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[jackhill/mal.git] / docs / step_notes.txt
1 Step Notes:
3 - step0_repl
4 - prompt, input, READ, EVAL, PRINT, output
5 - readline module
6 - display prompt, read line of input
7 - Details:
8 - get your language compiler/interpreter running
9 - create step0_repl.EXT
10 - loop that reads input, calls rep, writes output, exits
11 on EOF/Ctrl-D
12 - rep calls PRINT(EVAL(READ(str)))
13 - READ, EVAL, PRINT just return input parameter
14 - modify toplevel Makefile
15 - add language (directory name) to IMPLS
16 - add <lang>_STEP_TO_PROG entry
17 - add <lang>_RUNSTEP entry
18 - for a compiled language, add <lang>/Makefile
19 - targets: all, step*, stats, stats-lisp,
21 - use native eval in EVAL if available
23 - libedit/GNU readline:
24 - use existing lib, wrap shell call or implement
25 - load history file on first call
26 - add non-blank lines to history
27 - append to history file
29 - step1_read_print
30 - types module:
31 - add boxed types if no language equivalent:
32 - nil, true, false, symbol, integer, string, list
33 - error types if necessary
34 - reader module:
35 - stateful reader object
36 - alternative: mutate token list
37 - tokenize (if regex available)
38 - standard regex pattern: "/[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|\"(?:\\.|[^\\\"])*\"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('\"`,;)]*)/"
39 - read_str
40 - read_form(new Reader(tokenize(str)))
41 - read_form
42 - detect errors
43 - call read_list or read_atom
44 - read_list
45 - read_form until ')'
46 - return array (boxed)
47 - read_atom (not atom type)
48 - return scalar boxed type:
49 - nil, true, false, symbol, integer, string
50 - skip unquoting
51 - printer module:
52 - _pr_str:
53 - stringify boxed types to their Mal representations
54 - list/array is recursive
55 - skip quoting
56 - repl loop
57 - catch errors, print them and continue
58 - impls without exception handling will need to have a global
59 variable with checks for it at the beginning of critical
60 code sections
61 - Details:
62 - copy step0_repl.EXT to step1_read_print.EXT
63 - modify Makefile if compiled
64 - call reader.read_str from READ
65 - pass through type returned from read_str through
67 - create reader.EXT
68 - if regex support (much easier) then tokenize with this:
69 /[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"`,;)]*)/g
70 - add read_str:
71 - call tokenize
72 - handle blank line (exceptions, return code, global
73 depending on lang features)
74 - read_str -> read_form -> {read_list, read_atom}
75 - mutable reader thing
76 - create printer.EXT
77 - _pr_str function which basically reverses read_str and
78 returns a string representation
79 - run `make test^EXT^step1`. Much of the basics should pass up
80 to vectors
81 - implement read_hash_map (can refactor read_list)
82 - import read_vector
83 - probably want to define types for List and Vector in
84 types.EXT that extend or wrap native arrays
85 - run `make test^EXT^step1`. All mandatory should pass
87 - comments
89 - vectors
90 - Basically: two array types that retain their boxed types, can be
91 challenging depending on the language (e.g. JS, PHP: no clean
92 way to derive new array types).
93 - types module:
94 - add vector boxed type
95 - derived from array if possible
96 - pr_str:
97 - vector is recursive
98 - sequential?
99 - reader module:
100 - read_vector:
101 - re-use read_list but with different constructor, delims
103 - hash-maps
104 - reader module:
105 - re-use read_list function and apply that using hash-map
106 constructor
107 - types module:
108 - pr_str addition
109 - hash-map, map?, assoc, dissoc, get, contains?, keys,
110 vals (probably assoc! and dissoc! for internal)
111 - eval_map: eval the keys and values of hash_maps
112 - EVAL:
113 - if hash_map, call eval_map on it
115 - step2_eval
116 - types module:
117 - symbol?, list? (if no simple idiomatic impl type check)
118 - first, rest, nth on list
119 - eval_ast:
120 - if symbol, return value of looking up in env
121 - if list, eval each item, return new list
122 - otherwise, just return unchanged ast
123 - EVAL/apply:
124 - if not a list, call eval_ast
125 - otherwise, apply first item to eval_ast of (rest ast)
126 - repl_env as simple one level hash map (assoc. array)
127 - store function as hash_map value
128 - Details:
129 - copy step1_read_print.EXT to step2_eval.EXT
130 - create repl_env hash_map) with +, -, *, /
131 - store anon func as values if possible
132 - types.EXT
133 - implement symbol? (symbol_Q) and list? (list_Q)
134 - add env param to EVAL and add to rep EVAL call
135 - EVAL
136 - if not list call eval_ast
137 - otherwise eval_ast, and call first arg with rest
138 - eval_ast
139 - if symbol?, lookup in env
140 - if List, EVAL each and return eval's list
141 - otherwise, return original
142 - optional: handle vector and hash-map in eval_ast
144 - vectors
145 - eval each item, return new vector
147 - hash-maps
148 - eval each value, return new hash_map
150 - step3_env
151 - types module:
152 - may need function type if HashMap is strongly typed (e.g. Java)
153 - env type:
154 - find, set, get (no binds/exprs in constructor yet)
155 - EVAL/apply:
156 - def! - mutate current environment
157 - let* - create new environment with bindings
158 - Details:
159 - cp step2_eval.EXT to step3_env.EXT
160 - add env.EXT if lang support file dep cycles, otherwise, add
161 to types.EXT
162 - Env type
163 - find, get, set methods/functions
164 - use Env type instead of map/assoc. array
165 - eval_ast: use method for lookup
166 - EVAL:
167 - switch on first symbol
168 - def!
169 - set env[a1] to EVAL(a2, env)
170 - let*
171 - loop through let building up let_env
172 - EVAL(a2, let_env)
173 - move apply to default
175 - step4_if_fn_do
176 - types module:
177 - function type if no closures in impl language
178 - _equal_Q function (recursive)
179 - reader module
180 - string unescaping
181 - printer module
182 - print_readably option for pr_str
183 - add function printing to pr_str
184 - string escaping in pr_str
185 - core module (export via core_ns):
186 - export equal_Q from types as =
187 - move arith operations here
188 - add arith comparison functions
189 - pr_str, str, prn, println
190 - list, list?, count, empty?
191 - env module:
192 - add binds/exprs handling to Env constructor with variable arity
193 - EVAL:
194 - do:
195 - if:
196 - fn*:
197 - simple if language supports closures
198 - otherwise needs a way of representing functions that can
199 have associated metadata
200 - define "not" using REP/RE
201 - Details:
202 - cp step3_env.EXT to step4_env.EXT
203 - modify Makefile if compiled
204 - env.EXT
205 - add binds and exprs args. Create new environments with
206 exprs bound to binds. If & symbol, bind rest of exprs to
207 next bind symbol
208 - EVAL:
209 - do:
210 - eval_ast [1:], then return last eval'd element
211 - if
212 - EVAL(a1)
213 - if true EVAL(a2)
214 - else EVAL(a3), unless no a3 then return nil
215 - fn*
216 - if available use function closures to return a new
217 native function that calls EVAL(a2, Env(env, a1, fargs))
218 - otherwise, store exp, params and env in a structure
219 - core.EXT
220 - create ns object to hold core namespace
221 - move numeric operators here
222 - add comparison operators
223 - add list, list?, empty?, count
224 - run make test^EXT^step4
225 - implement equal?/equal_Q in types.EXT and refer in core.ns
226 - implement not as rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
227 - run make test^EXT^step4: should pass everything except
228 string routines
229 - implement: pr-str, str, prn, println in core.EXT and
230 refer in core.ns
231 - should leverage pr-str from printer.EXT
232 - add reader/printer string quote/unquote
234 - step5_tco
235 - types module:
236 - mal function type:
237 - stores: eval, exp, env, params
238 - eval is EVAL in native mal case (needed for map function
239 later), otherwise reference to platform function
240 - if metadata support, then store exp, env, params as
241 metadata
242 - printer
243 - add printing of mal function type
244 - EVAL:
245 - while loop around whole thing
246 - cases where we directly return result of EVAL, instead set
247 ast and env to what would be put in the EVAL, then loop.
248 - do, if, "apply"
249 - "apply"
250 - if mal function type
251 - set env to new Env based on properties on the function
252 - if native function, same as before
253 - Details:
254 - types.EXT
255 - create Mal function type to store eval, exp, env, params
256 - cp step4_if_fn_do.EXT to step5_tco.EXT
257 - wrap EVAL in infinite while loop
258 - in let*, do, and if:
259 - set ast and env and loop (no return)
260 - in fn* create Mal function type
261 - if compiled, update Makefile
262 - in apply, test if Mal function type:
263 - if so, generate new env from stored env, args and callee
264 params
265 - set ast to stored ast
268 - step6_file
269 - core module:
270 - read-string, slurp functions
271 - define eval and load-file functions
272 - set *ARGV*
273 - if files on command line, use load-file to run first argument
274 using rest as arguments
275 - Details:
276 - cp step5_tco.EXT to step6_file.EXT
277 - if compiled update Makefile
278 - add eval to repl_env
279 - if no (or limited closures) may have to add an "eval"
280 case to EVAL and use function which gets root of
281 environment to env.EXT (see rust).
282 - add empty *ARGV* list to repl_env
283 - in core.ns:
284 - wrap as read-string
285 - implement slurp
286 - implement load-file using rep
287 - test:
288 (load-file "../tests/inc.mal")
289 (inc3 10)
290 - implement command line execution
291 - test:
292 ./step6_file ../tests/incA.mal
293 =>9
294 - implement comments in reader.EXT (ignore in tokenize)
296 - step7_quote
297 - add is_pair and quasiquote functions
298 - rewrite ast using cons/concat functions
299 - if vectors, use sequential? instead of list? in is_pair
300 - EVAL:
301 - add 'quote', 'quasiquote' cases
302 - core module:
303 - add cons and concat functions
304 - reader module:
305 - add reader macros to read_form for quote, unquote,
306 splice-unquote and quasiquote
307 - Details:
308 - cp step6_file.EXT to step6_quote.EXT
309 - if compiled update Makefile
310 - implement reader macros (', `, ~, ~@) in reader
311 - retest make test^go^step1
312 - add is_pair and quasiquote
313 - add quote and quasiquote cases to EVAL
314 - implement cons and concat in core.EXT
315 - retest test^go^step7
317 - step8_macros
318 - types
319 - capability to store ismacro property in function
320 - core module:
321 - add first, rest, nth functions
322 - add is_macro_call and macroexpand
323 - recursively macroexpand lists
324 - if applying a macro function, run it on the ast first before
325 continuing
326 - call macroexpand apply in EVAL before apply
327 - EVAL:
328 - add 'defmacro!' and 'macroexpand'
329 - set ismacro property on function
330 - Details:
331 - cp step7_quote.EXT to step8_macros.EXT
332 - if compiled update Makefile
333 - add isMacro property to Mal Function type
334 - may need to go back and adjust step5-7
335 - implement is_macro_call and macroexpand
336 - call macroexpand on ast before apply in EVAL
337 - add defmacro! and macroexpand to EVAL switch
338 - make test^go^step8 should pass some basic macros
339 - add nth, first, and rest to core.ns
340 - make test^go^step8 should now pass
342 - step9_try
343 - core module:
344 - throw function
345 - apply, map functions: should not directly call EVAL, which
346 requires the function object to be runnable
347 - readline
348 - nil?, true?, false?
349 - EVAL:
350 - try*/catch*: for normal exceptions, extracts string
351 otherwise extracts full value
352 - set and print *host-language*
353 - define cond and or macros using REP/RE
354 - Details:
355 - cp step8_macros.EXT to stepA_try.EXT
356 - if compiled update Makefile
357 - core.ns implement nil?, true?, false?, symbol?, sequential?,
358 vector, vector?
359 - add mal error type which wraps normal mal type
360 - in core.ns add throw which wraps type in mal error type
361 and throws/raises/sets exception
362 - add try*/catch* support to EVAL
363 - if mal error type, bind to catch* bind symbol
364 - otherwise, bind string of error to catch* bind symbol
365 - implement apply, map in core.ns
366 - make test^go^stepA
367 - implement readline.EXT
368 - provide option (e.g. commented out) to link with GNU
369 readline (GPL) or libedit (BSD)
370 - add hash-map functions: hash-map, map?, assoc, dissoc, get,
371 contains?, keys, vals
372 - add metadata support to List, Vector, HashMap, and Functions
373 - add reader macro
374 - may need to box HashMap and native functions
375 - add atom type, reader macro and functions: with_meta, meta
376 - get `make test^go^stepA` to fully pass
377 - get `./stepA_try ../mal/step1_read_print` to pass
378 - continue for each mal step until ../mal/stepA_try
379 - Now self-hosting!
382 - Extra defintions needed for self-hosting
383 - core module:
384 - symbol?, sequential? (if not already)
385 - vector, vector?
388 - atoms
389 - reader module:
390 - @a reader macro -> (deref a)
391 - core module:
392 - pr_str case
393 - atom type, atom, atom?, deref, reset!, swap!
395 - metadata
396 - reader module:
397 - ^ reader macro reads ^meta obj -> (with-meta obj meta)
398 - types module:
399 - support meta property on collections: lists, vectors,
400 hash-maps, functions, atoms
401 - clone/copy of collections
402 - core module:
403 - add with-meta, meta functions
405 - Other misc:
406 - conj function
408 - stepA_mal
409 - convert returned data to mal data
410 - recursive, similar to pr_str
411 - Details: