Merge branch 'wasamasa-elisp'
[jackhill/mal.git] / ocaml /
1 module T = Types.Types
3 let repl_env = Env.make (Some Core.ns)
5 let rec quasiquote ast =
6 match ast with
7 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol {T.value = "unquote"}; ast] } -> ast
8 | T.Vector { T.value = [T.Symbol {T.value = "unquote"}; ast] } -> ast
9 | T.List { T.value = T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol {T.value = "splice-unquote"}; head]} :: tail }
10 | T.Vector { T.value = T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol {T.value = "splice-unquote"}; head]} :: tail } ->
11 Types.list [Types.symbol "concat"; head; quasiquote (Types.list tail)]
12 | T.List { T.value = head :: tail }
13 | T.Vector { T.value = head :: tail } ->
14 Types.list [Types.symbol "cons"; quasiquote head; quasiquote (Types.list tail) ]
15 | ast -> Types.list [Types.symbol "quote"; ast]
17 let kw_macro = T.Keyword "macro"
19 let is_macro_call ast env =
20 match ast with
21 | T.List { T.value = s :: args } ->
22 (match (try Env.get env s with _ -> T.Nil) with
23 | T.Fn { T.meta = T.Map { T.value = meta } }
24 -> Types.MalMap.mem kw_macro meta && Types.to_bool (Types.MalMap.find kw_macro meta)
25 | _ -> false)
26 | _ -> false
28 let rec macroexpand ast env =
29 if is_macro_call ast env
30 then match ast with
31 | T.List { T.value = s :: args } ->
32 (match (try Env.get env s with _ -> T.Nil) with
33 | T.Fn { T.value = f } -> macroexpand (f args) env
34 | _ -> ast)
35 | _ -> ast
36 else ast
38 let rec eval_ast ast env =
39 match ast with
40 | T.Symbol s -> Env.get env ast
41 | T.List { T.value = xs; T.meta = meta }
42 -> T.List { T.value = ( (fun x -> eval x env) xs);
43 T.meta = meta }
44 | T.Vector { T.value = xs; T.meta = meta }
45 -> T.Vector { T.value = ( (fun x -> eval x env) xs);
46 T.meta = meta }
47 | T.Map { T.value = xs; T.meta = meta }
48 -> T.Map {T.meta = meta;
49 T.value = (Types.MalMap.fold
50 (fun k v m
51 -> Types.MalMap.add (eval k env) (eval v env) m)
52 xs
53 Types.MalMap.empty)}
54 | _ -> ast
55 and eval ast env =
56 match macroexpand ast env with
57 | T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "def!" }); key; expr] } ->
58 let value = (eval expr env) in
59 Env.set env key value; value
60 | T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "defmacro!" }); key; expr] } ->
61 (match (eval expr env) with
62 | T.Fn { T.value = f; T.meta = meta } ->
63 let fn = T.Fn { T.value = f; meta = Core.assoc [meta; kw_macro; (T.Bool true)]}
64 in Env.set env key fn; fn
65 | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "devmacro! value must be a fn"))
66 | T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "let*" }); (T.Vector { T.value = bindings }); body] }
67 | T.List { T.value = [(T.Symbol { T.value = "let*" }); (T.List { T.value = bindings }); body] } ->
68 (let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in
69 let rec bind_pairs = (function
70 | sym :: expr :: more ->
71 Env.set sub_env sym (eval expr sub_env);
72 bind_pairs more
73 | _::[] -> raise (Invalid_argument "let* bindings must be an even number of forms")
74 | [] -> ())
75 in bind_pairs bindings;
76 eval body sub_env)
77 | T.List { T.value = ((T.Symbol { T.value = "do" }) :: body) } ->
78 List.fold_left (fun x expr -> eval expr env) T.Nil body
79 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "if" }; test; then_expr; else_expr] } ->
80 if Types.to_bool (eval test env) then (eval then_expr env) else (eval else_expr env)
81 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "if" }; test; then_expr] } ->
82 if Types.to_bool (eval test env) then (eval then_expr env) else T.Nil
83 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "fn*" }; T.Vector { T.value = arg_names }; expr] }
84 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "fn*" }; T.List { T.value = arg_names }; expr] } ->
85 Types.fn
86 (function args ->
87 let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in
88 let rec bind_args a b =
89 (match a, b with
90 | [T.Symbol { T.value = "&" }; name], args -> Env.set sub_env name (Types.list args);
91 | (name :: names), (arg :: args) ->
92 Env.set sub_env name arg;
93 bind_args names args;
94 | [], [] -> ()
95 | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Bad param count in fn call"))
96 in bind_args arg_names args;
97 eval expr sub_env)
98 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "quote" }; ast] } -> ast
99 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "quasiquote" }; ast] } ->
100 eval (quasiquote ast) env
101 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "macroexpand" }; ast] } ->
102 macroexpand ast env
103 | T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "try*" }; scary ;
104 T.List { T.value = [T.Symbol { T.value = "catch*" };
105 local ; handler]}]} ->
106 (try (eval scary env)
107 with exn ->
108 let value = match exn with
109 | Types.MalExn value -> value
110 | Invalid_argument msg -> T.String msg
111 | _ -> (T.String "OCaml exception") in
112 let sub_env = Env.make (Some env) in
113 Env.set sub_env local value;
114 eval handler sub_env)
115 | T.List _ as ast ->
116 (match eval_ast ast env with
117 | T.List { T.value = ((T.Fn { T.value = f }) :: args) } -> f args
118 | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cannot invoke non-function"))
119 | ast -> eval_ast ast env
121 let read str = Reader.read_str str
122 let print exp = Printer.pr_str exp true
123 let rep str env = print (eval (read str) env)
125 let rec main =
126 try
127 Core.init Core.ns;
128 Env.set repl_env (Types.symbol "*ARGV*")
129 (Types.list (if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
130 then ( (fun x -> T.String x) ( ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))))
131 else []));
132 Env.set repl_env (Types.symbol "eval")
133 (Types.fn (function [ast] -> eval ast repl_env | _ -> T.Nil));
135 ignore (rep "(def! *host-language* \"ocaml\")" repl_env);
136 ignore (rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))" repl_env);
137 ignore (rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))" repl_env);
138 ignore (rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))" repl_env);
139 ignore (rep "(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))" repl_env);
140 ignore (rep "(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str \"G__\" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))" repl_env);
141 ignore (rep "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))" repl_env);
143 if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then
144 try
145 ignore (rep ("(load-file \"" ^ Sys.argv.(1) ^ "\")") repl_env);
146 with
147 | Types.MalExn exc ->
148 output_string stderr ("Exception: " ^ (print exc) ^ "\n");
149 flush stderr
150 else begin
151 ignore (rep "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))" repl_env);
152 while true do
153 print_string "user> ";
154 let line = read_line () in
155 try
156 print_endline (rep line repl_env);
157 with End_of_file -> ()
158 | Types.MalExn exc ->
159 output_string stderr ("Exception: " ^ (print exc) ^ "\n");
160 flush stderr
161 | Invalid_argument x ->
162 output_string stderr ("Invalid_argument exception: " ^ x ^ "\n");
163 flush stderr
164 | _ ->
165 output_string stderr ("Erroringness!\n");
166 flush stderr
167 done
168 end
169 with End_of_file -> ()