Merge pull request #120 from def-/master
[jackhill/mal.git] / ocaml /
1 module rec Types
2 : sig
3 type 'a with_meta = { value : 'a; meta : t }
4 and t =
5 | List of t list with_meta
6 | Vector of t list with_meta
7 | Map of t MalMap.t with_meta
8 | Int of int
9 | Symbol of string with_meta
10 | Keyword of string
11 | Nil
12 | Bool of bool
13 | String of string
14 | Fn of (t list -> t) with_meta
15 | Atom of t ref
16 end = Types
18 and MalValue
19 : sig
20 type t = Types.t
21 val compare : t -> t -> int
22 end
23 = struct
24 type t = Types.t
25 let compare =
26 end
28 and MalMap
29 : Map.S with type key = MalValue.t
30 = Map.Make(MalValue)
32 exception MalExn of Types.t
34 let to_bool x = match x with
35 | Types.Nil | Types.Bool false -> false
36 | _ -> true
38 type mal_type = MalValue.t
40 let list x = Types.List { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil }
41 let map x = Types.Map { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil }
42 let vector x = Types.Vector { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil }
43 let symbol x = Types.Symbol { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil }
44 let fn f = Types.Fn { Types.value = f; meta = Types.Nil }
46 let rec list_into_map target source =
47 match source with
48 | k :: v :: more -> list_into_map (MalMap.add k v target) more
49 | [] -> map target
50 | _ :: [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Literal maps must contain an even number of forms")
52 let rec mal_list_equal a b =
53 List.length a = List.length b && List.for_all2 mal_equal a b
55 and mal_hash_equal a b =
56 if MalMap.cardinal a = MalMap.cardinal b
57 then
58 let identical_to_b k v = MalMap.mem k b && mal_equal v (MalMap.find k b) in
59 MalMap.for_all identical_to_b a
60 else false
62 and mal_equal a b =
63 match (a, b) with
64 | (Types.List a, Types.List b)
65 | (Types.List a, Types.Vector b)
66 | (Types.Vector a, Types.List b)
67 | (Types.Vector a, Types.Vector b) -> mal_list_equal a.Types.value b.Types.value
68 | (Types.Map a, Types.Map b) -> mal_hash_equal a.Types.value b.Types.value
69 | _ -> a = b