Change quasiquote algorithm
[jackhill/mal.git] / impls / powershell / step8_macros.ps1
1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
3 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/types.psm1
4 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/reader.psm1
5 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/printer.psm1
6 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/env.psm1
7 Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/core.psm1
9 # READ
10 function READ([String] $str) {
11 return read_str($str)
12 }
14 # EVAL
15 function starts_with($lst, $sym) {
16 if ($lst.values.Count -ne 2) { return $false }
17 $a0 = $lst.nth(0)
18 return (symbol? $a0) -and ($a0.value -ceq $sym)
19 }
20 function qq_loop($elt, $acc) {
21 if ((list? $elt) -and (starts_with $elt "splice-unquote")) {
22 return (new-list @((new-symbol "concat"), $elt.nth(1), $acc))
23 } else {
24 return (new-list @((new-symbol "cons"), (quasiquote $elt), $acc))
25 }
26 }
27 function qq_foldr($xs) {
28 $acc = new-list @()
29 for ( $i = $xs.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i-- ) {
30 $acc = qq_loop $xs[$i] $acc
31 }
32 return $acc
33 }
34 function quasiquote($ast) {
35 if ($ast -eq $null) { return $ast }
36 switch ($ast.GetType().Name) {
37 "Symbol" { return (new-list @((new-symbol "quote"), $ast)) }
38 "HashMap" { return (new-list @((new-symbol "quote"), $ast)) }
39 "Vector" { return (new-list @((new-symbol "vec"), (qq_foldr $ast.values))) }
40 "List" {
41 if (starts_with $ast "unquote") {
42 return $ast.values[1]
43 } else {
44 return qq_foldr $ast.values
45 }
46 }
47 default { return $ast }
48 }
49 }
51 function macro?($ast, $env) {
52 return (list? $ast) -and
53 (symbol? $ast.nth(0)) -and
54 $env.find($ast.nth(0)) -and
55 $env.get($ast.nth(0)).macro
56 }
58 function macroexpand($ast, $env) {
59 while (macro? $ast $env) {
60 $mac = $env.get($ast.nth(0)).fn
61 $margs = $
62 $ast = &$mac @margs
63 }
64 return $ast
65 }
67 function eval_ast($ast, $env) {
68 if ($ast -eq $null) { return $ast }
69 switch ($ast.GetType().Name) {
70 "Symbol" { return $env.get($ast) }
71 "List" { return new-list ($ast.values | ForEach { EVAL $_ $env }) }
72 "Vector" { return new-vector ($ast.values | ForEach { EVAL $_ $env }) }
73 "HashMap" {
74 $hm = new-hashmap @()
75 foreach ($k in $ast.values.Keys) {
76 $hm.values[$k] = EVAL $ast.values[$k] $env
77 }
78 return $hm
79 }
80 default { return $ast }
81 }
82 }
84 function EVAL($ast, $env) {
85 while ($true) {
86 #Write-Host "EVAL $(pr_str $ast)"
87 if (-not (list? $ast)) {
88 return (eval_ast $ast $env)
89 }
91 $ast = (macroexpand $ast $env)
92 if (-not (list? $ast)) {
93 return (eval_ast $ast $env)
94 }
95 if (empty? $ast) { return $ast }
97 $a0, $a1, $a2 = $ast.nth(0), $ast.nth(1), $ast.nth(2)
98 switch -casesensitive ($a0.value) {
99 "def!" {
100 return $env.set($a1, (EVAL $a2 $env))
101 }
102 "let*" {
103 $let_env = new-env $env
104 for ($i=0; $i -lt $a1.values.Count; $i+=2) {
105 $_ = $let_env.set($a1.nth($i), (EVAL $a1.nth(($i+1)) $let_env))
106 }
107 $env = $let_env
108 $ast = $a2 # TCO
109 }
110 "quote" {
111 return $a1
112 }
113 "quasiquoteexpand" {
114 return (quasiquote $a1)
115 }
116 "quasiquote" {
117 $ast = quasiquote $a1
118 }
119 "defmacro!" {
120 $m = EVAL $a2 $env
121 $m.macro = $true
122 return $env.set($a1, $m)
123 }
124 "macroexpand" {
125 return (macroexpand $a1 $env)
126 }
127 "do" {
128 if ($ast.values.Count -gt 2) {
129 $middle = new-list $ast.values[1..($ast.values.Count-2)]
130 $_ = eval_ast $middle $env
131 }
132 $ast = $ast.last() # TCO
133 }
134 "if" {
135 $cond = (EVAL $a1 $env)
136 if ($cond -eq $null -or
137 ($cond -is [Boolean] -and $cond -eq $false)) {
138 $ast = $ast.nth(3) # TCO
139 } else {
140 $ast = $a2 # TCO
141 }
142 }
143 "fn*" {
144 # Save EVAL into a variable that will get closed over
145 $feval = Get-Command EVAL
146 $fn = {
147 return (&$feval $a2 (new-env $env $a1.values $args))
148 }.GetNewClosure()
149 return new-malfunc $a2 $a1.values $env $fn
150 }
151 default {
152 $el = (eval_ast $ast $env)
153 $f, $fargs = $el.first(), $
154 if (malfunc? $f) {
155 $env = (new-env $f.env $f.params $fargs)
156 $ast = $f.ast # TCO
157 } else {
158 return &$f @fargs
159 }
160 }
161 }
162 }
163 }
165 # PRINT
166 function PRINT($exp) {
167 return pr_str $exp $true
168 }
170 # REPL
171 $repl_env = new-env
173 function REP([String] $str) {
174 return PRINT (EVAL (READ $str) $repl_env)
175 }
177 # core.EXT: defined using PowerShell
178 foreach ($kv in $core_ns.GetEnumerator()) {
179 $_ = $repl_env.set((new-symbol $kv.Key), $kv.Value)
180 }
181 $_ = $repl_env.set((new-symbol "eval"), { param($a); (EVAL $a $repl_env) })
182 $_ = $repl_env.set((new-symbol "*ARGV*"), (new-list $args[1..$args.Count]))
184 # core.mal: defined using the language itself
185 $_ = REP('(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))')
186 $_ = REP('(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))')
187 $_ = REP("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw `"odd number of forms to cond`")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
190 if ($args.Count -gt 0) {
191 $_ = REP('(load-file "' + $args[0] + '")')
192 exit 0
193 }
195 while ($true) {
196 Write-Host "user> " -NoNewline
197 $line = [Console]::ReadLine()
198 if ($line -eq $null) {
199 break
200 }
201 try {
202 Write-Host (REP($line))
203 } catch {
204 Write-Host "Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
205 }
206 }