Greatly simplified implementation of lexical-let*.
[clinton/parenscript.git] / src / special-forms.lisp
1 (in-package :parenscript)
3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ;;; literals
5 (defmacro defpsliteral (name string)
6 `(progn (pushnew ',name *ps-literals*)
7 (define-ps-special-form ,name (expecting)
8 (declare (ignore expecting))
9 (list 'js-literal ,string))))
11 (defpsliteral this "this")
12 (defpsliteral t "true")
13 (defpsliteral true "true")
14 (defpsliteral false "false")
15 (defpsliteral f "false")
16 (defpsliteral nil "null")
17 (defpsliteral undefined "undefined")
19 (macrolet ((def-for-literal (name printer)
20 `(progn
21 (pushnew ',name *ps-literals*)
22 (define-ps-special-form ,name (expecting &optional label)
23 (declare (ignore expecting))
24 (list ',printer label)))))
25 (def-for-literal break js-break)
26 (def-for-literal continue js-continue))
28 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
29 ;;; unary operators
30 (mapcar (lambda (op) (eval `(define-ps-special-form ,op (expecting value)
31 (declare (ignore expecting))
32 (list 'js-named-operator ',op (compile-parenscript-form value)))))
33 '(throw delete void typeof new))
35 (define-ps-special-form return (expecting &optional value)
36 (declare (ignore expecting))
37 (list 'js-return (compile-parenscript-form value :expecting :expression)))
39 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
40 ;;; arrays
41 (define-ps-special-form array (expecting &rest values)
42 (declare (ignore expecting))
43 (cons 'array-literal (mapcar (lambda (form) (compile-parenscript-form form :expecting :expression))
44 values)))
46 (define-ps-special-form aref (expecting array &rest coords)
47 (declare (ignore expecting))
48 (list 'js-aref (compile-parenscript-form array :expecting :expression)
49 (mapcar (lambda (form)
50 (compile-parenscript-form form :expecting :expression))
51 coords)))
53 (define-ps-special-form {} (expecting &rest arrows)
54 (declare (ignore expecting))
55 (cons 'object-literal (loop for (key value) on arrows by #'cddr
56 collect (cons key (compile-parenscript-form value :expecting :expression)))))
58 (defpsmacro list (&rest values)
59 `(array ,@values))
61 (defpsmacro make-array (&rest inits)
62 `(new (*array ,@inits)))
64 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
65 ;;; operators
66 (define-ps-special-form incf (expecting x &optional (delta 1))
67 (declare (ignore expecting))
68 (if (equal delta 1)
69 (list 'unary-operator "++" (compile-parenscript-form x :expecting :expression) :prefix t)
70 (list 'operator '+= (list (compile-parenscript-form x :expecting :expression)
71 (compile-parenscript-form delta :expecting :expression)))))
73 (define-ps-special-form decf (expecting x &optional (delta 1))
74 (declare (ignore expecting))
75 (if (equal delta 1)
76 (list 'unary-operator "--" (compile-parenscript-form x :expecting :expression) :prefix t)
77 (list 'operator '-= (list (compile-parenscript-form x :expecting :expression)
78 (compile-parenscript-form delta :expecting :expression)))))
80 (define-ps-special-form - (expecting first &rest rest)
81 (declare (ignore expecting))
82 (if (null rest)
83 (list 'unary-operator "-" (compile-parenscript-form first :expecting :expression) :prefix t)
84 (list 'operator '- (mapcar (lambda (val) (compile-parenscript-form val :expecting :expression))
85 (cons first rest)))))
87 (define-ps-special-form not (expecting x)
88 (declare (ignore expecting))
89 (let ((form (compile-parenscript-form x :expecting :expression))
90 (not-op nil))
91 (if (and (eql (first form) 'operator)
92 (= (length (third form)) 2)
93 (setf not-op (case (second form)
94 (== '!=)
95 (< '>=)
96 (> '<=)
97 (<= '>)
98 (>= '<)
99 (!= '==)
100 (=== '!==)
101 (!== '===)
102 (t nil))))
103 (list 'operator not-op (third form))
104 (list 'unary-operator "!" form :prefix t))))
106 (define-ps-special-form ~ (expecting x)
107 (declare (ignore expecting))
108 (list 'unary-operator "~" (compile-parenscript-form x :expecting :expression) :prefix t))
110 (defpsmacro 1- (form)
111 `(- ,form 1))
113 (defpsmacro 1+ (form)
114 `(+ ,form 1))
116 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
117 ;;; control structures
118 (defun flatten-blocks (body)
119 (when body
120 (if (and (listp (car body))
121 (eql 'js-block (caar body)))
122 (append (third (car body)) (flatten-blocks (cdr body)))
123 (cons (car body) (flatten-blocks (cdr body))))))
125 (defun constant-literal-form-p (form)
126 (or (numberp form)
127 (stringp form)
128 (and (listp form)
129 (eql 'js-literal (car form)))))
131 (define-ps-special-form progn (expecting &rest body)
132 (if (and (eql expecting :expression) (= 1 (length body)))
133 (compile-parenscript-form (car body) :expecting :expression)
134 (list 'js-block
135 expecting
136 (let* ((block (mapcar (lambda (form)
137 (compile-parenscript-form form :expecting expecting))
138 body))
139 (clean-block (remove nil block))
140 (flat-block (flatten-blocks clean-block))
141 (reachable-block (append (remove-if #'constant-literal-form-p (butlast flat-block))
142 (last flat-block))))
143 reachable-block))))
145 (define-ps-special-form cond (expecting &rest clauses)
146 (ecase expecting
147 (:statement (list 'js-cond-statement
148 (mapcar (lambda (clause)
149 (destructuring-bind (test &rest body)
150 clause
151 (list (compile-parenscript-form test :expecting :expression)
152 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body) :expecting :statement))))
153 clauses)))
154 (:expression (make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs clauses))))
156 (defun make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs (clauses)
157 (if clauses
158 (destructuring-bind (test &rest body)
159 (car clauses)
160 (if (eq t test)
161 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body) :expecting :expression)
162 (list 'js-expression-if (compile-parenscript-form test :expecting :expression)
163 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body) :expecting :expression)
164 (make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs (cdr clauses)))))
165 (compile-parenscript-form nil :expecting :expression)))
167 (define-ps-special-form if (expecting test then &optional else)
168 (ecase expecting
169 (:statement (list 'js-statement-if (compile-parenscript-form test :expecting :expression)
170 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,then))
171 (when else (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,else)))))
172 (:expression (list 'js-expression-if (compile-parenscript-form test :expecting :expression)
173 (compile-parenscript-form then :expecting :expression)
174 (compile-parenscript-form else :expecting :expression)))))
176 (define-ps-special-form switch (expecting test-expr &rest clauses)
177 (declare (ignore expecting))
178 (let ((clauses (mapcar (lambda (clause)
179 (let ((val (car clause))
180 (body (cdr clause)))
181 (cons (if (eql val 'default)
182 'default
183 (compile-parenscript-form val :expecting :expression))
184 (mapcar (lambda (statement) (compile-parenscript-form statement :expecting :statement))
185 body))))
186 clauses))
187 (expr (compile-parenscript-form test-expr :expecting :expression)))
188 (list 'js-switch expr clauses)))
190 (defpsmacro case (value &rest clauses)
191 (labels ((make-clause (val body more)
192 (cond ((listp val)
193 (append (mapcar #'list (butlast val))
194 (make-clause (first (last val)) body more)))
195 ((member val '(t otherwise))
196 (make-clause 'default body more))
197 (more `((,val ,@body break)))
198 (t `((,val ,@body))))))
199 `(switch ,value ,@(mapcon (lambda (clause)
200 (make-clause (car (first clause))
201 (cdr (first clause))
202 (rest clause)))
203 clauses))))
205 (defpsmacro when (test &rest body)
206 `(if ,test (progn ,@body)))
208 (defpsmacro unless (test &rest body)
209 `(if (not ,test) (progn ,@body)))
211 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
212 ;;; function definition
213 (defun compile-function-definition (args body)
214 (list (mapcar (lambda (arg) (compile-parenscript-form arg :expecting :symbol)) args)
215 (let ((*enclosing-lexical-block-declarations* ()))
216 ;; the first compilation will produce a list of variables we need to declare in the function body
217 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body) :expecting :statement)
218 ;; now declare and compile
219 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@(loop for var in *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations* collect `(var ,var))
220 ,@body) :expecting :statement))))
222 (define-ps-special-form %js-lambda (expecting args &rest body)
223 (declare (ignore expecting))
224 (cons 'js-lambda (compile-function-definition args body)))
226 (define-ps-special-form %js-defun (expecting name args &rest body)
227 (declare (ignore expecting))
228 (append (list 'js-defun name) (compile-function-definition args body)))
230 (defun parse-function-body (body)
231 (let* ((docstring
232 (when (stringp (first body))
233 (first body)))
234 (body-forms (if docstring (rest body) body)))
235 (values body-forms docstring)))
237 (defun parse-key-spec (key-spec)
238 "parses an &key parameter. Returns 4 values:
239 var, init-form, keyword-name, supplied-p-var, init-form-supplied-p.
241 Syntax of key spec:
242 [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*
243 "
244 (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp key-spec) key-spec)
245 ((and (listp key-spec) (symbolp (first key-spec))) (first key-spec))
246 ((and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec))) (second key-spec))))
247 (keyword-name (if (and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec)))
248 (first (first key-spec))
249 (intern (string var) :keyword)))
250 (init-form (if (listp key-spec) (second key-spec) nil))
251 (init-form-supplied-p (if (listp key-spec) t nil))
252 (supplied-p-var (if (listp key-spec) (third key-spec) nil)))
253 (values var init-form keyword-name supplied-p-var init-form-supplied-p)))
255 (defun parse-optional-spec (spec)
256 "Parses an &optional parameter. Returns 3 values: var, init-form, supplied-p-var.
257 [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] "
258 (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp spec) spec)
259 ((and (listp spec) (first spec)))))
260 (init-form (if (listp spec) (second spec)))
261 (supplied-p-var (if (listp spec) (third spec))))
262 (values var init-form supplied-p-var)))
264 (defun parse-aux-spec (spec)
265 "Returns two values: variable and init-form"
266 ;; [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])
267 (values (if (symbolp spec) spec (first spec))
268 (when (listp spec) (second spec))))
270 (defpsmacro defaultf (place value)
271 `(setf ,place (or (and (=== undefined ,place) ,value)
272 ,place)))
274 (defun parse-extended-function (lambda-list body &optional name)
275 "Returns two values: the effective arguments and body for a function with
276 the given lambda-list and body."
278 ;; The lambda list is transformed as follows, since a javascript lambda list is just a
279 ;; list of variable names, and you have access to the arguments variable inside the function:
280 ;; * standard variables are the mapped directly into the js-lambda list
281 ;; * optional variables' variable names are mapped directly into the lambda list,
282 ;; and for each optional variable with name v and default value d, a form is produced
283 ;; (defaultf v d)
284 ;; * when any keyword variables are in the lambda list, a single 'optional-args' variable is
285 ;; appended to the js-lambda list as the last argument. WITH-SLOTS is used for all
286 ;; the variables with inside the body of the function,
287 ;; a (with-slots ((var-name key-name)) optional-args ...)
288 (declare (ignore name))
289 (multiple-value-bind (requireds optionals rest? rest keys? keys allow? aux? aux
290 more? more-context more-count key-object)
291 (parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
292 (declare (ignore allow? aux? aux more? more-context more-count))
293 (let* ((options-var (or key-object (ps-gensym)))
294 ;; optionals are of form (var default-value)
295 (effective-args
296 (remove-if
297 #'null
298 (append requireds
299 (mapcar #'parse-optional-spec optionals)
300 (when keys (list options-var)))))
301 ;; an alist of arg -> default val
302 (initform-pairs
303 (remove
304 nil
305 (append
306 ;; optional arguments first
307 (mapcar #'(lambda (opt-spec)
308 (multiple-value-bind (var val) (parse-optional-spec opt-spec)
309 (cons var val)))
310 optionals)
311 (if keys? (list (cons options-var '(create))))
312 (mapcar #'(lambda (key-spec)
313 (multiple-value-bind (var val x y specified?) (parse-key-spec key-spec)
314 (declare (ignore x y))
315 (when specified? (cons var val))))
316 keys))))
317 (body-paren-forms (parse-function-body body)) ;remove documentation
318 ;;
319 (initform-forms
320 (mapcar #'(lambda (default-pair)
321 `(defaultf ,(car default-pair) ,(cdr default-pair)))
322 initform-pairs))
323 (rest-form
324 (if rest?
325 (with-ps-gensyms (i)
326 `(progn (var ,rest (array))
327 (dotimes (,i (- arguments.length ,(length effective-args)))
328 (setf (aref ,rest ,i) (aref arguments (+ ,i ,(length effective-args)))))))
329 `(progn)))
330 (effective-body (append initform-forms (list rest-form) body-paren-forms))
331 (effective-body
332 (if keys?
333 (list `(with-slots ,(mapcar #'(lambda (key-spec)
334 (multiple-value-bind (var x key-name)
335 (parse-key-spec key-spec)
336 (declare (ignore x))
337 (list var key-name)))
338 keys)
339 ,options-var
340 ,@effective-body))
341 effective-body)))
342 (values effective-args effective-body))))
344 (defpsmacro defun (name lambda-list &body body)
345 "An extended defun macro that allows cool things like keyword arguments.
346 lambda-list::=
347 (var*
348 [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*]
349 [&rest var]
350 [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]]
351 [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])"
352 (if (symbolp name)
353 `(defun-function ,name ,lambda-list ,@body)
354 (progn (assert (and (= (length name) 2) (eql 'setf (car name))) ()
355 "(defun ~s ~s ...) needs to have a symbol or (setf symbol) for a name." name lambda-list)
356 `(defun-setf ,name ,lambda-list ,@body))))
358 (defpsmacro defun-function (name lambda-list &body body)
359 (multiple-value-bind (effective-args effective-body)
360 (parse-extended-function lambda-list body name)
361 `(%js-defun ,name ,effective-args
362 ,@effective-body)))
364 (defvar *defun-setf-name-prefix* "__setf_")
366 (defpsmacro defun-setf (setf-name lambda-list &body body)
367 (let ((mangled-function-name (intern (concatenate 'string *defun-setf-name-prefix* (symbol-name (second setf-name)))
368 (symbol-package (second setf-name))))
369 (function-args (cdr (ordered-set-difference lambda-list lambda-list-keywords))))
370 `(progn (defsetf ,(second setf-name) ,(cdr lambda-list) (store-var)
371 `(,',mangled-function-name ,store-var ,@(list ,@function-args)))
372 (defun ,mangled-function-name ,lambda-list ,@body))))
374 (defpsmacro lambda (lambda-list &body body)
375 "An extended defun macro that allows cool things like keyword arguments.
376 lambda-list::=
377 (var*
378 [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*]
379 [&rest var]
380 [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]]
381 [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])"
382 (multiple-value-bind (effective-args effective-body)
383 (parse-extended-function lambda-list body)
384 `(%js-lambda ,effective-args
385 ,@effective-body)))
387 (defpsmacro defsetf-long (access-fn lambda-list (store-var) form)
388 (setf (get-macro-spec access-fn *script-setf-expanders*)
389 (compile nil
390 (let ((var-bindings (ordered-set-difference lambda-list lambda-list-keywords)))
391 `(lambda (access-fn-args store-form)
392 (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list
393 access-fn-args
394 (let* ((,store-var (ps-gensym))
395 (gensymed-names (loop repeat ,(length var-bindings) collecting (ps-gensym)))
396 (gensymed-arg-bindings (mapcar #'list gensymed-names (list ,@var-bindings))))
397 (destructuring-bind ,var-bindings
398 gensymed-names
399 `(let* (,@gensymed-arg-bindings
400 (,,store-var ,store-form))
401 ,,form))))))))
402 nil)
404 (defpsmacro defsetf-short (access-fn update-fn &optional docstring)
405 (declare (ignore docstring))
406 (setf (get-macro-spec access-fn *script-setf-expanders*)
407 (lambda (access-fn-args store-form)
408 `(,update-fn ,@access-fn-args ,store-form)))
409 nil)
411 (defpsmacro defsetf (access-fn &rest args)
412 `(,(if (= (length args) 3) 'defsetf-long 'defsetf-short) ,access-fn ,@args))
414 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
415 ;;; macros
416 (defmacro with-temp-macro-environment ((var) &body body)
417 `(let* ((,var (make-macro-env-dictionary))
418 (*script-macro-env* (cons ,var *script-macro-env*)))
419 ,@body))
421 (define-ps-special-form macrolet (expecting macros &body body)
422 (declare (ignore expecting))
423 (with-temp-macro-environment (macro-env-dict)
424 (dolist (macro macros)
425 (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body)
426 macro
427 (setf (get-macro-spec name macro-env-dict)
428 (cons nil (make-ps-macro-function arglist body)))))
429 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body))))
431 (define-ps-special-form symbol-macrolet (expecting symbol-macros &body body)
432 (declare (ignore expecting))
433 (with-temp-macro-environment (macro-env-dict)
434 (dolist (macro symbol-macros)
435 (destructuring-bind (name expansion)
436 macro
437 (setf (get-macro-spec name macro-env-dict)
438 (cons t (make-ps-macro-function () (list `',expansion))))))
439 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body))))
441 (define-ps-special-form defmacro (expecting name args &body body)
442 (declare (ignore expecting))
443 (define-script-macro% name args body :symbol-macro-p nil)
444 nil)
446 (define-ps-special-form define-symbol-macro (expecting name expansion)
447 (declare (ignore expecting))
448 (define-script-macro% name () (list `',expansion) :symbol-macro-p t)
449 nil)
451 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
452 ;;; objects
453 (define-ps-special-form create (expecting &rest args)
454 (declare (ignore expecting))
455 (list 'js-object (loop for (name val) on args by #'cddr collecting
456 (let ((name-expr (compile-parenscript-form name :expecting :expression)))
457 (assert (or (stringp name-expr)
458 (numberp name-expr)
459 (and (listp name-expr)
460 (or (eql 'js-variable (car name-expr))
461 (eql 'script-quote (car name-expr)))))
462 ()
463 "Slot ~s is not one of js-variable, keyword, string or number." name-expr)
464 (list name-expr (compile-parenscript-form val :expecting :expression))))))
466 (define-ps-special-form %js-slot-value (expecting obj slot)
467 (declare (ignore expecting))
468 (if (ps::ps-macroexpand slot)
469 (list 'js-slot-value (compile-parenscript-form obj :expecting :expression) (compile-parenscript-form slot))
470 (compile-parenscript-form obj :expecting :expression)))
472 (define-ps-special-form instanceof (expecting value type)
473 (declare (ignore expecting))
474 (list 'js-instanceof (compile-parenscript-form value :expecting :expression)
475 (compile-parenscript-form type :expecting :expression)))
477 (defpsmacro slot-value (obj &rest slots)
478 (if (null (rest slots))
479 `(%js-slot-value ,obj ,(first slots))
480 `(slot-value (slot-value ,obj ,(first slots)) ,@(rest slots))))
482 (defpsmacro with-slots (slots object &rest body)
483 (flet ((slot-var (slot) (if (listp slot) (first slot) slot))
484 (slot-symbol (slot) (if (listp slot) (second slot) slot)))
485 `(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (slot)
486 `(,(slot-var slot) (slot-value ,object ',(slot-symbol slot))))
487 slots)
488 ,@body)))
490 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
491 ;;; assignment and binding
492 (defun assignment-op (op)
493 (case op
494 (+ '+=)
495 (~ '~=)
496 (\& '\&=)
497 (\| '\|=)
498 (- '-=)
499 (* '*=)
500 (% '%=)
501 (>> '>>=)
502 (^ '^=)
503 (<< '<<=)
504 (>>> '>>>=)
505 (/ '/=)
506 (t nil)))
508 (defun smart-setf (lhs rhs)
509 (if (and (listp rhs)
510 (eql 'operator (car rhs))
511 (member lhs (third rhs) :test #'equalp))
512 (let ((args-without-first (remove lhs (third rhs) :count 1 :end 1 :test #'equalp)))
513 (cond ((and (assignment-op (second rhs))
514 (member (second rhs) '(+ *))
515 (equalp lhs (first (third rhs))))
516 (list 'operator (assignment-op (second rhs))
517 (list lhs (list 'operator (second rhs) args-without-first))))
518 (t (list 'js-assign lhs rhs))))
519 (list 'js-assign lhs rhs)))
521 (define-ps-special-form setf1% (expecting lhs rhs)
522 (declare (ignore expecting))
523 (smart-setf (compile-parenscript-form lhs :expecting :expression) (compile-parenscript-form rhs :expecting :expression)))
525 (defpsmacro setf (&rest args)
526 (flet ((process-setf-clause (place value-form)
527 (if (and (listp place) (get-macro-spec (car place) *script-setf-expanders*))
528 (funcall (get-macro-spec (car place) *script-setf-expanders*) (cdr place) value-form)
529 (let ((exp-place (ps-macroexpand place)))
530 (if (and (listp exp-place) (get-macro-spec (car exp-place) *script-setf-expanders*))
531 (funcall (get-macro-spec (car exp-place) *script-setf-expanders*) (cdr exp-place) value-form)
532 `(setf1% ,exp-place ,value-form))))))
533 (assert (evenp (length args)) ()
534 "~s does not have an even number of arguments." (cons 'setf args))
535 `(progn ,@(loop for (place value) on args by #'cddr collect (process-setf-clause place value)))))
537 (define-ps-special-form var (expecting name &rest value)
538 (declare (ignore expecting))
539 (append (list 'js-var name)
540 (when value
541 (assert (= (length value) 1) () "Wrong number of arguments to var: ~s" `(var ,name ,@value))
542 (list (compile-parenscript-form (car value) :expecting :expression)))))
544 (defpsmacro defvar (name &rest value)
545 "Note: this must be used as a top-level form, otherwise the result will be undefined behavior."
546 (pushnew name *ps-special-variables*)
547 (assert (or (null value) (= (length value) 1)) () "Wrong number of arguments to defvar: ~s" `(defvar ,name ,@value))
548 `(var ,name ,@value))
550 (defpsmacro lexical-let* (bindings &body body)
551 `((lambda ()
552 (let* ,bindings
553 ,@body))))
555 (defpsmacro let* (bindings &rest body)
556 (if bindings
557 (let ((var (if (listp (car bindings)) (caar bindings) (car bindings))))
558 `(,(if (member var *ps-special-variables*) 'let1-dynamic 'let1) ,(car bindings)
559 (let* ,(cdr bindings) ,@body)))
560 `(progn ,@body)))
562 (defpsmacro let (&rest stuff)
563 "Right now, let doesn't do parallel assignment."
564 `(let* ,@stuff))
566 (define-ps-special-form let1 (expecting binding &rest body)
567 (ecase expecting
568 (:statement
569 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,(if (atom binding) `(var ,binding) `(var ,@binding)) ,@body) :expecting :statement))
570 (:expression
571 (let ((var (if (atom binding) binding (car binding)))
572 (variable-assignment (when (listp binding) (cons 'setf binding))))
573 (push var *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*)
574 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,variable-assignment ,@body) :expecting :expression)))))
576 (defpsmacro let1-dynamic ((var value) &rest body)
577 (with-ps-gensyms (temp-stack-var)
578 `(progn (var ,temp-stack-var)
579 (try (progn (setf ,temp-stack-var ,var)
580 (setf ,var ,value)
581 ,@body)
582 (:finally (setf ,var ,temp-stack-var))))))
584 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
585 ;;; iteration
586 (defun make-for-vars (decls)
587 (loop for decl in decls
588 for var = (if (atom decl) decl (first decl))
589 for init-value = (if (atom decl) nil (second decl))
590 collect (cons (compile-parenscript-form var :expecting :symbol) (compile-parenscript-form init-value))))
592 (defun make-for-steps (decls)
593 (loop for decl in decls
594 when (= (length decl) 3)
595 collect (compile-parenscript-form (third decl) :expecting :expression)))
597 (define-ps-special-form do (expecting decls termination-test &rest body)
598 (declare (ignore expecting))
599 (let ((vars (make-for-vars decls))
600 (steps (make-for-steps decls))
601 (test (compile-parenscript-form `(not ,(first termination-test)) :expecting :expression))
602 (body (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body))))
603 (list 'js-for vars steps test body)))
605 (define-ps-special-form doeach (expecting decl &rest body)
606 (declare (ignore expecting))
607 (list 'js-for-each
608 (first decl)
609 (compile-parenscript-form (second decl) :expecting :expression)
610 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body))))
612 (define-ps-special-form while (expecting test &rest body)
613 (declare (ignore expecting))
614 (list 'js-while (compile-parenscript-form test :expecting :expression)
615 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body))))
617 (defpsmacro dotimes (iter &rest body)
618 (let ((var (first iter))
619 (times (second iter)))
620 `(do ((,var 0 (1+ ,var)))
621 ((>= ,var ,times))
622 ,@body)))
624 (defpsmacro dolist (i-array &rest body)
625 (let ((var (first i-array))
626 (array (second i-array))
627 (arrvar (ps-gensym "tmp-arr"))
628 (idx (ps-gensym "tmp-i")))
629 `(let* ((,arrvar ,array))
630 (do ((,idx 0 (1+ ,idx)))
631 ((>= ,idx (slot-value ,arrvar 'length)))
632 (let* ((,var (aref ,arrvar ,idx)))
633 ,@body)))))
635 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
636 ;;; misc
637 (define-ps-special-form with (expecting expression &rest body)
638 (declare (ignore expecting))
639 (list 'js-with (compile-parenscript-form expression :expecting :expression)
640 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@body))))
642 (define-ps-special-form try (expecting form &rest clauses)
643 (declare (ignore expecting))
644 (let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch clauses)))
645 (finally (cdr (assoc :finally clauses))))
646 (assert (not (cdar catch)) nil "Sorry, currently only simple catch forms are supported.")
647 (assert (or catch finally) ()
648 "Try form should have either a catch or a finally clause or both.")
649 (list 'js-try (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,form))
650 :catch (when catch (list (compile-parenscript-form (caar catch) :expecting :symbol)
651 (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@(cdr catch)))))
652 :finally (when finally (compile-parenscript-form `(progn ,@finally))))))
654 (define-ps-special-form cc-if (expecting test &rest body)
655 (declare (ignore expecting))
656 (list 'cc-if test (mapcar #'compile-parenscript-form body)))
658 (define-ps-special-form regex (expecting regex)
659 (declare (ignore expecting))
660 (list 'js-regex (string regex)))
662 (defpsmacro lisp (&body forms)
663 "Evaluates the given forms in Common Lisp at ParenScript
664 macro-expansion time. The value of the last form is treated as a
665 ParenScript expression and is inserted into the generated Javascript
666 \(use nil for no-op)."
667 (eval (cons 'progn forms)))