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[clinton/guile-figl.git] / upstream-doc / man4 / xhtml / glFrontFace.xml
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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4<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="mathml.xsl"?><html xmlns="" xmlns:pref="" pref:renderer="mathplayer-dl"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="opengl-man.css" /><title>glFrontFace - OpenGL 4 Reference Pages</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.69.1" /></head><body><div class="refentry" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="glFrontFace"></a><div class="titlepage"></div><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>glFrontFace — define front- and back-facing polygons</p></div><div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h2>C Specification</h2><div class="funcsynopsis"><p><code class="funcdef">void <b class="fsfunc">glFrontFace</b>(</code>GLenum <var class="pdparam">mode</var><code>)</code>;</p></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="parameters"></a><h2>Parameters</h2><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>mode</code></em></span></dt><dd><p>
5 Specifies the orientation of front-facing polygons.
6 <code class="constant">GL_CW</code> and <code class="constant">GL_CCW</code> are accepted.
7 The initial value is <code class="constant">GL_CCW</code>.
8 </p></dd></dl></div></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="description"></a><h2>Description</h2><p>
9 In a scene composed entirely of opaque closed surfaces,
10 back-facing polygons are never visible.
11 Eliminating these invisible polygons has the obvious benefit
12 of speeding up the rendering of the image.
13 To enable and disable elimination of back-facing polygons, call <a href="glEnable.xml"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">glEnable</span></span></a>
14 and <a href="glDisable.xml"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">glDisable</span></span></a> with argument <code class="constant">GL_CULL_FACE</code>.
15 </p><p>
16 The projection of a polygon to window coordinates is said to have
17 clockwise winding if an imaginary object following the path
18 from its first vertex,
19 its second vertex,
20 and so on,
21 to its last vertex,
22 and finally back to its first vertex,
23 moves in a clockwise direction about the interior of the polygon.
24 The polygon's winding is said to be counterclockwise if the imaginary
25 object following the same path moves in a counterclockwise direction
26 about the interior of the polygon.
27 <code class="function">glFrontFace</code> specifies whether polygons with clockwise winding in window coordinates,
28 or counterclockwise winding in window coordinates,
29 are taken to be front-facing.
30 Passing <code class="constant">GL_CCW</code> to <em class="parameter"><code>mode</code></em> selects counterclockwise polygons as
31 front-facing;
32 <code class="constant">GL_CW</code> selects clockwise polygons as front-facing.
33 By default, counterclockwise polygons are taken to be front-facing.
34 </p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="errors"></a><h2>Errors</h2><p>
35 <code class="constant">GL_INVALID_ENUM</code> is generated if <em class="parameter"><code>mode</code></em> is not an accepted value.
36 </p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="associatedgets"></a><h2>Associated Gets</h2><p>
37 <a href="glGet.xml"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">glGet</span></span></a> with argument <code class="constant">GL_FRONT_FACE</code>
38 </p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="seealso"></a><h2>See Also</h2><p>
39 <a href="glCullFace.xml"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">glCullFace</span></span></a>,
40 </p></div><div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><a id="Copyright"></a><h2>Copyright</h2><p>
41 Copyright <span class="trademark"></span>© 1991-2006
42 Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document is licensed under the SGI
43 Free Software B License. For details, see
44 <a href="" target="_top"></a>.
45 </p></div></div></body></html>