Move implementations into impls/ dir
[jackhill/mal.git] / impls / objc / step9_try.m
1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
3 #import "mal_readline.h"
4 #import "types.h"
5 #import "reader.h"
6 #import "printer.h"
7 #import "env.h"
8 #import "malfunc.h"
9 #import "core.h"
11 // read
12 NSObject *READ(NSString *str) {
13 return read_str(str);
14 }
16 // eval
17 BOOL is_pair(NSObject *obj) {
18 return [obj isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] &&
19 [(NSArray *)obj count] > 0;
20 }
22 NSObject * quasiquote(NSObject *ast) {
23 if (!is_pair(ast)) {
24 return @[[MalSymbol stringWithString:@"quote"], ast];
25 } else {
26 NSArray * alst = (NSArray *)ast;
27 id a0 = alst[0];
28 if ([a0 isKindOfClass:[MalSymbol class]] &&
29 [(NSString *)a0 isEqualTo:@"unquote"]) {
30 return alst[1];
31 } else if (is_pair(a0)) {
32 id a0lst = (NSArray *)a0;
33 id a00 = a0lst[0];
34 if ([a00 isKindOfClass:[MalSymbol class]] &&
35 [(NSString *)a00 isEqualTo:@"splice-unquote"]) {
36 return @[[MalSymbol stringWithString:@"concat"],
37 a0lst[1],
38 quasiquote(_rest(alst))];
39 }
40 }
41 return @[[MalSymbol stringWithString:@"cons"],
42 quasiquote(a0),
43 quasiquote(_rest(alst))];
44 }
45 }
47 BOOL is_macro_call(NSObject *ast, Env *env) {
48 if (list_Q(ast)) {
49 NSArray * alst = (NSArray *)ast;
50 if ([alst[0] isKindOfClass:[MalSymbol class]] && [env find:alst[0]]) {
51 id mf = [env get:alst[0]];
52 if ([mf isKindOfClass:[MalFunc class]]) {
53 return [(MalFunc *)mf isMacro];
54 }
55 }
56 }
57 return false;
58 }
60 NSObject *macroexpand(NSObject *ast, Env *env) {
61 while(is_macro_call(ast, env)) {
62 NSArray * alst = (NSArray *)ast;
63 MalFunc * mf = (MalFunc *)[env get:alst[0]];
64 ast = [mf apply:_rest(alst)];
65 }
66 return ast;
67 }
69 NSObject *eval_ast(NSObject *ast, Env *env) {
70 if ([ast isMemberOfClass:[MalSymbol class]]) {
71 return [env get:(MalSymbol *)ast];
72 } else if ([ast isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
73 NSMutableArray *newLst = [NSMutableArray array];
74 for (NSObject * x in (NSArray *)ast) {
75 [newLst addObject:EVAL(x, env)];
76 }
77 if ([ast isKindOfClass:[MalVector class]]) {
78 return [MalVector fromArray:newLst];
79 } else {
80 return newLst;
81 }
82 } else if ([ast isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
83 NSMutableDictionary *newDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
84 for (NSString * k in (NSDictionary *)ast) {
85 newDict[k] = EVAL(((NSDictionary *)ast)[k], env);
86 }
87 return newDict;
88 } else {
89 return ast;
90 }
91 }
93 NSObject *EVAL(NSObject *ast, Env *env) {
94 while (true) {
95 //NSLog(@"EVAL: %@ (%@)", _pr_str(ast, true), env);
96 if (!list_Q(ast)) {
97 return eval_ast(ast, env);
98 }
100 // apply list
101 if ([(NSArray *)ast count] == 0) {
102 return ast;
103 }
104 ast = macroexpand(ast, env);
105 if (!list_Q(ast)) {
106 return eval_ast(ast, env);
107 }
109 NSArray * alst = (NSArray *)ast;
110 id a0 = alst[0];
111 NSString * a0sym = [a0 isKindOfClass:[MalSymbol class]] ? (NSString *)a0
112 : @"__<*fn*>__";
114 if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"def!"]) {
115 return [env set:((MalSymbol *)alst[1]) val:EVAL(alst[2], env)];
116 } else if ([(NSString *)a0 isEqualTo:@"let*"]) {
117 Env *let_env = [Env fromOuter:env];
118 NSArray * binds = (NSArray *)alst[1];
119 for (int i=0; i < [binds count]; i+=2) {
120 [let_env set:binds[i] val:EVAL(binds[i+1], let_env)];
121 }
122 env = let_env;
123 ast = alst[2]; // TCO
124 } else if ([(NSString *)a0 isEqualTo:@"quote"]) {
125 return alst[1];
126 } else if ([(NSString *)a0 isEqualTo:@"quasiquote"]) {
127 ast = quasiquote(alst[1]); // TCO
128 } else if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"defmacro!"]) {
129 MalFunc * f = (MalFunc *)EVAL(alst[2], env);
130 f.isMacro = true;
131 return [env set:alst[1] val:f];
132 } else if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"macroexpand"]) {
133 return macroexpand(alst[1], env);
134 } else if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"try*"]) {
135 @try {
136 return EVAL(alst[1], env);
137 } @catch(NSObject *e) {
138 if ([alst count] > 2 && [alst[2] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
139 NSArray * a2lst = alst[2];
140 if ([a2lst[0] isKindOfClass:[MalSymbol class]] &&
141 [(MalSymbol *)a2lst[0] isEqualTo:@"catch*"]) {
142 NSObject * exc = e;
143 if ([e isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) {
144 exc = [e description];
145 }
146 return EVAL(a2lst[2], [Env fromBindings:env
147 binds:@[a2lst[1]]
148 exprs:@[exc]]);
149 }
150 }
151 @throw e;
152 }
153 } else if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"do"]) {
154 NSRange r = NSMakeRange(1, [alst count] - 2);
155 eval_ast([alst subarrayWithRange:r], env);
156 ast = [alst lastObject]; // TCO
157 } else if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"if"]) {
158 NSObject * cond = EVAL(alst[1], env);
159 if ([cond isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]] ||
160 [cond isKindOfClass:[MalFalse class]]) {
161 if ([alst count] > 3) {
162 ast = alst[3]; // TCO
163 } else {
164 return [NSNull alloc];
165 }
166 } else {
167 ast = alst[2]; // TCO
168 }
169 } else if ([a0sym isEqualTo:@"fn*"]) {
170 return [[MalFunc alloc] init:alst[2] env:env params:alst[1]];
171 } else {
172 NSArray * el = (NSArray *) eval_ast(ast, env);
173 NSArray * args = @[];
174 if ([el count] > 1) {
175 args = _rest(el);
176 }
177 if ([el[0] isKindOfClass:[MalFunc class]]) {
178 MalFunc * mf = el[0];
179 env = [Env fromBindings:[mf env] binds:[mf params] exprs:args];
180 ast = [mf ast]; // TCO
181 } else {
182 NSObject * (^ f)(NSArray *) = el[0];
183 return f(args);
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 }
189 // print
190 NSString *PRINT(NSObject *exp) {
191 return _pr_str(exp, true);
192 }
194 // REPL
195 NSString *REP(NSString *line, Env *env) {
196 return PRINT(EVAL(READ(line), env));
197 }
199 int main () {
200 // Outside of pool to prevent "Block_release called upon
201 // a stack..." message on exit
202 Env * repl_env = [[Env alloc] init];
203 NSArray *args = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
205 // Create an autorelease pool to manage the memory into the program
206 NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
207 // If using automatic reference counting (ARC), use @autoreleasepool instead:
208 // @autoreleasepool {
210 // core.m: defined using Objective-C
211 NSDictionary * core_ns = [Core ns];
212 for (NSString* key in core_ns) {
213 [repl_env set:(MalSymbol *)key val:[core_ns objectForKey:key]];
214 }
215 [repl_env set:(MalSymbol *)@"eval" val:^(NSArray *args) {
216 return EVAL(args[0], repl_env);
217 }];
218 NSArray *argv = @[];
219 if ([args count] > 2) {
220 argv = [args subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, [args count] - 2)];
221 }
222 [repl_env set:(MalSymbol *)@"*ARGV*" val:argv];
224 // core.mal: defined using the language itself
225 REP(@"(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env);
226 REP(@"(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))", repl_env);
227 REP(@"(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))", repl_env);
230 if ([args count] > 1) {
231 @try {
232 REP([NSString stringWithFormat:@"(load-file \"%@\")", args[1]], repl_env);
233 } @catch(NSString *e) {
234 printf("Error: %s\n", [e UTF8String]);
235 }
236 return 0;
237 }
239 while (true) {
240 char *rawline = _readline("user> ");
241 if (!rawline) { break; }
242 NSString *line = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:rawline];
243 if ([line length] == 0) { continue; }
244 @try {
245 printf("%s\n", [[REP(line, repl_env) description] UTF8String]);
246 } @catch(NSString *e) {
247 printf("Error: %s\n", [e UTF8String]);
248 } @catch(NSObject *e) {
249 NSObject * exc = e;
250 printf("Exception: %s\n", [_pr_str(exc, true) UTF8String]);
251 } @catch(NSException *e) {
252 if ([[e name] isEqualTo:@"ReaderContinue"]) { continue; }
253 printf("Exception: %s\n", [[e reason] UTF8String]);
254 }
255 }
257 [pool drain];
259 // }
260 }