moretests for method-call (dot-notation) syntax
[clinton/parenscript.git] / t / test.lisp
1 (in-package :js-test)
3 ;; Testcases for parenscript
5 (defun trim-whitespace(str)
6 (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) str))
8 (defun same-space-between-statements(code)
9 (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\s*;\\s*" code (concatenate 'string (list #\; #\Newline))))
11 (defun no-indentation(code)
12 (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "^\\s*" :multi-line-mode t) code ""))
14 (defun no-trailing-spaces(code)
15 (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "\\s*$" :multi-line-mode t) code ""))
17 (defun normalize-js-code(str)
18 (trim-whitespace (no-indentation (no-trailing-spaces (same-space-between-statements str)))))
20 (defmacro test-ps-js (testname parenscript javascript)
21 `(test ,testname ()
22 (setf js::*var-counter* 0)
23 ;; is-macro expands its argument again when reporting failures, so
24 ;; the reported temporary js-variables get wrong if we don't evalute first.
25 (let ((generated-code (js-to-string ',parenscript))
26 (js-code ,javascript))
27 (is (string= (normalize-js-code generated-code)
28 (normalize-js-code js-code))))))
30 (defun run-tests()
31 (format t "Running reference tests:~&")
32 (run! 'ref-tests)
33 (format t "Running other tests:~&")
34 (run! 'ps-tests))
36 ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 (def-suite ps-tests)
38 (in-suite ps-tests)
40 (test-ps-js plus-is-not-commutative
41 (setf x (+ "before" x "after"))
42 "x = 'before' + x + 'after'")
44 (test-ps-js plus-works-if-first
45 (setf x (+ x "middle" "after"))
46 "x += 'middle' + 'after'")
48 (test-ps-js setf-side-effects
49 (progn
50 (let ((x 10))
51 (defun side-effect()
52 (setf x 4)
53 (return 3))
54 (setf x (+ 2 (side-effect) x 5))))
55 "
56 var x = 10;
57 function sideEffect() {
58 x = 4;
59 return 3;
60 };
61 x = 2 + sideEffect() + x + 5;")
62 ;; Parenscript used to optimize to much:
63 ;; var x = 10;
64 ;; function sideEffect() {
65 ;; x = 4;
66 ;; return 3;
67 ;; };
68 ;; x += 2 + sideEffect() + 5;
69 ;;
70 ;; Which is 20, not 14
73 (test-ps-js dot-notation-bug
74 (.match (+ "" x) "foo")
75 "('' + x).match('foo')")
77 (test-ps-js method-call-number (.to-string 10) "(10).toString()")
78 (test-ps-js method-call-string (.to-string "hi") "'hi'.toString()")
79 (test-ps-js method-call-lit-object
80 (.to-string (create :to-string : (lambda ()
81 (return "it works"))))
82 "({ toString : function () {
83 return 'it works';
84 } }).toString();")
86 (test-ps-js method-call-variable
87 (.to-string x)
88 "x.toString();")
90 (test-ps-js method-call-array
91 (.to-string (list 10 20))
92 "[10, 20].toString();")
93 (test-ps-js method-call-fn-call
94 (.to-string (foo))
95 "foo().toString();")
96 (test-ps-js method-call-lambda-fn
97 (.to-string (lambda () (alert 10)))
98 "(function () {alert(10);}).toString();")
99 (test-ps-js method-call-lambda-call
100 (.to-string ((lambda (x) (return x)) 10))
101 "(function (x) {return x;})(10).toString();")
104 ;; A problem with long nested operator, when the statement spanned several rows
105 ;; the rows would not be joined together correctly.
106 (test-ps-js bug-dwim-join
107 (alert (html ((:div :id 777
108 :style (css-inline :border "1pxsssssssssss"
109 :font-size "x-small"
110 :height (* 2 200)
111 :width (* 2 300))))))
112 "alert
113 ('<div id=\"777\" style=\"'
114 + ('border:1pxsssssssssss;font-size:x-small;height:' + 2 * 200 + ';width:'
115 + 2 * 300)
116 + '\"></div>')") ;";This line should start with a plus character.
119 (test-ps-js simple-slot-value
120 (let ((foo (create :a 1)))
121 (alert (slot-value foo 'a)))
122 "{
123 var foo = { a : 1 };
124 alert(foo.a);
125 }")
127 (test-ps-js buggy-slot-value
128 (let ((foo (create :a 1))
129 (slot-name "a"))
130 (alert (slot-value foo slot-name)))
131 "{
132 var foo = { a : 1 };
133 var slotName = 'a';
134 alert(foo[slotName]);
135 }"); Last line was alert(foo.slotName) before bug-fix.
137 (test-ps-js buggy-slot-value-two
138 (slot-value foo (get-slot-name))
139 "foo[getSlotName()]")
141 (test-ps-js old-case-is-now-switch
142 ;; Switch was "case" before, but that was very non-lispish.
143 ;; For example, this code makes three messages and not one
144 ;; which may have been expected. This is because a switch
145 ;; statment must have a break statement for it to return
146 ;; after the alert. Otherwise it continues on the next
147 ;; clause.
148 (switch (aref blorg i)
149 (1 (alert "one"))
150 (2 (alert "two"))
151 (default (alert "default clause")))
152 "switch (blorg[i]) {
153 case 1: alert('one');
154 case 2: alert('two');
155 default: alert('default clause');
156 }")
158 (test-ps-js lisp-like-case
159 (case (aref blorg i)
160 (1 (alert "one"))
161 (2 (alert "two"))
162 (default (alert "default clause")))
163 "switch (blorg[i]) {
164 case 1:
165 alert('one');
166 break;
167 case 2:
168 alert('two');
169 break;
170 default: alert('default clause');
171 }")
174 (test-ps-js even-lispier-case
175 (case (aref blorg i)
176 ((1 2) (alert "Below three"))
177 (3 (alert "Three"))
178 (t (alert "Something else")))
179 "switch (blorg[i]) {
180 case 1: ;
181 case 2:
182 alert('Below three');
183 break;
184 case 3:
185 alert('Three');
186 break;
187 default: alert('Something else');
188 }")
190 (test-ps-js otherwise-case
191 (case (aref blorg i)
192 (1 (alert "one"))
193 (otherwise (alert "default clause")))
194 "switch (blorg[i]) {
195 case 1:
196 alert('one');
197 break;
198 default: alert('default clause');
199 }")
201 (test escape-sequences-in-string
202 (let ((escapes `((#\\ . #\\)
203 (#\b . #\Backspace)
204 (#\f . #\Form)
205 ("u000b" . ,(code-char #x000b));;Vertical tab, too uncommon to bother with
206 (#\n . #\Newline)
207 (#\r . #\Return)
208 (#\' . #\');;Double quote need not be quoted because parenscript strings are single quoted
209 (#\t . #\Tab)
210 ("u001f" . ,(code-char #x001f));; character below 32
211 ("u0080" . ,(code-char 128)) ;;Character over 127. Actually valid, parenscript escapes them to be sure.
212 ("uabcd" . ,(code-char #xabcd)))));; Really above ascii.
213 (loop for (js-escape . lisp-char) in escapes
214 for generated = (js-to-string `(let ((x , (format nil "hello~ahi" lisp-char)))))
215 for wanted = (format nil "{
216 var x = 'hello\\~ahi';
217 }" js-escape)
218 do (is (string= generated wanted)))))