Initial revision
[hcoop/zz_old/domtool.git] / src / smlnj-lib / ord-map-sig.sml
1 (* ord-map-sig.sml
2 *
3 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1996 by AT&T Research. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
4 *
5 * Abstract signature of an applicative-style finite maps (dictionaries)
6 * structure over ordered monomorphic keys.
7 *)
9 signature ORD_MAP =
10 sig
12 structure Key : ORD_KEY
14 type 'a map
16 val empty : 'a map
17 (* The empty map *)
19 val isEmpty : 'a map -> bool
20 (* Return true if and only if the map is empty *)
22 val singleton : (Key.ord_key * 'a) -> 'a map
23 (* return the specified singleton map *)
25 val insert : 'a map * Key.ord_key * 'a -> 'a map
26 val insert' : ((Key.ord_key * 'a) * 'a map) -> 'a map
27 (* Insert an item. *)
29 val find : 'a map * Key.ord_key -> 'a option
30 (* Look for an item, return NONE if the item doesn't exist *)
32 val inDomain : ('a map * Key.ord_key) -> bool
33 (* return true, if the key is in the domain of the map *)
35 val remove : 'a map * Key.ord_key -> 'a map * 'a
36 (* Remove an item, returning new map and value removed.
37 * Raises LibBase.NotFound if not found.
38 *)
40 val first : 'a map -> 'a option
41 val firsti : 'a map -> (Key.ord_key * 'a) option
42 (* return the first item in the map (or NONE if it is empty) *)
44 val numItems : 'a map -> int
45 (* Return the number of items in the map *)
47 val listItems : 'a map -> 'a list
48 val listItemsi : 'a map -> (Key.ord_key * 'a) list
49 (* Return an ordered list of the items (and their keys) in the map. *)
51 val listKeys : 'a map -> Key.ord_key list
52 (* return an ordered list of the keys in the map. *)
54 val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> ('a map * 'a map) -> order
55 (* given an ordering on the map's range, return an ordering
56 * on the map.
57 *)
59 val unionWith : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> ('a map * 'a map) -> 'a map
60 val unionWithi : (Key.ord_key * 'a * 'a -> 'a) -> ('a map * 'a map) -> 'a map
61 (* return a map whose domain is the union of the domains of the two input
62 * maps, using the supplied function to define the map on elements that
63 * are in both domains.
64 *)
66 val intersectWith : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> ('a map * 'b map) -> 'c map
67 val intersectWithi : (Key.ord_key * 'a * 'b -> 'c) -> ('a map * 'b map) -> 'c map
68 (* return a map whose domain is the intersection of the domains of the
69 * two input maps, using the supplied function to define the range.
70 *)
72 val mergeWith : ('a option * 'b option -> 'c option)
73 -> ('a map * 'b map) -> 'c map
74 val mergeWithi : (Key.ord_key * 'a option * 'b option -> 'c option)
75 -> ('a map * 'b map) -> 'c map
76 (* merge two maps using the given function to control the merge. For
77 * each key k in the union of the two maps domains, the function
78 * is applied to the image of the key under the map. If the function
79 * returns SOME y, then (k, y) is added to the resulting map.
80 *)
82 val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a map -> unit
83 val appi : ((Key.ord_key * 'a) -> unit) -> 'a map -> unit
84 (* Apply a function to the entries of the map in map order. *)
86 val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a map -> 'b map
87 val mapi : (Key.ord_key * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a map -> 'b map
88 (* Create a new map by applying a map function to the
89 * name/value pairs in the map.
90 *)
92 val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a map -> 'b
93 val foldli : (Key.ord_key * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a map -> 'b
94 (* Apply a folding function to the entries of the map
95 * in increasing map order.
96 *)
98 val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a map -> 'b
99 val foldri : (Key.ord_key * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a map -> 'b
100 (* Apply a folding function to the entries of the map
101 * in decreasing map order.
102 *)
104 val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a map -> 'a map
105 val filteri : (Key.ord_key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a map -> 'a map
106 (* Filter out those elements of the map that do not satisfy the
107 * predicate. The filtering is done in increasing map order.
108 *)
110 val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b map
111 val mapPartiali : (Key.ord_key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a map -> 'b map
112 (* map a partial function over the elements of a map in increasing
113 * map order.
114 *)
116 end (* ORD_MAP *)