[clinton/guile-figl.git] / upstream-man-pages / man2 / glXGetFBConfigAttrib.xml
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2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook MathML Module V1.1b1//EN"
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4 <refentry id="glXGetFBConfigAttrib">
5 <refmeta>
6 <refmetainfo>
7 <copyright>
8 <year>1991-2006</year>
9 <holder>Silicon Graphics, Inc.</holder>
10 </copyright>
11 </refmetainfo>
12 <refentrytitle>glXGetFBConfigAttrib</refentrytitle>
13 <manvolnum>3G</manvolnum>
14 </refmeta>
15 <refnamediv>
16 <refname>glXGetFBConfigAttrib</refname>
17 <refpurpose>return information about a GLX frame buffer configuration</refpurpose>
18 </refnamediv>
19 <refsynopsisdiv><title>C Specification</title>
20 <funcsynopsis>
21 <funcprototype>
22 <funcdef>int <function>glXGetFBConfigAttrib</function></funcdef>
23 <paramdef>Display * <parameter>dpy</parameter></paramdef>
24 <paramdef>GLXFBConfig <parameter>config</parameter></paramdef>
25 <paramdef>int <parameter>attribute</parameter></paramdef>
26 <paramdef>int * <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
27 </funcprototype>
28 </funcsynopsis>
29 </refsynopsisdiv>
30 <!-- eqn: ignoring delim $$ -->
31 <refsect1 id="parameters"><title>Parameters</title>
32 <variablelist>
33 <varlistentry>
34 <term><parameter>dpy</parameter></term>
35 <listitem>
36 <para>
37 Specifies the connection to the X server.
38 </para>
39 </listitem>
40 </varlistentry>
41 <varlistentry>
42 <term><parameter>config</parameter></term>
43 <listitem>
44 <para>
45 Specifies the GLX frame buffer configuration to be queried.
46 </para>
47 </listitem>
48 </varlistentry>
49 <varlistentry>
50 <term><parameter>attribute</parameter></term>
51 <listitem>
52 <para>
53 Specifies the attribute to be returned.
54 </para>
55 </listitem>
56 </varlistentry>
57 <varlistentry>
58 <term><parameter>value</parameter></term>
59 <listitem>
60 <para>
61 Returns the requested value.
62 </para>
63 </listitem>
64 </varlistentry>
65 </variablelist>
66 </refsect1>
67 <refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>
68 <para>
69 <function>glXGetFBConfigAttrib</function> sets <parameter>value</parameter> to the <parameter>attribute</parameter> value of GLX drawables
70 created with respect to <parameter>config</parameter>.
71 <function>glXGetFBConfigAttrib</function> returns an error code if it fails for any reason.
72 Otherwise, <constant>Success</constant> is returned.
73 </para>
74 <para>
75 <parameter>attribute</parameter> is one of the following:
76 </para>
77 <para>
78 </para>
79 <variablelist>
80 <varlistentry>
81 <term><constant>GLX_FBCONFIG_ID</constant></term>
82 <listitem>
83 <para>
84 XID of the given GLXFBConfig.
85 </para>
86 </listitem>
87 </varlistentry>
88 <varlistentry>
89 <term><constant>GLX_BUFFER_SIZE</constant></term>
90 <listitem>
91 <para>
92 </para>
93 <para>
94 Number of bits per color buffer.
95 If the frame buffer configuration supports RGBA contexts, then
96 <constant>GLX_BUFFER_SIZE</constant> is the sum of
97 <constant>GLX_RED_SIZE</constant>,
98 <constant>GLX_GREEN_SIZE</constant>,
99 <constant>GLX_BLUE_SIZE</constant>, and
100 <constant>GLX_ALPHA_SIZE</constant>.
101 If the frame buffer configuration supports only color index contexts,
102 <constant>GLX_BUFFER_SIZE</constant> is the size of the
103 color indexes.
104 </para>
105 </listitem>
106 </varlistentry>
107 <varlistentry>
108 <term><constant>GLX_LEVEL</constant></term>
109 <listitem>
110 <para>
111 </para>
112 <para>
113 Frame buffer level of the configuration.
114 Level zero is the default frame buffer.
115 Positive levels correspond to frame buffers that overlay the default buffer,
116 and negative levels correspond to frame buffers that underlie the default
117 buffer.
118 </para>
119 </listitem>
120 </varlistentry>
121 <varlistentry>
122 <term><constant>GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER</constant></term>
123 <listitem>
124 <para>
125 </para>
126 <para>
127 <constant>True</constant> if color buffers exist in front/back pairs that can be swapped,
128 <constant>False</constant> otherwise.
129 </para>
130 </listitem>
131 </varlistentry>
132 <varlistentry>
133 <term><constant>GLX_STEREO</constant></term>
134 <listitem>
135 <para>
136 </para>
137 <para>
138 <constant>True</constant> if color buffers exist in left/right pairs,
139 <constant>False</constant> otherwise.
140 </para>
141 </listitem>
142 </varlistentry>
143 <varlistentry>
144 <term><constant>GLX_AUX_BUFFERS</constant></term>
145 <listitem>
146 <para>
147 </para>
148 <para>
149 Number of auxiliary color buffers that are available.
150 Zero indicates that no auxiliary color buffers exist.
151 </para>
152 </listitem>
153 </varlistentry>
154 <varlistentry>
155 <term><constant>GLX_RED_SIZE</constant></term>
156 <listitem>
157 <para>
158 </para>
159 <para>
160 Number of bits of red stored in each color buffer.
161 Undefined if RGBA contexts are not supported by the frame buffer configuration.
162 </para>
163 </listitem>
164 </varlistentry>
165 <varlistentry>
166 <term><constant>GLX_GREEN_SIZE</constant></term>
167 <listitem>
168 <para>
169 </para>
170 <para>
171 Number of bits of green stored in each color buffer.
172 Undefined if RGBA contexts are not supported by the frame buffer configuration.
173 </para>
174 </listitem>
175 </varlistentry>
176 <varlistentry>
177 <term><constant>GLX_BLUE_SIZE</constant></term>
178 <listitem>
179 <para>
180 </para>
181 <para>
182 Number of bits of blue stored in each color buffer.
183 Undefined if RGBA contexts are not supported by the frame buffer configuration.
184 </para>
185 </listitem>
186 </varlistentry>
187 <varlistentry>
188 <term><constant>GLX_ALPHA_SIZE</constant></term>
189 <listitem>
190 <para>
191 </para>
192 <para>
193 Number of bits of alpha stored in each color buffer.
194 Undefined if RGBA contexts are not supported by the frame buffer configuration.
195 </para>
196 </listitem>
197 </varlistentry>
198 <varlistentry>
199 <term><constant>GLX_DEPTH_SIZE</constant></term>
200 <listitem>
201 <para>
202 </para>
203 <para>
204 Number of bits in the depth buffer.
205 </para>
206 </listitem>
207 </varlistentry>
208 <varlistentry>
209 <term><constant>GLX_STENCIL_SIZE</constant></term>
210 <listitem>
211 <para>
212 </para>
213 <para>
214 Number of bits in the stencil buffer.
215 </para>
216 </listitem>
217 </varlistentry>
218 <varlistentry>
219 <term><constant>GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE</constant></term>
220 <listitem>
221 <para>
222 </para>
223 <para>
224 Number of bits of red stored in the accumulation buffer.
225 </para>
226 </listitem>
227 </varlistentry>
228 <varlistentry>
229 <term><constant>GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE</constant></term>
230 <listitem>
231 <para>
232 </para>
233 <para>
234 Number of bits of green stored in the accumulation buffer.
235 </para>
236 </listitem>
237 </varlistentry>
238 <varlistentry>
239 <term><constant>GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE</constant></term>
240 <listitem>
241 <para>
242 </para>
243 <para>
244 Number of bits of blue stored in the accumulation buffer.
245 </para>
246 </listitem>
247 </varlistentry>
248 <varlistentry>
249 <term><constant>GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE</constant></term>
250 <listitem>
251 <para>
252 </para>
253 <para>
254 Number of bits of alpha stored in the accumulation buffer.
255 </para>
256 </listitem>
257 </varlistentry>
258 <varlistentry>
259 <term><constant>GLX_RENDER_TYPE</constant></term>
260 <listitem>
261 <para>
262 </para>
263 <para>
264 Mask indicating what type of GLX contexts can be made
265 current to the frame buffer configuration. Valid bits are
266 <constant>GLX_RGBA_BIT</constant> and
267 <constant>GLX_COLOR_INDEX_BIT</constant>.
268 </para>
269 </listitem>
270 </varlistentry>
271 <varlistentry>
272 <term><constant>GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE</constant></term>
273 <listitem>
274 <para>
275 </para>
276 <para>
277 Mask indicating what drawable types the frame buffer configuration
278 supports. Valid bits are <constant>GLX_WINDOW_BIT</constant>,
279 <constant>GLX_PIXMAP_BIT</constant>, and <constant>GLX_PBUFFER_BIT</constant>.
280 </para>
281 </listitem>
282 </varlistentry>
283 <varlistentry>
284 <term><constant>GLX_X_RENDERABLE</constant></term>
285 <listitem>
286 <para>
287 </para>
288 <para>
289 <constant>True</constant> if drawables created with the
290 frame buffer configuration can be rendered to by X.
291 </para>
292 </listitem>
293 </varlistentry>
294 <varlistentry>
295 <term><constant>GLX_VISUAL_ID</constant></term>
296 <listitem>
297 <para>
298 </para>
299 <para>
300 XID of the corresponding visual, or zero
301 if there is no associated visual (i.e., if
302 <constant>GLX_X_RENDERABLE</constant> is <constant>False</constant> or
303 <constant>GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE</constant> does not have the
304 <constant>GLX_WINDOW_BIT</constant> bit set).
305 </para>
306 </listitem>
307 </varlistentry>
308 <varlistentry>
309 <term><constant>GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE</constant></term>
310 <listitem>
311 <para>
312 </para>
313 <para>
314 Visual type of associated visual. The returned value will be one of:
315 <constant>GLX_TRUE_COLOR</constant>, <constant>GLX_DIRECT_COLOR</constant>, <constant>GLX_PSEUDO_COLOR</constant>,
316 <constant>GLX_STATIC_COLOR</constant>, <constant>GLX_GRAY_SCALE</constant>, <constant>GLX_STATIC_GRAY</constant>,
317 or <constant>GLX_NONE</constant>, if there is no associated visual (i.e., if
318 <constant>GLX_X_RENDERABLE</constant> is <constant>False</constant> or
319 <constant>GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE</constant> does not have the
320 <constant>GLX_WINDOW_BIT</constant> bit set).
321 </para>
322 </listitem>
323 </varlistentry>
324 <varlistentry>
325 <term><constant>GLX_CONFIG_CAVEAT</constant></term>
326 <listitem>
327 <para>
328 </para>
329 <para>
330 One of <constant>GLX_NONE</constant>,
331 <constant>GLX_SLOW_CONFIG</constant>, or
332 <constant>GLX_NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG</constant>, indicating
333 that the frame buffer configuration has no caveats,
334 some aspect of the frame buffer configuration runs slower
335 than other frame buffer configurations, or some aspect of the
336 frame buffer configuration is nonconformant, respectively.
337 </para>
338 </listitem>
339 </varlistentry>
340 <varlistentry>
341 <term><constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant></term>
342 <listitem>
343 <para>
344 </para>
345 <para>
346 One of <constant>GLX_NONE</constant>,
347 <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_RGB</constant>,
348 <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_INDEX</constant>, indicating that
349 the frame buffer configuration is opaque, is transparent for particular
350 values of red, green, and blue, or is transparent for
351 particular index values, respectively.
352 </para>
353 </listitem>
354 </varlistentry>
355 <varlistentry>
356 <term><constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_INDEX_VALUE</constant></term>
357 <listitem>
358 <para>
359 </para>
360 <para>
361 Integer value between 0 and the maximum
362 frame buffer value for indices, indicating the transparent
363 index value for the frame buffer configuration.
364 Undefined if <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant>
365 is not <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_INDEX</constant>.
366 </para>
367 </listitem>
368 </varlistentry>
369 <varlistentry>
370 <term><constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE</constant></term>
371 <listitem>
372 <para>
373 </para>
374 <para>
375 Integer value between 0 and the maximum
376 frame buffer value for red, indicating the transparent
377 red value for the frame buffer configuration.
378 Undefined if <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant>
379 is not <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_RGB</constant>.
380 </para>
381 </listitem>
382 </varlistentry>
383 <varlistentry>
384 <term><constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE</constant></term>
385 <listitem>
386 <para>
387 </para>
388 <para>
389 Integer value between 0 and the maximum
390 frame buffer value for green, indicating the transparent
391 green value for the frame buffer configuration.
392 Undefined if <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant>
393 is not <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_RGB</constant>.
394 </para>
395 </listitem>
396 </varlistentry>
397 <varlistentry>
398 <term><constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE</constant></term>
399 <listitem>
400 <para>
401 </para>
402 <para>
403 Integer value between 0 and the maximum
404 frame buffer value for blue, indicating the transparent
405 blue value for the frame buffer configuration.
406 Undefined if <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant>
407 is not <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_RGB</constant>.
408 </para>
409 </listitem>
410 </varlistentry>
411 <varlistentry>
412 <term><constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_VALUE</constant></term>
413 <listitem>
414 <para>
415 </para>
416 <para>
417 Integer value between 0 and the maximum
418 frame buffer value for alpha, indicating the transparent
419 blue value for the frame buffer configuration.
420 Undefined if <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_TYPE</constant>
421 is not <constant>GLX_TRANSPARENT_RGB</constant>.
422 </para>
423 </listitem>
424 </varlistentry>
425 <varlistentry>
426 <term><constant>GLX_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH</constant></term>
427 <listitem>
428 <para>
429 </para>
430 <para>
431 The maximum width that can be specified to
432 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glXCreatePbuffer</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.
433 </para>
434 </listitem>
435 </varlistentry>
436 <varlistentry>
437 <term><constant>GLX_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT</constant></term>
438 <listitem>
439 <para>
440 </para>
441 <para>
442 The maximum height that can be specified to
443 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glXCreatePbuffer</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.
444 </para>
445 </listitem>
446 </varlistentry>
447 <varlistentry>
448 <term><constant>GLX_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS</constant></term>
449 <listitem>
450 <para>
451 </para>
452 <para>
453 The maximum number of pixels (width times height) for a
454 pixel buffer. Note that this value may be less than
455 <constant>GLX_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH</constant> times
456 <constant>GLX_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT</constant>. Also, this
457 value is static and assumes that no other pixel buffers
458 or X resources are contending for the frame buffer memory.
459 As a result, it may not be possible to allocate a pixel buffer of
460 the size given by <constant>GLX_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS</constant>.
461 </para>
462 </listitem>
463 </varlistentry>
464 </variablelist>
465 <para>
466 Applications should choose the frame buffer configuration that most closely
467 meets their requirements.
468 Creating windows, GLX pixmaps, or GLX pixel buffers with unnecessary buffers
469 can result in
470 reduced rendering performance as well as poor resource allocation.
471 </para>
472 </refsect1>
473 <refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
474 <para>
475 <function>glXGetFBConfigAttrib</function> is available only if the GLX version is 1.3 or greater.
476 </para>
477 <para>
478 If the GLX version is 1.1 or 1.0, the GL version must be 1.0.
479 If the GLX version is 1.2, then the GL version must be 1.1.
480 If the GLX version is 1.3, then the GL version must be 1.2.
481 </para>
482 </refsect1>
483 <refsect1 id="errors"><title>Errors</title>
484 <para>
485 <constant>GLX_NO_EXTENSION</constant> is returned if <parameter>dpy</parameter> does not support the GLX
486 extension.
487 <constant>GLX_BAD_ATTRIBUTE</constant> is returned if <parameter>attribute</parameter> is not a valid GLX attribute.
488 </para>
489 </refsect1>
490 <refsect1 id="seealso"><title>See Also</title>
491 <para>
492 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glXGetFBConfigs</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
493 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glXChooseFBConfig</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
494 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glXGetVisualFromFBConfig</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
495 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glXGetConfig</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
496 </para>
497 </refsect1>
498 <refsect1 id="Copyright"><title>Copyright</title>
499 <para>
500 Copyright <trademark class="copyright"></trademark> 1991-2006
501 Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document is licensed under the SGI
502 Free Software B License. For details, see
503 <ulink url="http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/">http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/</ulink>.
504 </para>
505 </refsect1>
506 </refentry>