Release coccinelle-0.1
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / extra /
1 open Common
3 open Ast_c
6 (* used both for storing the entities 'defined' and 'used' in a file, but
7 * depending on the use, some fields may not be used
8 *)
9 type entities = {
10 macros: string hashset; (* object-like or function-like *)
11 variables: string hashset;
12 static_variables: string hashset; (* for defined only *)
13 functions: string hashset;
14 static_functions: string hashset; (* for defined only *)
15 structs: string hashset; (* union defs, enum defs, enum values *)
16 typedefs: string hashset;
17 include_c: filename hashset; (* for used only *)
18 }
20 (* inverted index *)
21 type idx_entities = {
22 idx_macros: (string, (filename hashset)) Hashtbl.t;
23 idx_variables: (string, (filename hashset)) Hashtbl.t;
24 idx_functions: (string, (filename hashset)) Hashtbl.t;
25 idx_structs: (string, (filename hashset)) Hashtbl.t;
26 idx_typedefs: (string, (filename hashset)) Hashtbl.t;
27 }
29 let empty_entities () = {
30 macros = Hashtbl.create 101;
31 variables = Hashtbl.create 101;
32 static_variables = Hashtbl.create 101;
33 functions = Hashtbl.create 101;
34 static_functions = Hashtbl.create 101;
35 structs = Hashtbl.create 101;
36 typedefs = Hashtbl.create 101;
37 include_c = Hashtbl.create 101;
38 }
40 let empty_idx_entities () = {
41 idx_macros = Hashtbl.create 101;
42 idx_variables = Hashtbl.create 101;
43 idx_functions = Hashtbl.create 101;
44 idx_structs = Hashtbl.create 101;
45 idx_typedefs = Hashtbl.create 101;
46 }
49 let h_to_l h = Common.hashset_to_list h
51 let print_entities e =
52 begin
53 (* e.macros +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("MACRO: " ^ s)); *)
54 e.variables +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("VAR: " ^ s));
55 e.static_variables +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("STATICVAR: " ^ s));
56 e.functions +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("FUNC: " ^ s));
57 e.static_functions +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("STATICFUNC: " ^ s));
58 e.structs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("STRUCT: "^s));
59 e.typedefs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("TYPEDEF: "^s));
60 e.include_c +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s -> pr("INCLUDEC: "^s));
61 end
64 (* the defined_stuff and used_stuff may not be 100% correct. They don't handle
65 * I think every dark corner of the C. It's possible to shadow in so many
66 * ways.
67 *)
69 (* look only for toplevel definition *)
70 let defined_stuff xs =
71 let e = empty_entities() in
72 let add h s = Hashtbl.add h s true in
74 (* look only for toplevel definition: don't recurse, don't call k *)
75 let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with
76 Visitor_c.ktoplevel = (fun (k,bigf) t ->
77 match t with
78 | Declaration decl ->
79 (match decl with
80 | DeclList (xs, ii) ->
81 xs +> List.iter (fun ((var, t, sto, _local), iicomma) ->
82 Visitor_c.vk_type bigf t;
83 match var, sto with
84 | None, _ -> ()
85 | Some ((s, ini), ii_s_ini), (StoTypedef,inline) ->
86 add e.typedefs s;
87 | Some ((s, ini), ii_s_ini), (Sto Static,inline) ->
88 (* need add them to do the adjust_need *)
89 add e.static_variables s;
91 | Some ((s, ini), ii_s_ini), (Sto Extern,inline) ->
92 ()
93 | Some ((s, ini), ii_s_ini), (_,inline) ->
94 add e.variables s;
95 );
96 | MacroDecl ((s, args),ii) -> ()
97 )
99 | Definition def ->
100 let ((s, typ, sto, cp), ii) = def in
101 (match sto with
102 | Sto Static, inline ->
103 (* need add them to do the adjust_need *)
104 add e.static_functions s
105 | _ ->
106 add e.functions s
107 )
109 | Include includ -> ()
110 | Define ((s,ii), body) -> add e.macros s
111 | MacroTop (s, args, ii) -> ()
113 | EmptyDef _ | NotParsedCorrectly _ | FinalDef _ -> ()
114 );
116 Visitor_c.ktype = (fun (k, bigf) t ->
117 match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC t with
118 | StructUnion (su, sopt, fields) ->
119 sopt +> do_option (fun s ->
120 add e.structs s;
121 );
123 | _ -> ()
124 );
126 } in
127 xs +> List.iter (fun (p, info_item) -> Visitor_c.vk_toplevel bigf p);
128 e
137 (* look only for use of external stuff. Don't consider local vars,
138 * typedefs, structures *)
139 let used_stuff xs =
141 let e = empty_entities() in
142 let add h s = Hashtbl.replace h s true in
144 let initial_env = [
145 ["NULL";
146 "do_gettimeofday";
147 "le32_to_cpu";
148 "udelay";
149 "printk";
150 (* !!! sometimes considered as VAR :( *)
151 "u8"; "u16"; "u32";
152 "s32";
153 ] +> (fun s -> s, true);
154 ]
155 in
156 let regexp_macro = Str.regexp
157 "^[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*$"
158 in
160 let (_env: (string, bool) Common.scoped_env ref) = ref initial_env in
163 let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with
165 (* --------- handling scope of variables (and also some use) --------- *)
166 Visitor_c.kstatement = (fun (k, bigf) st ->
167 match st with
168 | Compound statxs, ii -> Common.do_in_new_scope _env (fun () -> k st);
169 | _ -> k st
170 );
171 Visitor_c.kdecl = (fun (k, bigf) d ->
172 k d; (* to add possible definition in type found in Decl *)
173 (match d with
174 | (DeclList (xs, ii)) ->
175 xs +> List.iter (fun ((var, t, sto, _local), iicomma) ->
176 var +> do_option (fun ((s, ini), ii_s_ini) ->
177 match sto with
178 | StoTypedef, _inline ->
179 (* add_binding (TypeDef (s)) true; *)
180 ()
181 | _ ->
182 Common.add_in_scope _env (s, true);
183 );
184 );
185 | _ -> ()
186 );
187 );
188 Visitor_c.ktoplevel = (fun (k, bigf) elem ->
189 match elem with
190 | Definition def ->
191 let (funcs, ((returnt, (paramst, b))), sto, statxs),ii = def in
192 Common.do_in_new_scope _env (fun () ->
193 paramst +> List.iter (fun (((b, s, t), _),_) ->
194 match s with
195 | Some s -> Common.add_in_scope _env (s, true)
196 | None -> pr2 "no type, certainly because Void type ?"
197 );
198 k elem
199 );
200 | Define (s, (defkind, defval)) ->
201 Common.do_in_new_scope _env (fun () ->
202 (match defkind with
203 | DefineFunc (params, ii) ->
204 params +> List.iter (fun ((s,iis), iicomma) ->
205 Common.add_in_scope _env (s, true)
206 );
207 | _ -> ()
208 );
209 k elem
210 );
211 | Include ((inc_file,ii), posref) ->
212 (match inc_file with
213 | Local [x] when x =~ ".*\\.c$" ->
214 add e.include_c x
215 | _ -> ()
216 )
217 | _ -> k elem
218 );
221 (* --------- and now looking for use --------- *)
222 Visitor_c.kexpr = (fun (k,bigf) x ->
223 match Ast_c.unwrap_expr x with
225 | FunCall (((Ident f, typ), ii), args) ->
226 if not (Common.member_env_key f !_env)
227 then
228 if f ==~ regexp_macro
229 then add e.macros f
230 else add e.functions f
231 ;
232 args +> List.iter (fun (x,ii) ->
233 Visitor_c.vk_argument bigf x
234 );
235 | Ident s ->
236 if not (Common.member_env_key s !_env)
237 then
238 if s ==~ regexp_macro
239 then add e.macros s
240 else add e.variables s
242 | _ -> k x
243 );
245 Visitor_c.ktype = (fun (k,bigf) t ->
246 match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC t with
247 | StructUnionName (su, s) ->
248 if not (Common.member_env_key s !_env)
249 then
250 add e.structs s;
251 | TypeName (s,_typ) ->
252 if not (Common.member_env_key s !_env)
253 then
254 add e.typedefs s;
255 | _ -> k t
256 );
258 } in
259 xs +> List.iter (fun (p, info_item) -> Visitor_c.vk_toplevel bigf p);
260 e
265 (* for the moment, just look if it looks like a linux module file *)
266 let extra_stuff xs =
267 let is_module = ref false in
269 (* look only for toplevel definition: don't recurse, don't call k *)
270 let bigf = { Visitor_c.default_visitor_c with
271 Visitor_c.ktoplevel = (fun (k,bigf) t ->
272 match t with
273 | MacroTop (s, args, ii) ->
274 if s = "module_init"
275 then is_module := true;
276 | Definition def ->
277 let ((s, typ, sto, cp), ii) = def in
278 if s = "init_module"
279 then is_module := true;
281 | _ -> ()
282 );
283 } in
284 xs +> List.iter (fun (p, info_item) -> Visitor_c.vk_toplevel bigf p);
285 !is_module
289 let adjust_used_only_external used defined =
290 begin
291 used.variables +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
292 if Hashtbl.mem defined.variables s ||
293 Hashtbl.mem defined.static_variables s ||
294 (* sometimes functions are used as variable, when for example
295 * stored in a pointer variable, so look also for function here.
296 *)
297 Hashtbl.mem defined.functions s ||
298 Hashtbl.mem defined.static_functions s
299 then Hashtbl.remove used.variables s
300 );
301 used.functions +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
302 if Hashtbl.mem defined.functions s ||
303 Hashtbl.mem defined.static_functions s
304 then Hashtbl.remove used.functions s
305 );
306 used.structs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
307 if Hashtbl.mem defined.structs s
308 then Hashtbl.remove used.structs s
309 );
310 used.typedefs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
311 if Hashtbl.mem defined.typedefs s
312 then Hashtbl.remove used.typedefs s
313 );
314 end
319 type file_info = {
320 used: entities;
321 defined: entities;
322 is_module: bool;
323 }
324 type global_definitions = idx_entities
326 let mk_global_definitions_index xs =
327 let idx = empty_idx_entities () in
328 xs +> List.iter (fun (file, {defined = defined}) ->
329 defined.variables +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
330 Common.hash_hashset_add s file idx.idx_variables;
331 );
332 defined.functions +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
333 Common.hash_hashset_add s file idx.idx_functions;
334 );
335 defined.structs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
336 Common.hash_hashset_add s file idx.idx_structs;
337 );
338 defined.typedefs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
339 Common.hash_hashset_add s file idx.idx_typedefs;
340 );
341 );
342 idx
344 let known_duplicate =
345 ["init_module"; "cleanup_module";
346 "main";"usage";
347 ]
349 let check_no_duplicate_global_definitions idx =
350 begin
351 pr2 "DUPLICATE processing:";
352 idx.idx_functions +> hash_to_list +> List.iter (fun (f, set) ->
353 let xs = hash_to_list set in
354 if List.length xs <> 1 && not (List.mem f known_duplicate)
355 then
356 pr2 ("multiple def for : " ^ f ^ " in " ^
357 (join " " ( (fun x -> basename (fst x)) xs)));
358 );
359 end
361 type dependencies_graph =
362 ((filename * file_info) * string, bool) Ograph_extended.ograph_mutable
365 let build_graph xs dep graphfile =
366 let g = ref (new Ograph_extended.ograph_mutable) in
367 let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in
368 let s_to_nodei s = Hashtbl.find h s in
370 pr2 "BUILDING graph:";
372 let arrow a b c d =
373 (sprintf "%-20s -- %s:%25s --> %s" a b c d)
374 in
375 with_open_outfile (graphfile ^ ".graph") (fun (pr_no_nl,chan) ->
376 let pr_arrow a b c d =
377 pr2 (arrow a b c d);
378 pr_no_nl (arrow a b c d ^ "\n");
379 in
381 (* build nodes *)
382 xs +> List.iter (fun (file, cinfo) ->
383 let s = (if cinfo.is_module then "[M]" else "") ^ Filename.basename file in
384 let xi = !g#add_node ((file, cinfo), s) in
385 Hashtbl.add h file xi;
386 );
388 xs +> List.iter (fun (file, {used = used}) ->
390 used.functions +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
391 match Common.optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find dep.idx_functions s) with
392 | None -> ()
393 | Some hset ->
394 hset +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun file_defined ->
395 !g#add_arc ((s_to_nodei file, s_to_nodei file_defined), true);
396 let (file, file_defined) = basename file, basename file_defined in
397 pr_arrow file "f" s file_defined;
398 );
399 );
400 (* sometime use functions as variable *)
401 used.variables +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
402 match Common.optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find dep.idx_functions s) with
403 | None -> ()
404 | Some hset ->
405 hset +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun file_defined ->
406 !g#add_arc ((s_to_nodei file, s_to_nodei file_defined), true);
407 let (file, file_defined) = basename file, basename file_defined in
408 pr_arrow file "f" s file_defined;
409 );
410 );
412 used.variables +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
413 match Common.optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find dep.idx_variables s) with
414 | None -> ()
415 | Some hset ->
416 hset +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun file_defined ->
417 !g#add_arc ((s_to_nodei file, s_to_nodei file_defined), true);
418 let (file, file_defined) = basename file, basename file_defined in
419 pr_arrow file "v" s file_defined;
420 );
421 );
423 used.include_c +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun local_file ->
424 let file_defined = Filename.concat (dirname file) local_file in
425 try (
426 !g#add_arc ((s_to_nodei file, s_to_nodei file_defined), true);
427 let (file, file_defined) = basename file, basename file_defined in
428 pr_arrow file "I" "include" file_defined;
429 )
430 with Not_found ->
431 pr2 ("can't find included C file: " ^ file_defined)
432 )
434 (*
435 used.structs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
436 match Common.optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find dep.idx_structs s) with
437 | None -> ()
438 | Some hset ->
439 hset +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun file_defined ->
440 !g#add_arc ((s_to_nodei file, s_to_nodei file_defined), true);
441 );
442 );
444 used.typedefs +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun s ->
445 match Common.optionise (fun () -> Hashtbl.find dep.idx_typedefs s) with
446 | None -> ()
447 | Some hset ->
448 hset +> h_to_l +> List.iter (fun file_defined ->
449 !g#add_arc ((s_to_nodei file, s_to_nodei file_defined), true);
450 );
451 );
452 *)
453 );
454 );
455 Ograph_extended.print_ograph_mutable !g graphfile (!Flag.show_misc);
456 !g
462 let generate_makefile (g: dependencies_graph) file =
463 pr2 "GENERATING makefile";
464 with_open_outfile file (fun (pr_no_nl, chan) ->
466 let nodei_to_file xi =
467 let ((file, cinfo ), s) = (g#nodes#assoc xi) in
468 file
469 in
470 let all_nodes = g#nodes#tolist +> fst in
471 let visited_nodes_h = Hashtbl.create 101 in
473 let modules = all_nodes +> List.filter (fun xi ->
474 let ((file, cinfo), s) = g#nodes#assoc xi in
475 cinfo.is_module
476 ) in
478 pr_no_nl " # ---- modules files ---- \n";
479 modules +> List.iter (fun xi ->
480 pr2 (nodei_to_file xi);
481 pr_no_nl " ";
482 g +> Ograph_extended.dfs_iter xi (fun yi ->
483 pr2 (" " ^ (Filename.basename (nodei_to_file yi)));
484 pr_no_nl (" " ^ (Filename.basename (nodei_to_file yi)));
485 Hashtbl.add visited_nodes_h yi true;
486 );
487 pr_no_nl "\n";
488 );
489 let visited_nodes = Common.hashset_to_list visited_nodes_h in
490 let rest = all_nodes $-$ visited_nodes in
492 let startfiles = rest +> List.filter (fun xi ->
493 (g#predecessors xi)#null
494 ) in
495 pr_no_nl " # ---- not module starting files ---- \n";
497 startfiles +> List.iter (fun xi ->
498 pr2 (nodei_to_file xi);
499 pr_no_nl " ";
500 g +> Ograph_extended.dfs_iter xi (fun yi ->
501 pr2 (" " ^ (Filename.basename (nodei_to_file yi)));
502 pr_no_nl (" " ^ (Filename.basename (nodei_to_file yi)));
503 Hashtbl.add visited_nodes_h yi true;
504 );
505 pr_no_nl "\n";
506 );
507 let visited_nodes = Common.hashset_to_list visited_nodes_h in
508 let rest = rest $-$ visited_nodes in
510 if not (null rest) then pr_no_nl " # ---- files in cycle ---- \n";
511 rest +> List.iter (fun xi ->
512 if Hashtbl.mem visited_nodes_h xi then () (* already handled *)
513 else begin
514 pr2 (nodei_to_file xi);
515 pr_no_nl " ";
516 g +> Ograph_extended.dfs_iter xi (fun yi ->
517 pr2 (" " ^ (Filename.basename (nodei_to_file yi)));
518 pr_no_nl (" " ^ (Filename.basename (nodei_to_file yi)));
519 Hashtbl.add visited_nodes_h yi true;
520 );
521 pr_no_nl "\n";
522 end
523 )
524 )