Release coccinelle-0.2.4rc2
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / engine /
1 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2 (* code to check for ambiguities *)
4 (* Idea: for each node that is said to be modified in any witness tree, we
5 check that all backward paths end up at the root of some witness tree
6 that says that the node should be modified. We then give a warning, if
7 the node itself appears more than once in such a path, because then there
8 could be some instances that are modified and some that are not. An
9 example is as follows:
11 f(); ... g(); ... - h();
13 with C code: f(); while(E) { h(); g(); } g(); h();
15 Then the h() in the while loop matches both the first ... and the - h();
17 Concretely, if a node 47 is in the witness tree rooted at 1 and the
18 witness tree rooted at 2, then we give an error if 47 is not in the set
19 of nodes satisfying AF[1v2] and give a warning if 47 is in the set of
20 nodes satisfying EXEF(47 & EXEF(1v2)). (Note that the root of a witness
21 tree here is the node causing the pattern to match; there might not be
22 any witnesses associated with this node.)
24 Another try on the exists formula:
25 !(1v2) & EXE[!(1v2) U 47]
26 The first !(1v2) is to discard immediately cases where the beginning and
27 end of the path are the same. Afterwards, it would only seem necessary to
28 serach up to the next occurrence of 47 (leaf), ensuring that there are not
29 1s or 2s (starting points) along the way. Then the second 47 would be in
30 the path, but possible not transformed.
31 *)
33 module G = Ograph_extended
34 module CTL = Ast_ctl
36 (* Step 1: for each tree, make a mapping from the modified nodes to the root
37 of the tree *)
39 let modified = (Hashtbl.create(25) : (G.nodei, G.nodei list ref) Hashtbl.t)
41 let build_modified (n,_,wits) =
42 let rec loop = function
43 CTL.Wit(st,[CTL.Subst(x,Wrapper_ctl.PredVal(CTL.Modif(v)))],anno,wit) ->
44 let cell =
45 try Hashtbl.find modified st
46 with Not_found ->
47 let cell = ref [] in Hashtbl.add modified st cell; cell in
48 cell := n :: !cell;
49 List.iter loop wit
50 | CTL.Wit(st,_,anno,wit) -> List.iter loop wit
51 | CTL.NegWit(wit) -> () in
52 List.iter loop wits
54 (* Step 2: For each node in the hash table, create the error and warning
55 formulas *)
57 type 'a nodes = Node of 'a | After
59 let create_formulas _ =
60 Hashtbl.fold
61 (function node ->
62 function roots ->
63 function acc ->
64 (*let exef f =
65 wrap
66 (Ast_ctl.EX
67 (Ast_ctl.BACKWARD,wrap(Ast_ctl.EF(Ast_ctl.BACKWARD,f)))) in*)
68 let match_node = Ast_ctl.Pred(Node(node)) in
69 let match_roots =
70 (function n -> Ast_ctl.Pred(Node(n)))
71 (List.sort compare !roots) in
72 let or_roots =
73 List.fold_left
74 (function prev -> function cur -> Ast_ctl.Or(prev,cur))
75 (List.hd match_roots) ( match_roots) in
76 (* no point to search if no path, and the presence of after
77 in the AF formula can make things slow *)
78 if List.mem node !roots
79 then acc
80 else
81 (node,
82 Ast_ctl.AF(Ast_ctl.BACKWARD,Ast_ctl.NONSTRICT,
83 Ast_ctl.Or(or_roots,Ast_ctl.Pred(After))),
84 Ast_ctl.And
85 (Ast_ctl.NONSTRICT,
86 Ast_ctl.Not(or_roots),
87 Ast_ctl.EX
88 (Ast_ctl.BACKWARD,
89 Ast_ctl.EU(Ast_ctl.BACKWARD,or_roots,match_node))))
90 (*exef
91 (wrap(Ast_ctl.And(Ast_ctl.NONSTRICT,match_node,exef(roots))))*)
92 :: acc)
93 modified []
95 (* Step 3: check the formula on the control-flow graph *)
97 module PRED =
98 struct
99 type t = Ograph_extended.nodei nodes
100 let print_predicate = function
101 After -> Format.print_string "after"
102 | Node x -> Format.print_string (string_of_int x)
103 end
105 module ENV =
106 struct
107 type value = unit
108 type mvar = unit
109 let eq_mvar x x' = failwith "should not be invoked"
110 let eq_val v v' = failwith "should not be invoked"
111 let merge_val v v' = failwith "should not be invoked"
113 let print_mvar s = failwith "should not be invoked"
114 let print_value x = failwith "should not be invoked"
115 end
118 module CFG =
119 struct
120 type node = Ograph_extended.nodei
121 type cfg =
122 (Control_flow_c.node, Control_flow_c.edge)
123 Ograph_extended.ograph_mutable
124 let predecessors cfg n = fst ((cfg#predecessors n)#tolist)
125 let successors cfg n = fst ((cfg#successors n)#tolist)
126 let extract_is_loop cfg n =
127 Control_flow_c.extract_is_loop (cfg#nodes#find n)
128 let print_node i = Format.print_string (string_of_int i)
129 let size cfg = cfg#nodes#length
130 let print_graph cfg label border_nodes fill_nodes filename = ()
131 end
133 module ENGINE = Ctl_engine.CTL_ENGINE (ENV) (CFG) (PRED)
135 let test_formula state formula cfg =
136 let label = function
137 Node pred -> [(pred,[],[])]
138 | After ->
139 List.concat
140 (
141 (fun (nodei, node) ->
142 match Control_flow_c.unwrap node with
143 Control_flow_c.AfterNode -> [(nodei,[],[])]
144 | _ -> [])
145 cfg#nodes#tolist) in
146 let verbose = !Flag_ctl.verbose_ctl_engine in
147 let pm = !Flag_ctl.partial_match in
148 (* let gt = !Flag_ctl.graphical_trace in *)
149 Flag_ctl.verbose_ctl_engine := false;
150 Flag_ctl.partial_match := false;
151 Flag_ctl.checking_reachability := true;
152 (* Flag_ctl.graphical_trace := ""; *)
153 let res =
154 ENGINE.sat (cfg,label, fst cfg#nodes#tolist)
155 (CTL.And(CTL.NONSTRICT,CTL.Pred(Node(state)),formula))
156 [[Node(state)]] in
157 Flag_ctl.verbose_ctl_engine := verbose;
158 Flag_ctl.partial_match := pm;
159 Flag_ctl.checking_reachability := false;
160 (* Flag_ctl.graphical_trace := gt; *)
161 match res with [] -> false | _ -> true
163 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
164 (* Entry point *)
166 (* The argument is a list of triples with a node name, an empty environment
167 and a witness tree *)
169 type witness =
170 (Ograph_extended.nodei, unit,
171 (Ograph_extended.nodei, unit, unit) Ast_ctl.generic_ctl list)
172 Ast_ctl.generic_witnesstree
174 type ('a,'b,'c,'d,'e) triples =
175 (Ograph_extended.nodei * 'a *
176 (Ograph_extended.nodei,
177 ('b, ('c, 'd) Wrapper_ctl.wrapped_binding) CTL.generic_subst list, 'e)
178 CTL.generic_witnesstree list) list
180 let check_reachability triples cfg =
181 Hashtbl.clear modified;
182 List.iter build_modified triples;
183 let formulas = create_formulas() in
184 List.iter
185 (function (node,af_formula,ef_formula) ->
186 if test_formula node af_formula cfg
187 then
188 if test_formula node ef_formula cfg
189 then
190 Printf.printf "warning: node %d may be inconsistently modified\n"
191 node
192 else ()
193 else
194 failwith
195 (Printf.sprintf
196 "node %d reachable by inconsistent control-flow paths" node))
197 formulas