Coccinelle release 1.0.0-rc4
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / ctl /
1 (*
2 * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen
3 * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
4 * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen
5 * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix
6 * This file is part of Coccinelle.
7 *
8 * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License.
11 *
12 * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Coccinelle. If not, see <>.
19 *
20 * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of
21 * Coccinelle under other licenses.
22 *)
25 open Common
26 open Format
28 open Ast_ctl
30 (* todo?: a txt_to_latex, that use Format to compute the good space but
31 * then generate latex to better output.
32 *)
34 let char_and = "&"
35 let char_and_any = "&+"
36 let char_hack = "&h+"
37 let char_or = "v"
38 let char_seqor = "|"
39 let char_not = "!"
40 let char_back = "^"
42 (*
43 let char_and = "/\\"
44 let char_or = "\\/"
45 let char_not = "-|"
46 *)
48 (* need introduce the Val constructor, or use -rectype. *)
49 type ('a,'b,'c) environment = (string, ('a,'b,'c) binding_val) Common.assoc
50 and ('a, 'b, 'c) binding_val =
51 Val of ('a,'b,'c) generic_ctl * ('a,'b,'c) environment
53 let rec (pp_ctl:
54 ('pred -> unit) * ('mvar -> unit) -> bool ->
55 ('pred, 'mvar, 'info) generic_ctl ->
56 unit) =
57 fun (pp_pred, pp_mvar) inline_let_def ctl ->
59 let rec pp_aux env = function
60 False -> pp "False"
61 | True -> pp "True"
62 | Pred(p) -> pp_pred p
63 | Not(phi) ->
64 pp char_not; Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi)
65 | Exists(keep,v,phi) ->
66 pp "(";
67 if keep then pp ("Ex ") else pp ("Ex_ ");
68 pp_mvar v;
69 pp " . ";
70 print_cut();
71 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi);
72 pp ")";
73 | AndAny(dir,s,phi1,phi2) ->
74 pp_2args env (char_and_any^(pp_dirc dir)^(pp_sc s)) phi1 phi2;
75 | HackForStmt(dir,s,phi1,phi2) ->
76 pp_2args env (char_hack^(pp_dirc dir)^(pp_sc s)) phi1 phi2;
77 | And(s,phi1,phi2) -> pp_2args env (char_and^(pp_sc s)) phi1 phi2;
78 | Or(phi1,phi2) -> pp_2args env char_or phi1 phi2;
79 | SeqOr(phi1,phi2) -> pp_2args env char_seqor phi1 phi2;
80 | Implies(phi1,phi2) -> pp_2args env "=>" phi1 phi2;
81 | AF(dir,s,phi1) -> pp "AF"; pp_dir dir; pp_s s; pp_arg_paren env phi1;
82 | AX(dir,s,phi1) -> pp "AX"; pp_dir dir; pp_s s; pp_arg_paren env phi1;
83 | AG(dir,s,phi1) -> pp "AG"; pp_dir dir; pp_s s; pp_arg_paren env phi1;
84 | EF(dir,phi1) -> pp "EF"; pp_dir dir; pp_arg_paren env phi1;
85 | EX(dir,phi1) -> pp "EX"; pp_dir dir; pp_arg_paren env phi1;
86 | EG(dir,phi1) -> pp "EG"; pp_dir dir; pp_arg_paren env phi1;
87 | AW(dir,s,phi1,phi2) ->
88 pp "A"; pp_dir dir; pp_s s; pp "[";
89 pp_2args_bis env "W" phi1 phi2;
90 pp "]"
91 | AU(dir,s,phi1,phi2) ->
92 pp "A"; pp_dir dir; pp_s s; pp "[";
93 pp_2args_bis env "U" phi1 phi2;
94 pp "]"
95 | EU(dir,phi1,phi2) ->
96 pp "E"; pp_dir dir; pp "[";
97 pp_2args_bis env "U" phi1 phi2;
98 pp "]"
99 | Let (x,phi1,phi2) ->
100 let env' = (x, (Val (phi1,env)))::env in
102 if not inline_let_def
103 then
104 begin
105 pp ("Let"^" "^x);
106 pp " = ";
107 print_cut();
108 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi1);
109 print_space ();
110 pp "in";
111 print_space ();
112 end;
113 pp_do_in_zero_box (fun () -> pp_aux env' phi2);
114 | LetR (dir,x,phi1,phi2) ->
115 let env' = (x, (Val (phi1,env)))::env in
117 if not inline_let_def
118 then
119 begin
120 pp ("LetR"^" "^x); pp_dir dir;
121 pp " = ";
122 print_cut();
123 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi1);
124 print_space ();
125 pp "in";
126 print_space ();
127 end;
128 pp_do_in_zero_box (fun () -> pp_aux env' phi2);
129 | Ref(s) ->
130 if inline_let_def
131 then
132 let Val (phi1,env') = List.assoc s env in
133 pp_aux env' phi1
134 else
135 (* pp "Ref("; *)
136 pp s
137 (* pp ")" *)
138 | Uncheck(phi1) ->
139 pp "Uncheck"; pp_arg_paren env phi1
140 | InnerAnd(phi1) ->
141 pp "InnerAnd"; pp_arg_paren env phi1
142 | XX _ -> failwith "should be removed"
144 and pp_dir = function
145 FORWARD -> ()
146 | BACKWARD -> pp char_back
148 and pp_dirc = function
149 FORWARD -> ""
150 | BACKWARD -> char_back
152 and pp_s = function
153 STRICT -> if !Flag_ctl.partial_match then pp "," else ()
154 | NONSTRICT -> ()
156 and pp_sc = function
157 STRICT -> ","
158 | NONSTRICT -> ""
160 and pp_2args env sym phi1 phi2 =
161 begin
162 pp "(";
163 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi1);
164 print_space();
165 pp sym;
166 print_space ();
167 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi2);
168 pp ")";
169 end
170 and pp_2args_bis env sym phi1 phi2 =
171 begin
172 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi1);
173 print_space();
174 pp sym;
175 print_space();
176 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux env phi2);
177 end
179 and pp_arg_paren env phi = Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () ->
180 pp "(";
181 pp_aux env phi;
182 pp ")";
183 )
184 in
185 Common.pp_do_in_box (fun () -> pp_aux [] ctl;)