Coccinelle release-1.0.0-rc11
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / parsing_cocci / parser_cocci_menhir.mli
1 exception Error
3 type token =
4 | Tvolatile of (Data.clt)
5 | Tvoid of (Data.clt)
6 | Tunsigned of (Data.clt)
7 | Tunion of (Data.clt)
8 | Ttypedef of (Data.clt)
9 | Tstruct of (Data.clt)
10 | Tstatic of (Data.clt)
11 | Tssize_t of (Data.clt)
12 | Tsize_t of (Data.clt)
13 | Tsigned of (Data.clt)
14 | Tshort of (Data.clt)
15 | Tregister of (Data.clt)
16 | Tptrdiff_t of (Data.clt)
17 | Tlong of (Data.clt)
18 | Tlist
19 | Tint of (Data.clt)
20 | Tinline of (Data.clt)
21 | Tfloat of (Data.clt)
22 | Textern of (Data.clt)
23 | Tenum of (Data.clt)
24 | Tdouble of (Data.clt)
25 | Tconst of (Data.clt)
26 | Tchar of (Data.clt)
27 | Tauto of (Data.clt)
28 | Tattr of (string * Data.clt)
29 | TXor of (Data.clt)
30 | TWords
31 | TWhy0
32 | TWhy of (Data.clt)
33 | TWhile of (Data.clt)
34 | TWhenTrue of (Data.clt)
35 | TWhenFalse of (Data.clt)
36 | TWhen of (Data.clt)
37 | TVirtual
38 | TUsing
39 | TUnderscore
40 | TUndef of (Data.clt * token)
41 | TTypedef
42 | TTypeId of (string * Data.clt)
43 | TType
44 | TTildeExclEq of (Data.clt)
45 | TTildeEq of (Data.clt)
46 | TTilde of (Data.clt)
47 | TSymbol
48 | TSymId of (string * Data.clt)
49 | TSwitch of (Data.clt)
50 | TSub of (Data.clt)
51 | TString of (string * Data.clt)
52 | TStrict of (Data.clt)
53 | TStatement
54 | TSizeof of (Data.clt)
55 | TShROp of (Ast_cocci.arithOp * Data.clt)
56 | TShLOp of (Ast_cocci.arithOp * Data.clt)
57 | TScriptData of (string)
58 | TScript
59 | TRuleName of (string)
60 | TRightIso
61 | TReturn of (Data.clt)
62 | TPure
63 | TPtrOp of (Data.clt)
64 | TPtVirg of (Data.clt)
65 | TPragma of (Ast_cocci.added_string * Data.clt)
66 | TPosition
67 | TPosAny
68 | TPlusFile of (string * Data.clt)
69 | TPlus0
70 | TPlus of (Data.clt)
71 | TPathIsoFile of (string)
72 | TParameter
73 | TPOEllipsis of (Data.clt)
74 | TPCEllipsis of (Data.clt)
75 | TPArob of (Data.clt)
76 | TOrLog of (Data.clt)
77 | TOr of (Data.clt)
78 | TOn
79 | TOPar0 of (Data.clt)
80 | TOPar of (Data.clt)
81 | TOInit of (Data.clt)
82 | TOEllipsis of (Data.clt)
83 | TOCro of (Data.clt)
84 | TOBrace of (Data.clt)
85 | TNothing
86 | TNotEq of (Data.clt)
87 | TNever
88 | TName
89 | TMul of (Data.clt)
90 | TMinusFile of (string * Data.clt)
91 | TMinus of (Data.clt)
92 | TMid0 of (Data.clt)
93 | TMetavariable
94 | TMetaType of (
95 | TMetaStmList of (
96 | TMetaStm of (
97 | TMetaPos of (Parse_aux.pos_info)
98 | TMetaParamList of (Parse_aux.list_info)
99 | TMetaParam of (
100 | TMetaLocalIdExp of (Parse_aux.typed_expinfo)
101 | TMetaLocalFunc of (Parse_aux.idinfo)
102 | TMetaIterator of (Parse_aux.idinfo)
103 | TMetaInitList of (Parse_aux.list_info)
104 | TMetaInit of (
105 | TMetaIdExp of (Parse_aux.typed_expinfo)
106 | TMetaId of (Parse_aux.midinfo)
107 | TMetaFunc of (Parse_aux.idinfo)
108 | TMetaFieldList of (Parse_aux.list_info)
109 | TMetaField of (
110 | TMetaExpList of (Parse_aux.list_info)
111 | TMetaExp of (Parse_aux.typed_expinfo)
112 | TMetaErr of (Parse_aux.expinfo)
113 | TMetaDeclarer of (Parse_aux.idinfo)
114 | TMetaDecl of (
115 | TMetaConst of (Parse_aux.typed_expinfo)
116 | TMeta of (
117 | TMPtVirg
118 | TLogOp of (Ast_cocci.logicalOp * Data.clt)
119 | TLocal
120 | TLineEnd of (Data.clt)
121 | TIteratorId of (string * Data.clt)
122 | TIterator
123 | TIsoType
124 | TIsoTopLevel
125 | TIsoToTestExpression
126 | TIsoTestExpression
127 | TIsoStatement
128 | TIsoExpression
129 | TIsoDeclaration
130 | TIsoArgExpression
131 | TIso
132 | TInvalid
133 | TInt of (string * Data.clt)
134 | TInitialize
135 | TInitialiser
136 | TIncludeNL of (string * Data.clt)
137 | TIncludeL of (string * Data.clt)
138 | TInc of (Data.clt)
139 | TIf of (Data.clt)
140 | TIdentifier
141 | TIdent of (string * Data.clt)
142 | TIdExpression
143 | TGoto of (Data.clt)
144 | TGenerated
145 | TFunction
146 | TFunDecl of (Data.clt)
147 | TFresh
148 | TForall
149 | TFor of (Data.clt)
150 | TFloat of (string * Data.clt)
151 | TFinalize
152 | TField
153 | TExtends
154 | TExpression
155 | TExists
156 | TEver
157 | TError
158 | TEqEq of (Data.clt)
159 | TEq of (Data.clt)
160 | TElse of (Data.clt)
161 | TEllipsis of (Data.clt)
162 | TDotDot of (Data.clt)
163 | TDot of (Data.clt)
164 | TDo of (Data.clt)
165 | TDmOp of (Ast_cocci.arithOp * Data.clt)
166 | TDisable
167 | TDepends
168 | TDefineParam of (Data.clt * token * int * int)
169 | TDefine of (Data.clt * token)
170 | TDefault of (Data.clt)
171 | TDeclarerId of (string * Data.clt)
172 | TDeclarer
173 | TDeclaration
174 | TDec of (Data.clt)
175 | TCppConcatOp
176 | TContinue of (Data.clt)
177 | TContext
178 | TConstant
179 | TComma of (Data.clt)
180 | TChar of (string * Data.clt)
181 | TCase of (Data.clt)
182 | TCPar0 of (Data.clt)
183 | TCPar of (Data.clt)
184 | TCEllipsis of (Data.clt)
185 | TCCro of (Data.clt)
186 | TCBrace of (Data.clt)
187 | TBreak of (Data.clt)
188 | TBang0
189 | TBang of (Data.clt)
190 | TAssign of (Ast_cocci.assignOp * Data.clt)
191 | TArobArob
192 | TArob
193 | TAny of (Data.clt)
194 | TAndLog of (Data.clt)
195 | TAnd of (Data.clt)
196 | EOF
199 val script_meta_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> ((string option (*string*) * string option (*ast*)) * (Ast_cocci.meta_name * Ast_cocci.metavar) option)
200 val rule_name: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast_cocci.rulename)
201 val reinit: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit)
202 val plus_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast0_cocci.rule)
203 val plus_exp_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast0_cocci.rule)
204 val never_used: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (unit)
205 val minus_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast0_cocci.rule)
206 val minus_exp_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast0_cocci.rule)
207 val meta_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> ((Ast_cocci.metavar,Ast_cocci.metavar) Common.either list)
208 val iso_rule_name: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast_cocci.rulename)
209 val iso_meta_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> ((Ast_cocci.metavar,Ast_cocci.metavar) Common.either list)
210 val iso_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Ast0_cocci.anything list list)
211 val include_main: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (Data.incl_iso list)