x-end/motor: position and size motor arm correctly
[clinton/prusa3.git] / box_frame / x-end.scad
1 // PRUSA iteration3
2 // X end prototype
3 // GNU GPL v3
4 // Josef Průša <iam@josefprusa.cz> and contributors
5 // http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Prusa_Mendel
6 // http://prusamendel.org
8 // Also includes code from Wilson and Wilson2, (c) Marty Rice
9 // https://github.com/mjrice/wilson
11 // todo: make x-end height global and make anything relying implicitly
12 // on the height of the x-end use that for positioning.
14 // bearing height, strain relief (&& maybe make dependent upon the bearing diameter)
16 // major issues with rev 3
18 // - motor side screw hole conflicts with switch / other rear mount is
19 // inaccessible without removing the leadscrew from the nut
21 // - New idler anti-pitching ribs are too big (new idler I wasn't
22 // using is larger so the existing ones worked fine for that one...)
23 // NOTE: new idler is meant for integrated toothed idler...
25 use <bushing.scad>
26 include <configuration.scad>
28 pushfit_d = bushing_xy[0] * 2 + 0.25;
29 thinwall = single_wall_width * 6; // 3 perimeters
30 vertical_bushing_base_size = bushing_z[1]*2 + 2 * thinwall;
32 x_box_length = 45; // TODO: auto-adjust based on bearing size?
34 module vertical_bushing_base(){
35 translate(v=[-2-vertical_bushing_base_size/4,0,x_box_height/2]) cube(size = [4+vertical_bushing_base_size/2,vertical_bushing_base_size,x_box_height], center = true);
36 cylinder(h = x_box_height, r=vertical_bushing_base_size/2, $fn = 90);
37 }
39 module vertical_bushing_holes(){
40 // FIXME: is extra cut necessary? check conf_bushing
41 bushing_cut_extra = 0.2; // padding so it's not too tight
42 translate(v=[0,0,-4]) cylinder(h = x_box_height + 3, r=bushing_z[1] + bushing_cut_extra, $fn = 60);
43 translate(v=[0,0,x_box_height-4]) cylinder(h=x_box_height,r=bushing_z[1]-1,$fn=60);
44 // TODO: is slit too wide or too low? Wilson increased width from 1
45 // -> 2 mm, slit also might need to end 1-2mm before the base
46 #rotate(a=[0,0,-50]) translate(v=[thinwall*2 + 1,0,x_box_height/2 - 2]) cube(size = [bushing_z[2]/2, 2 ,x_box_height], center = true);
47 translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(h=9,r1=bushing_z[1]+thinwall/2+1,r2=4,$fn=60);
48 }
51 module nut_trap_base () {
52 // TODO: cube doesn't line up with edge of base, cylinder is slightly asymmetrical
53 // adapt newer nut trap from prusa i3 mk3 instead of wilson2
54 cube(size=[16,21,8],center=true);
55 translate ([2,0,0]) cylinder(h=8,r=12.5,$fn=50,center=true);
56 }
58 module nut_trap () {
59 union() {
60 // center post of brass nut
61 cylinder(h=12,r=5.45,$fn=50,center=true);
62 // holes for m3 screws in brass nut
63 translate(v=[8,0,0]) cylinder(h=12,r=1.8,$fn=20,center=true);
64 #rotate([0,0,90]) translate(v=[8,0,0]) cylinder(h=12,r=1.8,$fn=20,center=true);
65 rotate([0,0,180]) translate(v=[8,0,0]) cylinder(h=12,r=1.8,$fn=20,center=true);
66 #rotate([0,0,270]) translate(v=[8,0,0]) cylinder(h=12,r=1.8,$fn=20,center=true);
67 }
68 }
70 // x position of edge of main block (facing frame), for attaching objects to it
71 function x_base_back() = -10 - bushing_xy[0] - x_box_width/2;
72 // y position of edge of main block facing away from x-axis
73 function x_base_outside() = vertical_bushing_base_size/2;
74 // y position of edge of main block facing toward the x-axis
75 function x_base_inside() = -x_box_length/2 - vertical_bushing_base_size/2;
77 module x_end_base(){
78 // Main block
79 translate(v=[-10 - bushing_xy[0], -x_box_length/2 + vertical_bushing_base_size/2,x_box_height/2]) cube(size = [x_box_width,x_box_length,x_box_height], center = true);
80 // Bearing holder
81 vertical_bushing_base();
82 //Nut trap
83 translate(v=[-4+zmotor_delta_x,-17-zmotor_delta_y,4]) nut_trap_base ();
84 }
86 // TODO: x translation of belt and smooth rods needs to adapt to
87 // x_end_width and motor/idler pulley position.
89 module x_end_holes(){
90 vertical_bushing_holes();
91 // Belt hole
92 translate(v=[-1,0,0]){
93 // Stress relief
94 translate(v=[-5.5-10+1.5,-bushing_z[1]-4,30]) cube(size = [20,1,28], center = true);
95 // Cut out for belt (this is NOT centered because the motor isn't centered)
96 x_box_offset = -x_box_length/2 + vertical_bushing_base_size/2;
97 difference(){
98 translate(v=[-5.5-10+1.5, x_box_offset ,30]) cube(size = [10, x_box_length + 1,28], center = true);
100 // Nice edges
101 translate(v=[-5.5-10+1.5,x_box_offset,30+23]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube(size = [10,x_box_length + 1,28], center = true);
102 translate(v=[-5.5-10+1.5,x_box_offset,30+23]) rotate([0,-45,0]) cube(size = [10,x_box_length + 1,28], center = true);
103 translate(v=[-5.5-10+1.5,x_box_offset,30-23]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube(size = [10,x_box_length + 1,28], center = true);
104 translate(v=[-5.5-10+1.5,x_box_offset,30-23]) rotate([0,-45,0]) cube(size = [10,x_box_length + 1,28], center = true);
106 }
107 }
109 // FIXME: z rod placement isn't consistent with carriage
110 pushrod_extra_z = 2.5;
112 // FIXME: confirm length of smooth rod doesn't change when x_box_length or bearing size changes
113 // should also make sure this is long enough if x-ends somehow end up larger than 50mm
114 //Bottom pushfit rod
115 #translate(v=[-15,-41.5,bushing_xy[0]+pushrod_extra_z]) rotate(a=[-90,0,0]) pushfit_rod(pushfit_d,50);
116 // Top pushfit rod
117 translate(v=[-15,-41.5,xaxis_rod_distance+bushing_xy[0]+pushrod_extra_z]) rotate(a=[-90,0,0]) pushfit_rod(pushfit_d,50);
119 // Nut trap
120 translate(v=[zmotor_delta_x,-17-zmotor_delta_y,3]) rotate ([0, 0, 45]) nut_trap ();
121 }
124 // Final prototype
125 module x_end_plain(){
126 difference(){
127 x_end_base();
128 x_end_holes();
129 }
130 }
132 x_end_plain();
135 module pushfit_rod(diameter,length){
136 translate([0,-0.3,0]) cylinder(h = length, r=diameter/2, $fn=30);
137 translate([0,0.3,0]) cylinder(h = length, r=diameter/2, $fn=30);
138 // TODO: reintroduce teardrop holes?
139 // difference(){
140 // translate(v=[0,-diameter/2.85,length/2]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube(size = [diameter/2,diameter/2,length], center = true);
141 // translate(v=[0,-diameter/4-diameter/2-0.4,length/2]) rotate([0,0,0]) cube(size = [diameter,diameter/2,length], center = true);
142 // }
144 }