Merge pull request #217 from dubek/lua-interop
[jackhill/mal.git] / ocaml /
1 module T = Types.Types
2 (* ^file ^module *)
4 let slurp filename =
5 let chan = open_in filename in
6 let b = Buffer.create 27 in
7 Buffer.add_channel b chan (in_channel_length chan) ;
8 close_in chan ;
9 Buffer.contents b
11 let find_re re str =
12 (function | Str.Delim x -> x | Str.Text x -> "impossible!")
13 (List.filter (function | Str.Delim x -> true | Str.Text x -> false)
14 (Str.full_split re str))
16 let gsub re f str =
17 String.concat
18 "" ( (function | Str.Delim x -> f x | Str.Text x -> x)
19 (Str.full_split re str))
21 let token_re = (Str.regexp "~@\\|[][{}()'`~^@]\\|\"\\(\\\\.\\|[^\"]\\)*\"\\|;.*\\|[^][ \n{}('\"`,;)]*")
23 type reader = {
24 form : Types.mal_type;
25 tokens : string list;
26 }
28 type list_reader = {
29 list_form : Types.mal_type list;
30 tokens : string list;
31 }
33 let read_atom token =
34 match token with
35 | "nil" -> T.Nil
36 | "true" -> T.Bool true
37 | "false" -> T.Bool false
38 | _ ->
39 match token.[0] with
40 | '0'..'9' -> T.Int (int_of_string token)
41 | '-' -> (match String.length token with
42 | 1 -> Types.symbol token
43 | _ -> (match token.[1] with
44 | '0'..'9' -> T.Int (int_of_string token)
45 | _ -> Types.symbol token))
46 | '"' -> T.String (gsub (Str.regexp "\\\\.")
47 (function
48 | "\\n" -> "\n"
49 | x -> String.sub x 1 1)
50 (String.sub token 1 ((String.length token) - 2)))
51 | ':' -> T.Keyword (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^:") "" token)
52 | _ -> Types.symbol token
54 let with_meta obj meta =
55 match obj with
56 | T.List { T.value = v }
57 -> T.List { T.value = v; T.meta = meta }; | T.Map { T.value = v }
58 -> T.Map { T.value = v; T.meta = meta }; | T.Vector { T.value = v }
59 -> T.Vector { T.value = v; T.meta = meta }; | T.Symbol { T.value = v }
60 -> T.Symbol { T.value = v; T.meta = meta }; | T.Fn { T.value = v }
61 -> T.Fn { T.value = v; T.meta = meta };
62 | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "metadata not supported on this type")
64 let rec read_list eol list_reader =
65 match list_reader.tokens with
66 | [] -> output_string stderr ("expected '" ^ eol ^ "', got EOF\n");
67 flush stderr;
68 raise End_of_file;
69 | token :: tokens ->
70 if Str.string_match (Str.regexp eol) token 0 then
71 {list_form = list_reader.list_form; tokens = tokens}
72 else if token.[0] = ';' then
73 read_list eol { list_form = list_reader.list_form;
74 tokens = tokens }
75 else
76 let reader = read_form list_reader.tokens in
77 read_list eol {list_form = list_reader.list_form @ [reader.form];
78 tokens = reader.tokens}
79 and read_quote sym tokens =
80 let reader = read_form tokens in
81 {form = Types.list [ Types.symbol sym; reader.form ];
82 tokens = reader.tokens}
83 and read_form all_tokens =
84 match all_tokens with
85 | [] -> raise End_of_file;
86 | token :: tokens ->
87 match token with
88 | "'" -> read_quote "quote" tokens
89 | "`" -> read_quote "quasiquote" tokens
90 | "~" -> read_quote "unquote" tokens
91 | "~@" -> read_quote "splice-unquote" tokens
92 | "@" -> read_quote "deref" tokens
93 | "^" ->
94 let meta = read_form tokens in
95 let value = read_form meta.tokens in
96 {(*form = with_meta value.form meta.form;*)
97 form = Types.list [Types.symbol "with-meta"; value.form; meta.form];
98 tokens = value.tokens}
99 | "(" ->
100 let list_reader = read_list ")" {list_form = []; tokens = tokens} in
101 {form = Types.list list_reader.list_form;
102 tokens = list_reader.tokens}
103 | "{" ->
104 let list_reader = read_list "}" {list_form = []; tokens = tokens} in
105 {form = Types.list_into_map Types.MalMap.empty list_reader.list_form;
106 tokens = list_reader.tokens}
107 | "[" ->
108 let list_reader = read_list "]" {list_form = []; tokens = tokens} in
109 {form = Types.vector list_reader.list_form;
110 tokens = list_reader.tokens}
111 | _ -> if token.[0] = ';'
112 then read_form tokens
113 else {form = read_atom token; tokens = tokens}
115 let read_str str = (read_form (List.filter ((<>) "") (find_re token_re str))).form