[hcoop/mlt.git] / src / lib / web.sml
1 (*
2 * Dynamic web page generation with Standard ML
3 * Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Chlipala
4 *
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 *)
20 (* CGI interaction *)
22 structure Web :> WEB =
23 struct
24 fun for f (r1, r2) =
25 if r1 < r2 then
26 let
27 fun loop i =
28 if i > r2 then
29 ()
30 else
31 (f i;
32 loop (i+1))
33 in
34 loop r1
35 end
36 else
37 let
38 fun loop i =
39 if i < r2 then
40 ()
41 else
42 (f i;
43 loop (i-1))
44 in
45 loop r1
46 end
48 val params : string list StringMap.map ref = ref StringMap.empty
50 val paramStack : string list StringMap.map list ref = ref []
52 fun setParam (n, v) = params := StringMap.insert (!params, n, v)
53 fun setSingleParam (n, v) = setParam (n, [v])
55 fun getParam v =
56 (case StringMap.find (!params, v) of
57 NONE => ""
58 | SOME [] => ""
59 | SOME (s::_) => s)
61 fun getMultiParam v =
62 (case StringMap.find (!params, v) of
63 NONE => []
64 | SOME l => l)
66 fun pushParams nvs =
67 (paramStack := (!params) :: (!paramStack);
68 app setParam nvs)
70 fun popParams () =
71 (case !paramStack of
72 [] => raise Fail "Empty params stack in popParams"
73 | h::t => (params := h;
74 paramStack := t))
76 fun withParams f nvs =
77 (pushParams nvs;
78 ((f ()) handle ex => (popParams (); raise ex))
79 before popParams ())
81 val headers = ref (StringMap.empty : string StringMap.map)
82 fun setHeader (n, v) = headers := StringMap.insert (!headers, n, v)
83 fun getHeader n = StringMap.find (!headers, n)
85 val text = ref ([] : string list)
87 fun print x = text := x :: (!text)
88 fun clear () = text := []
89 fun noOutput () = !text = []
90 fun output () =
91 (TextIO.print "Status: 200\n";
92 StringMap.appi (fn (n, v) => (TextIO.print n;
93 TextIO.print ": ";
94 TextIO.print v;
95 TextIO.print "\n")) (!headers);
96 TextIO.print "\n";
97 TextIO.print (String.concat (List.rev (!text))))
99 val getCgi = OS.Process.getEnv
101 val explode = CharVector.foldr (op::) []
103 fun html s =
104 let
105 fun xch #"<" = "&lt;"
106 | xch #">" = "&gt;"
107 | xch #"&" = "&amp;"
108 | xch #"\"" = "&quot;"
109 | xch ch = str ch
110 in
111 String.concat (map xch (explode s))
112 end
114 fun htmlNl s =
115 let
116 fun xch #"<" = "&lt;"
117 | xch #">" = "&gt;"
118 | xch #"&" = "&amp;"
119 | xch #"\"" = "&quot;"
120 | xch #"\n" = "<br />"
121 | xch ch = str ch
122 in
123 String.concat (map xch (explode s))
124 end
126 fun pad (n, ch) s =
127 if size s < n then
128 pad (n, ch) (ch ^ s)
129 else
130 s
132 fun urlEncode s =
133 let
134 fun xch ch =
135 if Char.isAlphaNum ch orelse ch = #"." then
136 str ch
137 else if ch = #" " then
138 "+"
139 else
140 "%" ^ pad (2, "0") (Int.fmt StringCvt.HEX (ord ch))
141 in
142 String.concat (map xch (explode s))
143 end
145 exception Format of string
147 fun stoiOpt s = Int.fromString s
148 fun stoi s =
149 (case Int.fromString s of
150 NONE => raise Format s
151 | SOME i => i)
153 fun storOpt s = Real.fromString s
154 fun stor s =
155 (case Real.fromString s of
156 NONE => raise Format s
157 | SOME r => r)
159 fun summary () =
160 StringMap.foldli (fn (n, vs, s) => foldl (fn (v, s) => s ^ " VALUE: " ^ v) (s ^ " NAME: " ^ n) vs)
161 "" (!params)
163 val exn = ref (NONE : exn option)
164 fun setExn ex = exn := SOME ex
165 fun getExn () = valOf (!exn)
167 type cookie = {name : string, value : string, expires : Date.date option,
168 domain : string option, path : string option, secure : bool}
170 fun setCookie {name, value, expires, domain, path, secure} =
171 let
172 val s = name ^ "=" ^ value
173 val s =
174 case expires of
175 NONE => s
176 | SOME date => s ^ "; expires=" ^ Date.fmt "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT" date
177 val s =
178 case domain of
179 NONE => s
180 | SOME dom => s ^ "; domain=" ^ dom
181 val s =
182 case path of
183 NONE => s
184 | SOME path => s ^ "; path=" ^ path
185 val s =
186 if secure then
187 s ^ "; secure"
188 else
189 s
190 in
191 setHeader ("Set-Cookie", s)
192 end
194 fun getCookie n =
195 (case getCgi "HTTP_COOKIE" of
196 NONE => NONE
197 | SOME cookies =>
198 let
199 fun search (n'::v::rest) =
200 if n = n' then
201 SOME v
202 else
203 search rest
204 | search _ = NONE
205 in
206 search (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"=" orelse ch = #";" orelse ch = #" ") cookies)
207 end)
209 fun remoteHost () =
210 case getCgi "REMOTE_HOST" of
211 NONE => getCgi "REMOTE_ADDR"
212 | h => h
214 fun minusSeconds (t, s) = Time.- (t, Time.fromSeconds (LargeInt.fromInt s))
216 fun split (s, ch) =
217 let
218 val len = size s
220 fun find i =
221 if i >= len then
222 NONE
223 else if String.sub (s, i) = ch then
224 SOME (String.substring (s, 0, i), String.extract (s, i+1, NONE))
225 else
226 find (i+1)
227 in
228 find 0
229 end
231 fun replaceUrlVar (url, n, v) =
232 case split (url, #"?") of
233 NONE => url
234 | SOME (uri, qs) =>
235 let
236 fun doPair (nv, (L, yn)) =
237 (case split (nv, #"=") of
238 NONE => (nv::L, yn)
239 | SOME (n', v') =>
240 if n = n' then
241 ((n ^ "=" ^ v)::L, true)
242 else
243 (nv::L, yn))
244 val (pairs, yn) = foldr doPair ([], false) (String.tokens (fn ch => ch = #"&") qs)
245 val pairs =
246 if yn then
247 pairs
248 else
249 (n ^ "=" ^ v) :: pairs
250 in
251 case pairs of
252 [] => url
253 | nv::rest =>
254 String.concat (uri :: "?" :: nv :: foldr (fn (nv, L) => "&"::nv::L) [] rest)
255 end
256 end