[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci / merge.ml
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
3 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
5 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
6 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
7 *
8 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
11 *
12 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 *
20 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
21 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
22 *)
25 (* given parsed minus code and a stream of + code, figure out where to put
26 the + code in the mcode of the minus code *)
28 (* Need to be able to find the nearest inhabited line rather than just
29 adding 1 or subtracting 1 to the actual line number. This is an issue for
30 plus.ml as well. This problem is dealt with by the logical line field,
31 which is not incremented for blank lines. *)
33 module Ast = Ast_cocci
34 module Ast0 = Ast0_cocci
35 module V0 = Visitor_ast0
37 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
38 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
39 (* Step 1: convert minus/context code to an ordered stream of tokens *)
41 type position =
42 Minus of Ast.info * Ast.anything list list ref
43 | Context of Ast.info * Ast.anything Ast.befaft ref
44 | Bad of Ast.info
46 let mcode = function
47 (_,_,Ast.MINUS(info,plus_stream)) -> [Minus (info,plus_stream)]
48 | (_,_,Ast.CONTEXT(info,plus_stream)) -> [Context (info,plus_stream)]
49 | _ -> failwith "not possible 1"
51 let bad_mcode = function
52 (_,_,Ast.MINUS(info,plus_stream)) -> Bad(info)
53 | (_,_,Ast.CONTEXT(info,plus_stream)) -> Bad(info)
54 | _ -> failwith "not possible 2"
56 let make_bad l =
57 List.map
58 (function
59 Minus(info,plus_stream) -> Bad(info)
60 | Context(info,plus_stream) -> Bad(info)
61 | x -> x)
62 l
64 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
65 (* combiner info *)
67 let bind x y = x @ y
68 let option_default = []
70 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
72 let get_option f = function
73 Some x -> f x
74 | None -> option_default
76 let ident recursor k i = k i (* nothing special to do *)
78 let expression recursor k e =
79 match Ast0.unwrap e with
80 Ast0.Edots(dots,whencode) | Ast0.Ecircles(dots,whencode)
81 | Ast0.Estars(dots,whencode) ->
82 (bad_mcode dots) ::
83 (get_option (function x -> make_bad(recursor.V0.combiner_expression x))
84 whencode)
85 | _ -> k e
87 let donothing recursor k ft = k ft
89 (* needs a case for things to which new code cannot be attached *)
90 let parameterTypeDef recursor k p =
91 match Ast0.unwrap p with
92 Ast0.Pdots(dots) -> [bad_mcode dots]
93 | Ast0.Pcircles(dots) -> [bad_mcode dots]
94 | _ -> k p
96 let statement recursor k s =
97 match Ast0.unwrap s with
98 Ast0.Dots(d,whencode) | Ast0.Circles(d,whencode)
99 | Ast0.Stars(d,whencode) ->
100 (bad_mcode d) ::
101 (get_option
102 (function x ->
103 make_bad(recursor.V0.combiner_statement_dots x))
104 whencode)
105 | _ -> k s
107 let top_level recursor k t =
108 match Ast0.unwrap t with
109 Ast0.FILEINFO(old_file,new_file) ->
110 [bad_mcode old_file;bad_mcode new_file]
111 | Ast0.ERRORWORDS(exps) ->
112 make_bad (List.concat (List.map recursor.V0.combiner_expression exps))
113 | _ -> k t
115 let recursor =
116 V0.combiner bind option_default
117 mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode
118 donothing donothing donothing
119 ident expression donothing donothing parameterTypeDef donothing
120 statement top_level
122 let rule code = List.concat (List.map recursor.V0.combiner_top_level code)
124 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
125 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
126 (* Step 2: merge the plus stream with the minus/context tokens *)
128 (* Mcode *)
130 let get_start l =
131 let (_,_,_,start,_) = List.hd (List.hd l) in
132 start
134 let get_finish l =
135 let (_,_,_,_,finish) = List.hd (List.rev (List.hd (List.rev l))) in
136 finish
138 let get_real_start l =
139 let (_,start,_,_,_) = List.hd (List.hd l) in
140 start
142 let get_real_finish l =
143 let (_,_,finish,_,_) = List.hd (List.rev (List.hd (List.rev l))) in
144 finish
146 let get_minus_next_line mline = function
147 [] -> mline + 1
148 | Bad(info)::xs -> info.Ast.logical_line
149 | Minus(info,_)::xs -> info.Ast.logical_line
150 | Context(info,_)::xs -> info.Ast.logical_line
152 let drop_lines l = List.map (List.map (function (x,_,_,_,_) -> x)) l
154 let rec merge minus_stream plus_stream =
155 match (minus_stream,plus_stream) with
156 (_,[]) -> ()
157 | ([],plus::plus_stream) ->
158 failwith
159 (Printf.sprintf
160 "minus stream ran out before plus stream\n(plus code begins on line %d)\n"
161 (get_real_start plus))
162 | (Bad(info)::minus_stream,plus::plus_stream) ->
163 let pfinish = get_finish plus in
164 if info.Ast.logical_line > pfinish
165 then
166 failwith
167 (Printf.sprintf
168 "plus code starting on line %d has no minus or context code to attach to\n"
169 (get_real_start plus))
170 else merge minus_stream (plus::plus_stream)
171 | (((Minus(info,cell)::minus_stream) as all_minus),plus::plus_stream) ->
172 let mline = info.Ast.logical_line in
173 let mnext_line = get_minus_next_line mline minus_stream in
174 let pstart = get_start plus in
175 let pfinish = get_finish plus in
176 if pstart < mline && pfinish > mline
177 then (cell := (drop_lines plus) @ !cell; merge minus_stream plus_stream)
178 else if pfinish + 1 = mline
179 then (cell := (drop_lines plus) @ !cell; merge all_minus plus_stream)
180 else if not(mline = mnext_line) && (pstart - 1 = mline)
181 then (cell := !cell @ (drop_lines plus); merge minus_stream plus_stream)
182 else if pfinish < mline
183 then
184 Printf.printf "failed to merge + code between lines %d and %d"
185 (get_real_start plus) (get_real_finish plus)
186 else merge minus_stream (plus::plus_stream)
187 | (((Context(info,cell)::minus_stream) as all_minus),plus::plus_stream) ->
188 let mline = info.Ast.logical_line in
189 let mnext_line = get_minus_next_line mline minus_stream in
190 let pstart = get_start plus in
191 let pfinish = get_finish plus in
192 if pfinish + 1 = mline
193 then (cell := Ast.BEFORE (drop_lines plus); merge all_minus plus_stream)
194 else if not(mline = mnext_line) && (pstart - 1 = mline)
195 then
196 begin
197 (match !cell with
198 Ast.BEFORE x -> cell := Ast.BEFOREAFTER (x,drop_lines plus)
199 | _ -> cell := Ast.AFTER (drop_lines plus));
200 merge minus_stream plus_stream
201 end
202 else if pfinish < mline
203 then
204 Printf.printf "failed to merge + code between lines %d and %d"
205 (get_real_start plus) (get_real_finish plus)
206 else merge minus_stream (plus::plus_stream)
208 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
209 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
210 (* Entry point *)
212 let do_merge minus plus_stream =
213 let minus_tokens = rule minus in
214 merge minus_tokens plus_stream