Merge pull request #20 from def-/master
[jackhill/mal.git] / forth / stepA_mal.fs
1 require reader.fs
2 require printer.fs
3 require core.fs
5 core MalEnv. constant repl-env
7 99999999 constant TCO-eval
9 : read read-str ;
10 : eval ( env obj )
11 begin
12 \ ." eval-> " dup pr-str safe-type cr
13 mal-eval
14 dup TCO-eval =
15 while
16 drop
17 repeat ;
18 : print
19 \ ." Type: " dup mal-type @ type-name safe-type cr
20 pr-str ;
22 MalDefault extend mal-eval nip ;; drop \ By default, evalutate to yourself
24 MalKeyword
25 extend eval-invoke { env list kw -- val }
26 0 kw env list MalList/start @ cell+ @ eval get
27 ?dup 0= if
28 \ compute not-found value
29 list MalList/count @ 1 > if
30 env list MalList/start @ 2 cells + @ TCO-eval
31 else
32 mal-nil
33 endif
34 endif ;;
35 extend invoke { argv argc kw -- val }
36 0 kw argv @ get
37 ?dup 0= if
38 argc 1 > if
39 argv cell+ @
40 else
41 mal-nil
42 endif
43 endif ;;
44 drop
46 \ eval all but the first item of list
47 : eval-rest { env list -- argv argc }
48 list MalList/start @ cell+ { expr-start }
49 list MalList/count @ 1- { argc }
50 argc cells allocate throw { target }
51 argc 0 ?do
52 env expr-start i cells + @ eval
53 target i cells + !
54 loop
55 target argc ;
57 MalNativeFn
58 extend eval-invoke { env list this -- list }
59 env list eval-rest ( argv argc )
60 this invoke ;;
61 extend invoke ( argv argc this -- val )
62 MalNativeFn/xt @ execute ;;
63 drop
65 SpecialOp
66 extend eval-invoke ( env list this -- list )
67 SpecialOp/xt @ execute ;;
68 drop
70 : install-special ( symbol xt )
71 SpecialOp. repl-env env/set ;
73 : defspecial
74 parse-allot-name MalSymbol.
75 ['] install-special
76 :noname
77 ;
79 : is-pair? ( obj -- bool )
80 empty? mal-false = ;
82 defspecial quote ( env list -- form )
83 nip MalList/start @ cell+ @ ;;
85 s" concat" MalSymbol. constant concat-sym
86 s" cons" MalSymbol. constant cons-sym
88 defer quasiquote
89 : quasiquote0 { ast -- form }
90 ast is-pair? 0= if
91 here quote-sym , ast , here>MalList
92 else
93 ast to-list MalList/start @ { ast-start }
94 ast-start @ { ast[0] }
95 ast[0] unquote-sym m= if
96 ast-start cell+ @
97 else
98 ast[0] is-pair? if
99 ast[0] to-list MalList/start @ { ast[0]-start }
100 ast[0]-start @ splice-unquote-sym m= if
101 here
102 concat-sym ,
103 ast[0]-start cell+ @ ,
104 ast to-list MalList/rest quasiquote ,
105 here>MalList
106 false
107 else true endif
108 else true endif
109 if
110 here
111 cons-sym ,
112 ast[0] quasiquote ,
113 ast to-list MalList/rest quasiquote ,
114 here>MalList
115 endif
116 endif
117 endif ;
118 ' quasiquote0 is quasiquote
120 defspecial quasiquote ( env list )
121 MalList/start @ cell+ @ ( ast )
122 quasiquote TCO-eval ;;
124 defspecial def! { env list -- val }
125 list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 }
126 arg0 @ ( key )
127 env arg0 cell+ @ eval dup { val } ( key val )
128 env env/set val ;;
130 defspecial defmacro! { env list -- val }
131 list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 }
132 arg0 @ ( key )
133 env arg0 cell+ @ eval { val }
134 true val MalUserFn/is-macro? !
135 val env env/set
136 val ;;
138 defspecial let* { old-env list -- val }
139 old-env MalEnv. { env }
140 list MalList/start @ cell+ dup { arg0 }
141 @ to-list
142 dup MalList/start @ { bindings-start } ( list )
143 MalList/count @ 0 +do
144 bindings-start i cells + dup @ swap cell+ @ ( sym expr )
145 env swap eval
146 env env/set
147 2 +loop
148 env arg0 cell+ @ TCO-eval
149 \ TODO: dec refcount of env
150 ;;
152 defspecial do { env list -- val }
153 list MalList/start @ { start }
154 list MalList/count @ dup 1- { last } 1 ?do
155 env start i cells + @
156 i last = if
157 TCO-eval
158 else
159 eval drop
160 endif
161 loop ;;
163 defspecial if { env list -- val }
164 list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 }
165 env arg0 @ eval ( test-val )
166 dup mal-false = if
167 drop -1
168 else
169 mal-nil =
170 endif
171 if
172 \ branch to false
173 list MalList/count @ 3 > if
174 env arg0 cell+ cell+ @ TCO-eval
175 else
176 mal-nil
177 endif
178 else
179 \ branch to true
180 env arg0 cell+ @ TCO-eval
181 endif ;;
183 s" &" MalSymbol. constant &-sym
185 : new-user-fn-env { argv argc mal-fn -- env }
186 mal-fn MalUserFn/formal-args @ { f-args-list }
187 mal-fn MalUserFn/env @ MalEnv. { env }
189 f-args-list MalList/start @ { f-args }
190 f-args-list MalList/count @ ?dup 0= if else
191 \ pass nil for last arg, unless overridden below
192 1- cells f-args + @ mal-nil env env/set
193 endif
194 argc 0 ?do
195 f-args i cells + @
196 dup &-sym m= if
197 drop
198 argc i - { c }
199 c cells allocate throw { start }
200 argv i cells + start c cells cmove
201 f-args i 1+ cells + @ ( more-args-symbol )
202 start c MalList. env env/set
203 leave
204 endif
205 argv i cells + @
206 env env/set
207 loop
208 env ;
210 MalUserFn
211 extend eval-invoke { call-env list mal-fn -- list }
212 mal-fn MalUserFn/is-macro? @ if
213 list MalList/start @ cell+ \ argv
214 list MalList/count @ 1- \ argc
215 mal-fn new-user-fn-env { env }
216 env mal-fn MalUserFn/body @ eval
217 call-env swap TCO-eval
218 else
219 call-env list eval-rest
220 mal-fn invoke
221 endif ;;
223 extend invoke ( argv argc mal-fn )
224 dup { mal-fn } new-user-fn-env { env }
225 env mal-fn MalUserFn/body @ TCO-eval ;;
226 drop
228 defspecial fn* { env list -- val }
229 list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 }
230 MalUserFn new
231 false over MalUserFn/is-macro? !
232 env over MalUserFn/env !
233 arg0 @ to-list over MalUserFn/formal-args !
234 arg0 cell+ @ over MalUserFn/body ! ;;
236 defspecial macroexpand ( env list[_,form] -- form )
237 MalList/start @ cell+ @ swap over ( form env form )
238 MalList/start @ @ ( form env macro-name-expr )
239 eval { macro-fn } ( form )
240 dup MalList/start @ cell+ swap MalList/count @ 1- macro-fn ( argv argc fn )
241 new-user-fn-env ( env )
242 macro-fn MalUserFn/body @ TCO-eval ;;
244 5555555555 constant pre-try
246 defspecial try* { env list -- val }
247 list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 }
248 pre-try
249 env arg0 @ ['] eval catch ?dup 0= if
250 nip
251 else { errno }
252 begin pre-try = until
253 errno 1 <> if
254 s" forth-errno" MalKeyword. errno MalInt. MalMap/Empty assoc
255 to exception-object
256 endif
257 arg0 cell+ @ ( list[catch*,sym,form] )
258 MalList/start @ cell+ { catch0 }
259 env MalEnv. { catch-env }
260 catch0 @ exception-object catch-env env/set
261 catch-env catch0 cell+ @ TCO-eval
262 endif ;;
264 defspecial . { env coll -- rtn-list }
265 depth { old-depth }
266 coll to-list dup MalList/count @ swap MalList/start @ { count start }
267 count cells start + start cell+ +do
268 env i @ eval as-native
269 cell +loop ;;
271 MalSymbol
272 extend mal-eval { env sym -- val }
273 sym env env/get-addr
274 dup 0= if
275 drop
276 0 0 s" ' not found" sym pr-str s" '" ...throw-str
277 else
278 @
279 endif ;;
280 drop
282 : eval-ast { env list -- list }
283 here
284 list MalList/start @ { expr-start }
285 list MalList/count @ 0 ?do
286 env expr-start i cells + @ eval ,
287 loop
288 here>MalList ;
290 MalList
291 extend mal-eval { env list -- val }
292 env list MalList/start @ @ eval
293 env list rot eval-invoke ;;
294 drop
296 MalVector
297 extend mal-eval ( env vector -- vector )
298 MalVector/list @ eval-ast
299 MalVector new swap over MalVector/list ! ;;
300 drop
302 MalMap
303 extend mal-eval ( env map -- map )
304 MalMap/list @ eval-ast
305 MalMap new swap over MalMap/list ! ;;
306 drop
308 defcore eval ( argv argc )
309 drop @ repl-env swap eval ;;
311 : rep ( str-addr str-len -- str-addr str-len )
312 read
313 repl-env swap eval
314 print ;
316 : mk-args-list ( -- )
317 here
318 begin
319 next-arg 2dup 0 0 d<> while
320 MalString. ,
321 repeat
322 2drop here>MalList ;
324 create buff 128 allot
325 77777777777 constant stack-leak-detect
327 : nop ;
329 defcore map ( argv argc -- list )
330 drop dup @ swap cell+ @ to-list { fn list }
331 here
332 list MalList/start @ list MalList/count @ cells over + swap +do
333 i 1 fn invoke
334 dup TCO-eval = if drop eval endif
335 ,
336 cell +loop
337 here>MalList ;;
339 defcore readline ( argv argc -- mal-string )
340 drop @ unpack-str type stdout flush-file drop
341 buff 128 stdin read-line throw
342 if buff swap MalString. else drop mal-nil endif ;;
344 s\" (def! *host-language* \"forth\")" rep 2drop
345 s\" (def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))" rep 2drop
346 s\" (defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))" rep 2drop
347 s\" (defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))" rep 2drop
348 s\" (def! swap! (fn* [a f & args] (reset! a (apply f @a args))))" rep 2drop
350 : repl ( -- )
351 s\" (println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))" rep 2drop
352 begin
353 ." user> "
354 stack-leak-detect
355 buff 128 stdin read-line throw
356 while ( num-bytes-read )
357 buff swap ( str-addr str-len )
358 ['] rep
359 \ execute ['] nop \ uncomment to see stack traces
360 catch ?dup 0= if
361 safe-type cr
362 stack-leak-detect <> if ." --stack leak--" cr endif
363 else { errno }
364 begin stack-leak-detect = until
365 errno 1 <> if
366 s" forth-errno" MalKeyword. errno MalInt. MalMap/Empty assoc
367 to exception-object
368 endif
369 ." Uncaught exception: "
370 exception-object pr-str safe-type cr
371 endif
372 repeat ;
374 : main ( -- )
375 mk-args-list { args-list }
376 args-list MalList/count @ 0= if
377 s" *ARGV*" MalSymbol. MalList/Empty repl-env env/set
378 repl
379 else
380 args-list MalList/start @ @ { filename }
381 s" *ARGV*" MalSymbol. args-list MalList/rest repl-env env/set
383 repl-env
384 here s" load-file" MalSymbol. , filename , here>MalList
385 eval print
386 endif ;
388 main
389 cr
390 bye