2,_)) ->
516 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2) (unify_statement s1 s2)
517 | (Ast.Do(h1,s1,t1),Ast.Do(h2,s2,t2)) ->
518 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2)
519 (conjunct_bindings (unify_statement s1 s2) (unify_rule_elem t1 t2))
520 | (Ast.For(h1,s1,_),Ast.For(h2,s2,_)) ->
521 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2) (unify_statement s1 s2)
522 | (Ast.Atomic(re1),Ast.Atomic(re2)) -> unify_rule_elem re1 re2
523 | (Ast.Disj(s1),_) ->
524 let s2 = Ast.rewrap s2 (Ast.DOTS[s2]) in
525 disjunct_all_bindings
526 (
527 (function x -> unify_dots unify_statement sdots x s2)
528 s1)
529 | (_,Ast.Disj(s2)) ->
530 let s1 = Ast.rewrap s1 (Ast.DOTS[s1]) in
531 disjunct_all_bindings
532 (
533 (function x -> unify_dots unify_statement sdots s1 x)
534 s2)
535 | (Ast.Nest(s1,_,_,_,_),Ast.Nest(s2,_,_,_,_)) ->
536 unify_dots unify_statement sdots s1 s2
537 | (Ast.FunDecl(h1,lb1,s1,rb1),Ast.FunDecl(h2,lb2,s2,rb2)) ->
538 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2)
539 (conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem lb1 lb2)
540 (conjunct_bindings (unify_dots unify_statement sdots s1 s2)
541 (unify_rule_elem rb1 rb2)))
542 | (Ast.Define(h1,s1),Ast.Define(h2,s2)) ->
543 conjunct_bindings (unify_rule_elem h1 h2)
544 (unify_dots unify_statement sdots s1 s2)
545 (* dots can match against anything. return true to be safe. *)
546 | (Ast.Dots(_,_,_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Dots(_,_,_,_))
547 | (Ast.Circles(_,_,_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Circles(_,_,_,_))
548 | (Ast.Stars(_,_,_,_),_) | (_,Ast.Stars(_,_,_,_)) -> return true
549 | (Ast.OptStm(_),_)
550 | (Ast.UniqueStm(_),_)
551 | (_,Ast.OptStm(_))
552 | (_,Ast.UniqueStm(_)) -> failwith "unsupported statement"
553 | _ -> return false
555 let unify_statement_dots = unify_dots unify_statement sdots