[jackhill/mal.git] / jq / step9_try.jq
1 include "reader";
2 include "printer";
3 include "utils";
4 include "interp";
5 include "env";
6 include "core";
8 def read_line:
9 . as $in
10 | label $top
11 | _readline;
13 def READ:
14 read_str | read_form | .value;
16 def recurseflip(x; y):
17 recurse(y; x);
19 def TCOWrap(env; retenv; continue):
20 {
21 ast: .,
22 env: env,
23 ret_env: (if retenv != null then (retenv | setpath(["atoms"]; env.atoms)) else retenv end),
24 finish: (continue | not),
25 cont: true # set inside
26 };
28 def _symbol(name):
29 {
30 kind: "symbol",
31 value: name
32 };
34 def _symbol_v(name):
35 if .kind == "symbol" then
36 .value == name
37 else
38 false
39 end;
41 def quasiquote:
42 if isPair then
43 .value as $value | null |
44 if ($value[0] | _symbol_v("unquote")) then
45 $value[1]
46 else
47 if isPair($value[0]) and ($value[0].value[0] | _symbol_v("splice-unquote")) then
48 [_symbol("concat")] +
49 [$value[0].value[1]] +
50 [($value[1:] | wrap("list") | quasiquote)] | wrap("list")
51 else
52 [_symbol("cons")] +
53 [($value[0] | quasiquote)] +
54 [($value[1:] | wrap("list") | quasiquote)] | wrap("list")
55 end
56 end
57 else
58 [_symbol("quote")] +
59 [.] | wrap("list")
60 end;
62 def set_macro_function:
63 if .kind != "function" then
64 jqmal_error("expected a function to be defined by defmacro!")
65 else
66 .is_macro |= true
67 end;
69 def is_macro_call(env):
70 if .kind != "list" then
71 false
72 else
73 if (.value|first.kind == "symbol") then
74 env_req(env; .value|first.value)
75 | if .kind != "function" then
76 false
77 else
78 .is_macro
79 end
80 else
81 false
82 end
83 end;
85 def EVAL(env):
86 def _eval_here:
87 .env as $env | .expr | EVAL($env);
89 def _interpret($_menv):
90 reduce .value[] as $elem (
91 {env: $_menv, val: []};
92 . as $dot | $elem | EVAL($dot.env) as $eval_env |
93 ($dot.env | setpath(["atoms"]; $eval_env.env.atoms)) as $_menv |
94 {env: $_menv, val: ($dot.val + [$eval_env.expr])}
95 ) | . as $expr | $expr.val | first |
96 interpret($expr.val[1:]; $expr.env; _eval_here);
98 def macroexpand(env):
99 . as $dot |
100 $dot |
101 [ while(is_macro_call(env | unwrapCurrentEnv);
102 . as $dot
103 | ($dot.value[0] | EVAL(env).expr) as $fn
104 | $dot.value[1:] as $args
105 | $fn
106 | interpret($args; env; _eval_here).expr) // . ]
107 | last
108 | if is_macro_call(env | unwrapCurrentEnv) then
109 . as $dot
110 | ($dot.value[0] | EVAL(env).expr) as $fn
111 | $dot.value[1:] as $args
112 | $fn
113 | interpret($args; env; _eval_here).expr
114 else
115 .
116 end
117 ;
119 def hmap_with_env:
120 .env as $env | .list as $list |
121 if $list|length == 0 then
122 empty
123 else
124 $list[0] as $elem |
125 $list[1:] as $rest |
126 $elem.value.value | EVAL($env) as $resv |
127 {
128 value: {
129 key: $elem.key,
130 value: { kkind: $elem.value.kkind, value: $resv.expr }
131 },
132 env: env
133 },
134 ({env: $resv.env, list: $rest} | hmap_with_env)
135 end;
136 def map_with_env:
137 .env as $env | .list as $list |
138 if $list|length == 0 then
139 empty
140 else
141 $list[0] as $elem |
142 $list[1:] as $rest |
143 $elem | EVAL($env) as $resv |
144 { value: $resv.expr, env: env },
145 ({env: $resv.env, list: $rest} | map_with_env)
146 end;
147 def eval_ast(env):
148 (select(.kind == "vector") |
149 if .value|length == 0 then
150 {
151 kind: "vector",
152 value: []
153 }
154 else
155 [ { env: env, list: .value } | map_with_env ] as $res |
156 {
157 kind: "vector",
158 value: $res | map(.value)
159 }
160 end
161 ) //
162 (select(.kind == "hashmap") |
163 [ { env: env, list: (.value | to_entries) } | hmap_with_env ] as $res |
164 {
165 kind: "hashmap",
166 value: $res | map(.value) | from_entries
167 }
168 ) //
169 (select(.kind == "function") |
170 .# return this unchanged, since it can only be applied to
171 ) //
172 (select(.kind == "symbol") |
173 .value | env_get(env | unwrapCurrentEnv)
174 ) // .;
176 . as $ast
177 | { env: env, ast: ., cont: true, finish: false, ret_env: null }
178 | [ recurseflip(.cont;
179 .env as $_menv
180 | if .finish then
181 .cont |= false
182 else
183 (.ret_env//.env) as $_retenv
184 | .ret_env as $_orig_retenv
185 | .ast
186 | . as $init
187 | $_menv | unwrapCurrentEnv as $currentEnv # unwrap env "package"
188 | $_menv | unwrapReplEnv as $replEnv # -
189 | $init
190 |
191 (select(.kind == "list") |
192 macroexpand($_menv) |
193 if .kind != "list" then
194 eval_ast($_menv) | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false)
195 else
196 if .value | length == 0 then
197 . | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false)
198 else
199 (
200 (
201 .value | select(.[0].value == "def!") as $value |
202 ($value[2] | EVAL($_menv)) as $evval |
203 addToEnv($evval; $value[1].value) as $val |
204 $val.expr | TCOWrap($val.env; $_orig_retenv; false)
205 ) //
206 (
207 .value | select(.[0].value == "defmacro!") as $value |
208 ($value[2] | EVAL($_menv) | (.expr |= set_macro_function)) as $evval |
209 addToEnv($evval; $value[1].value) as $val |
210 $val.expr | TCOWrap($val.env; $_orig_retenv; false)
211 ) //
212 (
213 .value | select(.[0].value == "let*") as $value |
214 ($currentEnv | pureChildEnv | wrapEnv($replEnv; $_menv.atoms)) as $_menv |
215 (reduce ($value[1].value | nwise(2)) as $xvalue (
216 $_menv;
217 . as $env | $xvalue[1] | EVAL($env) as $expenv |
218 env_set_($expenv.env; $xvalue[0].value; $expenv.expr))) as $env
219 | $value[2] | TCOWrap($env; $_retenv; true)
220 ) //
221 (
222 .value | select(.[0].value == "do") as $value |
223 (reduce ($value[1:][]) as $xvalue (
224 { env: $_menv, expr: {kind:"nil"} };
225 .env as $env | $xvalue | EVAL($env)
226 )) | . as $ex | .expr | TCOWrap($ex.env; $_orig_retenv; false)
227 ) //
228 (
229 .value | select(.[0].value == "try*") as $value |
230 try (
231 $value[1] | EVAL($_menv) as $exp | $exp.expr | TCOWrap($exp.env; $_orig_retenv; false)
232 ) catch ( . as $exc |
233 if $value[2] then
234 if ($value[2].value[0] | _symbol_v("catch*")) then
235 (if ($exc | is_jqmal_error) then
236 $exc[19:] as $ex |
237 try (
238 $ex
239 | fromjson
240 ) catch (
241 $ex |
242 wrap("string")
243 )
244 else
245 $exc|wrap("string")
246 end) as $exc |
247 $value[2].value[2] | EVAL($currentEnv | childEnv([$value[2].value[1].value]; [$exc]) | wrapEnv($replEnv; $_menv.atoms)) as $ex |
248 $ex.expr | TCOWrap($ex.env; $_retenv; false)
249 else
250 error($exc)
251 end
252 else
253 error($exc)
254 end
255 )
256 ) //
257 (
258 .value | select(.[0].value == "if") as $value |
259 $value[1] | EVAL($_menv) as $condenv |
260 (if (["false", "nil"] | contains([$condenv.expr.kind])) then
261 ($value[3] // {kind:"nil"})
262 else
263 $value[2]
264 end) | TCOWrap($condenv.env; $_orig_retenv; true)
265 ) //
266 (
267 .value | select(.[0].value == "fn*") as $value |
268 # (fn* args body)
269 $value[1].value | map(.value) as $binds |
270 ($value[2] | find_free_references($currentEnv | env_dump_keys + $binds)) as $free_referencess | {
271 kind: "function",
272 binds: $binds,
273 env: ($_menv | env_remove_references($free_referencess)),
274 body: $value[2],
275 names: [], # we can't do that circular reference thing
276 free_referencess: $free_referencess, # for dynamically scoped variables
277 is_macro: false
278 } | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false)
279 ) //
280 (
281 .value | select(.[0].value == "quote") as $value |
282 $value[1] | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false)
283 ) //
284 (
285 .value | select(.[0].value == "quasiquote") as $value |
286 $value[1] | quasiquote | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; true)
287 ) //
288 (
289 .value | select(.[0].value == "macroexpand") as $value |
290 $value[1] | macroexpand(env) | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false)
291 ) //
292 (
293 . as $dot | _interpret($_menv) as $exprenv |
294 $exprenv.expr | TCOWrap($exprenv.env; $_orig_retenv; false)
295 ) //
296 TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false)
297 )
298 end
299 end
300 ) //
301 (eval_ast($_menv) | TCOWrap($_menv; $_orig_retenv; false))
302 end
303 ) ]
304 | last as $result
305 | ($result.ret_env // $result.env) as $env
306 | $result.ast
307 | addEnv($env);
309 def PRINT(env):
310 pr_str(env);
312 def rep(env):
313 READ | EVAL(env) as $expenv |
314 if $expenv.expr != null then
315 $expenv.expr | PRINT($expenv.env)
316 else
317 null
318 end | addEnv($expenv.env);
320 def repl_(env):
321 ("user> " | _print) |
322 (read_line | rep(env));
324 # we don't have no indirect functions, so we'll have to interpret the old way
325 def replEnv:
326 {
327 parent: null,
328 environment: ({
329 "+": {
330 kind: "fn", # native function
331 inputs: 2,
332 function: "number_add"
333 },
334 "-": {
335 kind: "fn", # native function
336 inputs: 2,
337 function: "number_sub"
338 },
339 "*": {
340 kind: "fn", # native function
341 inputs: 2,
342 function: "number_mul"
343 },
344 "/": {
345 kind: "fn", # native function
346 inputs: 2,
347 function: "number_div"
348 },
349 "eval": {
350 kind: "fn",
351 inputs: 1,
352 function: "eval"
353 }
354 } + core_identify),
355 fallback: null
356 };
358 def repl(env):
359 def xrepl:
360 (.env as $env | try repl_($env) catch addEnv($env)) as $expenv |
361 {
362 value: $expenv.expr,
363 stop: false,
364 env: ($expenv.env // .env)
365 } | ., xrepl;
366 {stop: false, env: env} | xrepl | if .value then (.value | _display) else empty end;
368 def eval_ign(expr):
369 . as $env | expr | rep($env) | .env;
371 def eval_val(expr):
372 . as $env | expr | rep($env) | .expr;
374 def getEnv:
375 replEnv
376 | wrapEnv({})
377 | eval_ign("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
378 | eval_ign("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\\nnil)\")))))))")
379 | eval_ign("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
380 ;
382 def main:
383 if $ARGS.positional|length > 0 then
384 getEnv as $env |
385 env_set_($env; "*ARGV*"; $ARGS.positional[1:] | map(wrap("string")) | wrap("list")) |
386 eval_val("(load-file \($ARGS.positional[0] | tojson))") |
387 ""
388 else
389 repl( getEnv as $env | env_set_($env; "*ARGV*"; [] | wrap("list")) )
390 end;
392 [ main ] | _halt