Merge pull request #530 from mpritham/master
[jackhill/mal.git] / examples / clojurewest2014.mal
1 ;; Mal Presentation
3 (def! clear
4 (fn* ()
5 (str "\e[2J\e[;H")))
7 (def! bold
8 (fn* (s)
9 (str "\e[1m" s "\e[0m")))
11 (def! blue
12 (fn* (s)
13 (str "\e[1;34m" s "\e[0m")))
15 (def! title
16 (fn* (s)
17 (bold (blue (str s "\n")))))
19 (def! title2
20 (fn* (s)
21 (bold (blue s))))
24 (def! conj-slides
25 (list
26 (list
27 (title2 " __ __ _ _")
28 (title2 "| \\/ | / \\ | |")
29 (title2 "| |\\/| | / _ \\ | | ")
30 (title2 "| | | |/ ___ \\| |___ ")
31 (title2 "|_| |_/_/ \\_\\_____|"))
32 (list
33 (title "gherkin")
34 "- a lisp1 written in bash4")
35 (list
36 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure"))
37 (list
38 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure")
39 "- written in GNU make")
40 (list
41 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure")
42 "- written in GNU make"
43 "- and Bash 4")
44 (list
45 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure")
46 "- written in GNU make"
47 "- and Bash 4"
48 "- and Javascript")
49 (list
50 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure")
51 "- written in GNU make"
52 "- and Bash 4"
53 "- and Javascript"
54 "- and Python")
55 (list
56 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure")
57 "- written in GNU make"
58 "- and Bash 4"
59 "- and Javascript"
60 "- and Python"
61 "- and Clojure")
62 (list
63 (title "mal - an interpreter for a subset of Clojure")
64 "- written in GNU make"
65 "- and Bash 4"
66 "- and Javascript"
67 "- and Python"
68 "- and Clojure"
69 "- and C and Java and PHP")
70 (list
71 (title "things it has")
72 "- scalars: integers, strings, symbols, nil, true, false"
73 "- immutable collections: lists, vectors, hash-maps"
74 "- metadata, atoms"
75 "- def!, fn*, let*"
76 " - varargs: (fn* (x y & more) ...)"
77 "- tail call optimization"
78 " - except GNU make implementation (no iteration)"
79 "- macros (quote, unquote, quasiquote, splice-quote)"
80 "- almost 300 unit tests"
81 "- REPL with readline (GNU readline or libedit)")
82 (list
83 (title "things it does not have")
84 "- performance"
85 "- namespaces"
86 "- keywords"
87 "- GC (in bash, make, C implementations)"
88 "- lots of other things")
89 (list
90 (title "why?")
91 "- because!")
92 (list
93 (title "why?")
94 "- because!"
95 "- gherkin was an inspiration to higher levels of crazy"
96 "- evolved into learning tool"
97 "- way to learn about Lisp and also the target language"
98 "- each implementation broken into small 10 steps")
99 (list
100 (title "thanks to:")
101 "- Peter Norvig: inspiration: lispy"
102 " -"
103 "- Alan Dipert: gherkin, original gherkin slides"
104 " -")
105 (list
106 (title "mal - Make a Lisp")
107 "")
108 (list
109 (title "demo"))))
111 (def! present
112 (fn* (slides)
113 (if (> (count slides) 0)
114 (do
115 ;;(py!* "import os; r = os.system('clear')")
116 ;;(sh* "clear")
117 ;;(make* "$(shell clear)")
118 (println (clear))
120 ;;(prn (first slides))
121 (apply println (map (fn* (line) (str "\n " line)) (first slides)))
122 (println "\n\n\n")
123 (readline "")
124 (present (rest slides))))))
126 (present conj-slides)