[jackhill/mal.git] / ada / types-hash_map.adb
1 with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Hash;
2 with Smart_Pointers;
4 package body Types.Hash_Map is
6 function "=" (A, B : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Boolean is
7 A_Key, A_Elem, B_Elem : Mal_Handle;
8 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
9 C : Cursor;
10 begin
11 if A.Length /= B.Length then
12 return False;
13 end if;
14 C := A.Hash.First;
15 while Has_Element (C) loop
16 A_Key := Key (C);
17 A_Elem := Element (C);
18 B_Elem := Mal_Mal_Hash.Element (B.Hash, A_Key);
19 if A_Elem /= B_Elem then
20 return False;
21 end if;
22 Next (C);
23 end loop;
24 return True;
25 end "=";
27 function New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type
28 return Mal_Handle is
29 begin
30 return Smart_Pointers.New_Ptr
31 (new Hash_Map_Mal_Type'
32 (Mal_Type with
33 List_Type => Hashed_List,
34 The_List => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
35 Last_Elem => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
36 Is_Key_Expected => True,
37 Next_Key => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
38 Hash => Mal_Mal_Hash.Empty_Map));
39 end New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
41 overriding function Prepend (Op : Mal_Handle; To_Vector : Hash_Map_Mal_Type)
42 return Mal_Handle is
43 begin
44 raise Not_Appropriate;
45 return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
46 end Prepend;
48 overriding procedure Append (V : in out Hash_Map_Mal_Type; E : Mal_Handle) is
49 begin
50 if V.Is_Key_Expected then
51 V.Next_Key := E;
52 else
53 Mal_Mal_Hash.Include
54 (Container => V.Hash,
55 Key => V.Next_Key,
56 New_Item => E);
57 end if;
58 V.Is_Key_Expected := not V.Is_Key_Expected;
59 end Append;
61 overriding function Length (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Natural is
62 begin
63 return Natural (L.Hash.Length);
64 end Length;
66 overriding function Is_Null (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Boolean is
67 begin
68 return L.Hash.Is_Empty;
69 end Is_Null;
71 overriding function Null_List (L : List_Types) return Hash_Map_Mal_Type is
72 begin
73 return
74 Hash_Map_Mal_Type'
75 (Mal_Type with
76 List_Type => Hashed_List,
77 The_List => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
78 Last_Elem => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
79 Is_Key_Expected => False,
80 Next_Key => Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer,
81 Hash => Mal_Mal_Hash.Empty_Map);
82 end Null_List;
84 -- Duplicate copies the list (logically). This is to allow concatenation,
85 -- The result is always a List_List.
86 overriding function Duplicate (The_List : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
87 begin
88 raise Not_Appropriate;
89 return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
90 end Duplicate;
92 overriding function Nth (L :Hash_Map_Mal_Type; N : Natural) return Mal_Handle is
93 begin
94 raise Not_Appropriate;
95 return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
96 end Nth;
98 overriding procedure Add_Defs (Defs : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) is
99 begin
100 raise Not_Appropriate;
101 end Add_Defs;
103 -- Get the first item in the list:
104 overriding function Car (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
105 begin
106 raise Not_Appropriate;
107 return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
108 end Car;
110 -- Get the rest of the list (second item onwards)
111 overriding function Cdr (L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
112 begin
113 raise Not_Appropriate;
114 return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer;
115 end Cdr;
118 overriding function Map
119 (Func_Ptr : Func_Access;
120 L : Hash_Map_Mal_Type)
121 return Mal_Handle is
122 Res : Mal_Handle;
123 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
124 C : Cursor;
125 begin
126 Res := New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
127 C := L.Hash.First;
128 while Has_Element (C) loop
129 -- Assuming we're not applying the func to the keys too.
130 Deref_Hash (Res).Hash.Include
131 (Key => Key (C),
132 New_Item => Func_Ptr (Element (C)));
133 Next (C);
134 end loop;
135 return Res;
136 end Map;
138 function Assoc (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; List : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
139 Res : Mal_Handle;
140 Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
141 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
142 C : Cursor;
143 begin
144 Res := New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
145 Rest_List := Deref_List (List).all;
147 -- Copy arg into result.
148 Deref_Hash (Res).Hash := H.Hash;
150 while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
151 Deref_Hash (Res).Append (Car (Rest_List));
152 Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
153 end loop;
154 return Res;
155 end Assoc;
158 function Dis_Assoc (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; List : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
159 Res : Mal_Handle;
160 Rest_List : List_Mal_Type;
161 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
162 C : Cursor;
163 begin
164 Res := New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type;
165 Rest_List := Deref_List (List).all;
167 -- Copy arg into result.
168 Deref_Hash (Res).Hash := H.Hash;
170 while not Is_Null (Rest_List) loop
171 Mal_Mal_Hash.Exclude (Deref_Hash (Res).Hash, Car (Rest_List));
172 Rest_List := Deref_List (Cdr (Rest_List)).all;
173 end loop;
174 return Res;
175 end Dis_Assoc;
178 function Get (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Key : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle is
179 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
180 C : Cursor;
181 begin
182 C := Mal_Mal_Hash.Find (H.Hash, Key);
183 if Has_Element (C) then
184 return Element (C);
185 else
186 return New_Nil_Mal_Type;
187 end if;
188 end Get;
191 function All_Keys (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
192 Res, Map_Key : Mal_Handle;
193 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
194 C : Cursor;
195 begin
196 Res := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
197 C := H.Hash.First;
198 while Has_Element (C) loop
199 Map_Key := Key (C);
200 Deref_List (Res).Append (Map_Key);
201 Next (C);
202 end loop;
203 return Res;
204 end All_Keys;
207 function All_Values (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle is
208 Res, Map_Val : Mal_Handle;
209 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
210 C : Cursor;
211 begin
212 Res := New_List_Mal_Type (List_List);
213 C := H.Hash.First;
214 while Has_Element (C) loop
215 Map_Val := Element (C);
216 Deref_List (Res).Append (Map_Val);
217 Next (C);
218 end loop;
219 return Res;
220 end All_Values;
223 function Contains (H : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Key : Mal_Handle) return Boolean is
224 begin
225 return Mal_Mal_Hash.Contains (H.Hash, Key);
226 end Contains;
228 function Deref_Hash (SP : Mal_Handle) return Hash_Ptr is
229 begin
230 return Hash_Ptr (Deref (SP));
231 end Deref_Hash;
233 function Hash (M : Mal_Handle) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is
234 begin
235 return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Hash
236 (Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String
237 (Deref (M).To_String));
238 end Hash;
240 overriding function To_Str
241 (T : Hash_Map_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
242 return Mal_String is
243 use Ada.Containers;
244 begin
245 if (T.Hash.Length = 0) then
246 return Opening (T.List_Type) &
247 Closing (T.List_Type);
248 else
249 declare
250 Res : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
251 use Mal_Mal_Hash;
252 C : Cursor;
253 begin
254 C := First (T.Hash);
256 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&"
257 (Opening (T.List_Type),
258 Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String
259 (To_String (Deref (Key (C)).all, Print_Readably)));
260 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&" (Res, " ");
261 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&"
262 (Res,
263 Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String
264 (To_String (Deref (Element (C)).all, Print_Readably)));
265 Next (C);
266 while Has_Element (C) loop
267 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&" (Res, " ");
268 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&"
269 (Res,
270 Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String
271 (To_String (Deref (Key (C)).all, Print_Readably)));
272 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&" (Res, " ");
273 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&"
274 (Res,
275 Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String
276 (To_String (Deref (Element (C)).all, Print_Readably)));
277 Next (C);
278 end loop;
279 Res := Ada.Strings.Unbounded."&" (Res, Closing (T.List_Type));
280 return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Res);
281 end;
282 end if;
283 end To_Str;
285 end Types.Hash_Map;