Refactored compile-parenscript-form code.
[clinton/parenscript.git] / src / compilation-interface.lisp
1 (in-package "PARENSCRIPT")
3 (defparameter *js-target-version* 1.3)
5 (defmacro ps (&body body)
6 "Given Parenscript forms (an implicit progn), compiles those forms
7 to a JavaScript string at macro-expansion time."
8 (let ((s (gensym)))
9 `(with-output-to-string (,s)
10 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
11 `(write-string ,x ,s))
12 (parenscript-print
13 (ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))))))
14 (defun ps* (&rest body)
15 "Compiles BODY to a JavaScript string.
16 Body is evaluated."
17 (compiled-form-to-string (ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body))))
19 (defmacro ps-doc (&body body)
20 "Expands Parenscript forms in a clean environment."
21 (let ((*ps-gensym-counter* 0)
22 (*ps-special-variables* nil))
23 (macroexpand-1 `(ps ,@body))))
25 (defun ps-doc* (ps-form)
26 (let ((*ps-gensym-counter* 0)
27 (*ps-special-variables* nil))
28 (ps* ps-form)))
30 (defun compiled-form-to-string (ps-compiled-form)
31 (with-output-to-string (s)
32 (dolist (x (parenscript-print ps-compiled-form))
33 (write-string (if (stringp x) x (eval x)) s))))
35 (defvar *js-inline-string-delimiter* #\"
36 "Controls the string delimiter char used when compiling Parenscript in ps-inline.")
38 (defun ps-inline* (form &optional (*js-string-delimiter* *js-inline-string-delimiter*))
39 (concatenate 'string "javascript:" (ps* form)))
41 (defmacro/ps ps-inline (form &optional (string-delimiter *js-inline-string-delimiter*))
42 `(concatenate 'string "javascript:"
43 ,@(let ((*js-string-delimiter* string-delimiter))
44 (parenscript-print (ps-compile form)))))
46 (defvar *ps-read-function* #'read
47 "This should be a function that takes the same inputs and returns the same
48 outputs as the common lisp read function. We declare it as a variable to allow
49 a user-supplied reader instead of the default lisp reader.")
51 (defun ps-compile-stream (stream)
52 "Compiles a source stream as if it were a file. Outputs a Javascript string."
53 (let ((*ps-compilation-level* :toplevel)
54 (*package* *package*)
55 (end-read-form '#:unique))
56 (flet ((read-form () (funcall *ps-read-function* stream nil end-read-form)))
57 (let* ((js-string
58 ;; cons up the forms, compiling as we go, and print the result
59 (do ((form (read-form) (read-form))
60 (compiled-forms nil))
61 ((eql form end-read-form)
62 (format nil "~{~A~^;~%~}"
63 (remove-if
64 #'(lambda (x) (or (null x) (= 0 (length x))))
65 (mapcar 'compiled-form-to-string (nreverse compiled-forms)))))
66 (push (ps-compile-statement form) compiled-forms))))
67 js-string))))
69 (defun ps-compile-file (source-file)
70 "Compiles the given Parenscript source file and returns a Javascript string."
71 (with-open-file (stream source-file :direction :input)
72 (ps-compile-stream stream)))