Fix incorrect upgradable listing in "apt list" (thanks to Michael Musenbrock)
[ntk/apt.git] / apt-private /
1 #include <config.h>
3 #include <apt-pkg/cachefile.h>
4 #include <apt-pkg/pkgcache.h>
5 #include <apt-pkg/depcache.h>
6 #include <apt-pkg/cacheiterators.h>
7 #include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
8 #include <apt-pkg/progress.h>
9 #include <apt-pkg/policy.h>
11 #include <apt-private/private-cacheset.h>
13 #include <stddef.h>
15 #include <apti18n.h>
17 bool GetLocalitySortedVersionSet(pkgCacheFile &CacheFile,
18 LocalitySortedVersionSet &output_set,
19 OpProgress &progress)
20 {
21 Matcher null_matcher = Matcher();
22 return GetLocalitySortedVersionSet(CacheFile, output_set,
23 null_matcher, progress);
24 }
26 bool GetLocalitySortedVersionSet(pkgCacheFile &CacheFile,
27 LocalitySortedVersionSet &output_set,
28 Matcher &matcher,
29 OpProgress &progress)
30 {
31 pkgCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetPkgCache();
32 pkgDepCache *DepCache = CacheFile.GetDepCache();
34 int Done=0;
35 progress.SubProgress(Cache->Head().PackageCount, _("Sorting"));
36 for (pkgCache::PkgIterator P = Cache->PkgBegin(); P.end() == false; ++P)
37 {
38 if (Done%500 == 0)
39 progress.Progress(Done);
40 Done++;
42 if ((matcher)(P) == false)
43 continue;
45 // exclude virtual pkgs
46 if (P.VersionList() == 0)
47 continue;
48 pkgDepCache::StateCache &state = (*DepCache)[P];
49 if (_config->FindB("APT::Cmd::Installed") == true)
50 {
51 if (P.CurrentVer() != NULL)
52 {
53 output_set.insert(P.CurrentVer());
54 }
55 }
56 else if (_config->FindB("APT::Cmd::Upgradable") == true)
57 {
58 pkgPolicy *policy = CacheFile.GetPolicy();
59 if(P.CurrentVer() &&
60 state.Upgradable() &&
61 policy->GetCandidateVer(P) != P.CurrentVer())
62 {
63 pkgPolicy *policy = CacheFile.GetPolicy();
64 output_set.insert(policy->GetCandidateVer(P));
65 }
66 }
67 else if (_config->FindB("APT::Cmd::Manual-Installed") == true)
68 {
69 if (P.CurrentVer() &&
70 ((*DepCache)[P].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == false)
71 {
72 pkgPolicy *policy = CacheFile.GetPolicy();
73 output_set.insert(policy->GetCandidateVer(P));
74 }
75 }
76 else
77 {
78 pkgPolicy *policy = CacheFile.GetPolicy();
79 if (policy->GetCandidateVer(P).IsGood())
80 output_set.insert(policy->GetCandidateVer(P));
81 else
82 // no candidate, this may happen for packages in
83 // dpkg "deinstall ok config-file" state - we pick the first ver
84 // (which should be the only one)
85 output_set.insert(P.VersionList());
86 }
87 }
88 progress.Done();
89 return true;
90 }