bbc-basic: Start of step 9: add 'try*' form and 'throw'.
[jackhill/mal.git] / gnu-smalltalk /
1 String extend [
2 String >> loadRelative [
3 | scriptPath scriptDirectory |
4 scriptPath := thisContext currentFileName.
5 scriptDirectory := FilePath stripFileNameFor: scriptPath.
6 FileStream fileIn: (FilePath append: self to: scriptDirectory)
7 ]
8 ]
10 '' loadRelative.
11 '' loadRelative.
12 '' loadRelative.
13 '' loadRelative.
14 '' loadRelative.
15 '' loadRelative.
17 Object subclass: MAL [
18 MAL class >> READ: input [
19 ^Reader readStr: input
20 ]
22 MAL class >> evalAst: sexp env: env [
23 sexp type = #symbol ifTrue: [
24 ^env get: sexp value
25 ].
27 sexp type = #list ifTrue: [
28 ^self evalList: sexp env: env class: MALList
29 ].
30 sexp type = #vector ifTrue: [
31 ^self evalList: sexp env: env class: MALVector
32 ].
33 sexp type = #map ifTrue: [
34 ^self evalList: sexp env: env class: MALMap
35 ].
37 ^sexp
38 ]
40 MAL class >> evalList: sexp env: env class: aClass [
41 | items |
42 items := sexp value collect:
43 [ :item | self EVAL: item env: env ].
44 ^aClass new: items
45 ]
47 MAL class >> EVAL: sexp env: env [
48 | ast a0_ a1_ a2 forms function args |
49 sexp type ~= #list ifTrue: [
50 ^self evalAst: sexp env: env
51 ].
52 sexp value isEmpty ifTrue: [
53 ^sexp
54 ].
56 ast := sexp value.
57 a0_ := ast first value.
58 a0_ = #'def!' ifTrue: [
59 | result |
60 a1_ := ast second value.
61 a2 := ast third.
62 result := self EVAL: a2 env: env.
63 env set: a1_ value: result.
64 ^result
65 ].
67 a0_ = #'let*' ifTrue: [
68 | env_ |
69 env_ := Env new: env.
70 a1_ := ast second value.
71 a2 := ast third.
72 1 to: a1_ size by: 2 do:
73 [ :i | env_ set: (a1_ at: i) value
74 value: (self EVAL: (a1_ at: i + 1) env: env_) ].
75 ^self EVAL: a2 env: env_
76 ].
78 forms := (self evalAst: sexp env: env) value.
79 function := forms first.
80 args := forms allButFirst asArray.
81 ^function valueWithArguments: args
82 ]
84 MAL class >> PRINT: sexp [
85 ^Printer prStr: sexp printReadably: true
86 ]
88 MAL class >> rep: input env: env [
89 ^self PRINT: (self EVAL: (self READ: input) env: env)
90 ]
91 ]
93 | input historyFile replEnv |
95 historyFile := '.mal_history'.
96 ReadLine readHistory: historyFile.
97 replEnv := Env new: nil.
99 replEnv set: #+ value: [ :a :b | MALNumber new: a value + b value ].
100 replEnv set: #- value: [ :a :b | MALNumber new: a value - b value ].
101 replEnv set: #* value: [ :a :b | MALNumber new: a value * b value ].
102 replEnv set: #/ value: [ :a :b | MALNumber new: a value // b value ].
104 [ input := ReadLine readLine: 'user> '. input isNil ] whileFalse: [
105 input isEmpty ifFalse: [
106 ReadLine addHistory: input.
107 ReadLine writeHistory: historyFile.
108 [ (MAL rep: input env: replEnv) displayNl ]
109 on: MALEmptyInput do: [ #return ]
110 on: MALError do:
111 [ :err | ('error: ', err messageText) displayNl. #return ].
112 ]
113 ]
115 '' displayNl.