Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / backend /
1(* Copyright (C) 2009-2010,2014,2016-2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9functor RepType (S: REP_TYPE_STRUCTS): REP_TYPE =
12open S
14structure CFunction = CFunction
16structure Type =
17 struct
18 datatype t = T of {node: node,
19 width: Bits.t}
20 and node =
21 Bits
22 | CPointer
23 | ExnStack
24 | GCState
25 | Label of Label.t
26 | Objptr of ObjptrTycon.t vector
27 | Real of RealSize.t
28 | Seq of t vector
29 | Word of WordSize.t
31 local
32 fun make f (T r) = f r
33 in
34 val node = make #node
35 val width = make #width
36 end
37 val bytes: t -> Bytes.t = Bits.toBytes o width
39 val rec layout: t -> Layout.t =
40 fn t =>
41 let
42 open Layout
43 in
44 case node t of
45 Bits => str (concat ["Bits", Bits.toString (width t)])
46 | CPointer => str "CPointer"
47 | ExnStack => str "ExnStack"
48 | GCState => str "GCState"
49 | Label l => seq [str "Label ", Label.layout l]
50 | Objptr opts =>
51 seq [str "Objptr ",
52 tuple (Vector.toListMap (opts, ObjptrTycon.layout))]
53 | Real s => str (concat ["Real", RealSize.toString s])
54 | Seq ts => List.layout layout (Vector.toList ts)
55 | Word s => str (concat ["Word", WordSize.toString s])
56 end
58 val rec equals: t * t -> bool =
59 fn (t, t') =>
60 Bits.equals (width t, width t')
61 andalso
62 (case (node t, node t') of
63 (Bits, Bits) => true
64 | (CPointer, CPointer) => true
65 | (ExnStack, ExnStack) => true
66 | (GCState, GCState) => true
67 | (Label l, Label l') => Label.equals (l, l')
68 | (Objptr opts, Objptr opts') =>
69 Vector.equals (opts, opts', ObjptrTycon.equals)
70 | (Real s, Real s') => RealSize.equals (s, s')
71 | (Seq ts, Seq ts') => Vector.equals (ts, ts', equals)
72 | (Word s, Word s') => WordSize.equals (s, s')
73 | _ => false)
75 val sameWidth: t * t -> bool =
76 fn (t, t') => Bits.equals (width t, width t')
79 val bits: Bits.t -> t = fn width => T {node = Bits, width = width}
81 val cpointer: unit -> t = fn () =>
82 T {node = CPointer, width = WordSize.bits (WordSize.cpointer ())}
84 val exnStack: unit -> t = fn () =>
85 T {node = ExnStack, width = WordSize.bits (WordSize.csize ())}
87 val gcState: unit -> t = fn () =>
88 T {node = GCState, width = WordSize.bits (WordSize.cpointer ())}
90 val label: Label.t -> t =
91 fn l => T {node = Label l, width = WordSize.bits (WordSize.cpointer ())}
93 val objptr: ObjptrTycon.t -> t =
94 fn opt => T {node = Objptr (Vector.new1 opt),
95 width = WordSize.bits (WordSize.objptr ())}
97 val real: RealSize.t -> t =
98 fn s => T {node = Real s, width = RealSize.bits s}
100 val word: WordSize.t -> t =
101 fn s => T {node = Word s, width = WordSize.bits s}
104 val bool: t = word WordSize.bool
106 val csize: unit -> t = word o WordSize.csize
108 val cint: unit -> t = word o WordSize.cint
110 val compareRes = word WordSize.compareRes
112 val objptrHeader: unit -> t = word o WordSize.objptrHeader
114 val seqIndex: unit -> t = word o WordSize.seqIndex
116 val shiftArg: t = word WordSize.shiftArg
118 val stack : unit -> t = fn () =>
119 objptr ObjptrTycon.stack
121 val thread : unit -> t = fn () =>
122 objptr ObjptrTycon.thread
124 val word0: t = bits
125 val word8: t = word WordSize.word8
126 val word32: t = word WordSize.word32
128 val wordVector: WordSize.t -> t =
129 objptr o ObjptrTycon.wordVector o WordSize.bits
131 val word8Vector: unit -> t = fn () =>
132 wordVector WordSize.word8
134 val string: unit -> t = word8Vector
136 val unit: t = bits
138 val zero: Bits.t -> t = bits
141 val ofWordX: WordX.t -> t =
142 fn w => word (WordX.size w)
144 fun ofWordXVector (v: WordXVector.t): t =
145 wordVector (WordXVector.elementSize v)
148 val seq: t vector -> t =
149 fn ts =>
150 if Vector.isEmpty ts
151 then unit
152 else
153 let
154 fun seqOnto (ts, ac) =
155 Vector.foldr
156 (ts, ac, fn (t, ac) =>
157 if Bits.equals (width t,
158 then ac
159 else (case node t of
160 Seq ts => seqOnto (ts, ac)
161 | _ => (case ac of
162 [] => [t]
163 | t' :: ac' =>
164 (case (node t, node t') of
165 (Bits, Bits) =>
166 bits (Bits.+ (width t, width t')) :: ac'
167 | _ => t :: ac))))
168 in
169 case seqOnto (ts, []) of
170 [] => word0
171 | [t] => t
172 | ts =>
173 let
174 val ts = Vector.fromList ts
175 in
176 T {node = Seq ts,
177 width = Vector.fold (ts,, fn (t, ac) =>
178 Bits.+ (ac, width t))}
179 end
180 end
182 val seq = Trace.trace ("RepType.Type.seq", Vector.layout layout, layout) seq
184 val sum: t vector -> t =
185 fn ts =>
186 if Vector.isEmpty ts
187 then Error.bug "RepType.Type.sum: empty"
188 else
189 let
190 val opts =
191 Vector.concatV
192 (Vector.keepAllMap
193 (ts, fn t =>
194 case node t of
195 Objptr opts => SOME opts
196 | _ => NONE))
197 in
198 if Vector.isEmpty opts
199 then Vector.first ts
200 else
201 T {node = (Objptr (QuickSort.sortVector (opts, ObjptrTycon.<=))),
202 width = WordSize.bits (WordSize.objptr ())}
203 end
205 val sum = Trace.trace ("RepType.Type.sum", Vector.layout layout, layout) sum
207 val intInf: unit -> t = fn () =>
208 sum (Vector.new2
209 (wordVector (WordSize.bigIntInfWord ()),
210 seq (Vector.new2
211 (bits,
212 word (WordSize.fromBits
213 (Bits.- (WordSize.bits (WordSize.smallIntInfWord ()),
216 val deLabel: t -> Label.t option =
217 fn t =>
218 case node t of
219 Label l => SOME l
220 | _ => NONE
222 val deObjptr: t -> ObjptrTycon.t option =
223 fn t =>
224 case node t of
225 Objptr opts =>
226 if 1 = Vector.length opts
227 then SOME (Vector.first opts)
228 else NONE
229 | _ => NONE
231 val deReal: t -> RealSize.t option =
232 fn t =>
233 case node t of
234 Real s => SOME s
235 | _ => NONE
237 val deSeq: t -> t vector option =
238 fn t =>
239 case node t of
240 Seq v => SOME v
241 | _ => NONE
243 val deWord: t -> WordSize.t option =
244 fn t =>
245 case node t of
246 Word s => SOME s
247 | _ => NONE
249 val isCPointer: t -> bool =
250 fn t =>
251 case node t of
252 CPointer => true
253 | _ => false
255 val isObjptr: t -> bool =
256 fn t =>
257 case node t of
258 Objptr _ => true
259 | _ => false
261 val isUnit: t -> bool = fn t => Bits.equals (, width t)
263 val isSubtype: t * t -> bool =
264 fn (t, t') =>
265 if not (sameWidth (t, t'))
266 then false (* Error.bug "RepType.Type.isSubtype" *)
267 else
268 (equals (t, t')
269 orelse
270 case (node t, node t') of
271 (Objptr opts, Objptr opts') =>
272 Vector.isSubsequence (opts, opts', ObjptrTycon.equals)
273 | (Real _, _) => false
274 | (Bits, Objptr _) => true
275 | (Word _, Objptr _) => true
276 | (Seq ts, Objptr _) =>
277 Vector.forall
278 (ts, (fn Bits => true
279 | Real _ => true
280 | Word _ => true
281 | _ => false) o node)
282 | (_, Bits) => true
283 | (_, Word _) => true
284 | (_, Seq ts) =>
285 Vector.forall
286 (ts, (fn Bits => true
287 | Real _ => true
288 | Word _ => true
289 | _ => false) o node)
290 | _ => false)
292 val isSubtype =
293 Trace.trace2 ("RepType.Type.isSubtype", layout, layout, Bool.layout)
294 isSubtype
296 fun exists (t, p) =
297 if p t
298 then true
299 else (case node t of
300 Seq ts => Vector.exists (ts, fn t => exists (t, p))
301 | _ => false)
304 val resize: t * Bits.t -> t = fn (_, b) => bits b
306 val bogusWord: t -> WordX.t =
307 fn t => (WordSize.fromBits (width t))
309 local
310 structure C =
311 struct
312 open CType
314 fun fromBits (b: Bits.t): t =
315 case Bits.toInt b of
316 8 => Word8
317 | 16 => Word16
318 | 32 => Word32
319 | 64 => Word64
320 | _ => Error.bug (concat ["RepType.Type.CType.fromBits: ",
321 Bits.toString b])
322 end
323 in
324 val toCType: t -> CType.t =
325 fn t =>
326 if isObjptr t
327 then C.Objptr
328 else
329 case node t of
330 CPointer => C.CPointer
331 | GCState => C.CPointer
332 | Label _ => C.CPointer
333 | Real s =>
334 (case s of
335 RealSize.R32 => C.Real32
336 | RealSize.R64 => C.Real64)
337 | _ => C.fromBits (width t)
339 val name = o toCType
341 val align: t * Bytes.t -> Bytes.t =
342 fn (t, n) => C.align (toCType t, n)
343 end
345 fun bytesAndObjptrs (t: t): Bytes.t * int =
346 case node t of
347 Objptr _ => (, 1)
348 | Seq ts =>
349 (case Vector.peeki (ts, isObjptr o #2) of
350 NONE => (bytes t, 0)
351 | SOME (i, _) =>
352 let
353 val b = bytes (seq (Vector.prefix (ts, i)))
354 val j = (Vector.length ts) - i
355 in
356 (b, j)
357 end)
358 | _ => (bytes t, 0)
359 end
361structure ObjectType =
362 struct
363 structure ObjptrTycon = ObjptrTycon
364 structure Runtime = Runtime
366 type ty = Type.t
367 datatype t =
368 Array of {elt: ty,
369 hasIdentity: bool}
370 | Normal of {hasIdentity: bool,
371 ty: ty}
372 | Stack
373 | Weak of Type.t option
375 fun layout (t: t) =
376 let
377 open Layout
378 in
379 case t of
380 Array {elt, hasIdentity} =>
381 seq [str "Array ",
382 record [("elt", Type.layout elt),
383 ("hasIdentity", Bool.layout hasIdentity)]]
384 | Normal {hasIdentity, ty} =>
385 seq [str "Normal ",
386 record [("hasIdentity", Bool.layout hasIdentity),
387 ("ty", Type.layout ty)]]
388 | Stack => str "Stack"
389 | Weak t => seq [str "Weak ", Option.layout Type.layout t]
390 end
392 fun isOk (t: t): bool =
393 case t of
394 Array {elt, ...} =>
395 let
396 val b = Type.width elt
397 in
398 Bits.isByteAligned b
399 end
400 | Normal {ty, ...} =>
401 let
402 val b = Bits.+ (Type.width ty,
403 Type.width (Type.objptrHeader ()))
404 in
405 case !Control.align of
406 Control.Align4 => Bits.isWord32Aligned b
407 | Control.Align8 => Bits.isWord64Aligned b
408 end
409 | Stack => true
410 | Weak to => Option.fold (to, true, fn (t,_) => Type.isObjptr t)
412 val stack = Stack
414 val thread = fn () =>
415 let
416 val padding =
417 let
418 val align =
419 case !Control.align of
420 Control.Align4 => Bytes.fromInt 4
421 | Control.Align8 => Bytes.fromInt 8
422 val bytesMetaData =
423 Bits.toBytes (Control.Target.Size.normalMetaData ())
424 val bytesCSize =
425 Bits.toBytes (Control.Target.Size.csize ())
426 val bytesExnStack =
427 Bits.toBytes (Type.width (Type.exnStack ()))
428 val bytesStack =
429 Bits.toBytes (Type.width (Type.stack ()))
431 val bytesObject =
432 Bytes.+ (bytesMetaData,
433 Bytes.+ (bytesCSize,
434 Bytes.+ (bytesExnStack,
435 bytesStack)))
436 val bytesTotal =
437 Bytes.align (bytesObject, {alignment = align})
438 val bytesPad = Bytes.- (bytesTotal, bytesObject)
439 in
440 Type.bits (Bytes.toBits bytesPad)
441 end
442 in
443 Normal {hasIdentity = true,
444 ty = Type.seq (Vector.new4 (padding,
445 Type.csize (),
446 Type.exnStack (),
447 Type.stack ()))}
448 end
450 (* Order in the following vector matters. The basic pointer tycons must
451 * correspond to the constants in gc/object.h.
459 *)
460 val basic = fn () =>
461 let
462 fun wordVec i =
463 let
464 val b = Bits.fromInt i
465 in
466 (ObjptrTycon.wordVector b,
467 Array {hasIdentity = false,
468 elt = Type.word (WordSize.fromBits b)})
469 end
470 in
471 Vector.fromList
472 [(ObjptrTycon.stack, stack),
473 (ObjptrTycon.thread, thread ()),
474 (ObjptrTycon.weakGone, Weak NONE),
475 wordVec 8,
476 wordVec 32,
477 wordVec 16,
478 wordVec 64]
479 end
481 local
482 structure R = Runtime.RObjectType
483 in
484 fun toRuntime (t: t): R.t =
485 case t of
486 Array {elt, hasIdentity} =>
487 let
488 val (b, nops) = Type.bytesAndObjptrs elt
489 in
490 R.Array {hasIdentity = hasIdentity,
491 bytesNonObjptrs = b,
492 numObjptrs = nops}
493 end
494 | Normal {hasIdentity, ty} =>
495 let
496 val (b, nops) = Type.bytesAndObjptrs ty
497 in
498 R.Normal {hasIdentity = hasIdentity,
499 bytesNonObjptrs = b,
500 numObjptrs = nops}
501 end
502 | Stack => R.Stack
503 | Weak to => R.Weak {gone = Option.isNone to}
504 end
505 end
507open Type
509structure GCField = Runtime.GCField
511fun ofGCField (f: GCField.t): t =
512 let
513 datatype z = datatype GCField.t
514 in
515 case f of
516 AtomicState => word32
517 | CardMapAbsolute => cpointer ()
518 | CurrentThread => thread ()
519 | CurSourceSeqsIndex => word32
520 | ExnStack => exnStack ()
521 | Frontier => cpointer ()
522 | Limit => cpointer ()
523 | LimitPlusSlop => cpointer ()
524 | MaxFrameSize => word32
525 | SignalIsPending => word32
526 | StackBottom => cpointer ()
527 | StackLimit => cpointer ()
528 | StackTop => cpointer ()
529 end
531fun castIsOk {from, to, tyconTy = _} =
532 Bits.equals (width from, width to)
534fun checkPrimApp {args, prim, result} =
535 let
536 datatype z = datatype Prim.Name.t
537 fun done (argsP, resultP) =
538 let
539 val argsP = Vector.fromList argsP
540 in
541 (Vector.length args = Vector.length argsP)
542 andalso (Vector.forall2 (args, argsP,
543 fn (arg, argP) => argP arg))
544 andalso (case (result, resultP) of
545 (NONE, NONE) => true
546 | (SOME result, SOME resultP) => resultP result
547 | _ => false)
548 end
549 val bits = fn s => fn t => equals (t, bits s)
550 val bool = fn t => equals (t, bool)
551 val cpointer = fn t => equals (t, cpointer ())
552 val objptr = fn t => (case node t of Objptr _ => true | _ => false)
553 val real = fn s => fn t => equals (t, real s)
554 val seq = fn s => fn t =>
555 (case node t
556 of Seq _ => Bits.equals (width t, WordSize.bits s)
557 | _ => false)
558 val word = fn s => fn t => equals (t, word s)
560 val cint = word (WordSize.cint ())
561 val csize = word (WordSize.csize ())
562 val cptrdiff = word (WordSize.cptrdiff ())
563 val shiftArg = word WordSize.shiftArg
565 val or = fn (p1, p2) => fn t => p1 t orelse p2 t
566 val bitsOrSeq = fn s => or (bits (WordSize.bits s), seq s)
567 val wordOrBitsOrSeq = fn s => or (word s, bitsOrSeq s)
568 local
569 fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t], SOME t) end
570 in
571 val realUnary = make real
572 val wordUnary = make wordOrBitsOrSeq
573 end
574 local
575 fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t, t], SOME t) end
576 in
577 val realBinary = make real
578 val wordBinary = make wordOrBitsOrSeq
579 end
580 local
581 fun make f s = let val t = f s in done ([t, t], SOME bool) end
582 in
583 val realCompare = make real
584 val wordCompare = make wordOrBitsOrSeq
585 val objptrCompare = make (fn _ => objptr) ()
586 end
587 fun realTernary s = done ([real s, real s, real s], SOME (real s))
588 fun wordShift s = done ([wordOrBitsOrSeq s, shiftArg], SOME (wordOrBitsOrSeq s))
589 in
590 case prim of
591 CPointer_add => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], SOME cpointer)
592 | CPointer_diff => done ([cpointer, cpointer], SOME cptrdiff)
593 | CPointer_equal => done ([cpointer, cpointer], SOME bool)
594 | CPointer_fromWord => done ([csize], SOME cpointer)
595 | CPointer_lt => done ([cpointer, cpointer], SOME bool)
596 | CPointer_sub => done ([cpointer, cptrdiff], SOME cpointer)
597 | CPointer_toWord => done ([cpointer], SOME csize)
598 | FFI f => done (Vector.toListMap (CFunction.args f,
599 fn t' => fn t => equals (t', t)),
600 SOME (fn t => equals (t, CFunction.return f)))
601 | FFI_Symbol _ => done ([], SOME cpointer)
602 | MLton_touch => done ([objptr], NONE)
603 | Real_Math_acos s => realUnary s
604 | Real_Math_asin s => realUnary s
605 | Real_Math_atan s => realUnary s
606 | Real_Math_atan2 s => realBinary s
607 | Real_Math_cos s => realUnary s
608 | Real_Math_exp s => realUnary s
609 | Real_Math_ln s => realUnary s
610 | Real_Math_log10 s => realUnary s
611 | Real_Math_sin s => realUnary s
612 | Real_Math_sqrt s => realUnary s
613 | Real_Math_tan s => realUnary s
614 | Real_abs s => realUnary s
615 | Real_add s => realBinary s
616 | Real_castToWord (s, s') => done ([real s], SOME (word s'))
617 | Real_div s => realBinary s
618 | Real_equal s => realCompare s
619 | Real_ldexp s => done ([real s, cint], SOME (real s))
620 | Real_le s => realCompare s
621 | Real_lt s => realCompare s
622 | Real_mul s => realBinary s
623 | Real_muladd s => realTernary s
624 | Real_mulsub s => realTernary s
625 | Real_neg s => realUnary s
626 | Real_qequal s => realCompare s
627 | Real_rndToReal (s, s') => done ([real s], SOME (real s'))
628 | Real_rndToWord (s, s', _) => done ([real s], SOME (word s'))
629 | Real_round s => realUnary s
630 | Real_sub s => realBinary s
631 | Thread_returnToC => done ([], NONE)
632 | Word_add s => wordBinary s
633 | Word_addCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
634 | Word_andb s => wordBinary s
635 | Word_castToReal (s, s') => done ([word s], SOME (real s'))
636 | Word_equal s => (wordCompare s) orelse objptrCompare
637 | Word_extdToWord (s, s', _) => done ([wordOrBitsOrSeq s],
638 SOME (wordOrBitsOrSeq s'))
639 | Word_lshift s => wordShift s
640 | Word_lt (s, _) => wordCompare s
641 | Word_mul (s, _) => wordBinary s
642 | Word_mulCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
643 | Word_neg s => wordUnary s
644 | Word_negCheck s => wordUnary s
645 | Word_notb s => wordUnary s
646 | Word_orb s => wordBinary s
647 | Word_quot (s, _) => wordBinary s
648 | Word_rem (s, _) => wordBinary s
649 | Word_rndToReal (s, s', _) => done ([word s], SOME (real s'))
650 | Word_rol s => wordShift s
651 | Word_ror s => wordShift s
652 | Word_rshift (s, _) => wordShift s
653 | Word_sub s => wordBinary s
654 | Word_subCheck (s, _) => wordBinary s
655 | Word_xorb s => wordBinary s
656 | _ => Error.bug (concat ["RepType.checkPrimApp got strange prim: ",
657 Prim.toString prim])
658 end
660fun checkOffset {base, isVector, offset, result} =
661 Exn.withEscape (fn escape =>
662 let
663 fun getTys ty =
664 case node ty of
665 Seq tys => Vector.toList tys
666 | _ => [ty]
668 fun dropTys (tys, bits) =
669 let
670 fun loop (tys, bits) =
671 if Bits.equals (bits,
672 then tys
673 else (case tys of
674 [] => escape false
675 | ty::tys =>
676 let
677 val b = width ty
678 in
679 if Bits.>= (bits, b)
680 then loop (tys, Bits.- (bits, b))
681 else (case node ty of
682 Bits => (Type.bits (Bits.- (b, bits))) :: tys
683 | _ => escape false)
684 end)
685 in
686 if Bits.< (bits,
687 then escape false
688 else loop (tys, bits)
689 end
690 val dropTys =
691 Trace.trace2
692 ("RepType.checkOffset.dropTys",
693 List.layout Type.layout, Bits.layout,
694 List.layout Type.layout)
695 dropTys
696 fun takeTys (tys, bits) =
697 let
698 fun loop (tys, bits, acc) =
699 if Bits.equals (bits,
700 then acc
701 else (case tys of
702 [] => escape false
703 | ty::tys =>
704 let
705 val b = width ty
706 in
707 if Bits.>= (bits, b)
708 then loop (tys, Bits.- (bits, b), ty :: acc)
709 else (case node ty of
710 Bits => (Type.bits bits) :: acc
711 | _ => escape false)
712 end)
713 in
714 if Bits.< (bits,
715 then escape false
716 else List.rev (loop (tys, bits, []))
717 end
718 fun extractTys (tys, dropBits, takeBits) =
719 takeTys (dropTys (tys, dropBits), takeBits)
721 fun equalsTys (tys1, tys2) =
722 case (tys1, tys2) of
723 ([], []) => true
724 | (ty1::tys1, ty2::tys2) =>
725 equals (ty1, ty2)
726 andalso equalsTys (tys1, tys2)
727 | _ => false
729 val alignBits =
730 case !Control.align of
731 Control.Align4 => Bits.inWord32
732 | Control.Align8 => Bits.inWord64
734 val baseBits = width base
735 val baseTys = getTys base
737 val offsetBytes = offset
738 val offsetBits = Bytes.toBits offsetBytes
740 val resultBits = width result
741 val resultTys = getTys result
743 val adjOffsetBits =
744 if Control.Target.bigEndian ()
745 andalso Bits.< (resultBits, Bits.inWord32)
746 andalso Bits.> (baseBits, resultBits)
747 then let
748 val paddedComponentBits =
749 if isVector
750 then Bits.min (baseBits, Bits.inWord32)
751 else Bits.inWord32
752 val paddedComponentOffsetBits =
753 Bits.alignDown (offsetBits, {alignment = paddedComponentBits})
754 in
755 Bits.+ (paddedComponentOffsetBits,
756 Bits.- (paddedComponentBits,
757 Bits.- (Bits.+ (resultBits, offsetBits),
758 paddedComponentOffsetBits)))
759 end
760 else offsetBits
761 in
762 List.exists
763 ([Bits.inWord8, Bits.inWord16, Bits.inWord32, Bits.inWord64], fn primBits =>
764 Bits.equals (resultBits, primBits)
765 andalso Bits.isAligned (offsetBits, {alignment = Bits.min (primBits, alignBits)}))
766 andalso
767 equalsTys (resultTys, extractTys (baseTys, adjOffsetBits, resultBits))
768 end)
770fun offsetIsOk {base, offset, tyconTy, result} =
771 case node base of
772 Objptr opts =>
773 if Bytes.equals (offset, Runtime.headerOffset ())
774 then equals (result, objptrHeader ())
775 else if Bytes.equals (offset, Runtime.arrayLengthOffset ())
776 then (1 = Vector.length opts)
777 andalso (case tyconTy (Vector.sub (opts, 0)) of
778 ObjectType.Array _ => true
779 | _ => false)
780 andalso (equals (result, seqIndex ()))
781 else (1 = Vector.length opts)
782 andalso (case tyconTy (Vector.sub (opts, 0)) of
783 ObjectType.Normal {ty, ...} =>
784 checkOffset {base = ty,
785 isVector = false,
786 offset = offset,
787 result = result}
788 | _ => false)
789 | _ => false
791fun arrayOffsetIsOk {base, index, offset, tyconTy, result, scale} =
792 case node base of
793 CPointer =>
794 (equals (index, csize ()))
795 andalso (case node result of
796 CPointer => true
797 | Objptr _ => true (* for FFI export of indirect types *)
798 | Real _ => true
799 | Word _ => true
800 | _ => false)
801 andalso (case Scale.fromBytes (bytes result) of
802 NONE => false
803 | SOME s => scale = s)
804 andalso (Bytes.equals (offset,
805 | Objptr opts =>
806 (equals (index, seqIndex ()))
807 andalso (1 = Vector.length opts)
808 andalso (case tyconTy (Vector.first opts) of
809 ObjectType.Array {elt, ...} =>
810 if equals (elt, word8)
811 then (* special case for PackWord operations *)
812 (case node result of
813 Word wsRes =>
814 (case Scale.fromBytes (WordSize.bytes wsRes) of
815 NONE => false
816 | SOME s => scale = s)
817 andalso (Bytes.equals (offset,
818 | _ => false)
819 else (case Scale.fromBytes (bytes elt) of
820 NONE => scale = Scale.One
821 | SOME s => scale = s)
822 andalso (checkOffset {base = elt,
823 isVector = true,
824 offset = offset,
825 result = result})
826 | _ => false)
827 | _ => false
831structure BuiltInCFunction =
832 struct
833 open CFunction
835 datatype z = datatype Convention.t
836 datatype z = datatype Target.t
838 fun bug () =
839 vanilla {args = Vector.new1 (string ()),
840 name = "MLton_bug",
841 prototype = (Vector.new1 CType.objptr, NONE),
842 return = unit}
844 local
845 fun make b = fn () =>
846 T {args = Vector.new3 (Type.gcState (), Type.csize (), Type.bool),
847 convention = Cdecl,
848 kind = Kind.Runtime {bytesNeeded = NONE,
849 ensuresBytesFree = true,
850 mayGC = true,
851 maySwitchThreads = b,
852 modifiesFrontier = true,
853 readsStackTop = true,
854 writesStackTop = true},
855 prototype = (Vector.new3 (CType.cpointer, CType.csize (), CType.bool),
856 NONE),
857 return = Type.unit,
858 symbolScope = SymbolScope.Private,
859 target = Direct "GC_collect"}
860 val t = make true
861 val f = make false
862 in
863 fun gc {maySwitchThreads = b} = if b then t () else f ()
864 end
865 end