[clinton/Smoothieware.git] /
1 /*
2 This file is part of Smoothie (http://smoothieware.org/). The motion control part is heavily based on Grbl (https://github.com/simen/grbl).
3 Smoothie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
4 Smoothie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
5 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Smoothie. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6 */
8 #include "GcodeDispatch.h"
10 #include "libs/Kernel.h"
11 #include "Robot.h"
12 #include "utils/Gcode.h"
13 #include "libs/nuts_bolts.h"
14 #include "modules/robot/Conveyor.h"
15 #include "libs/SerialMessage.h"
16 #include "libs/StreamOutput.h"
17 #include "libs/StreamOutputPool.h"
18 #include "libs/FileStream.h"
19 #include "libs/AppendFileStream.h"
20 #include "Config.h"
21 #include "checksumm.h"
22 #include "ConfigValue.h"
23 #include "PublicDataRequest.h"
24 #include "PublicData.h"
25 #include "SimpleShell.h"
26 #include "utils.h"
27 #include "LPC17xx.h"
28 #include "version.h"
30 #define panel_display_message_checksum CHECKSUM("display_message")
31 #define panel_checksum CHECKSUM("panel")
33 // goes in Flash, list of Mxxx codes that are allowed when in Halted state
34 static const int allowed_mcodes[]= {2,5,9,30,105,114,119,80,81,911,503,106,107}; // get temp, get pos, get endstops etc
35 static bool is_allowed_mcode(int m) {
36 for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(allowed_mcodes)/sizeof(int); ++i) {
37 if(allowed_mcodes[i] == m) return true;
38 }
39 return false;
40 }
42 GcodeDispatch::GcodeDispatch()
43 {
44 uploading = false;
45 currentline = -1;
46 modal_group_1= 0;
47 }
49 // Called when the module has just been loaded
50 void GcodeDispatch::on_module_loaded()
51 {
52 this->register_for_event(ON_CONSOLE_LINE_RECEIVED);
53 }
55 // When a command is received, if it is a Gcode, dispatch it as an object via an event
56 void GcodeDispatch::on_console_line_received(void *line)
57 {
58 SerialMessage new_message = *static_cast<SerialMessage *>(line);
59 string possible_command = new_message.message;
61 int ln = 0;
62 int cs = 0;
64 // just reply ok to empty lines
65 if(possible_command.empty()) {
66 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
67 return;
68 }
70 try_again:
72 char first_char = possible_command[0];
73 unsigned int n;
75 if(first_char == '$') {
76 // ignore as simpleshell will handle it
77 return;
79 }else if(islower(first_char)) {
80 // ignore all lowercase as they are simpleshell commands
81 return;
82 }
84 if ( first_char == 'G' || first_char == 'M' || first_char == 'T' || first_char == 'S' || first_char == 'N' ) {
86 //Get linenumber
87 if ( first_char == 'N' ) {
88 Gcode full_line = Gcode(possible_command, new_message.stream, false);
89 ln = (int) full_line.get_value('N');
90 int chksum = (int) full_line.get_value('*');
92 //Catch message if it is M110: Set Current Line Number
93 if ( full_line.has_m ) {
94 if ( full_line.m == 110 ) {
95 currentline = ln;
96 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
97 return;
98 }
99 }
101 //Strip checksum value from possible_command
102 size_t chkpos = possible_command.find_first_of("*");
104 //Calculate checksum
105 if ( chkpos != string::npos ) {
106 possible_command = possible_command.substr(0, chkpos);
107 for (auto c = possible_command.cbegin(); *c != '*' && c != possible_command.cend(); c++)
108 cs = cs ^ *c;
109 cs &= 0xff; // Defensive programming...
110 cs -= chksum;
111 }
113 //Strip line number value from possible_command
114 size_t lnsize = possible_command.find_first_not_of("N0123456789.,- ");
115 if(lnsize != string::npos) {
116 possible_command = possible_command.substr(lnsize);
117 }else{
118 // it is a blank line
119 possible_command.clear();
120 }
122 } else {
123 //Assume checks succeeded
124 cs = 0x00;
125 ln = currentline + 1;
126 }
128 //Remove comments
129 size_t comment = possible_command.find_first_of(";(");
130 if( comment != string::npos ) {
131 possible_command = possible_command.substr(0, comment);
132 }
134 //If checksum passes then process message, else request resend
135 int nextline = currentline + 1;
136 if( cs == 0x00 && ln == nextline ) {
137 if( first_char == 'N' ) {
138 currentline = nextline;
139 }
141 bool sent_ok= false; // used for G1 optimization
142 while(possible_command.size() > 0) {
143 // assumes G or M are always the first on the line
144 size_t nextcmd = possible_command.find_first_of("GM", 2);
145 string single_command;
146 if(nextcmd == string::npos) {
147 single_command = possible_command;
148 possible_command = "";
149 } else {
150 single_command = possible_command.substr(0, nextcmd);
151 possible_command = possible_command.substr(nextcmd);
152 }
155 if(!uploading || upload_stream != new_message.stream) {
156 // Prepare gcode for dispatch
157 Gcode *gcode = new Gcode(single_command, new_message.stream);
159 if(THEKERNEL->is_halted()) {
160 // we ignore all commands until M999, unless it is in the exceptions list (like M105 get temp)
161 if(gcode->has_m && gcode->m == 999) {
162 if(THEKERNEL->is_halted()) {
163 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_HALT, (void *)1); // clears on_halt
164 new_message.stream->printf("WARNING: After HALT you should HOME as position is currently unknown\n");
165 }
166 new_message.stream->printf("ok\n");
167 delete gcode;
168 return;
170 }else if(!is_allowed_mcode(gcode->m)) {
171 // ignore everything, return error string to host
172 if(THEKERNEL->is_grbl_mode()) {
173 new_message.stream->printf("error:Alarm lock\n");
175 }else{
176 new_message.stream->printf("!!\r\n");
177 }
178 delete gcode;
179 return;
180 }
181 }
183 if(gcode->has_g) {
184 if(gcode->g == 53) { // G53 makes next movement command use machine coordinates
185 // this is ugly to implement as there may or may not be a G0/G1 on the same line
186 // valid version seem to include G53 G0 X1 Y2 Z3 G53 X1 Y2
187 if(possible_command.empty()) {
188 // use last gcode G1 or G0 if none on the line, and pass through as if it was a G0/G1
189 // TODO it is really an error if the last is not G0 thru G3
190 if(modal_group_1 > 3) {
191 delete gcode;
192 new_message.stream->printf("ok - Invalid G53\r\n");
193 return;
194 }
195 // use last G0 or G1
196 gcode->g= modal_group_1;
198 }else{
199 delete gcode;
200 // extract next G0/G1 from the rest of the line, ignore if it is not one of these
201 gcode = new Gcode(possible_command, new_message.stream);
202 possible_command= "";
203 if(!gcode->has_g || gcode->g > 1) {
204 // not G0 or G1 so ignore it as it is invalid
205 delete gcode;
206 new_message.stream->printf("ok - Invalid G53\r\n");
207 return;
208 }
209 }
210 // makes it handle the parameters as a machine position
211 THEROBOT->next_command_is_MCS= true;
213 } else if(gcode->g == 1) {
214 // optimize G1 to send ok immediately (one per line) before it is planned
215 if(!sent_ok) {
216 sent_ok= true;
217 new_message.stream->printf("ok\n");
218 }
219 }
221 // remember last modal group 1 code
222 if(gcode->g < 4) {
223 modal_group_1= gcode->g;
224 }
225 }
227 if(gcode->has_m) {
228 switch (gcode->m) {
229 case 28: // start upload command
230 delete gcode;
232 this->upload_filename = "/sd/" + single_command.substr(4); // rest of line is filename
233 // open file
234 upload_fd = fopen(this->upload_filename.c_str(), "w");
235 if(upload_fd != NULL) {
236 this->uploading = true;
237 new_message.stream->printf("Writing to file: %s\r\nok\r\n", this->upload_filename.c_str());
238 } else {
239 new_message.stream->printf("open failed, File: %s.\r\nok\r\n", this->upload_filename.c_str());
240 }
242 // only save stuff from this stream
243 upload_stream= new_message.stream;
245 //printf("Start Uploading file: %s, %p\n", upload_filename.c_str(), upload_fd);
246 continue;
248 case 30: // end of program
249 if(!THEKERNEL->is_grbl_mode()) break; // Special case M30 as it is also delete sd card file so only do this if in grbl mode
250 // fall through to M2
251 case 2:
252 {
253 modal_group_1= 1; // set to G1
254 // issue M5 and M9 in case spindle and coolant are being used
255 Gcode gc1("M5", &StreamOutput::NullStream);
256 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED, &gc1);
257 Gcode gc2("M9", &StreamOutput::NullStream);
258 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED, &gc2);
259 }
260 break;
262 case 112: // emergency stop, do the best we can with this
263 // this is also handled out-of-band (it is now with ^X in the serial driver)
264 // disables heaters and motors, ignores further incoming Gcode and clears block queue
265 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_HALT, nullptr);
266 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("ok Emergency Stop Requested - reset or M999 required to exit HALT state\r\n");
267 delete gcode;
268 return;
270 case 115: { // M115 Get firmware version and capabilities
271 Version vers;
273 new_message.stream->printf("FIRMWARE_NAME:Smoothieware, FIRMWARE_URL:http%%3A//smoothieware.org, X-SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/Smoothieware/Smoothieware, FIRMWARE_VERSION:%s, X-FIRMWARE_BUILD_DATE:%s, X-SYSTEM_CLOCK:%ldMHz, X-AXES:%d", vers.get_build(), vers.get_build_date(), SystemCoreClock / 1000000, MAX_ROBOT_ACTUATORS);
275 #ifdef CNC
276 new_message.stream->printf(", X-CNC:1");
277 #else
278 new_message.stream->printf(", X-CNC:0");
279 #endif
281 #ifdef DISABLEMSD
282 new_message.stream->printf(", X-MSD:0");
283 #else
284 new_message.stream->printf(", X-MSD:1");
285 #endif
287 new_message.stream->printf("\nok\n");
288 return;
289 }
291 case 117: // M117 is a special non compliant Gcode as it allows arbitrary text on the line following the command
292 { // concatenate the command again and send to panel if enabled
293 string str= single_command.substr(4) + possible_command;
294 PublicData::set_value( panel_checksum, panel_display_message_checksum, &str );
295 delete gcode;
296 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
297 return;
298 }
300 case 1000: // M1000 is a special command that will pass thru the raw lowercased command to the simpleshell (for hosts that do not allow such things)
301 {
302 // reconstruct entire command line again
303 string str= single_command.substr(5) + possible_command;
304 while(is_whitespace(str.front())){ str= str.substr(1); } // strip leading whitespace
306 delete gcode;
308 if(str.empty()) {
309 SimpleShell::parse_command("help", "", new_message.stream);
311 }else{
312 string args= lc(str);
313 string cmd = shift_parameter(args);
314 // find command and execute it
315 if(!SimpleShell::parse_command(cmd.c_str(), args, new_message.stream)) {
316 new_message.stream->printf("Command not found: %s\n", cmd.c_str());
317 }
318 }
320 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
321 return;
322 }
324 case 500: // M500 save volatile settings to config-override
325 THEKERNEL->conveyor->wait_for_idle(); //just to be safe as it can take a while to run
326 //remove(THEKERNEL->config_override_filename()); // seems to cause a hang every now and then
327 __disable_irq();
328 {
329 FileStream fs(THEKERNEL->config_override_filename());
330 fs.printf("; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\n");
331 // this also will truncate the existing file instead of deleting it
332 }
333 // replace stream with one that writes to config-override file
334 gcode->stream = new AppendFileStream(THEKERNEL->config_override_filename());
335 // dispatch the M500 here so we can free up the stream when done
336 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED, gcode );
337 delete gcode->stream;
338 delete gcode;
339 __enable_irq();
340 new_message.stream->printf("Settings Stored to %s\r\nok\r\n", THEKERNEL->config_override_filename());
341 continue;
343 case 501: // load config override
344 case 504: // save to specific config override file
345 {
346 string arg= get_arguments(single_command + possible_command); // rest of line is filename
347 if(arg.empty()) arg= "/sd/config-override";
348 else arg= "/sd/config-override." + arg;
349 //new_message.stream->printf("args: <%s>\n", arg.c_str());
350 SimpleShell::parse_command((gcode->m == 501) ? "load_command" : "save_command", arg, new_message.stream);
351 }
352 delete gcode;
353 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
354 return;
356 case 502: // M502 deletes config-override so everything defaults to what is in config
357 remove(THEKERNEL->config_override_filename());
358 delete gcode;
359 new_message.stream->printf("config override file deleted %s, reboot needed\r\nok\r\n", THEKERNEL->config_override_filename());
360 continue;
362 case 503: { // M503 display live settings and indicates if there is an override file
363 FILE *fd = fopen(THEKERNEL->config_override_filename(), "r");
364 if(fd != NULL) {
365 fclose(fd);
366 new_message.stream->printf("; config override present: %s\n", THEKERNEL->config_override_filename());
368 } else {
369 new_message.stream->printf("; No config override\n");
370 }
371 gcode->add_nl= true;
372 break; // fall through to process by modules
373 }
375 }
376 }
378 //printf("dispatch %p: '%s' G%d M%d...", gcode, gcode->command.c_str(), gcode->g, gcode->m);
379 //Dispatch message!
380 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED, gcode );
382 if (gcode->is_error) {
383 // report error
384 if(THEKERNEL->is_grbl_mode()) {
385 new_message.stream->printf("error:");
386 }else{
387 new_message.stream->printf("Error: ");
388 }
390 if(!gcode->txt_after_ok.empty()) {
391 new_message.stream->printf("%s\r\n", gcode->txt_after_ok.c_str());
392 gcode->txt_after_ok.clear();
394 }else{
395 new_message.stream->printf("unknown\r\n");
396 }
398 // we cannot continue safely after an error so we enter HALT state
399 new_message.stream->printf("Entering Alarm/Halt state\n");
400 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_HALT, nullptr);
402 }else if(!sent_ok) {
404 if(gcode->add_nl)
405 new_message.stream->printf("\r\n");
407 if(!gcode->txt_after_ok.empty()) {
408 new_message.stream->printf("ok %s\r\n", gcode->txt_after_ok.c_str());
409 gcode->txt_after_ok.clear();
411 } else {
412 if(THEKERNEL->is_ok_per_line() || THEKERNEL->is_grbl_mode()) {
413 // only send ok once per line if this is a multi g code line send ok on the last one
414 if(possible_command.empty())
415 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
416 } else {
417 // maybe should do the above for all hosts?
418 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
419 }
420 }
421 }
423 delete gcode;
425 } else {
426 // we are uploading and it is the upload stream so so save it
427 if(single_command.substr(0, 3) == "M29") {
428 // done uploading, close file
429 fclose(upload_fd);
430 upload_fd = NULL;
431 uploading = false;
432 upload_filename.clear();
433 upload_stream= nullptr;
434 new_message.stream->printf("Done saving file.\r\nok\r\n");
435 continue;
436 }
438 if(upload_fd == NULL) {
439 // error detected writing to file so discard everything until it stops
440 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
441 continue;
442 }
444 single_command.append("\n");
445 if(fwrite(single_command.c_str(), 1, single_command.size(), upload_fd) != single_command.size()) {
446 // error writing to file
447 new_message.stream->printf("Error:error writing to file.\r\n");
448 fclose(upload_fd);
449 upload_fd = NULL;
450 continue;
452 } else {
453 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
454 //printf("uploading file write ok\n");
455 }
456 }
457 }
459 } else {
460 //Request resend
461 new_message.stream->printf("rs N%d\r\n", nextline);
462 }
464 } else if( (n=possible_command.find_first_of("XYZF")) == 0 || (first_char == ' ' && n != string::npos) ) {
465 // handle pycam syntax, use last modal group 1 command and resubmit if an X Y Z or F is found on its own line
466 char buf[6];
467 snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "G%d ", modal_group_1);
468 possible_command.insert(0, buf);
469 goto try_again;
471 // Ignore comments and blank lines
472 } else if ( first_char == ';' || first_char == '(' || first_char == ' ' || first_char == '\n' || first_char == '\r' ) {
473 new_message.stream->printf("ok\r\n");
474 }
475 }