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[clinton/guile-figl.git] / upstream-doc / man4 / glGetProgramInterface.xml
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
2<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook MathML Module V1.1b1//EN"\r
3 "">\r
4<refentry id="glGetProgramInterface">\r
5 <refmeta>\r
6 <refmetainfo>\r
7 <copyright>\r
8 <year>2012</year>\r
9 <holder>Khronos Group</holder>\r
10 </copyright>\r
11 </refmetainfo>\r
12 <refentrytitle>glGetProgramInterface</refentrytitle>\r
13 <manvolnum>3G</manvolnum>\r
14 </refmeta>\r
15 <refnamediv>\r
16 <refname>glGetProgramInterface</refname>\r
17 <refpurpose>query a property of an interface in a program</refpurpose>\r
18 </refnamediv>\r
19 <refsynopsisdiv><title>C Specification</title>\r
20 <funcsynopsis>\r
21 <funcprototype>\r
22 <funcdef>void <function>glGetProgramInterfaceiv</function></funcdef>\r
23 <paramdef>GLuint <parameter>program</parameter></paramdef>\r
24 <paramdef>GLenum <parameter>programInterface</parameter></paramdef>\r
25 <paramdef>GLenum <parameter>pname</parameter></paramdef>\r
26 <paramdef>GLint * <parameter>params</parameter></paramdef>\r
27 </funcprototype>\r
28 </funcsynopsis>\r
29 </refsynopsisdiv>\r
30 <refsect1 id="parameters"><title>Parameters</title>\r
31 <variablelist>\r
32 <varlistentry>\r
33 <term><parameter>program</parameter></term>\r
34 <listitem>\r
35 <para>\r
36 The name of a program object whose interface to query.\r
37 </para>\r
38 </listitem>\r
39 </varlistentry>\r
40 <varlistentry>\r
41 <term><parameter>programInterface</parameter></term>\r
42 <listitem>\r
43 <para>\r
44 A token identifying the interface within <parameter>program</parameter> to query.\r
45 </para>\r
46 </listitem>\r
47 </varlistentry>\r
48 <varlistentry>\r
49 <term><parameter>pname</parameter></term>\r
50 <listitem>\r
51 <para>\r
52 The name of the parameter within <parameter>programInterface</parameter> to query.\r
53 </para>\r
54 </listitem>\r
55 </varlistentry>\r
56 <varlistentry>\r
57 <term><parameter>params</parameter></term>\r
58 <listitem>\r
59 <para>\r
60 The address of a variable to retrieve the value of <parameter>pname</parameter> for the program interface.\r
61 </para>\r
62 </listitem>\r
63 </varlistentry>\r
64 </variablelist>\r
65 </refsect1>\r
66 <refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>\r
67 <para>\r
68 <function>glGetProgramInterfaceiv</function> queries the property of the interface identifed\r
69 by <parameter>programInterface</parameter> in <parameter>program</parameter>, the property name of\r
70 which is given by <parameter>pname</parameter>.\r
71 </para>\r
72 <para>\r
73 <parameter>program</parameter> must be the name of an existing program object. <parameter>programInterface</parameter>\r
74 is the name of the interface within <parameter>program</parameter> to query and must be one of the following\r
75 values:\r
76 </para>\r
77 <variablelist>\r
78 <varlistentry>\r
79 <term><constant>GL_UNIFORM</constant></term>\r
80 <listitem>\r
81 <para>\r
82 The query is targeted at the set of active uniforms within <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
83 </para>\r
84 </listitem>\r
85 </varlistentry>\r
86 <varlistentry>\r
87 <term><constant>GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK</constant></term>\r
88 <listitem>\r
89 <para>\r
90 The query is targeted at the set of active uniform blocks within <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
91 </para>\r
92 </listitem>\r
93 </varlistentry>\r
94 <varlistentry>\r
95 <term><constant>GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER</constant></term>\r
96 <listitem>\r
97 <para>\r
98 The query is targeted at the set of active atomic counter buffer binding points within <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
99 </para>\r
100 </listitem>\r
101 </varlistentry>\r
102 <varlistentry>\r
103 <term><constant>GL_PROGRAM_INPUT</constant></term>\r
104 <listitem>\r
105 <para>\r
106 The query is targeted at the set of active input variables used by the first shader stage of <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
107 If <parameter>program</parameter> contains multiple shader stages then input variables from any stage other than the first\r
108 will not be enumerated.\r
109 </para>\r
110 </listitem>\r
111 </varlistentry>\r
112 <varlistentry>\r
113 <term><constant>GL_PROGRAM_OUTPUT</constant></term>\r
114 <listitem>\r
115 <para>\r
116 The query is targeted at the set of active output variables produced by the last shader stage of <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
117 If <parameter>program</parameter> contains multiple shader stages then output variables from any stage other than the last\r
118 will not be enumerated.\r
119 </para>\r
120 </listitem>\r
121 </varlistentry>\r
122 <varlistentry>\r
123 <term><constant>GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE</constant></term>,\r
124 <term><constant>GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE</constant></term>,\r
125 <term><constant>GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE</constant></term>,\r
126 <term><constant>GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE</constant></term>,\r
127 <term><constant>GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE</constant></term>,\r
128 <term><constant>GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE</constant></term>\r
129 <listitem>\r
130 <para>\r
131 The query is targeted at the set of active subroutines for the vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation,\r
132 geometry, fragment and compute shader stages of <parameter>program</parameter>, respectively.\r
133 </para>\r
134 </listitem>\r
135 </varlistentry>\r
136 <varlistentry>\r
137 <term><constant>GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant></term>,\r
138 <term><constant>GL_TESS_CONTROL_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant></term>,\r
139 <term><constant>GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant></term>,\r
140 <term><constant>GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant></term>,\r
141 <term><constant>GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant></term>,\r
142 <term><constant>GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant></term>\r
143 <listitem>\r
144 <para>\r
145 The query is targeted at the set of active subroutine uniform variables used by the vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation,\r
146 geometry, fragment and compute shader stages of <parameter>program</parameter>, respectively.\r
147 </para>\r
148 </listitem>\r
149 </varlistentry>\r
150 <varlistentry>\r
151 <term><constant>GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING</constant></term>\r
152 <listitem>\r
153 <para>\r
154 The query is targeted at the set of output variables from the last non-fragment stage of <parameter>program</parameter> that would be\r
155 captured if transform feedback were active.\r
156 </para>\r
157 </listitem>\r
158 </varlistentry>\r
159 <varlistentry>\r
160 <term><constant>GL_BUFFER_VARIABLE</constant></term>\r
161 <listitem>\r
162 <para>\r
163 The query is targeted at the set of active buffer variables used by <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
164 </para>\r
165 </listitem>\r
166 </varlistentry>\r
167 <varlistentry>\r
168 <term><constant>GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK</constant></term>\r
169 <listitem>\r
170 <para>\r
171 The query is targeted at the set of active shader storage blocks used by <parameter>program</parameter>.\r
172 </para>\r
173 </listitem>\r
174 </varlistentry>\r
175 </variablelist>\r
176 <para>\r
177 <parameter>pname</parameter> identifies the property of <parameter>programInterface</parameter>\r
178 to return in <parameter>params</parameter>.\r
179 </para>\r
180 <para>\r
181 If <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_ACTIVE_RESOURCES</constant>, the value returned is the number of\r
182 resources in the active resource list for <parameter>programInterface</parameter>. If the list\r
183 of active resources for <parameter>programInterface</parameter> is empty, zero is returned.\r
184 </para>\r
185 <para>\r
186 If <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH</constant>, the value returned is the length of the\r
187 longest active name string for an active resource in <parameter>programInterface</parameter>.\r
188 This length includes an extra character for the null terminator. If the\r
189 list of active resources for <parameter>programInterface</parameter> is empty, zero is\r
190 returned. It is an error to specify <constant>GL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH</constant> when <parameter>programInterface</parameter>\r
191 is <constant>GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER</constant>, as active atomic counter buffer resources are\r
192 not assigned name strings.\r
193 </para>\r
194 <para>\r
195 If <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES</constant>, the value returned is the number\r
196 of active variables belonging to the interface block or atomic counter\r
197 buffer resource in <parameter>programInterface</parameter> with the most active variables. If\r
198 the list of active resources for <parameter>programInterface</parameter> is empty, zero is\r
199 returned. When <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_MAX_NUM_ACTIVE_VARIABLES</constant>, <parameter>programInterface</parameter>\r
200 must be <constant>GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK</constant>, <constant>GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER</constant>, or <constant>GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCK</constant>.\r
201 </para>\r
202 <para>\r
203 If <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES</constant>, the value returned is the\r
204 number of compatible subroutines belonging to the active subroutine\r
205 uniform in <parameter>programInterface</parameter> with the most compatible subroutines. If\r
206 the list of active resources for <parameter>programInterface</parameter> is empty, zero is\r
207 returned. When <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_MAX_NUM_COMPATIBLE_SUBROUTINES</constant>,\r
208 <parameter>programInterface</parameter> must be one of <constant>GL_VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant>,\r
210 <constant>GL_GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant>, <constant>GL_FRAGMENT_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant>, or\r
211 <constant>GL_COMPUTE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM</constant>.\r
212 </para>\r
213 </refsect1>\r
214 <refsect1 id="errors"><title>Errors</title>\r
215 <para>\r
216 <constant>GL_INVALID_ENUM</constant> is generated if <parameter>identifier</parameter>\r
217 is not one of the accepted object types.\r
218 </para>\r
219 <para>\r
220 <constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>program</parameter>\r
221 is not the name of an existing sync object.\r
222 </para>\r
223 <para>\r
224 <constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>bufSize</parameter> is\r
225 zero.\r
226 </para>\r
227 <para>\r
228 If not NULL, <parameter>length</parameter> and <parameter>label</parameter> should be addresses\r
229 to which the client has write access, otherwise undefined behavior, including process termination\r
230 may occur.\r
231 </para>\r
232 </refsect1>\r
233 <refsect1 id="associatedgets"><title>Associated Gets</title>\r
234 <para>\r
235 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGet</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with argument <constant>GL_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH</constant>.\r
236 </para>\r
237 </refsect1>\r
238 <refsect1 id="seealso"><title>See Also</title>\r
239 <para>\r
240 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glPushDebugGroup</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,\r
241 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glPopDebugGroup</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,\r
242 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glObjectLabel</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,\r
243 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetObjectLabel</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.\r
244 </para>\r
245 </refsect1>\r
246 <refsect1 id="Copyright"><title>Copyright</title>\r
247 <para>\r
248 Copyright <trademark class="copyright"></trademark> 2012 Khronos Group. \r
249 This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in \r
250 the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999.\r
251 <ulink url=""></ulink>.\r
252 </para>\r
253 </refsect1>\r