Merge pull request #217 from dubek/lua-interop
[jackhill/mal.git] / objpascal / step5_tco.pas
1 program Mal;
3 {$H+} // Use AnsiString
5 Uses sysutils,
6 CMem,
7 fgl,
8 mal_readline,
9 mal_types,
10 mal_func,
11 reader,
12 printer,
13 mal_env,
14 core;
16 var
17 Repl_Env : TEnv;
18 Line : string;
19 I : longint;
20 Key : string;
22 // read
23 function READ(const Str: string) : TMal;
24 begin
25 READ := read_str(Str);
26 end;
28 // eval
29 // Forward declation since eval_ast call it
30 function EVAL(Ast: TMal; Env: TEnv) : TMal; forward;
32 function eval_ast(Ast: TMal; Env: TEnv) : TMal;
33 var
34 OldArr, NewArr : TMalArray;
35 OldDict, NewDict : TMalDict;
36 I : longint;
37 begin
38 if Ast is TMalSymbol then
39 begin
40 eval_ast := Env.Get((Ast as TMalSymbol));
41 end
42 else if Ast is TMalList then
43 begin
44 OldArr := (Ast as TMalList).Val;
45 SetLength(NewArr, Length(OldArr));
46 for I := 0 to Length(OldArr)-1 do
47 begin
48 NewArr[I] := EVAL(OldArr[I], Env);
49 end;
50 if Ast is TMalVector then
51 eval_ast := TMalVector.Create(NewArr)
52 else
53 eval_ast := TMalList.Create(NewArr);
54 end
55 else if Ast is TMalHashMap then
56 begin
57 OldDict := (Ast as TMalHashMap).Val;
58 NewDict := TMalDict.Create;
59 I := 0;
60 while I < OldDict.Count do
61 begin
62 NewDict[OldDict.Keys[I]] := EVAL(OldDict[OldDict.Keys[I]], Env);
63 I := I + 1;
64 end;
65 eval_ast := TMalHashMap.Create(NewDict);
66 end
67 else
68 eval_ast := Ast;
69 end;
71 function EVAL(Ast: TMal; Env: TEnv) : TMal;
72 var
73 Lst : TMalList;
74 Arr : TMalArray;
75 Arr1 : TMalArray;
76 A0Sym : string;
77 LetEnv : TEnv;
78 Cond : TMal;
79 I : longint;
80 Fn : TMalFunc;
81 Args : TMalArray;
82 begin
83 while true do
84 begin
85 if Ast.ClassType <> TMalList then
86 Exit(eval_ast(Ast, Env));
88 // Apply list
89 Lst := (Ast as TMalList);
90 Arr := Lst.Val;
91 if Length(Arr) = 0 then
92 Exit(Ast);
93 if Arr[0] is TMalSymbol then
94 A0Sym := (Arr[0] as TMalSymbol).Val
95 else
96 A0Sym := '__<*fn*>__';
98 case A0Sym of
99 'def!':
100 Exit(Env.Add((Arr[1] as TMalSymbol), EVAL(Arr[2], ENV)));
101 'let*':
102 begin
103 LetEnv := TEnv.Create(Env);
104 Arr1 := (Arr[1] as TMalList).Val;
105 I := 0;
106 while I < Length(Arr1) do
107 begin
108 LetEnv.Add((Arr1[I] as TMalSymbol), EVAL(Arr1[I+1], LetEnv));
109 Inc(I,2);
110 end;
111 Env := LetEnv;
112 Ast := Arr[2]; // TCO
113 end;
114 'do':
115 begin
116 eval_ast(TMalList.Create(copy(Arr,1, Length(Arr)-2)), Env);
117 Ast := Arr[Length(Arr)-1]; // TCO
118 end;
119 'if':
120 begin
121 Cond := EVAL(Arr[1], Env);
122 if (Cond is TMalNil) or (Cond is TMalFalse) then
123 if Length(Arr) > 3 then
124 Ast := Arr[3] // TCO
125 else
126 Exit(TMalNil.Create)
127 else
128 Ast := Arr[2]; // TCO
129 end;
130 'fn*':
131 begin
132 Exit(TMalFunc.Create(Arr[2], Env, (Arr[1] as TMalList)));
133 end;
134 else
135 begin
136 Arr := (eval_ast(Ast, Env) as TMalList).Val;
137 if Arr[0] is TMalFunc then
138 begin
139 Fn := Arr[0] as TMalFunc;
140 if Length(Arr) < 2 then
141 SetLength(Args, 0)
142 else
143 Args := copy(Arr, 1, Length(Arr)-1);
144 if Fn.Ast = nil then
145 Exit(Fn.Val(Args))
146 else
147 begin
148 Env := TEnv.Create(Fn.Env, Fn.Params, Args);
149 Ast := Fn.Ast; // TCO
150 end
152 end
153 else
154 raise Exception.Create('invalid apply');
155 end;
156 end;
157 end;
158 end;
160 // print
161 function PRINT(Exp: TMal) : string;
162 begin
163 PRINT := pr_str(Exp, True);
164 end;
166 // repl
167 function REP(Str: string) : string;
168 begin
169 REP := PRINT(EVAL(READ(Str), Repl_Env));
170 end;
172 begin
173 Repl_Env := TEnv.Create;
175 // core.pas: defined using Pascal
176 for I := 0 to core.NS.Count-1 do
177 begin
178 Key := core.NS.Keys[I];
179 Repl_Env.Add(TMalSymbol.Create(Key),
180 TMalFunc.Create(core.NS[Key]));
181 end;
183 // core.mal: defined using language itself
184 REP('(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))');
186 while True do
187 begin
188 try
189 Line := _readline('user> ');
190 if Line = '' then continue;
191 WriteLn(REP(Line))
192 except
193 On E : MalEOF do Halt(0);
194 On E : Exception do
195 begin
196 WriteLn('Error: ' + E.message);
197 WriteLn('Backtrace:');
198 WriteLn(GetBacktrace(E));
199 end;
200 end;
201 end;
202 end.