All: TCO let* and quasiquote.
[jackhill/mal.git] / perl /
1 use strict;
2 use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
3 use readline qw(mal_readline);
4 use feature qw(switch);
5 use Data::Dumper;
7 use types qw($nil $true $false _list_Q);
8 use reader;
9 use printer;
10 use env;
11 use core qw($core_ns);
13 # read
14 sub READ {
15 my $str = shift;
16 return reader::read_str($str);
17 }
19 # eval
20 sub eval_ast {
21 my($ast, $env) = @_;
22 given (ref $ast) {
23 when (/^Symbol/) {
24 $env->get($$ast);
25 }
26 when (/^List/) {
27 my @lst = map {EVAL($_, $env)} @{$ast->{val}};
28 return List->new(\@lst);
29 }
30 when (/^Vector/) {
31 my @lst = map {EVAL($_, $env)} @{$ast->{val}};
32 return Vector->new(\@lst);
33 }
34 when (/^HashMap/) {
35 my $new_hm = {};
36 foreach my $k (keys($ast->{val})) {
37 $new_hm->{$k} = EVAL($ast->get($k), $env);
38 }
39 return HashMap->new($new_hm);
40 }
41 default {
42 return $ast;
43 }
44 }
45 }
47 sub EVAL {
48 my($ast, $env) = @_;
50 while (1) {
52 #print "EVAL: " . printer::_pr_str($ast) . "\n";
53 if (! _list_Q($ast)) {
54 return eval_ast($ast, $env);
55 }
57 # apply list
58 my ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3) = @{$ast->{val}};
59 given ((ref $a0) =~ /^Symbol/ ? $$a0 : $a0) {
60 when (/^def!$/) {
61 my $res = EVAL($a2, $env);
62 return $env->set($$a1, $res);
63 }
64 when (/^let\*$/) {
65 my $let_env = Env->new($env);
66 for(my $i=0; $i < scalar(@{$a1->{val}}); $i+=2) {
67 $let_env->set(${$a1->nth($i)}, EVAL($a1->nth($i+1), $let_env));
68 }
69 $ast = $a2;
70 $env = $let_env;
71 # Continue loop (TCO)
72 }
73 when (/^do$/) {
74 eval_ast($ast->slice(1, $#{$ast->{val}}-1), $env);
75 $ast = $ast->nth($#{$ast->{val}});
76 # Continue loop (TCO)
77 }
78 when (/^if$/) {
79 my $cond = EVAL($a1, $env);
80 if ($cond eq $nil || $cond eq $false) {
81 $ast = $a3 ? $a3 : $nil;
82 } else {
83 $ast = $a2;
84 }
85 # Continue loop (TCO)
86 }
87 when (/^fn\*$/) {
88 return Function->new(\&EVAL, $a2, $env, $a1);
89 }
90 default {
91 my $el = eval_ast($ast, $env);
92 my $f = $el->nth(0);
93 if ((ref $f) =~ /^Function/) {
94 $ast = $f->{ast};
95 $env = $f->gen_env($el->rest());
96 # Continue loop (TCO)
97 } else {
98 return &{ $f }($el->rest());
99 }
100 }
101 }
103 } # TCO while loop
104 }
106 # print
107 sub PRINT {
108 my $exp = shift;
109 return printer::_pr_str($exp);
110 }
112 # repl
113 my $repl_env = Env->new();
114 sub REP {
115 my $str = shift;
116 return PRINT(EVAL(READ($str), $repl_env));
117 }
119 # defined using perl
120 foreach my $n (%$core_ns) { $repl_env->set($n, $core_ns->{$n}); }
122 # core.mal: defined using the language itself
123 REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))");
125 while (1) {
126 my $line = mal_readline("user> ");
127 if (! defined $line) { last; }
128 do {
129 local $@;
130 my $ret;
131 eval {
132 use autodie; # always "throw" errors
133 print(REP($line), "\n");
134 1;
135 } or do {
136 my $err = $@;
137 given (ref $err) {
138 when (/^BlankException/) {
139 # ignore and continue
140 }
141 default {
142 chomp $err;
143 print "Error: $err\n";
144 }
145 }
146 };
147 };
148 }